/// <nodoc />
 public DistributedCentralStoreConfiguration(AbsolutePath cacheRoot)
     CacheRoot = cacheRoot;
 private static void AssertHasExclusiveAccessToFile([NotNull] BaseEntry entry, [NotNull] AbsolutePath absolutePath)
     if (entry is FileEntry file && file.IsOpen())
         throw ErrorFactory.System.FileIsInUse(absolutePath.GetText());
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// <see cref="TryGetFileAsync"/>
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract Task <BoolResult> TryGetFileCoreAsync(OperationContext context, string storageId, AbsolutePath targetFilePath, bool isImmutable);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override async Task <Result <string> > UploadFileCoreAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath file, string blobName, bool garbageCollect = false)
            // Add the file to CAS and register with global content location store
            var hashTask = PutAndRegisterFileAsync(context, file, hash: null);

            // Upload to fallback storage so file is available if needed from there
            var innerStorageIdTask = _fallbackStorage.UploadFileAsync(context, file, blobName, garbageCollect).ThrowIfFailureAsync();

            await Task.WhenAll(hashTask, innerStorageIdTask);

            var hash           = await hashTask;
            var innerStorageId = await innerStorageIdTask;

            return(CreateCompositeStorageId(hash, innerStorageId));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private async Task <ContentHashWithSize> TryGetFromFallbackAndPutAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath targetFilePath, string fallbackStorageId)
            // In the success case the content will be put at targetFilePath
            await _fallbackStorage.TryGetFileAsync(context, fallbackStorageId, targetFilePath).ThrowIfFailure();

            var putResult = await _privateCas.PutFileAsync(context, targetFilePath, FileRealizationMode.Copy, _hashType, pinRequest : null).ThrowIfFailure();

            return(new ContentHashWithSize(putResult.ContentHash, putResult.ContentSize));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void PutFileStop(Context context, PutResult result, bool trusted, AbsolutePath path, FileRealizationMode mode, Severity successSeverity)
            if (_eventSource.IsEnabled())
                    context.Id.ToString(), result.Succeeded, result.ErrorMessage, result.ContentHash.ToString());

            base.PutFileStop(context, result, trusted, path, mode, successSeverity: DiagnosticLevelSeverity(result.Duration));
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override async Task <BoolResult> TouchBlobCoreAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath file, string storageId, bool isUploader)
            var(hash, fallbackStorageId) = ParseCompositeStorageId(storageId);

            // Need to touch in fallback storage as well so it knows the content is still in use
            var touchTask = _fallbackStorage.TouchBlobAsync(context, file, fallbackStorageId, isUploader).ThrowIfFailure();

            // Ensure content is present in private CAS and registered
            var registerTask = PutAndRegisterFileAsync(context, file, hash);

            await Task.WhenAll(touchTask, registerTask);

Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a token from the information with the given path
 /// </summary>
 public TokenData ToToken(AbsolutePath path)
     return(IsValid ? new TokenData(path, Line, Position, Text) : TokenData.Invalid);
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected abstract IContentStore CreateStore(AbsolutePath rootPath, ContentStoreConfiguration configuration);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private Possible <Unit> TryReportInputs(List <FileArtifactKeyedHash> hashes)
            var dynamicDirectoryMap = new Dictionary <DirectoryArtifact, List <FileArtifact> >();
            var failedFiles         = new List <(FileArtifact file, ContentHash hash)>();
            var fileContentManager  = m_environment.State.FileContentManager;

            foreach (FileArtifactKeyedHash fileArtifactKeyedHash in hashes)
                FileArtifact file;
                if (fileArtifactKeyedHash.AssociatedDirectories != null && fileArtifactKeyedHash.AssociatedDirectories.Count != 0)
                    // All workers have the same entries in the path table up to the schedule phase. Dynamic outputs add entries to the path table of the worker that generates them.
                    // Dynamic outputs can be generated by one worker, but consumed by another, which potentially is not the master. Thus, the two workers do not have the same entries
                    // in the path table.
                    // The approach we have here may be sub-optimal(the worker may have had the paths already). But it ensures correctness.
                    // Need to create absolute path because the path is potentially not in the path table.
                    file = new FileArtifact(
                        AbsolutePath.Create(m_environment.Context.PathTable, fileArtifactKeyedHash.PathString),

