Exemplo n.º 1
    AchievementStage getAchieveStageById(int id)
        Achievement      temp  = null;
        AchievementStage stage = AchievementStage.ACHIEVESTAGE_UNFINISH;

        for (int idx = 0; idx < _achievementArray.Count; idx++)
            if (_achievementArray[idx].id == id)
                temp = _achievementArray[idx];

        if (temp != null)
            if (getAchievementNum(temp.type) >= temp.typeConfig)
                stage = AchievementStage.ACHIEVESTAGE_FINISHED_UNREWARD;
                if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(KEY_ACHIEVENT_REWARD + temp.id, 0) != 0)
                    stage = AchievementStage.ACHIEVESTAGE_REWARDED;

        // Method: Update
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: updates the achievement display
        public void Update(Rectangle displayArea, float timeStep)
            float displayAmount;

            // increase the counter if an achievement is actively being displayed
            if (stage > AchievementStage.begin)
                counter += timeStep;
                // check the achievement list and look for any that need to be displayed
                if (unlockedAchievements.Count > 0)
                    // get the next achievement from the unlocked list
                    achievement achievement = unlockedAchievements.Dequeue();

                    // store the achievement text
                    this.achievementText = achievement.name;

                    // set the icon texture to use
                    iconTexture = achievement.icon;

                    // build the value text
                    valueText = "+" + achievement.value.ToString() + " Points";

                    // calculate the width of the text
                    messageWidth = (int)messageFont.MeasureString(achievementText).X;

                    // calculate the width of the value text
                    valueWidth = (int)valueFont.MeasureString(valueText).X;

                    // calculate the display width (and enforce minimum and maximum widths)
                    displayWidth = messageWidth + (int)(messageWidthPad * displayScale);
                    if (displayWidth < (minDisplayWidth * displayScale)) displayWidth = (int)(minDisplayWidth * displayScale);
                    if (displayWidth > (maxDisplayWidth * displayScale))
                        displayWidth = (int)(maxDisplayWidth * displayScale);
                        messageWidth = (int)((maxDisplayWidth - messageWidthPad) * displayScale);
                    halfDisplayWidth = displayWidth / 2;

                    // get screen width and height
                    int screenWidth = displayArea.Width;
                    int screenHeight = displayArea.Height;
                    int halfScreenWidth = screenWidth / 2;

                    // calculate the size of the screen safe zone
                    int screenBorderSizeX = (int)(screenWidth * safeZoneScaleValue);
                    int screenBorderSizeY = (int)(screenHeight * safeZoneScaleValue);

                    // calculate the top middle of the achievement based on the requested positioning
                    switch (positionMode)
                        case ICAchievementPosition.topLeft:
                            displayPosition.X = screenBorderSizeX + halfDisplayWidth;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenBorderSizeY - (int)(bannerYOffset * displayScale);

                        case ICAchievementPosition.topMiddle:
                            displayPosition.X = halfScreenWidth;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenBorderSizeY - (int)(bannerYOffset * displayScale);

                        case ICAchievementPosition.topRight:
                            displayPosition.X = screenWidth - (screenBorderSizeX + halfDisplayWidth);
                            displayPosition.Y = screenBorderSizeY - (int)(bannerYOffset * displayScale);

                        case ICAchievementPosition.bottomLeft:
                            displayPosition.X = screenBorderSizeX + halfDisplayWidth;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenHeight - (screenBorderSizeY + bannerHeight + (int)(bannerYOffset * displayScale));

                        case ICAchievementPosition.bottomMiddle:
                            displayPosition.X = halfScreenWidth;
                            displayPosition.Y = screenHeight - (screenBorderSizeY + bannerHeight + (int)(bannerYOffset * displayScale));

                        case ICAchievementPosition.bottomRight:
                            displayPosition.X = screenWidth - (screenBorderSizeX + halfDisplayWidth);
                            displayPosition.Y = screenHeight - (screenBorderSizeY + bannerHeight + (int)(bannerYOffset * displayScale));

                    // tell the achievement to start displaying
                    stage = AchievementStage.begin;

            // process according to the current stage of achievement display
            switch (stage)
                // do nothing
                case AchievementStage.idle:

                // initialise the achievement unlocked display ready to draw
                case AchievementStage.begin:

                    // set the counter to zero and display flag to true
                    counter = 0;
                    display = true;

                    // set the initial badge position
                    badgeRect.X = (int)displayPosition.X - halfBadgeSize + halfDisplayWidth;
                    badgeRect.Y = (int)displayPosition.Y;

                    // set banner size to the right height, but zero width
                    bannerRect.Y = badgeRect.Y + (int)(bannerYOffset * displayScale);
                    bannerRect.Width = 0;
                    bannerRect.Height = (int)(bannerHeight * displayScale);

