Exemplo n.º 1
        public void modifyGameObject(GameObject go, Matrix4x4 m)
            if (go == null || modifierCurve == null)
//			Debug.Log(" - " + go.name );
//			Debug.Log(go.transform.localToWorldMatrix);

            m = go.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            MeshFilter mf = go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

            if (mf != null)
                Mesh      mesh  = AXMesh.cloneMesh(mf.sharedMesh);
                Vector3[] verts = mesh.vertices;

                // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------
                for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                    Vector3 vert = new Vector3(verts[j].x, verts[j].y, verts[j].z);

                    vert = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                    //Debug.Log(verts[j].y + " => " + vert.y);

                    float scale = modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.y) * (1 - (amount * vert.y));


                    vert = new Vector3(vert.x * scale, vert.y, vert.z * scale);

                    verts [j] = m.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);
                // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------

                mesh.vertices = verts;
                mf.sharedMesh = mesh;

                GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go.GetComponent <MeshCollider>());

                MeshCollider mc = go.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
                mc.sharedMesh = mesh;
                mc.convex     = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < go.transform.childCount; i++)
                modifyGameObject(go.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject, m);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // GENERATE
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))


            float amount = parametricObject.floatValue("amount");

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        input_p      = parametricObject.getParameter("Input Mesh");
            AXParametricObject input_parent = input_p.DependsOn.Parent;

            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalTrans = input_parent.getLocalTransformMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAxis  = input_parent.getAxisRotationMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAlign = input_parent.generator.getLocalAlignMatrix();

            // just pass it through, but use grandparent's transform!

            for (int i = 0; i < input_p.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
                // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                AXMesh    amesh = input_p.DependsOn.meshes [i];
                Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;
                for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                    float new_y = (verts [j].y < .01) ? verts [j].y : verts [j].y + amount * (Mathf.PerlinNoise(verts [j].x, verts [j].z) * .5f);
                    verts [j] = new Vector3(verts [j].x, new_y, verts [j].z);
                m.vertices = verts;
                ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix * sourceLocalAlign.inverse * sourceLocalAxis.inverse * sourceLocalTrans.inverse));

            parametricObject.bounds = input_parent.bounds;
            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            //if (ArchimatixUtils.doDebug)
            //Debug.Log (parametricObject.Name + " generate +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");

            if (!parametricObject.isActive)

            if (parametricObject.Groupees == null)


            parametricObject.useMeshInputs = true;

            if (parametricObject.meshInputs == null)
                parametricObject.meshInputs = new List <AXParameter>();


            // pass Input Shape through...

            //Debug.Log( parametricObject.Name + " <><><><><> PROCESS INPUT SHAPES");
            List <AXParameter> inputShapes = parametricObject.getAllInputShapes();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputShapes.Count; i++)
                AXParameter inputShape = inputShapes[i];

                if (inputShape != null)
                    inputShape.polyTree = null;
                    AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref inputShape, inputShape.DependsOn);

            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            List <AXMesh> boundingMeshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            // for each input

            //List<AXParameter> inputMeshes = parametricObject.getAllInputMeshParameters();

            // Reinstate the original functionality of the Grouper as simple combiner in addition to Groupees.
            if (inputs != null && inputs.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                    if (inputs[i] != null && inputs[i].DependsOn != null)
                        if (inputs[i].Dependents != null || inputs[i].Dependents.Count == 0)
                            AXParameter        src_p  = inputs[i].DependsOn;
                            AXParametricObject src_po = inputs[i].DependsOn.parametricObject;
                            //if (! parametricObject.visited_pos.Contains (groupee))

                            //Debug.Log("groupee.generateOutputNow: " + groupee.Name + " isAltered="+groupee.isAltered);
                            if (src_po.isAltered)
                                src_po.generateOutputNow(makeGameObjects, initiator_po);
                                //Debug.Log("XXXXX: " + groupee.Output.meshes.Count);
                                src_po.isAltered = false;

