Exemplo n.º 1
        public IOperationResult <AccountingEntry> UpdateAccounting(AccountingEntry accountingEntry)
            IOperationResult <AccountingEntry> result = _accountEntryRepository.Update(accountingEntry);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public IOperationResult <bool> DeleteAccountingEntry(long entryId)
                var debitCredit = _debitCreditEntryRepository.Find(entryId).Entity;

                if (debitCredit == null)
                    return(BasicOperationResult <bool> .Fail("EntryNotFound"));


                AccountingEntry debitEntry = _accountEntryRepository.Find(e => e.Id == debitCredit.DebitEntryId);

                AccountingEntry creditEntry = _accountEntryRepository.Find(e => e.Id == debitCredit.CreditEntryId);

                return(BasicOperationResult <bool> .Ok(true));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                return(BasicOperationResult <bool> .Fail(ex.Message));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the case when sale order is using credit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        /// <param name="so"></param>
        internal static void HandleCreditRequest(NancyBlackDatabase db, SaleOrder saleorder)
            if (saleorder.PaymentStatus != PaymentStatus.Credit)

            // only create one receivable per sale order
            var existingReceivable = db.Query <AccountingEntry>().Where(e => e.SaleOrderId == saleorder.Id && e.IncreaseAccount == "Receivable").FirstOrDefault();

            if (existingReceivable != null)
                // update amount if changed
                if (existingReceivable.IncreaseAmount != saleorder.TotalAmount)
                    existingReceivable.IncreaseAmount = saleorder.TotalAmount;


            AccountingEntry receivableEntry = new AccountingEntry();

            receivableEntry.TransactionDate  = DateTime.Now;
            receivableEntry.DueDate          = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(30);
            receivableEntry.TransactionType  = "newaccount";
            receivableEntry.DebtorLoanerName = "Receivable From Sales";
            receivableEntry.IncreaseAccount  = "Receivable";
            receivableEntry.IncreaseAmount   = saleorder.TotalAmount;
            receivableEntry.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, AccountingEntry accountingEntry)
            if (id != accountingEntry.ID)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!AccountingEntryExists(accountingEntry.ID))
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(AccountingEntry accountingEntry)
            accountingEntry.MoneyCurrencyRate = (from c in _context.MoneyCurrency
                                                 where c.ID.ToString() == accountingEntry.MoneyCurrency.ToString()
                                                 select c.LastExchangeRate).Single();

            accountingEntry.AccountToDebitDescription = (from c in _context.AccountingAccount
                                                         where c.ID.ToString() == accountingEntry.AccountToDebit.ToString()
                                                         select c.Description).Single();

            accountingEntry.AccountToCreditDescription = (from c in _context.AccountingAccount
                                                          where c.ID.ToString() == accountingEntry.AccountToCredit.ToString()
                                                          select c.Description).Single();

            accountingEntry.IsMajorizationProcessed = MajorizationProcessed.NotProcessed;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Automatically create recurrance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db"></param>
        /// <param name="entry"></param>
        internal static void ProcesAutoRecurranceCreation(NancyBlackDatabase db, AccountingEntry entry)
            if (entry.Addendum == null)

            if (entry.Addendum.Recurring == true)
                var lastPayment = (DateTime)entry.Addendum.LastPayment;

                var entries = new List <AccountingEntry>();

                var start = entry.DueDate;
                var index = 2;
                while (start.AddMonths(1) <= lastPayment)
                    start = start.AddMonths(1);

                    var copy = JObject.FromObject(entry).ToObject <AccountingEntry>();
                    copy.TransactionDate = start;
                    copy.DueDate         = start;
                    copy.Id    = 0;
                    copy.Notes = "Recurring " + index + " of Entry:" + entry.Id + "\r\n" + entry.Notes;
                    copy.Addendum.RecurringMaster = entry.Id;


Exemplo n.º 7
        public IOperationResult <AccountingEntry> FindAccountingEntry(long accountingEntryId)
            AccountingEntry accountingEntry = _accountEntryRepository.Find(currency => currency.Id == accountingEntryId);

            return(accountingEntry != null
                ? BasicOperationResult <AccountingEntry> .Ok(accountingEntry)
                : BasicOperationResult <AccountingEntry> .Fail("NotFound"));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public IActionResult UpdateCurrency(AccountingEntry request)
            IOperationResult <AccountingEntry> operationResult = _accountingEntriesManager.UpdateAccounting(request);

