Exemplo n.º 1
 // Current has to be an accessor
 public override void VisitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration method)
     // the method has to be mapped to Current or it won't compile anyways
     // just don't map anything to Current that looks like Enumerator's current
     if (method.Name.Equals("Current") && method.Body.Count() == 1 && method.Body.First() is ReturnStatement)
         var prop = new PropertyDeclaration();
         prop.ReturnType = method.ReturnType.Clone();
         prop.Name       = (string)method.Name.Clone();
         prop.PrivateImplementationType = method.PrivateImplementationType.Clone();
         var acc = new Accessor();
         acc.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(TextLocation.Empty, PropertyDeclaration.GetKeywordRole), PropertyDeclaration.GetKeywordRole);
         acc.Body    = (BlockStatement)method.Body.Clone();
         prop.Getter = acc;
			public override void Visit (Indexer indexer)
				IndexerDeclaration newIndexer = new IndexerDeclaration ();
				AddAttributeSection (newIndexer, indexer);
				var location = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (indexer);
				AddModifiers (newIndexer, location);
				newIndexer.AddChild (ConvertToType (indexer.TypeExpression), Roles.Type);
				AddExplicitInterface (newIndexer, indexer.MemberName);
				var name = indexer.MemberName;
				newIndexer.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode(Convert (name.Location), IndexerDeclaration.ThisKeywordRole), IndexerDeclaration.ThisKeywordRole);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 0)
					newIndexer.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [0]), Roles.LBracket), Roles.LBracket);
				AddParameter (newIndexer, indexer.ParameterInfo);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 1)
					newIndexer.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [1]), Roles.RBracket), Roles.RBracket);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 2)
					newIndexer.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [2]), Roles.LBrace), Roles.LBrace);
				if (indexer.Get != null) {
					Accessor getAccessor = new Accessor ();
					var getLocation = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (indexer.Get);
					AddAttributeSection (getAccessor, indexer.Get);
					AddModifiers (getAccessor, getLocation);
					if (getLocation != null)
						getAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (indexer.Get.Location), PropertyDeclaration.GetKeywordRole), PropertyDeclaration.GetKeywordRole);
					if (indexer.Get.Block != null) {
						getAccessor.AddChild ((BlockStatement)indexer.Get.Block.Accept (this), Roles.Body);
					} else {
						if (getLocation != null && getLocation.Count > 0)
							newIndexer.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (getLocation [0]), Roles.Semicolon), Roles.Semicolon);
					newIndexer.AddChild (getAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.GetterRole);
				if (indexer.Set != null) {
					Accessor setAccessor = new Accessor ();
					var setLocation = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (indexer.Set);
					AddAttributeSection (setAccessor, indexer.Set);
					AddModifiers (setAccessor, setLocation);
					if (setLocation != null)
						setAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (indexer.Set.Location), PropertyDeclaration.SetKeywordRole), PropertyDeclaration.SetKeywordRole);
					if (indexer.Set.Block != null) {
						setAccessor.AddChild ((BlockStatement)indexer.Set.Block.Accept (this), Roles.Body);
					} else {
						if (setLocation != null && setLocation.Count > 0)
							newIndexer.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (setLocation [0]), Roles.Semicolon), Roles.Semicolon);
					newIndexer.AddChild (setAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.SetterRole);
				if (location != null) {
					if (location.Count > 3)
						newIndexer.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [3]), Roles.RBrace), Roles.RBrace);
				} else {
					// parser error, set end node to max value.