                            if (src_p != null && src_p.meshes != null)
                                for (int j = 0; j < src_p.meshes.Count; j++)
                                    AXMesh dep_amesh = src_p.meshes [j];

                            // BOUNDING MESHES
                            //boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh;
                            //boundsCombinator[i].transform     = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            if (src_po.boundsMesh != null)
                                boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(src_po.boundsMesh, src_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment));

                            // GAME_OBJECTS

                            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                                GameObject plugGO = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);
                                if (plugGO != null)
                                    plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

            // *** GROUPEES - Generate the groupees here
            // so that all the inputs (thicknesses, etc.) have been processed first.

            //List<AXParametricObject> visited_pos = new List<AXParametricObject>();
            if (parametricObject.Groupees != null && parametricObject.Groupees.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < parametricObject.Groupees.Count; i++)
                    AXParametricObject groupee = parametricObject.Groupees [i];
                    //if (! parametricObject.visited_pos.Contains (groupee))

                    //Debug.Log("groupee.generateOutputNow: " + groupee.Name + " isAltered="+groupee.isAltered);
                    if (groupee.isAltered)
                        groupee.generateOutputNow(makeGameObjects, initiator_po);
                        //Debug.Log("XXXXX: " + groupee.Output.meshes.Count);
                        groupee.isAltered = false;

            // BOUNDING

            // Process
            for (int i = 0; i < parametricObject.Groupees.Count; i++)
                AXParametricObject groupee = parametricObject.Groupees [i];

                //if (input_p != null && input_p.DependsOn != null && input_p.DependsOn.meshes != null && input_p.DependsOn.meshes.Count > 0) {
                //if (groupee != null && groupee.is3D() && ! groupee.hasDependents() && groupee.Output != null && groupee.Output.meshes != null)
                if (groupee != null && groupee.is3D() && groupee.shouldRenderSelf(true))
                    // AX_MESHES
                    //Debug.Log("(*) (*) (*) (*) groupee: " + groupee.Name + " " +groupee.Output.meshes.Count + " isAltered = " + groupee.isAltered);
                    if (groupee.Output != null && groupee.Output.meshes != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < groupee.Output.meshes.Count; j++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = groupee.Output.meshes [j];

                    // BOUNDING MESHES
                    //boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh;
                    //boundsCombinator[i].transform     = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                    if (groupee.boundsMesh != null)
                        boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(groupee.boundsMesh, groupee.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment));

                    // GAME_OBJECTS

                    if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                        GameObject plugGO = groupee.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);
                        if (plugGO != null)
                            plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

            // FINISH AX_MESHES

            //Debug.Log("ORG: " + ax_meshes.Count);
            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

            // FINISH BOUNDS

            CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingMeshes.Count];
            for (int bb = 0; bb < boundsCombinator.Length; bb++)
                boundsCombinator[bb].mesh      = boundingMeshes[bb].mesh;
                boundsCombinator[bb].transform = boundingMeshes[bb].transMatrix;

            if (P_BoundsX != null && !P_BoundsX.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsX.hasExpressions())
                P_BoundsX.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.x;

            if (P_BoundsY != null && !P_BoundsY.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsY.hasExpressions())
                P_BoundsY.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.y;

            if (P_BoundsZ != null && !P_BoundsZ.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsZ.hasExpressions())
                P_BoundsZ.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.z;

            // FINISH GAME_OBJECTS

            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true, false);

                    // COMBINE ALL THE MESHES
                    CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[ax_meshes.Count];

                    int combineCt = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ax_meshes.Count; i++)
                        AXMesh _amesh = ax_meshes [i];
                        combine [combineCt].mesh      = _amesh.mesh;
                        combine [combineCt].transform = _amesh.transMatrix;

                    Mesh combinedMesh = new Mesh();