                ? Ok(operationResult.Entity)
                : (IActionResult)BadRequest(operationResult.Message));
        public void Creating_WithoutLineSumsBeingZero_ThrowsException()
            var credit = new CreditBuilder().WithNetSum(100).WithVat(24).Build();
            var debit  = new DebitBuilder().WithNetSum(10).WithVat(10).Build();
            var sut    = new AccountingEntryBuilder().WithLine(credit).WithLine(debit);

            Assert.IsFalse(AccountingEntry.IsValid(new AccountingEntryLine[] { credit, debit }));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => sut.Build());
        public string Format(AccountingEntry entry)
            var dtos = entry

            var csvBytes = ToCsv(dtos);

Exemplo n.º 11
        internal static void ProcessReceiptCreation(NancyBlackDatabase db, Receipt obj)
            // When payment receipt is created, create accounting entry
            db.Transaction(() =>
                var saleorder  = db.GetById <SaleOrder>(obj.SaleOrderId);
                var paymentlog = db.GetById <PaymentLog>(obj.PaymentLogId);

                if (saleorder == null || paymentlog == null)
                    // bogus receipt
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Receipt was created");

                // Ensures all sale order logic has been ran
                // if the sale order was created before new system change
                if (saleorder.__createdAt < TaxSystemEpoch)
                    saleorder.UpdateSaleOrder(AdminModule.ReadSiteSettings(), db, false);

                // Receipt will create 2 entries
                // 1) PaymentSource account increases, with total amount

                // TODO: Mapping from PaymentSource to Account
                AccountingEntry entry1  = new AccountingEntry();
                entry1.TransactionDate  = paymentlog.__createdAt;
                entry1.TransactionType  = "income";
                entry1.DebtorLoanerName = "Customer";
                entry1.IncreaseAccount  = paymentlog.PaymentSource;
                entry1.IncreaseAmount   = saleorder.TotalAmount;
                entry1.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;


                if (saleorder.TotalTax > 0)
                    // 2) paid tax is decreased
                    // (ภาษีขาย ทำให้ภาษีซื้อลดลง, ภาษีซื้อ บันทึกไว้ตอน InventoryInbound)
                    AccountingEntry entry2  = new AccountingEntry();
                    entry2.TransactionDate  = paymentlog.__createdAt;
                    entry2.TransactionType  = "expense";
                    entry2.DebtorLoanerName = "Tax";
                    entry2.DecreaseAccount  = "Paid Tax";
                    entry2.DecreaseAmount   = saleorder.TotalTax * -1;
                    entry2.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;

Exemplo n.º 12
 public void SaveAccountingEntry(AccountingEntry accountingEntry)
     using (DeepBlueEntities context = new DeepBlueEntities()) {
         if (accountingEntry.AccountingEntryID == 0) {
         } else {
             // Define an ObjectStateEntry and EntityKey for the current object.
             EntityKey key = default(EntityKey);
             object originalItem = null;
             key = context.CreateEntityKey("AccountingEntries", accountingEntry);
             // Get the original item based on the entity key from the context
             // or from the database.
             if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem)) {
                 // Call the ApplyCurrentValues method to apply changes
                 // from the updated item to the original version.
                 context.ApplyCurrentValues(key.EntitySetName, accountingEntry);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit purchase invoice and create neccessary accounting entries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pi"></param>
        public static void SubmitPurchaseInvoice(PurchaseInvoice pi, NancyBlackDatabase db)
            List <AccountingEntry> toAdd = new List <AccountingEntry>();

            var inventoryEntry = new AccountingEntry();

            inventoryEntry.TransactionDate  = pi.PurchasedDate;
            inventoryEntry.IncreaseAccount  = "Inventory";
            inventoryEntry.IncreaseAmount   = pi.TotalProductValue;
            inventoryEntry.DecreaseAccount  = pi.PaidByAccount;
            inventoryEntry.DecreaseAmount   = pi.TotalProductValue * -1;
            inventoryEntry.DocumentNumber   = pi.SupplierInvoiceNumber;
            inventoryEntry.DebtorLoanerName = db.GetById <Supplier>(pi.SupplierId).Name;
            inventoryEntry.Notes            = "";
            foreach (var item in pi.Items)
                inventoryEntry.Notes += item.Qty + "x" + db.GetById <Product>(item.ProductId).Title + "\r\n";

            var taxCredit = new AccountingEntry();