                    foreach (var bondDirectoryArtifact in fileArtifactKeyedHash.AssociatedDirectories)
                        var directory = new DirectoryArtifact(
                            new AbsolutePath(bondDirectoryArtifact.DirectoryPathValue),

                        if (!dynamicDirectoryMap.TryGetValue(directory, out var files))
                            files = new List <FileArtifact>();
                            dynamicDirectoryMap.Add(directory, files);

                    file = fileArtifactKeyedHash.File;

                if (fileArtifactKeyedHash.IsSourceAffected)

                var materializationInfo = fileArtifactKeyedHash.GetFileMaterializationInfo(m_environment.Context.PathTable);
                if (!fileContentManager.ReportWorkerPipInputContent(
                    failedFiles.Add((file, materializationInfo.Hash));

            foreach (var directoryAndContents in dynamicDirectoryMap)
                fileContentManager.ReportDynamicDirectoryContents(directoryAndContents.Key, directoryAndContents.Value, PipOutputOrigin.NotMaterialized);

            if (failedFiles.Count != 0)
                return(new ArtifactMaterializationFailure(failedFiles.ToReadOnlyArray(), m_environment.Context.PathTable));

Exemplo n.º 11
 private AbsolutePath CreateAbsolutePath(string path)
     return(AbsolutePath.Create(PathTable, path));
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts this LineInfo to a LocationData with the given path.
 /// </summary>
 public LocationData ToLocationData(AbsolutePath path)
     return(!path.IsValid ? LocationData.Invalid : new LocationData(path, Line, Position));
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public CheckpointConfiguration(AbsolutePath workingDirectory) => WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
 /// <nodoc />
 public LocalDiskCentralStoreConfiguration(AbsolutePath workingDirectory, string checkpointsKey)
     : base(checkpointsKey) => WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void RestartEngine()
            var pathTable = new PathTable();

            FileSystem = new PassThroughMutableFileSystem(pathTable);
            Context    = EngineContext.CreateNew(CancellationToken.None, pathTable, FileSystem);
            MainSourceResolverModules = new List <AbsolutePath>();

            var rootPath = AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, TestRoot);
            var logsPath = Combine(AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, TemporaryDirectory), "logs");

            Configuration = new CommandLineConfiguration()
                DisableDefaultSourceResolver = true,
                Resolvers = new List <IResolverSettings>
                    new SourceResolverSettings
                        Kind    = "SourceResolver",
                        Modules = MainSourceResolverModules,
                    new SourceResolverSettings
                        Kind    = "SourceResolver",
                        Modules = new List <AbsolutePath>
                            AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, Path.Combine(GetTestExecutionLocation(), "Sdk", "Prelude", "package.config.dsc")),
                            AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, Path.Combine(GetTestExecutionLocation(), "Sdk", "Transformers", "package.config.dsc")),
                            AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, Path.Combine(GetTestExecutionLocation(), "Sdk", "Deployment", "module.config.dsc")),
                Layout =
                    SourceDirectory = rootPath,
                    OutputDirectory = Combine(rootPath,                             "out"),
                    ObjectDirectory = Combine(rootPath,                             "obj"),
                    CacheDirectory  = Combine(AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, TemporaryDirectory), "cache"),
                Cache =
                    CacheSpecs       = SpecCachingOption.Disabled,
                    CacheLogFilePath = logsPath.Combine(Context.PathTable,PathAtom.Create(Context.StringTable,  "cache.log")),
                Engine =
                    ReuseEngineState        = false,
                    LogStatistics           = false,
                    TrackBuildsInUserFolder = false,
                FrontEnd =
                    MaxFrontEndConcurrency =     1,
                    LogStatistics          = false,
                Schedule =
                    MaxIO        = 1,
                    MaxProcesses = 1,
                Sandbox =
                    FileSystemMode      = FileSystemMode.RealAndMinimalPipGraph,
                    OutputReportingMode = OutputReportingMode.FullOutputOnError,
                Logging =
                    LogsDirectory     = logsPath,
                    LogStats          = false,
                    LogExecution      = false,
                    LogCounters       = false,
                    LogMemory         = false,
                    StoreFingerprints = false,
                    NoWarnings        =
                        909,     // Disable warnings about experimental feature