                    // If combine, use combined mesh as invisible collider
                    MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)go.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));

                    if (mf == null)
                        mf = (MeshFilter)go.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));

                    if (mf != null)
                        mf.sharedMesh = combinedMesh;

                    Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                    go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                    go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                    go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();

            //parametricObject.model.sw.milestone(parametricObject.Name + " generate");

        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)

            if (P_Input == null || P_Input.DependsOn == null || P_Input.DependsOn.meshes == null || P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count == 0)

            if (inputSrc_po == null)
                inputSrc_po = P_Input.DependsOn.parametricObject;

            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects)
                go = inputSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);
                if (go == null)

                go.name = go.name + " (Inst)";
                AXGameObject axgo = go.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                if (axgo != null)
                    axgo.makerPO_GUID = parametricObject.Guid;

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            Matrix4x4 srcLocalM = inputSrc_po.getLocalMatrix().inverse;

            // just pass it through, but use grandparent's transform!

            // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
            // It only uses its mesh, textures, etc.
            for (int mi = 0; mi < P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count; mi++)
                AXMesh amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [mi];
                ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(srcLocalM * amesh.transMatrix));

            parametricObject.bounds     = inputSrc_po.bounds;
            parametricObject.boundsMesh = inputSrc_po.boundsMesh;

            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

            // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects
            if (makeGameObjects)
                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.localScale = AXUtilities.GetScale(tmx);                         //
                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);

Exemplo n.º 5
        // GENERATE
        // This is the main function for generating a Shape, Mesh, or any other output that a node may be tasked with generating.
        // You can do pre processing of Inputs here, but that might best be done in an override of pollControlValuesFromParmeters().
        // Often, you will be creating a list of AXMesh objects. AXMesh has a Mesh, a Matrix4x4 and a Material
        // to be used when drawing the ouput to the scene before creating GameObjects. Your list of AXMeshes generated
        // is pased to the model via parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput().
        // When generate() is called by AX, it will be either with makeGameObjects set to true or false.
        // makeGameObjects=False is passed when the user is dragging a parameter and the model is regenerateing multiple times per second.
        // makeGameObjects=True is passed when the user has stopped editing (for example, OnMouseup from a Handle) and it is time to
        // build a GameObject hierarchy.

        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            // At this point the amount variable has been set to the FloatValue of its amount parameter.

            // AXMeshes are the key product of a Generator3D
            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        inputSrc_p  = P_Input.DependsOn;
            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

            Perlin perlin = new Perlin();

            perlin.Frequency   = frequency;
            perlin.OctaveCount = octaves;
            perlin.Persistence = persistence;
            perlin.Lacunarity  = lacunarity;

            if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)              // Is there an input node connected to this node?
                //Debug.Log("P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count="+P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count + ", "+ P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[0].GetType());
                AXMesh amesh = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
                    if (amount == 0)
                        amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i];
                        // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                        amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i].Clone();
                        Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                        Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;

                        for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                            Vector3 vert = new Vector3(verts[j].x, verts[j].y, verts[j].z);

                            Vector3 ray = (vert - center);

                            float mag = ray.magnitude;

                            vert = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                            //float len = Mathf.Sqrt(vert.x*vert.x + vert.z*vert.z);

                            float pval          = (float)perlin.GetValue(vert);
                            float curveScaleVal = (modifierCurve != null) ? modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.y) : 1;

                            float pang = pval * 6 * 100;
                            pang *= (modifierCurve != null) ? modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.y) * curveScaleVal : 1;

                            if (fromCenter)
                                vert = vert + (ray.normalized * pval * amount * .1f);                                //(amount*.5f));
                            else if (verticalOnly)
                                vert.y += pval * curveScaleVal * -amount;
                                Vector3 tilter = Quaternion.Euler(pang, pang, pang) * vert.normalized * amount / 100;
                                vert += tilter;

                            verts [j] = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);
                        m.vertices = verts;

                // Assume the noise is not so great that it significantly changes the bounds...
                parametricObject.boundsMesh = inputSrc_po.boundsMesh;
                parametricObject.bounds     = inputSrc_po.bounds;