            taxCredit.TransactionDate  = pi.PurchasedDate;
            taxCredit.IncreaseAccount  = "Tax Credit";
            taxCredit.IncreaseAmount   = pi.Tax;
            taxCredit.DecreaseAccount  = pi.PaidByAccount;
            taxCredit.DecreaseAmount   = pi.Tax * -1;
            taxCredit.DocumentNumber   = pi.SupplierInvoiceNumber;
            taxCredit.DebtorLoanerName = "Tax";
            taxCredit.Notes            = "Tax Credit from Invoice: " + pi.SupplierInvoiceNumber + ", " + inventoryEntry.DebtorLoanerName;

            if (pi.AdditionalCost != 0)
                var addCost = new AccountingEntry();
                addCost.TransactionDate  = pi.PurchasedDate;
                addCost.IncreaseAccount  = "Expense";
                addCost.IncreaseAmount   = pi.AdditionalCost;
                addCost.DecreaseAccount  = pi.PaidByAccount;
                addCost.DecreaseAmount   = pi.AdditionalCost * -1;
                addCost.DocumentNumber   = pi.SupplierInvoiceNumber;
                addCost.DebtorLoanerName = inventoryEntry.DebtorLoanerName;
                addCost.Notes            = "Additional cost of buying from: " + pi.SupplierInvoiceNumber;

            if (pi.Shipping != 0)
                var shipping = new AccountingEntry();
                shipping.TransactionDate  = pi.PurchasedDate;
                shipping.IncreaseAccount  = "Expense";
                shipping.IncreaseAmount   = pi.Shipping;
                shipping.DecreaseAccount  = pi.PaidByAccount;
                shipping.DecreaseAmount   = pi.Shipping * -1;
                shipping.DocumentNumber   = pi.SupplierInvoiceNumber;
                shipping.DebtorLoanerName = inventoryEntry.DebtorLoanerName;
                shipping.Notes            = "Shipping cost of buying from: " + pi.SupplierInvoiceNumber;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pi.ShippingInvoiceNumber))
                    shipping.DocumentNumber = pi.ShippingInvoiceNumber;


            foreach (var item in toAdd)
                item.__createdAt = DateTime.Now;
                item.__updatedAt = DateTime.Now;

            if (pi.IsConsignment)
                inventoryEntry.DecreaseAccount = "Payable";
                inventoryEntry.DueDate         = pi.ConsignmentDueDate;

                if (pi.TaxEffectiveDate == default(DateTime))
                    taxCredit.TransactionDate = pi.TaxEffectiveDate;

Exemplo n.º 14
        internal static void ProcessReceiptCreation(NancyBlackDatabase db, Receipt obj)
            // When payment receipt is created, create accounting entry
            db.Transaction(() =>
                var saleorder  = db.GetById <SaleOrder>(obj.SaleOrderId);
                var paymentlog = db.GetById <PaymentLog>(obj.PaymentLogId);

                if (paymentlog.Amount <= 0)
                    return; // perhaps it is an error

                if (saleorder == null || paymentlog == null)
                    // bogus receipt
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Receipt was created");

                var currentSite = saleorder.SiteSettings;
                if (currentSite == null)
                    currentSite = AdminModule.ReadSiteSettings();

                // Ensures all sale order logic has been ran
                // if the sale order was created before new system change
                if (saleorder.__createdAt < TaxSystemEpoch)
                    saleorder.UpdateSaleOrder(currentSite, db, false);

                // Receipt will create 4 entries
                // 1) PaymentSource account increases, with amount paid

                // TODO: Mapping from PaymentSource to Account
                AccountingEntry entry1  = new AccountingEntry();
                entry1.TransactionDate  = paymentlog.__createdAt;
                entry1.TransactionType  = "income";
                entry1.DebtorLoanerName = "Customer";
                entry1.IncreaseAccount  = paymentlog.PaymentSource;
                entry1.IncreaseAmount   = paymentlog.Amount;
                entry1.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;


                // 2) Sales Tax Calculation
                    AccountingEntry taxExtry  = new AccountingEntry();
                    taxExtry.TransactionDate  = paymentlog.__createdAt;
                    taxExtry.TransactionType  = "taxcredit";
                    taxExtry.DebtorLoanerName = "Tax";
                    taxExtry.DecreaseAccount  = "Tax Credit";
                    taxExtry.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;

                    if (currentSite.commerce.billing.vattype == "addvat")
                        var tax = paymentlog.Amount * ((100 + (Decimal)currentSite.commerce.billing.vatpercent) / 100);
                        taxExtry.DecreaseAmount = tax * -1;

                    if (currentSite.commerce.billing.vattype == "includevat")
                        var tax = paymentlog.Amount * ((Decimal)currentSite.commerce.billing.vatpercent / 100);
                        taxExtry.DecreaseAmount = tax * -1;