            if (TryGetSubstSourceAndTarget(out string substSource, out string substTarget))
                // Directory translation is needed here particularly when the test temporary directory
                // is inside a directory that is actually a junction to another place.
                // For example, the temporary directory is D:\src\BuildXL\Out\Object\abc\t_1, but
                // the path D:\src\BuildXL\Out or D:\src\BuildXL\Out\Object is a junction to K:\Out.
                // Some tool, like cmd, can access the path in K:\Out, and thus the test will have a DFA
                // if there's no directory translation.
                // This problem does not occur when only substs are involved, but no junctions. The method
                // TryGetSubstSourceAndTarget works to get translations due to substs or junctions.
                AbsolutePath substSourcePath = AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, substSource);
                AbsolutePath substTargetPath = AbsolutePath.Create(Context.PathTable, substTarget);
                    new TranslateDirectoryData(I($"{substSource}<{substTarget}"), substSourcePath, substTargetPath));
Exemplo n.º 16
        private (string host, ContentHash contentHash) ExtractHostHashFromAbsolutePath(AbsolutePath sourcePath)
            // TODO: Keep the segments in the AbsolutePath object?
            // TODO: Indexable structure?
            var segments = sourcePath.GetSegments();

            Contract.Assert(segments.Count >= 4);

            string host = GetHostName(sourcePath.IsLocal, segments);

            var hashLiteral = segments.Last();

            if (hashLiteral.EndsWith(GrpcDistributedPathTransformer.BlobFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                hashLiteral = hashLiteral.Substring(0, hashLiteral.Length - GrpcDistributedPathTransformer.BlobFileExtension.Length);
            var hashTypeLiteral = segments.ElementAt(segments.Count - 1 - 2);

            if (!Enum.TryParse(hashTypeLiteral, ignoreCase: true, out HashType hashType))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{hashTypeLiteral} is not a valid member of {nameof(HashType)}");

            var contentHash = new ContentHash(hashType, HexUtilities.HexToBytes(hashLiteral));

            return(host, contentHash);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override void PlaceFileStop(Context context, ContentHash contentHash, PlaceFileResult result, AbsolutePath path, FileAccessMode accessMode, FileReplacementMode replacementMode, FileRealizationMode realizationMode, Severity successSeverity)
            if (_eventSource.IsEnabled())
                _eventSource.PlaceFileStop(context.Id.ToString(), (int)result.Code, result.ErrorMessage);

            base.PlaceFileStop(context, contentHash, result, path, accessMode, replacementMode, realizationMode, successSeverity: DiagnosticLevelSeverity(result.Duration));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a basic file access manifest for front end tools
        /// </summary>
        public static FileAccessManifest GenerateToolFileAccessManifest(FrontEndContext context, AbsolutePath toolDirectory)
            var pathTable = context.PathTable;
            // We make no attempt at understanding what the tool is going to do
            // We just configure the manifest to not fail on unexpected accesses, so they can be collected
            // later if needed
            var fileAccessManifest = new FileAccessManifest(pathTable)
                FailUnexpectedFileAccesses   = false,
                ReportFileAccesses           = true,
                MonitorNtCreateFile          = true,
                MonitorZwCreateOpenQueryFile = true,
                MonitorChildProcesses        = true,