                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                if (makeGameObjects)

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            //Debug.Log ("PairRepeater::Generate ");
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)


            if ((nodeSrc_p == null || nodeSrc_p.meshes == null || nodeSrc_p.meshes.Count == 0) && (nodeSrc_po != null && !(nodeSrc_po.generator is PrefabInstancer)))

            if (P_Node == null || P_Node.DependsOn == null)

            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            GameObject plugGO = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                plugGO = nodeSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

                if (plugGO == null)

            float separationX = zAxis ? 0 : separation;
            float separationZ = zAxis ? -separation : 0;

            CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[2];

            // * RIGHT INSTANCE	*
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Right Instance is at Address 0...
            Matrix4x4 localPlacement_mx = localNodeMatrixFromAddress(0);

            // use submeshes for right instance

            // AX_MESHES

            for (int mi = 0; mi < P_Node.DependsOn.meshes.Count; mi++)
                AXMesh dep_amesh = P_Node.DependsOn.meshes [mi];
                ax_meshes.Add(dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix));

            // BOUNDING MESHES

            boundsCombinator[0].mesh      = nodeSrc_po.boundsMesh;
            boundsCombinator[0].transform = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

            // GAME_OBJECTS

            if (plugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(plugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));
                copyGO.transform.localScale = nodeSrc_po.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();

                AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                if (axgo != null)
                    axgo.consumerAddress = "node_0";

                copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_node_right";
                copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

            // * INVERSE (LEFT) INSTANCE
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            // ***--- AX_MESHES - INVERSE (LEFT) ---***

            translate = new Vector3(-separationX / 2, 0, -separationZ / 2);

            // LOCAL PLACEMENT
            localPlacement_mx = localNodeMatrixFromAddress(1);

            // use submeshes for left instance
            for (int mi = 0; mi < P_Node.DependsOn.meshes.Count; mi++)
                // CLONE
                AXMesh dep_amesh = P_Node.DependsOn.meshes [mi];
                AXMesh clone     = dep_amesh.Clone();
                // SYMETRICAL?
                if (symmetrical)
                    clone.mesh        = AXMesh.freezeWithMatrix(dep_amesh.mesh, symmetryM * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                    clone.transMatrix = localPlacement_mx * symmetryM.inverse;
                    clone = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * symmetryM.inverse * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                // ADD TO AX_MESHES

            // BOUNDING MESHES

            boundsCombinator[1].mesh      = nodeSrc_po.boundsMesh;
            boundsCombinator[1].transform = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

            //   *** --- INVERSE (LEFT) - GAME_OBJECT ---**
            if (plugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                // LOCAL PLACEMENT
                //Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx  * symmetryM * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                // GAME_OBJECT
                GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(plugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));
                copyGO.transform.localScale = nodeSrc_po.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();

                // SYMETRICAL?
                if (symmetrical)
                    copyGO.transform.localScale = copyGO.transform.localScale * -1;
                    if (zAxis)
                        copyGO.transform.Rotate(0, 180, 180);
                        copyGO.transform.Rotate(180, 0, 0);

                // Force a refreshing of the colliders down the instatiatined hierachy
                // Based on a solution provided by pkamat here:http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/how-to-update-a-mesh-collider.32467/

                foreach (MeshCollider mc in copyGO.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshCollider>())
                    mc.sharedMesh = null;
                    mc.sharedMesh = mc.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

                // ADD GAME_OBJECT
                AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                if (axgo != null)
                    axgo.consumerAddress = "node_1";

                copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_node_left";
                copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;


            CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[ax_meshes.Count];

            int combineCt = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ax_meshes.Count; i++)
                AXMesh _amesh = ax_meshes [i];
                combine [combineCt].mesh      = _amesh.mesh;
                combine [combineCt].transform = _amesh.transMatrix;
            Mesh combinedMesh = new Mesh();


