Exemplo n.º 1
 public AccessibleBitmapBytewise(AccessibleBitmap aBitmap)
     width      = aBitmap.width;
     height     = aBitmap.height;
     pixelBytes = aBitmap.pixelBytes;
     byteArray  = aBitmap.GetRawPixelBytes();
Exemplo n.º 2
        // This function is used to compress the image using the LZW algorithm
        public static byte[] Compress(AccessibleBitmap source)
            // Add first 255 standard values to LZWDictionary in LZWCompressor.cs
            string[] LZWDictionary = new string[256];
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                LZWDictionary[i] = ((char)i).ToString();

            List <string> dictionary     = new List <string>(LZWDictionary);            // Clone dictionary of all bytes
            Queue <byte>  bytes          = new Queue <byte>(source.GetRawPixelBytes()); // Get all bytes from the source image
            BitStreamFIFO bs             = new BitStreamFIFO();                         // Create bitstream for output
            int           maxDictSize    = (int)Math.Pow(2, maxBitCount);               // Get maximum dictionary size
            string        encodingString = ((char)bytes.Dequeue()).ToString();          // Create string to add encoding to

            while (bytes.Count > 0)
                // Clear dict if full
                if (dictionary.Count >= maxDictSize)
                    dictionary = new List <string>(LZWDictionary);

                char b = (char)bytes.Dequeue();

                if (dictionary.Contains(encodingString + b))
                    encodingString += b;
                    bs.Write(dictionary.FindIndex(x => x.StartsWith(encodingString)), maxBitCount);
                    dictionary.Add(encodingString + b);
                    encodingString = b.ToString();

            // Write remaining byte to bitstream
            bs.Write(dictionary.FindIndex(x => x.StartsWith(encodingString)), maxBitCount);

            // Return the bitstream as byte array
Exemplo n.º 3
 //Compress aBitmap into byte array
 public static byte[] Compress(AccessibleBitmap source)
     return(VaryingIntArrayCompressor.Compress(Array.ConvertAll(source.GetRawPixelBytes(), Convert.ToInt32)).ToByteArray());
Exemplo n.º 4
 //Compress aBitmap into byte array
 public static byte[] Compress(AccessibleBitmap source)
     //Return raw aBitmap