//GET: To Create GL Account
        public ActionResult CreateGLAccount()
            var glCategory = _content.subCategory.ToList(); //To get the list of GL Sub Categories
            var VM         = new AccIndexer                 //Using View Model
                AccountIndex = new AccountIndex(),
                SubCategoryT = glCategory

            return(View(VM));        //Returning the view
        //GET: To Create GL Category Account
        public ActionResult CreateSubCategory()
            var gl = _content.glCategory.ToList(); //To get the list of GL Main Categories
            var VM = new AccIndexer                //Using View Model
                SubCategory = new SubCategory(),
                type        = gl

            return(View(VM));     //Returning the view
        //GET: To Create Customer Profile
        public ActionResult CreateProfile()
            var gender = _content.stat.ToList(); //To Load gender list from the database.

            var vm = new AccIndexer              //Using View Model
                status   = gender,
                Customer = new Customer()

            return(View(vm));    //Returning view to the profile create page