            // BOUNDARY - Use combined meshes for boundary

             * // BOUNDS & CENTER
             * Vector3 margin = new Vector3(source_po.bounds.size.x, source_po.bounds.size.y, source_po.bounds.size.z);
             * Bounds b = new Bounds();
             * b.size = new Vector3(separationX + margin.x, margin.y, separationZ + margin.z);
             * b.extents = b.size/2;
             * b.center = source_po.bounds.center;// + new Vector3(0, b.extents.y, 0);
             * parametricObject.margin = margin;
             * parametricObject.bounds = b;

            // FINISH
            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

            // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects
            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true, false);

                    // If combine, use combined mesh as invisible collider
                    MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)go.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));
                    if (mf == null)
                        mf = (MeshFilter)go.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));
                    if (mf != null)
                        mf.sharedMesh = combinedMesh;


                //Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.generator.localMatrix;
                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();


Exemplo n.º 7
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool renderToOutputParameter)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)
            //Debug.Log("yo ******* makeGameObjects="+makeGameObjects);

            // RESULTING MESHES
            ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            paths_SubsplineIndices = new List <SubsplineIndices[]>();


            planSrc_p  = P_Plan.DependsOn;                         // getUpstreamSourceParameter(P_Plan);
            planSrc_po = (planSrc_p != null)                                                           ? planSrc_p.parametricObject    : null;

            //Debug.Log("planSrc_po = " + planSrc_po.Name+"."+planSrc_p.Name + " ... " + planSrc_p.DependsOn.PType + " ..... " + planSrc_p.getPaths());

            P_Plan.polyTree = null;
            AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref P_Plan, planSrc_p);
            if (P_Plan.reverse)

            planPaths = P_Plan.getPaths();

            if (planPaths == null || planPaths.Count == 0)

            // ** CREATE PLAN_SPLINES **

            if (planPaths != null && planPaths.Count > 0)
                planSplines = new Spline[planPaths.Count];

                if (planSplines != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < planSplines.Length; i++)
                        planSplines[i] = new Spline(planPaths[i], (P_Plan.shapeState == ShapeState.Closed) ? true : false);

            //Debug.Log("controlVertices="+ planSplines[0].controlVertices.Count);

            // CORNER_MESH
            GameObject cornerPlugGO = null;

            if (cornerSrc_p != null)
                cornerSrc_po = cornerSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    cornerPlugGO = cornerSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, renderToOutputParameter);

            // NODE_MESH

            GameObject nodePlugGO = null;

            if (nodeSrc_p != null)
                nodeSrc_po = nodeSrc_p.parametricObject;
                //Debug.Log("yo makeGameObjects="+makeGameObjects+", parametricObject.combineMeshes="+parametricObject.combineMeshes);
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    nodePlugGO = nodeSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, renderToOutputParameter);

            // CELL_MESH

            GameObject cellPlugGO = null;

            if (cellSrc_p != null)
                cellSrc_po = cellSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    cellPlugGO = cellSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, renderToOutputParameter);

            // Plan
            // This is the main spline used for the iteration

            //AXParameter plan_p = ip.DependsOn;

            // The section spline is used to provide the connective tissue around corners

            // SECTION

            // The plan may have multiple paths. Each may generate a separate GO.

            sectionSrc_p  = P_Section.DependsOn;              //getUpstreamSourceParameter(P_Section);
            sectionSrc_po = (sectionSrc_p != null) ? sectionSrc_p.parametricObject : null;

            if (sectionSrc_po != null)
                P_Section.polyTree = null;
                AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref P_Section, sectionSrc_p);
                if (P_Section.reverse)

            float bay_U = parametricObject.floatValue("bay_U");
            float bay_V = parametricObject.floatValue("bay_V");

            if (bay_U == 0)
                bay_U = .1f;
            if (bay_V == 0)
                bay_V = 10f;

            float margin_U = parametricObject.floatValue("margin_U");