                    // set the text position
                    textPosition.X = displayPosition.X - (messageWidth / 2) - (int)(textOffsetX * displayScale);
                    textPosition.Y = bannerRect.Y + (int)(textOffsetY * displayScale);

                    // set the value position
                    if (valueWidth > messageWidth)
                        valuePosition.X = displayPosition.X - (valueWidth / 2) - (int)(textOffsetX * displayScale);
                        valuePosition.X = textPosition.X;
                    valuePosition.Y = bannerRect.Y + (int)(valueOffsetY * displayScale);

                    // set the icon position
                    iconRect.Y = bannerRect.Y + (int)(iconBorderSize * displayScale);
                    iconRect.Height = bannerRect.Height - (int)(iconBorderSize * 2 * displayScale);
                    iconRect.Width = iconRect.Height;
                    iconRect.X = (int)displayPosition.X + (displayWidth / 2) - (int)(iconBorderSize * displayScale) - iconRect.Width;

                    // set the alpha to it's initial value
                    alpha = 0;

                    // move on to the next step in the process
                    stage ++;

                // makes the indie city badge appear on screen with zoom & rotation
                case AchievementStage.badgeAppear:

                    // clamp counter to the appearance duration
                    if (counter > badgeAppearDuration) counter = badgeAppearDuration;

                    // calculate the fade-in for the badge
                    alpha = (int)(255 * (counter / badgeAppearDuration));

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter == badgeAppearDuration)
                        // we have reached the end of the badge appearance stage, reset counter and move on to the next stage
                        counter = 0;
                        stage ++;

                // pause for a short time before revealing the banner
                case AchievementStage.badgeAppearPause:

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter >= badgeAppearPauseDuration)
                        // we have reached the end of this pause - reset counter and move on to the next stage
                        counter = 0.0f;
                        stage ++;

                // reveal the banner along with the achievement text
                case AchievementStage.bannerReveal:

                    // clamp counter to the banner reveal duration
                    if (counter > bannerRevealDuration) counter = bannerRevealDuration;

                    // calculate how much of the banner should be displayed
                    displayAmount = counter / bannerRevealDuration;

                    // set the banner width and where the badge should be positioned
                    bannerRect.Width = (int)(displayWidth * displayAmount);
                    bannerRect.X = (int)displayPosition.X + halfDisplayWidth - bannerRect.Width;
                    badgeRect.X = bannerRect.X - halfBadgeSize;

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter == bannerRevealDuration)
                        // we have reached the end of the banner reveal stage- reset counter and move on to the next stage
                        counter = 0.0f;
                        stage ++;

                // pause for a short time before removing the banner
                case AchievementStage.bannerRevealPause:

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter >= bannerRevealPauseDuration)
                        // we have reached the end of this pause - reset counter and move on to the next stage
                        counter = 0.0f;

                // remove the banner
                case AchievementStage.bannerRemove:

                    // clamp counter to the banner removal duration
                    if (counter > bannerRemoveDuration) counter = bannerRemoveDuration;

                    // calculate how much of the banner should be displayed
                    displayAmount = 1 - (counter / bannerRemoveDuration);

                    // calculate how much of the banner should be displayed and where the badge should be positioned
                    bannerRect.Width = (int)(displayWidth * displayAmount);
                    bannerRect.X = (int)displayPosition.X + halfDisplayWidth - bannerRect.Width;
                    badgeRect.X = bannerRect.X - halfBadgeSize;

                    // check if we have reached the end of this stage
                    if (counter == bannerRemoveDuration)
                        // we have reached the end of the banner removal stage- reset counter and move on to the next stage
                        counter = 0.0f;
                        stage ++;

                // fade off the indiecity badge
                case AchievementStage.badgeRemove:

                    if (counter < badgeRemoveDuration)
                        // calculate the fade-out for the badge
                        alpha = (int)(255 * (1 - (counter / badgeRemoveDuration)));
                        // display finished - ensure everything is reset to the defaults
                        alpha = 0;
                        counter = 0;
                        display = false;
                        stage = AchievementStage.idle;
        // Constructor: AchievementPopUp
        // Author: Neil Holmes
        // Summary: Constructor - prepares the achievement pop up system
        public ICAchievementPopUp(Game game, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsDeviceManager, ICAchievementPosition positionMode, ICAchievementScale scale)
            : base(game, graphicsDeviceManager, null, positionMode, scale)
            // set the achievement display stage to 'idle' so nothing is displayed
            this.stage = AchievementStage.idle;

            // achievement pop-ups always have full brightness icons
            iconColor = Color.White;