                AbsolutePath.Create(pathTable, SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows)),

                AbsolutePath.Create(pathTable, SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache)),

                AbsolutePath.Create(pathTable, SpecialFolderUtilities.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.History)),

            fileAccessManifest.AddScope(toolDirectory, FileAccessPolicy.MaskAll, FileAccessPolicy.AllowReadAlways);

Exemplo n.º 19
        public void TrackerLoadFailureShouldNotResultInUnderbuild(bool updateFileContentTableByScanningChangeJournal)
            // This test is created due to underbuild resulted from updating file content table during change journal scan.
            // Here is the timeline of the scenario regarding source file 'srcA':
            // Time         FileContentTable          FileChangeTracker        FileSystem           Description
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // T0                                                              srcA:#1,USN1         Initial.
            // T1                                                              srcA:#1,USN1         Build P where srcA is read.
            //                                                                                      No journal scan because no FileChangeTracker.
            // T2           FID(srcA)->#1,USN1        FID(srcA)->USN1          srcA:#1,USN1         After building P: cache miss.
            // T3           FID(srcA)->#1,USN1        FID(srcA)->USN1          srcA:#2,USN2         After srcA is modified on FileSystem.
            // T4           FID(srcA)->#1,USN1                                 srcA:#2,USN2         FileChangeTracker is destroyed.
            // T5           FID(srcA)->#1,USN1                                 srcA:#2,USN2         Build Q where srcA is only probed.
            //                                                                                      No journal scan because no FileChangeTracker.
            // T6           FID(srcA)->#1,USN1        FID(srcA)->USN2          srcA:#2,USN2         After building Q: cache miss.
            // T7           FID(srcA)->#1,USN1        FID(srcA)->USN2          srcA:#2,USN3         Modified timestamp of srcA.
            // T8           FID(srcA)->#1,USN1        FID(srcA)->USN2          srcA:#2,USN3         Build P again where srcA is read.
            // T9           FID(srcA)->#1,USN3        FID(srcA)->USN2          srcA:#2,USN3         After journal scan, but before executing P.
            // T10          FID(srcA)->#1,USN3        FID(srcA)->USN3          srcA:#2,USN3         After building P: cache hit.
            // At T6, FileChangeTracker tracks srcA because srcA is probed.
            // At T9 FileContentTable is updated based on the change journal scan from the checkpoint set at T6. From T6 to T8, there
            // is only basic info change, i.e., timestamp change, that doesn't change the content hash of srcA. So, FID(srcA)'s entry
            // in FileContentTable is eligible for update. However, if we simply update it with USN3, i.e., the current USN, then there's
            // a mismatch between the content hash in FileContentTable and FileSystem that results in cache hit, i.e., underbuild.
            // To handle the above case, we only update FileContentTable if the USN matches the one tracked by FileChangeTracker. In this case
            // since FileChangeTracker has USN2 for srcA, and FileContentTable has USN1, then we should not update FileContentTable.

            Configuration.Schedule.UpdateFileContentTableByScanningChangeJournal = updateFileContentTableByScanningChangeJournal;

            AbsolutePath path = CreateUniqueSourcePath().Combine(Context.PathTable, "srcA");
            FileArtifact srcA = CreateSourceFile(path);

            // Populate file content table with srcA's content via P.
            var pOperations = new[] { Operation.ReadFile(srcA), Operation.WriteFile(CreateOutputFileArtifact()) };
            var p           = CreateAndSchedulePipBuilder(pOperations);

            var result = RunScheduler().AssertCacheMiss(p.Process.PipId);

            // Modify srcA.
            File.AppendAllText(ArtifactToString(srcA), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            // Destroy file change tracker.
            FileUtilities.DeleteFile(result.Config.Layout.SchedulerFileChangeTrackerFile.ToString(Context.PathTable), waitUntilDeletionFinished: true);


