public ActionResult saveProfile(AccIndexer form)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("editU", form));
                var profile = _content.Users.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.ToString() == form.ApplicationUser.Id.ToString()); //To load selected user details from the database.
                if (profile == null)                                                                                      //To verify that profile exist
                    TempData["Error"] = "User Profile Does not exist.";                                                   //To display an error message to the user
                    return(View("editU", form));
                    //To update user details
                    profile.Branch      = form.ApplicationUser.Branch;
                    profile.homeAddress = form.ApplicationUser.homeAddress;
                    profile.fullName    = form.ApplicationUser.fullName;
                    profile.Email       = form.ApplicationUser.Email;
                    profile.PhoneNumber = form.ApplicationUser.PhoneNumber;

                    _content.SaveChanges();     //To save update changes to database
            TempData["Success"] = "Update Successful";
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Users"));
        public ActionResult generateTills(AccIndexer form)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("generateTill", form));
            var number     = form.SelectTillsAmount.number;
            var glCategory = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => == 20);       //To get cash asset GL Account info

            for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
                var till = new TillGenerate().GetTillCode(glCategory.accountCode);         //To generate till account code for till

                var count = _content.tellerDetails.Count();
                //To log till account details for the newly created till account
                var stud = new TellerDetails
                    tillAccountNumber = till.ToString(),
                    tillBalance       = 0,
                    tellerUsername    = "******" + (count + 1) + ""


            TempData["Success"] = "New Till Account(s) Successfully Created.";        //To display a success message to the user
            return(RedirectToAction("AcctLog", "Accounts", new { id = 20 }));
        public ActionResult assignTellerTill(AccIndexer form)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("assignT", form));

            //To Fetch Till Account and User Profile Details
            var tillAccount = _content.tellerDetails.SingleOrDefault(m => m.tellerUsername == form.AssignTill.tillAccount);
            var profile     = _content.Users.SingleOrDefault(m => m.UserName == form.AssignTill.profile);

            //To Assign Teller Role to the user
            var roleStore   = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>(new CoreBankingApplication.Data.ApplicationDbContext());
            var roleManager = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(roleStore);

            roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("Teller"));
            UserManager.AddToRole(profile.Id, "Teller");

            //To Assign Till Account to the user
            profile.tillAccount        = tillAccount.tillAccountNumber;
            profile.role               = "Teller";
            tillAccount.tellerUsername = profile.UserName;
            tillAccount.tillStatus     = true;
            TempData["Success"] = "Till Account Assigned Successfully";
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Users"));
 public ActionResult CreateProfilee(AccIndexer form)
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         TempData["Error"] = "Error Creating Customer Profile,pls check inputs and try again.";  //Displaying Error message to the user.
         return(RedirectToAction("CreateProfile", "Customers"));
         var checkName = _content.custom.SingleOrDefault(m => m.customerName == form.Customer.customerName);
         if (checkName != null)
             TempData["Error"] = "Customer Name Already exists in the database.";    //Displaying Error message to the user.
             return(View("CreateProfile", form));
         var checkEmail = _content.custom.SingleOrDefault(m => m.customerEmail == form.Customer.customerEmail);  //To check that customer email doesn't already exist in the database.
         if (checkEmail != null)
             TempData["Error"] = "Customer Email Already exists in the database, pls use another email.";    //Displaying Error message to the user.
             return(View("CreateProfile", form));
         //To add new customer profile to the database
         TempData["Success"] = "Customer Profile Created Successfully";   //Displaying Success message to the user.
         return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Customers"));
        public ActionResult SaveGLUpdate(AccIndexer form)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var glAcct = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => ==; //To load selected GL Account details
                if (glAcct == null)                                                                 //To Verify GL Account exists.
                    return(View("EditAcc", form));
                    //To Save GL Acccount Details to Database
                    glAcct.accountBranch      = form.AccountIndex.accountBranch;
                    glAcct.accountName        = form.AccountIndex.accountName;
                    glAcct.accountDescription = form.AccountIndex.accountDescription;