                // 3) Payment Fee
                if (paymentlog.Fee > 0)
                    AccountingEntry feeEntry  = new AccountingEntry();
                    feeEntry.TransactionDate  = paymentlog.__createdAt;
                    feeEntry.TransactionType  = "buy";
                    feeEntry.DebtorLoanerName = paymentlog.PaymentSource;
                    feeEntry.IncreaseAccount  = "Payment Fee - " + paymentlog.PaymentSource;
                    feeEntry.IncreaseAmount   = paymentlog.Fee;
                    feeEntry.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;


                // 4) Receivable from the Sale Order
                    // existing receivable of this sale order
                    var existingReceivable = db.Query <AccountingEntry>().Where(e => e.SaleOrderId == saleorder.Id && e.IncreaseAccount == "Receivable").ToList();

                    // see if we have any receivable of this sale order
                    // if we had, we have to deduct it
                    if (existingReceivable.Count > 0)
                        AccountingEntry deductReceivableEntry  = new AccountingEntry();
                        deductReceivableEntry.TransactionDate  = paymentlog.__createdAt;
                        deductReceivableEntry.TransactionType  = "arpayment";
                        deductReceivableEntry.DebtorLoanerName = "Receivable From Sales";
                        deductReceivableEntry.DecreaseAccount  = "Receivable";
                        deductReceivableEntry.DecreaseAmount   = paymentlog.Amount;
                        deductReceivableEntry.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;

                        // this maybe the first payment, see if all amount has been paid

                        // see all payment log of this sale order
                        // we only query payments up to currently processing payment log
                        // so that when we re
                        var payments  = db.Query <PaymentLog>().Where(l => l.SaleOrderId == saleorder.Id && l.Id <= paymentlog.Id).ToList();
                        var remaining = saleorder.TotalAmount - payments.Sum(p => p.Amount);

                        if (remaining > 0)
                            // this is partial payment - create new receivable

                            AccountingEntry receivableEntry  = new AccountingEntry();
                            receivableEntry.TransactionDate  = paymentlog.__createdAt;
                            receivableEntry.TransactionType  = "newaccount";
                            receivableEntry.DebtorLoanerName = "Receivable From Sales";
                            receivableEntry.IncreaseAccount  = "Receivable";
                            receivableEntry.IncreaseAmount   = remaining;
                            receivableEntry.SaleOrderId      = saleorder.Id;


                        // this is full payment in one go, no need for receivable
Exemplo n.º 15
 public IEnumerable<ErrorInfo> SaveAccountingEntry(AccountingEntry accountingEntry)
     return accountingEntry.Save();
Exemplo n.º 16
        internal static void ProcessInboundCompleted(NancyBlackDatabase db, InventoryInbound inbound, List <InventoryItem> items)
            // this already in transaction

            // When inventory inbound is created, record into GL about current asset
                var supplierLookup = db.Query <Supplier>().ToDictionary(s => s.Id);

                // Inbound will create 2 entries
                // 1) inventory increase and account decrease (without tax amount)

                AccountingEntry entry1 = new AccountingEntry();
                entry1.TransactionDate    = inbound.PaymentDate;
                entry1.TransactionType    = "buy";
                entry1.DebtorLoanerName   = supplierLookup[inbound.SupplierId].Name;
                entry1.IncreaseAccount    = "Inventory";
                entry1.IncreaseAmount     = inbound.TotalAmountWithoutTax;
                entry1.DecreaseAccount    = inbound.PaymentAccount;
                entry1.DecreaseAmount     = inbound.TotalAmountWithoutTax * -1;
                entry1.InventoryInboundId = inbound.Id;


                // 2) paid tax increase and account decrease (tax only amount)
                // (ภาษีซื้อทำให้ภาษีขายที่ต้องจ่ายลดลง)
                if (inbound.TotalTax > 0)
                    AccountingEntry entry2 = new AccountingEntry();
                    entry2.TransactionDate    = inbound.PaymentDate;
                    entry2.TransactionType    = "expense";
                    entry2.DebtorLoanerName   = "Tax";
                    entry2.IncreaseAccount    = "Paid Tax";
                    entry2.IncreaseAmount     = inbound.TotalTax;
                    entry2.DecreaseAccount    = inbound.PaymentAccount;
                    entry2.DecreaseAmount     = inbound.TotalTax * -1;
                    entry2.InventoryInboundId = inbound.Id;