            // Make srcA tracked and probe via Q.
            var ssd = PipConstructionHelper.SealDirectorySource(path);

            var qOperations = new[] { Operation.Probe(srcA, doNotInfer: true), Operation.WriteFile(CreateOutputFileArtifact()) };
            var qBuilder    = CreatePipBuilder(qOperations);


            var q = SchedulePipBuilder(qBuilder);


            // Modify basic file info.
            var creationTime = File.GetCreationTime(ArtifactToString(srcA));

            File.SetCreationTime(ArtifactToString(srcA), creationTime.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)));

            // Switch back to P.

            p = CreateAndSchedulePipBuilder(pOperations);

            // P should be miss because the content of srcA changed.
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// The FrontEnds that use an out-of-proc tool should sandbox that process and call this method
        /// in order to tack the tool's file accesses, enumerations, etc. in order to make graph caching sound
        /// </summary>
        public static void TrackToolFileAccesses(FrontEndEngineAbstraction engine, FrontEndContext context, string frontEndName, ISet <ReportedFileAccess> fileAccesses, AbsolutePath frontEndFolder)
            // Compute all parseable paths
            // TODO: does it make sense to consider enumerations, or as a result the graph will be too unstable? Does it matter for MsBuild graph construction?
            foreach (var access in fileAccesses)
                string accessPath = access.GetPath(context.PathTable);
                if (AbsolutePath.TryCreate(context.PathTable, accessPath, out AbsolutePath path))
                    // Ignore accesses under the frontend folder: these are files used for internal communication between
                    // BuildXL and the graph builder tool, and they are never files that MSBuild itself interacted with
                    if (path.IsWithin(context.PathTable, frontEndFolder))

                    if ((access.RequestedAccess & RequestedAccess.Enumerate) != 0)
                    if ((access.RequestedAccess & RequestedAccess.Probe) != 0)
                    if ((access.RequestedAccess & RequestedAccess.Read) != 0)
                        // Two things are happening here: we want to register if the file is present or absent. Engine.FileExists takes
                        // care of that. And in the case the file exists, record the content.
                        // There are apparently some repos that create and delete files during graph construction :(
                        // So we cannot trust detours and check for IsNonexistent on the access itself. Even though there were read/write accesses on a given file,
                        // the file may not exist at this point
                        if (engine.FileExists(path))
                            engine.RecordFrontEndFile(path, frontEndName);
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override async Task <BoolResult> TryGetFileCoreAsync(OperationContext context, string storageId, AbsolutePath targetFilePath)
            // Get the content from peers or fallback
            var contentHashWithSize = await TryGetAndPutFileAsync(context, storageId, targetFilePath).ThrowIfFailureAsync();

            // Register that the machine now has the content
            await RegisterContent(context, contentHashWithSize);

 private ExpandedAbsolutePath ChangeRoot(AbsolutePath path, PathTable pathTable, char newRoot)
     XAssert.IsFalse(OperatingSystemHelper.IsUnixOS, "Cannot change root on a unix system");
     return(AbsolutePath.Create(pathTable, newRoot + path.ToString(pathTable).Substring(1)).Expand(pathTable));
Exemplo n.º 23
        private async Task <Result <ContentHashWithSize> > TryGetAndPutFileAsync(OperationContext context, string storageId, AbsolutePath targetFilePath)
            var(hash, fallbackStorageId) = ParseCompositeStorageId(storageId);
            if (hash != null)
                // First attempt to place file from content store
                var placeResult = await _privateCas.PlaceFileAsync(context, hash.Value, targetFilePath, FileAccessMode.Write, FileReplacementMode.ReplaceExisting, FileRealizationMode.Copy, pinRequest : null);

                if (placeResult.IsPlaced())
                    return(Result.Success(new ContentHashWithSize(hash.Value, placeResult.FileSize)));