                    TempData["Success"] = "GL Account Updated Successfully!"; //To Display a success message to user
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));            //To return view back to the index page.
                TempData["Error"] = "Invalid Request";  //To Display error message to the user.
                return(View("EditAcc", form));
        public ActionResult CreateGL(AccIndexer form)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("CreateGLAccount", form));        //Return View if model state is not valid with the form contents.
                var checkAcctName = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => m.accountName == form.AccountIndex.accountName);
                if (checkAcctName != null)
                    TempData["Error"] = "Sorry account Name already exists in the database";
                    return(View("CreateGLAccount", form));
                var glCategory = _content.subCategory.SingleOrDefault(m => == form.AccountIndex.SubCategoryid); //Get Selected Sub GL Category details from the database.
                var mainGL     = glCategory.glCategoryId;                                                            //To get the Main GL category id.
                form.AccountIndex.mainGLCategory = mainGL;                                                           //Save Main GL category id to GL Account Table.
                Random rn = new Random();

                int    unique        = _content.acctIndex.Count();
                int    addUnique     = unique + 1;                                                             //Generate a unique number to make account code unique.
                int    generaterTill = rn.Next(000, 999);                                                      //Generate Random Numbers
                string code          = form.AccountIndex.mainGLCategory + "" + generaterTill + "" + addUnique; //Creating account code for GL Account.
                form.AccountIndex.accountCode = code;

                form.AccountIndex.amountStatus = "NAIRA";
                form.AccountIndex.dateCreated  = DateTime.Now;

                TempData["Success"] = "GL Account Created Successfully!"; //Display Success message to user.
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accounts"));            //Return view back to index page
        //GET: To generate till accounts
        public ActionResult generateTill()
            var vm = new AccIndexer
                SelectTillsAmount = new SelectTillsAmount()

        // GET: Users
        public ActionResult Index()
            var _users = _content.Users.ToList();

            var vm = new AccIndexer
                userT = _users

        public ActionResult Register()
            var roles = _content.uRole.ToList();
            var vm    = new AccIndexer
                reg    = new RegisterViewModel(),
                uRolee = roles

        // GET: Accounts
        public ActionResult Index()
            //var info = _content.acctIndex.Include(m => m.mainGLCategory).ToList();
            var acctIndex      = _content.acctIndex.ToList();
            var mainGlCategory = _content.glCategory.ToList();
            var vm             = new AccIndexer
                type     = mainGlCategory,
                AccountT = acctIndex

        //GET: To assign till account
        public ActionResult assignT()
            var users = _content.Users.Where(m => m.tillAccount == String.Empty).ToList();   //Get all the users from the database
            var tills = _content.tellerDetails.Where(m => m.tillStatus == false).ToList();   //Get all the till accounts from the database

            var vm = new AccIndexer
                userT      = users,
                tillT      = tills,
                AssignTill = new AssignTill()

        public ActionResult saveGLCategory(AccIndexer form)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("EditSubL", form));      //Return View if model state is not valid with the form contents.
                var selectedGL = _content.subCategory.SingleOrDefault(m => ==;    //To Load selected GL Category from the database.

                //Saving GL Category updates to the database.
                selectedGL.categoryName       = form.SubCategory.categoryName;
                selectedGL.accountDescription = form.SubCategory.accountDescription;

                TempData["Success"] = "Update Successful";         //To Display Success message to the viewer
                return(RedirectToAction("ViewSubGL", "Accounts")); //To return user back to the GL Category index view.
 public ActionResult CreateCategoryGL(AccIndexer form)
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         return(View("CreateSubCategory", form));     //Return View if model state is not valid with the form contents.
         var checkName = _content.subCategory.SingleOrDefault(m => m.categoryName == form.SubCategory.categoryName);
         if (checkName != null)
             TempData["Error"] = "Sorry Category Name already exists in the database.";
             return(View("CreateSubCategory", form));
         _content.subCategory.Add(form.SubCategory);                //Add new GL Category to database.
         _content.SaveChanges();                                    //Save Changes to database.
         TempData["Success"] = "GL Category Created Successfully!"; //Display Success message to user.
         return(RedirectToAction("ViewSubGL", "Accounts"));         //To return view back to the index page.
        public ActionResult saveEdit(AccIndexer form)
            var acctEdit = _content.customAccts.SingleOrDefault(m => ==;     //To load selected account details from the database.

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("editAcct", form));
            if (form.CustomerAccounts.lien < 0)
                TempData["Error"] = "Lien Amount must not be negative";
                return(View("editAcct", form));
            if (form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate < 1 || form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate > 100)
                TempData["Error"] = "Interest Rate must be between the range 1 to 100";
                return(View("editAcct", form));
            if (acctEdit == null)    //To verify account exists
                return(View("editAcct", form));
                form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate = form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate / 100;
                //Save updates to the customer account details
                acctEdit.branchCreated = form.CustomerAccounts.branchCreated;
                if (form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountType != "Phoenix Loan Account")
                    acctEdit.lien = form.CustomerAccounts.lien;
                acctEdit.interestRate = form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate;

                _content.SaveChanges();     //To save changes to the database.

