Exemplo n.º 1
 // Write a rent response.
 public static void WriteRentResponse(NetOutgoingMessage outmsg, ActionData.RentResponse request)
     WriteCards(outmsg, request.AssetsGiven);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Attempt to load the game configuration from a config file.
            if (File.Exists(GameObjectsResourceList.FilePathLocalServerSettings))
                Profile = new tvProfile(GameObjectsResourceList.FilePathLocalServerSettings, false);
            // If it doesn't exist locally, use the embedded one.
                Profile = ServerUtilities.GetEmbeddedServerSettings();

            // Create a new deck.
            Deck = new Deck(Profile);

            // Create a new list of players.
            PlayerList = new List <Player>();

            // Create a new Dicard Pile.
            DiscardPile = new List <Card>();

            // Create new instance of configs. Parameter is "application Id". It has to be same on client and server.
            Config = new NetPeerConfiguration("game");

            // Set server port
            Config.Port = ServerUtilities.PORT_NUMBER;

            // Max client amount
            Config.MaximumConnections = 200;

            // Enable New messagetype. Explained later

            // Create new server based on the configs just defined
            Server = new NetServer(Config);

            // Start it

            // Eh..
            Console.WriteLine("Server Started");

            // Object that can be used to store and read messages
            NetIncomingMessage inc;

            // Check time
            DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

            // Create timespan of 30ms
            TimeSpan timetopass = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 30);

            // Write to con..
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for new connections");

            // Main loop
            // This kind of loop can't be made in XNA. In there, its basically same, but without while
            // Or maybe it could be while(new messages)
            while (true)
                // Server.ReadMessage() Returns new messages, that have not yet been read.
                // If "inc" is null -> ReadMessage returned null -> Its null, so dont do this :)
                if ((inc = Server.ReadMessage()) != null)
                    // Theres few different types of messages. To simplify this process, i left only 2 of em here
                    switch (inc.MessageType)
                    // If incoming message is Request for connection approval
                    // This is the very first packet/message that is sent from client
                    // Here you can do new player initialisation stuff
                    case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval:
                        // Read the first byte of the packet
                        // ( Enums can be casted to bytes, so it be used to make bytes human readable )
                        if (inc.ReadByte() == (byte)PacketTypes.LOGIN)
                            Console.WriteLine("Incoming LOGIN");

                            // Approve clients connection ( Its sort of agreenment. "You can be my client and i will host you" )

                            // Debug
                            Console.WriteLine("Approved new connection.");


                    // All messages manually sent from clients are considered "Data" messages.
                    // ( Approval is an automated process )
                    case NetIncomingMessageType.Data:
                        Datatype messageType = (Datatype)inc.ReadByte();

                        // Exclude the sender from the fanout.
                        long idOfSender = inc.SenderConnection.RemoteUniqueIdentifier;

                        switch (messageType)
                        // Receive an updated Deck from a client.
                        case Datatype.UpdateDeck:
                            Deck = (Deck)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateDeck, Deck);


                        // Receive an updated DiscardPile from a client.
                        case Datatype.UpdateDiscardPile:
                            DiscardPile = (List <Card>)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateDiscardPile, DiscardPile);


                        // Add or modify a player in the PlayerList.
                        case Datatype.UpdatePlayer:
                            Player updatedPlayer  = (Player)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                            bool   isPlayerInList = false;

                            // If the updated Player is already in the server's list, update that's Player's properties.
                            // Note: This search only works if players have unique names.
                            foreach (Player player in PlayerList)
                                if (updatedPlayer.Name == player.Name)
                                    player.CardsInHand = updatedPlayer.CardsInHand;
                                    player.CardsInPlay = updatedPlayer.CardsInPlay;
                                    isPlayerInList     = true;

                            // If the Player is not on the list, add it.
                            if (!isPlayerInList)

                            // Send the updated PlayerList to all clients.
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdatePlayerList, PlayerList);


                        // Update the server's Player List and send it to the clients.
                        case Datatype.UpdatePlayerList:
                            PlayerList = (List <Player>)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdatePlayerList, PlayerList);


                        // Send the updated turn to all players.
                        case Datatype.UpdateTurn:
                            Turn = (Turn)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateTurn, Turn);


                        // Set up the players for the game. This case should be hit only when a client launches the game.
                        case Datatype.LaunchGame:
                            // Deal the initial hands to the players.
                            for (int i = 0; i < PlayerList.Count; ++i)
                                PlayerList[i] = new Player(Deck, PlayerList[i].Name);

                            // Generate the Turn object to keep track of the current turn.
                            Turn = new Turn(PlayerList.Count);

                            // Tell all clients to launch the game and send them the Turn object.
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.LaunchGame, Turn);


                        case Datatype.TimeToConnect:
                            string playerToConnect = (String)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);

                            // Broadcast a message that tells a specific client to launch the game.
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.TimeToConnect, playerToConnect);


                        case Datatype.RequestRent:
                            ActionData.RentRequest request = (ActionData.RentRequest)ServerUtilities.ReadRentRequest(inc);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.RequestRent, request, idOfClientToExclude: idOfSender);


                        case Datatype.GiveRent:
                            ActionData.RentResponse response = (ActionData.RentResponse)ServerUtilities.ReadRentResponse(inc);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.GiveRent, response);


                        case Datatype.RequestTheft:
                            ActionData.TheftRequest request = (ActionData.TheftRequest)ServerUtilities.ReadTheftRequest(inc);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.RequestTheft, request, idOfClientToExclude: idOfSender);


                        case Datatype.ReplyToTheft:
                            ActionData.TheftResponse response = (ActionData.TheftResponse)ServerUtilities.ReadTheftResponse(inc);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.ReplyToTheft, response, idOfClientToExclude: idOfSender);


                        case Datatype.EndTurn:
                            Turn = (Turn)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, Datatype.EndTurn);

                            // Send the updated Turn object to the clients.
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.EndTurn, Turn);


                        // Send the server's Deck to all clients.
                        case Datatype.RequestDeck:
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdateDeck, Deck);

                        // Send the server's PlayerList to all clients.
                        case Datatype.RequestPlayerList:
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.UpdatePlayerList, PlayerList);

                        case Datatype.PlaySound:
                            string soundPath = (string)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.PlaySound, soundPath);

                        case Datatype.GameEvent:
                            string serializedEvent = (string)ServerUtilities.ReceiveMessage(inc, messageType);
                            ServerUtilities.SendMessage(Server, Datatype.GameEvent, serializedEvent);


                    case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged:
                        // In case status changed
                        // It can be one of these
                        // NetConnectionStatus.Connected;
                        // NetConnectionStatus.Connecting;
                        // NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected;
                        // NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting;
                        // NetConnectionStatus.None;

                        // NOTE: Disconnecting and Disconnected are not instant unless client is shutdown with disconnect()
                        Console.WriteLine(inc.SenderConnection.ToString() + " status changed. " + (NetConnectionStatus)inc.SenderConnection.Status);
                        if (inc.SenderConnection.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected || inc.SenderConnection.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnecting)
                            Console.WriteLine("Client was disconnected.");

                        Console.WriteLine("Message of type: " + inc.MessageType + " received");
                } // If New messages

                // if 30ms has passed
                if ((time + timetopass) < DateTime.Now)
                    time = DateTime.Now;

                // While loops run as fast as your computer lets. While(true) can lock your computer up. Even 1ms sleep, lets other programs have piece of your CPU time