                // If not placed, try to copy from a peer into private CAS
                var putResult = await CopyLocalAndPutAsync(context, hash.Value);

                if (putResult.Succeeded)
                    // Lastly, try to place again now that file is copied to CAS
                    placeResult = await _privateCas.PlaceFileAsync(context, hash.Value, targetFilePath, FileAccessMode.Write, FileReplacementMode.ReplaceExisting, FileRealizationMode.Copy, pinRequest : null).ThrowIfFailure();

                    return(Result.Success(new ContentHashWithSize(hash.Value, placeResult.FileSize)));
                    Tracer.OperationDebug(context, $"Falling back to blob storage. Error={putResult}");

            return(await TryGetFromFallbackAndPutAsync(context, targetFilePath, fallbackStorageId));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void ValidateCachingDirectoryEnumerationReadOnlyMountUntrackedScope(bool maskUntrackedAccesses)
            // When true (default), directory enumerations in untracked scopes are ignored
            // When false, directory enumerations in untracked scopes are tracked as normal
            Configuration.Sandbox.MaskUntrackedAccesses = maskUntrackedAccesses;

            AbsolutePath readonlyRootPath;

            AbsolutePath.TryCreate(Context.PathTable, ReadonlyRoot, out readonlyRootPath);
            DirectoryArtifact dir = DirectoryArtifact.CreateWithZeroPartialSealId(CreateUniqueDirectory(ReadonlyRoot));

            // Enumerate untracked scope /dir and its parent directory
            FileArtifact outFile = CreateOutputFileArtifact();
            var          ops     = new Operation[]
            var builder = CreatePipBuilder(ops);

            Process pip = SchedulePipBuilder(builder).Process;


            string checkpoint1 = File.ReadAllText(ArtifactToString(outFile));

            // Create /dir/nestedFile in untracked scope
            FileArtifact nestedFile = CreateSourceFile(ArtifactToString(dir));

            if (!maskUntrackedAccesses)

            // Modify /dir/nestedFile in untracked scope
            File.WriteAllText(ArtifactToString(nestedFile), "nestedFile");

            // Delete /dir/nestedFile in untracked scope

            string checkpoint2 = File.ReadAllText(ArtifactToString(outFile));

            // Filesystem should match state from original run, so cache replays output from that run
            XAssert.AreEqual(checkpoint1, checkpoint2);

            // Create /dir/nestedDir in untracked scope
            DirectoryArtifact nestedDir = DirectoryArtifact.CreateWithZeroPartialSealId(CreateUniqueDirectory(ArtifactToString(dir)));

            if (!maskUntrackedAccesses)

            // Delete /dir/nestedDir in untracked scope

            string checkpoint3 = File.ReadAllText(ArtifactToString(outFile));

            // Filesystem should match state from original run, so cache replays output from that run
            XAssert.AreEqual(checkpoint1, checkpoint3);

            // Delete untracked scope /dir
Exemplo n.º 25
        private async Task <ContentHash> PutAndRegisterFileAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath file, ContentHash?hash)
            PutResult putResult;

            if (hash != null)
                putResult = await _privateCas.PutFileAsync(context, file, FileRealizationMode.Copy, hash.Value, pinRequest : null).ThrowIfFailure();
                putResult = await _privateCas.PutFileAsync(context, file, FileRealizationMode.Copy, _hashType, pinRequest : null).ThrowIfFailure();

            var contentInfo = new ContentHashWithSize(putResult.ContentHash, putResult.ContentSize);

            await RegisterContent(context, contentInfo);