            TempData["Success"] = "Update Successful";      //To display success message.
            return(RedirectToAction("CustomerAccounts", "Customers"));
        public ActionResult CreateAccount(AccIndexer form)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("assignAccount", form));
            if (form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance < 0)
                TempData["Error"] = "Account Balance can't be below zero";      //To Display Error message to the user.
                return(View("assignAccount", form));
            if (form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate < 1 || form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate > 100)
                TempData["Error"] = "Interest Rate Must Be between 1 to 100";      //To Display Error message to the user.
                return(View("assignAccount", form));
            form.CustomerAccounts.cot = 5;                                                                      //Assign cot percentage o customer current account configuration
            var verufyProfile = _content.custom.SingleOrDefault(m => == form.CustomerAccounts.CustomerID); //To get customer profile from the database.

            if (verufyProfile == null)                                                                          //To verify that customer profile exists.
                TempData["Error"] = "Customer Profile Does not exist in the database";                          //To Display Error message to the user.
                return(View("assignAccount", form));
                form.CustomerAccounts.accountName = verufyProfile.customerName;
                if (form.CustomerAccounts.linkAcctType != null || form.CustomerAccounts.linkedAcctNumber != null)                                                                                                                                                     //To check if account is linked to the current account being created.
                    var verifyLink = _content.customAccts.SingleOrDefault(m => m.customerAccountType == form.CustomerAccounts.linkAcctType && m.customerAccountNumber == form.CustomerAccounts.linkedAcctNumber && m.CustomerID == form.CustomerAccounts.CustomerID); //Get Linked Account details from the database.
                    if (verifyLink == null)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           //To verify that linked account exist
                        TempData["Error"] = "Customer Linked Account Does not exist.";                                                                                                                                                                                //To Display Error message to the user.
                        return(View("CreateLoanAccount", form));
                        var checkForLoan = _content.customAccts.SingleOrDefault(m => m.CustomerID == form.CustomerAccounts.CustomerID && m.accountName == form.CustomerAccounts.accountName && m.customerAccountType == "Phoenix Loan Account"); //To check if customer already has an active loan account.
                        if (checkForLoan != null)                                                                                                                                                                                                //To verify customer does not have an active loan account.
                            TempData["Error"] = "Customer Already has a loan account";                                                                                                                                                           //To Display Error message to the user.
                            return(View("assignAccount", form));
                        if (form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountType == "Phoenix Loan Account")
                            if (form.CustomerAccounts.months > 0)
                                var bankAcct = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => == 13);     //To load bank's account details from the database.
                                if (bankAcct.amountInAcct <= form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance)      //To check if bank has enough money to give out as loan.
                                    TempData["Error"] = "Bank's Account Too Low to process Loan";       //To Display Error message to the user.
                                    return(View("assignAccount", form));
                                if (form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance < 2000)
                                    TempData["Error"] = "Not allowed to give loan lower than 2000 nair";      //To Display Error message to the user.
                                    return(View("assignAccount", form));

                                //Getting Account Configuration
                                var interestRate = (form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate / 100);
                                var amount       = form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance;
                                var duration     = form.CustomerAccounts.months;
                                var realAmt      = form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance;

                                //Calculating Interest Rate / Income from customer loan account
                                var calcIncome = (interestRate * realAmt) * duration;
                                var totalSum   = calcIncome + realAmt;

                                verifyLink.accountBalance = verifyLink.accountBalance + realAmt; //Crediting customer's linked account with the amount loaned
                                bankAcct.amountInAcct     = bankAcct.amountInAcct - realAmt;     //Debiting bank's account with the amount loaned

                                var acctype  = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => == 12);
                                var accountN = new AccountFunction().AccountNumber(acctype.accountCode,;    //Generating account number for customer's loan account

                                //Saving Customers loan account and configurations to database.
                                form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountNumber = accountN;
                                form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance        = (double)totalSum;
                                form.CustomerAccounts.dateCreated           = DateTime.Now;
                                form.CustomerAccounts.balanceStatus         = "NAIRA";
                                form.CustomerAccounts.loanStatus            = true;

                                //Creating Customer loan interest account to keep track of the interest accrual
                                LoanInterestAccrual loanAccured = new LoanInterestAccrual();
                                loanAccured.customerAcctName = form.CustomerAccounts.accountName;
                                loanAccured.customerAcctNo   = form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountNumber;
                                loanAccured.linkedAcctName   = form.CustomerAccounts.linkAcctType;
                                loanAccured.linkedAcctNo     = form.CustomerAccounts.linkedAcctNumber;
                                loanAccured.accruedAmt       = 0.0;
                                loanAccured.duration         = form.CustomerAccounts.months;
                                loanAccured.dateOfLoan       = DateTime.Now;
                                loanAccured.interestRate     = interestRate / 30;
                                loanAccured.loanAmount       = totalSum;