            // record that inventory was withdrawn
                var allFullfilled = from item in items
                                    where item.IsFullfilled == true
                                    select item;

                if (allFullfilled.Count() > 0)
                    // the inventory is withdrawn as expense
                    AccountingEntry entry1 = new AccountingEntry();
                    entry1.TransactionDate  = inbound.PaymentDate;
                    entry1.TransactionType  = "expense";
                    entry1.DebtorLoanerName = "Inventory Used";
                    entry1.DecreaseAccount  = "Inventory";
                    entry1.DecreaseAmount   = allFullfilled.Sum(item => item.BuyingCost) * -1;
                    entry1.Notes            = "Inventory Used by Sale Order: " + string.Join(",", allFullfilled.Select(item => item.SaleOrderId)) +
                                              "From Inbound Id:" + inbound.Id;


                    // if there is net profit/loss - record it
                    // but does not remove the amount from account
                    var totalAmountBuy  = allFullfilled.Sum(i => i.BuyingCost);
                    var totalAmountSold = allFullfilled.Sum(i => i.SellingPrice);

                    if (totalAmountBuy != totalAmountSold)
                        AccountingEntry entry2 = new AccountingEntry();
                        entry2.TransactionDate  = inbound.PaymentDate;
                        entry2.TransactionType  = "income";
                        entry2.DebtorLoanerName = "n/a";
                        entry2.IncreaseAccount  = "Gross Profit";
                        entry2.IncreaseAmount   = totalAmountSold - totalAmountBuy;
                        entry2.Notes            = "From Inbound Id:" + inbound.Id + " the item were used. Profit/Loss is calculated and recorded into Profit(Loss) account for each account";

Exemplo n.º 17
        public void CreateAccountingEntry(DeepBlue.Models.Accounting.Enums.AccountingTransactionType accountingTransactionType, int fundID, int entityID, IAccountable accountableItem, decimal? amount = null, int? accountingTransactionSubTypeID = null)
            DeepBlueEntities context = new DeepBlueEntities();
            decimal amt = amount.HasValue ? amount.Value : (accountableItem.Amount.HasValue ? accountableItem.Amount.Value : 0);
            var query = from aet in context.AccountingEntryTemplates
                        where aet.EntityID == entityID && aet.AccountingTransactionTypeID == (int)accountingTransactionType
                        select aet;
            // See if there are any templates specific to the Fund
            List<AccountingEntryTemplate> templates = query.Where(x => x.FundID == fundID).ToList();
            if (templates.Count <= 0) {
                // No templates found for this fund.. try to see if there is an Entity level template available
                templates = query.Where(x => x.FundID == null).ToList();

            if (templates.Count > 0) {
                // Filter on the sub type
                if (accountingTransactionSubTypeID.HasValue) {
                    //var templatesWithSubType = templates.Where(x => x.AccountingTransactionSubTypeID == accountingTransactionSubTypeID.Value).ToList();
                    //if (templatesWithSubType.Count > 0) {
                    //    templates = templatesWithSubType;

                List<AccountingEntry> accountingEntries = new List<AccountingEntry>();
                foreach (AccountingEntryTemplate template in templates) {
                    // each template will result in an accounting entry
                    AccountingEntry entry = new AccountingEntry();
                    entry.AccountingEntryTemplateID = template.AccountingEntryTemplateID;
                    DeepBlue.Models.Accounting.Enums.AccountingEntryAmountType amountType = (DeepBlue.Models.Accounting.Enums.AccountingEntryAmountType)template.AccountingEntryAmountTypeID;
                    switch (amountType) {
                        case DeepBlue.Models.Accounting.Enums.AccountingEntryAmountType.FixedAmount:
                            entry.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(template.AccountingEntryAmountTypeData);
                        case DeepBlue.Models.Accounting.Enums.AccountingEntryAmountType.Percentage:
                            decimal percent = Convert.ToDecimal(template.AccountingEntryAmountTypeData);
                            entry.Amount = (percent * amt) / 100;
                        case DeepBlue.Models.Accounting.Enums.AccountingEntryAmountType.Field:
                            // Use reflection to get the amount
                            PropertyInfo property = accountableItem.GetType().GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name == template.AccountingEntryAmountTypeData).FirstOrDefault();
                            object val = property.GetValue(accountableItem, null);
                            if (val != null) {
                                entry.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(val);
                        case DeepBlue.Models.Accounting.Enums.AccountingEntryAmountType.Custom:
                            entry.Amount = amt;

                    entry.TraceID = accountableItem.TraceID;
                    entry.AttributedTo = accountableItem.AttributedTo;
                    entry.AttributedToName = accountableItem.AttributedToName;
                    entry.AttributedToType = accountableItem.AttributedToType;
                    entry.FundID = fundID;
                    entry.EntityID = entityID;