Exemplo n.º 26
        public override int Analyze()
            HashSet <(CaseInsensitiveString toolPath, AbsolutePath directoryPath)> toolAndEnumerations = new HashSet <(CaseInsensitiveString toolPath, AbsolutePath directoryPath)>();
            HashSet <AbsolutePath> enumeratedDirectories = new HashSet <AbsolutePath>();
            HashSet <string>       enumerationTools      = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var observedInputEntry in m_observedInputsMap)
                var pip            = observedInputEntry.Key;
                var observedInputs = observedInputEntry.Value;

                if (!m_toolEnumerationMap.ContainsKey(pip))

                var reportedFileAccesses = m_toolEnumerationMap[pip];

                foreach (var observedInput in observedInputs)
                    if (observedInput.Type == ObservedInputType.DirectoryEnumeration)

                foreach (var reportedFileAccess in reportedFileAccesses)
                    var path = reportedFileAccess.ManifestPath;
                    if (reportedFileAccess.Path != null)
                        if (!AbsolutePath.TryCreate(PathTable, reportedFileAccess.Path, out path))

                    if (!enumeratedDirectories.Contains(path))

                    toolAndEnumerations.Add((new CaseInsensitiveString(reportedFileAccess.Process.Path), path));

            var toolEnumerationList = toolAndEnumerations.ToList();

            toolEnumerationList.Sort((v1, v2) =>
                var result = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(v1.toolPath.Value, v2.toolPath.Value);
                if (result != 0)

                return(PathTable.ExpandedPathComparer.Compare(v1.Item2, v2.Item2));

            using (var outputStream = File.Create(OutputFilePath, bufferSize: 64 << 10 /* 64 KB */))
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(outputStream))
                    writer.WriteLine("Directory Enumeration Tools:");
                    foreach (var tool in enumerationTools.OrderBy(s => s, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    writer.WriteLine("Enumerations By Tool:");

                    CaseInsensitiveString last = new CaseInsensitiveString(string.Empty);
                    foreach (var toolEnumerationEntry in toolEnumerationList)
                        var toolPath      = toolEnumerationEntry.Item1;
                        var directoryPath = toolEnumerationEntry.Item2;
                        if (!last.Equals(toolPath))
                            last = toolPath;
                            writer.WriteLine("Tool: {0}", toolPath.Value);

                        writer.WriteLine("  Directory: {0}", directoryPath.ToString(PathTable));

                    toolEnumerationList.Sort((v1, v2) =>
                        var result = PathTable.ExpandedPathComparer.Compare(v1.Item2, v2.Item2);
                        if (result != 0)

                        return(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(v1.Item1.Value, v2.Item1.Value));

                    writer.WriteLine("Enumerations By Directory:");

                    AbsolutePath lastDirectory = AbsolutePath.Invalid;
                    foreach (var toolEnumerationEntry in toolEnumerationList)
                        var toolPath      = toolEnumerationEntry.toolPath;
                        var directoryPath = toolEnumerationEntry.directoryPath;
                        if (!lastDirectory.Equals(directoryPath))
                            lastDirectory = directoryPath;
                            writer.WriteLine("Directory: {0}", directoryPath.ToString(PathTable));

                        writer.WriteLine("  Tool: {0}", toolPath.Value);

Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// <see cref="TouchBlobAsync"/>
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract Task <BoolResult> TouchBlobCoreAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath file, string storageId, bool isUploader, bool isImmutable);
Exemplo n.º 28
 protected AbsolutePath Combine(AbsolutePath parent, string name)
     return(parent.Combine(Context.PathTable, PathAtom.Create(Context.StringTable, name)));
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Try to get the blob specified by a given <paramref name="storageId"/> and store it in a <paramref name="targetFilePath"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public Task <BoolResult> TryGetFileAsync(OperationContext context, string storageId, AbsolutePath targetFilePath, bool isImmutable = false)
     storageId = PreprocessStorageId(storageId);
                () => TryGetFileCoreAsync(context, storageId, targetFilePath, isImmutable),
                counter: Counters[CentralStorageCounters.TryGetFile],
                extraEndMessage: _ => $"StorageId=[{storageId}] TargetFilePath=[{targetFilePath}]",
                traceOperationStarted: false));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public string GetAbsoluteImport()
     return(Regex.Replace(AbsolutePath.Replace(_root, "").TrimStart('\\', '/').Replace("\\", "/"), @"\.ts$", ""));