                                //Creating Customer loan income account to keep track of the amount gained as ncome from customer loan
                                loanIncome loan = new loanIncome();
                                loan.accountName    = form.CustomerAccounts.accountName;
                                loan.acctNo         = form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountNumber;
                                loan.amountBorrowed = realAmt.ToString();
                                loan.incomeG        = calcIncome.ToString();
                                loan.accruedInc     = 0.0;
                                 = DateTime.Now;
                                loan.duration       = form.CustomerAccounts.months.ToString();
                                loan.rate           = interestRate.ToString();

                                var acctLoan = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => == 9);
                                acctLoan.amountInAcct = acctLoan.amountInAcct + totalSum;     //Crediting Customer Loan Account.

                                var linkedAcct = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => m.accountName == verifyLink.accountName);
                                if (linkedAcct != null)
                                    linkedAcct.amountInAcct = linkedAcct.amountInAcct + realAmt;

                                _content.SaveChanges();    //Saving all changes to the database
                                TempData["Error"] = "Pls Specify Loan Duration";        //To Display Error message to the user.
                                return(View("CreateLoanAccount", form));
                else if (form.CustomerAccounts.linkAcctType == null && form.CustomerAccounts.linkedAcctNumber == null)
                    if (form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountType == "Phoenix Loan Account")
                        TempData["Error"] = "Pls Specify Customer Linked Accounts";     //To Display error message to the user.
                        return(View("CreateLoanAccount", form));
                    var acctype = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => m.accountName == form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountType);
                    //Generating Account Number for th customer account
                    var accountN = new AccountFunction().AccountNumber(acctype.accountCode,;     //Assigning Account Number to the customer account

                    //Saving Customer account and configurations to the database
                    form.CustomerAccounts.customerAccountNumber = accountN;
                    form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance        = (double)form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance;
                    form.CustomerAccounts.dateCreated           = DateTime.Now;
                    form.CustomerAccounts.balanceStatus         = "NAIRA";
                    acctype.amountInAcct               = acctype.amountInAcct + form.CustomerAccounts.accountBalance;
                    form.CustomerAccounts.loanStatus   = true;
                    form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate = form.CustomerAccounts.interestRate / 100;

                    _content.SaveChanges();     //Saving Changes to the database.

            TempData["Success"] = "Account Created Successfully";       //To Display Success message to the user.
            return(RedirectToAction("CustomerAccounts", "Customers"));
        public async Task <ActionResult> Register(AccIndexer model)
            var psd = "put your password here";

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var glCategory = _content.acctIndex.SingleOrDefault(m => == 20);
                var till       = new TillGenerate().GetTillCode(glCategory.accountCode);
                if (model.reg.role == "Plain User")
                    till = String.Empty;
                var password = new PasswordGenerate().GetNewPassword();

                model.reg.Password        = password + "&zA1";
                model.reg.ConfirmPassword = password + "&zA1";
                var tempLocation      = _content.stat.SingleOrDefault(m => == 1);
                var tempStorePassword = model.reg.Password;
                tempLocation.temPassword = tempStorePassword;
                var user = new ApplicationUser {
                    UserName = model.reg.Email, Email = model.reg.Email, Branch = model.reg.Branch, tillAccount = till, PhoneNumber = model.reg.PhoneNumber, homeAddress = model.reg.HouseAddress, fullName = model.reg.FullName, role = model.reg.role
                //return Content(model.reg.Email);
                var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.reg.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    //await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent:false, rememberBrowser:false);

                    //Temp Code = Teller account
                    if (model.reg.role == "Teller")
                        var roleStore   = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>(new CoreBankingApplication.Data.ApplicationDbContext());
                        var roleManager = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(roleStore);
                        await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("Teller"));

                        await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(user.Id, "Teller");

                    //Temp Code == Ends

                    if (model.reg.role == "Teller")
                        var stud = new TellerDetails
                            tillAccountNumber = till,
                            tillBalance       = 0,
                            tellerUsername    = model.reg.Email,
                            tillStatus        = true

                    if (model.reg.Email != null && model.reg.Password != null)
                        new SendEmail().SendingEmail(model.reg.Email, model.reg.Password, psd);

                    // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit
                    // Send an email with this link
                    // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id);
                    // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
                    // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>");
                    TempData["Success"] = "New User Successfully Created.";
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Users"));


            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form