					newIndexer.AddChild (new ErrorNode (), Roles.Error);
				typeStack.Peek ().AddChild (newIndexer, Roles.TypeMemberRole);
			public override void Visit (EventProperty ep)
				CustomEventDeclaration newEvent = new CustomEventDeclaration ();
				AddAttributeSection (newEvent, ep);
				var location = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (ep);
				AddModifiers (newEvent, location);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 0)
					newEvent.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [0]), CustomEventDeclaration.EventKeywordRole), CustomEventDeclaration.EventKeywordRole);
				newEvent.AddChild (ConvertToType (ep.TypeExpression), Roles.Type);
				AddExplicitInterface (newEvent, ep.MemberName);
				newEvent.AddChild (Identifier.Create (ep.MemberName.Name, Convert (ep.Location)), Roles.Identifier);

				if (location != null && location.Count >= 2)
					newEvent.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [1]), Roles.LBrace), Roles.LBrace);
				if (ep.Add != null) {
					Accessor addAccessor = new Accessor ();
					AddAttributeSection (addAccessor, ep.Add);
					var addLocation = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (ep.Add);
					AddModifiers (addAccessor, addLocation);
					addAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (ep.Add.Location), CustomEventDeclaration.AddKeywordRole), CustomEventDeclaration.AddKeywordRole);
					if (ep.Add.Block != null)
						addAccessor.AddChild ((BlockStatement)ep.Add.Block.Accept (this), Roles.Body);
					newEvent.AddChild (addAccessor, CustomEventDeclaration.AddAccessorRole);
				if (ep.Remove != null) {
					Accessor removeAccessor = new Accessor ();
					AddAttributeSection (removeAccessor, ep.Remove);
					var removeLocation = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (ep.Remove);
					AddModifiers (removeAccessor, removeLocation);
					removeAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (ep.Remove.Location), CustomEventDeclaration.RemoveKeywordRole), CustomEventDeclaration.RemoveKeywordRole);
					if (ep.Remove.Block != null)
						removeAccessor.AddChild ((BlockStatement)ep.Remove.Block.Accept (this), Roles.Body);
					newEvent.AddChild (removeAccessor, CustomEventDeclaration.RemoveAccessorRole);
				if (location != null && location.Count >= 3) {
					newEvent.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [2]), Roles.RBrace), Roles.RBrace);
				} else {
					// parser error, set end node to max value.
					newEvent.AddChild (new ErrorNode (), Roles.Error);
				typeStack.Peek ().AddChild (newEvent, Roles.TypeMemberRole);
			public override void Visit (Property p)
				PropertyDeclaration newProperty = new PropertyDeclaration ();
				AddAttributeSection (newProperty, p);
				var location = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (p);
				AddModifiers (newProperty, location);
				newProperty.AddChild (ConvertToType (p.TypeExpression), Roles.Type);
				AddExplicitInterface (newProperty, p.MemberName);
				newProperty.AddChild (Identifier.Create (p.MemberName.Name, Convert (p.Location)), Roles.Identifier);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 0)
					newProperty.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [0]), Roles.LBrace), Roles.LBrace);
				Accessor getAccessor = null;
				if (p.Get != null) {
					getAccessor = new Accessor ();
					AddAttributeSection (getAccessor, p.Get);
					var getLocation = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (p.Get);
					AddModifiers (getAccessor, getLocation);
					getAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (p.Get.Location), PropertyDeclaration.GetKeywordRole), PropertyDeclaration.GetKeywordRole);
					if (p.Get.Block != null) {
						getAccessor.AddChild ((BlockStatement)p.Get.Block.Accept (this), Roles.Body);
					} else {
						if (getLocation != null && getLocation.Count > 0)
							getAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (getLocation [0]), Roles.Semicolon), Roles.Semicolon);
				Accessor setAccessor = null;
				if (p.Set != null) {
					setAccessor = new Accessor ();
					AddAttributeSection (setAccessor, p.Set);
					var setLocation = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation (p.Set);
					AddModifiers (setAccessor, setLocation);
					setAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (p.Set.Location), PropertyDeclaration.SetKeywordRole), PropertyDeclaration.SetKeywordRole);
					if (p.Set.Block != null) {
						setAccessor.AddChild ((BlockStatement)p.Set.Block.Accept (this), Roles.Body);
					} else {
						if (setLocation != null && setLocation.Count > 0)
							setAccessor.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (setLocation [0]), Roles.Semicolon), Roles.Semicolon);
				if (getAccessor != null && setAccessor != null) {
					if (getAccessor.StartLocation < setAccessor.StartLocation) {
						newProperty.AddChild (getAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.GetterRole);
						newProperty.AddChild (setAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.SetterRole);
					} else {
						newProperty.AddChild (setAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.SetterRole);
						newProperty.AddChild (getAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.GetterRole);
				} else {
					if (getAccessor != null)
						newProperty.AddChild (getAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.GetterRole);
					if (setAccessor != null)
						newProperty.AddChild (setAccessor, PropertyDeclaration.SetterRole);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 1) {
					newProperty.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [1]), Roles.RBrace), Roles.RBrace);
				} else {
					// parser error, set end node to max value.
					newProperty.AddChild (new ErrorNode (), Roles.Error);
				typeStack.Peek ().AddChild (newProperty, Roles.TypeMemberRole);