            Vector2 prevV = new Vector2();

            //Vector3 scaler1   = Vector3.one;

            //float margin = 2.5f;

            Vector2 firstPM = new Vector2();
            Vector2 prevVM  = new Vector2();

            AXSpline secSpline = null;
            AXSplineExtrudeGenerator tmpEXSP = null;

            if (sectionSrc_p != null && sectionSrc_p.spline != null && sectionSrc_p.spline.vertCount > 0)
                secSpline = sectionSrc_p.spline;

            tmpEXSP = new AXSplineExtrudeGenerator();

            Material tmp_mat = parametricObject.axMat.mat;

            if (parametricObject.axTex != null)
                tmpEXSP.uScale = parametricObject.axTex.scale.x;
                tmpEXSP.vScale = parametricObject.axTex.scale.y;
                tmpEXSP.uShift = -parametricObject.axTex.shift.x;
                tmpEXSP.vShift = parametricObject.axTex.shift.y;

            float runningU = 0;


            //Spline sectionSpline = null;
            //	= new Spline(sectionPath, sectionIsClosed,  sec_p.breakGeom, sec_p.breakNorm);

            GameObject go     = null;
            GameObject planGO = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            // BOUNDING

            List <AXMesh> boundingMeshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            // FOR EACH PATH
            for (int path_i = 0; path_i < planPaths.Count; path_i++)
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    planGO = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name + "_" + path_i, parametricObject);

                // **** PREPARE EACH SPLINE *** //

                Spline planSpline = planSplines[path_i];

                planSpline.breakAngleCorners = cornerBreakAngle;
                planSpline.shapeState        = P_Plan.shapeState;

                // Create subsplines between each break point
                planSpline.getSmoothSubsplineIndicies(0, maxSegmentLength);

                // ....... DEBUG

                planSpline.groupNearBreakAngleVertices(inset * 2);

                if (planSpline.groupedCornerNodes == null || planSpline.groupedCornerNodes.Count == 0)
                    inset = 0;

                // **** PREPARE EACH SPLINE *** //

                Matrix4x4 localPlacement_mx = Matrix4x4.identity;

                //  INSET PLANSWEEPS
                GameObject plansweepGO = null;

                if (sectionSrc_p != null && inset > 0 && planSpline.insetSplines != null)
                    // convert planSpline.insetSplines to Paths
                    Paths insetPaths = AXGeometryTools.Utilities.Splines2Paths(planSpline.insetSplines);

                    AXParameter tmpPlanP = new AXParameter();
                    tmpPlanP.parametricObject = parametricObject;
                    tmpPlanP.paths            = insetPaths;
                    tmpPlanP.Type             = AXParameter.DataType.Shape;
                    tmpPlanP.shapeState       = ShapeState.Open;
                    tmpPlanP.breakGeom        = 0;

                    if (planSpline.insetSplines.Count == 1)
                        tmpPlanP.shapeState = planSpline.insetSplines[0].shapeState;

                    topCap = false;
                    botCap = false;

                    plansweepGO = generateFirstPass(initiator_po, makeGameObjects, tmpPlanP, P_Section, Matrix4x4.identity, renderToOutputParameter, false);

                    if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes && plansweepGO != null)
                        plansweepGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

                AXMesh tmpMesh = null;

                if (planSpline.insetSpanSplines != null && planSpline.insetSpanSplines.Count > 0)
                    //Debug.Log(".....????>> spanSpline.subsplines.Count="+ planSpline.insetSpanSplines.Count + " --- " + planSpline.subsplines.Count );
                    for (int si = 0; si < planSpline.insetSpanSplines.Count; si++)
                        planSpline.insetSpanSplines[si].setRepeaterTransforms(si, inset, bay);

                    if (nodeSrc_p != null && nodeSrc_p.meshes != null)
                        //int endCount = (P_Plan != null && P_Plan.shapeState == ShapeState.Open) ?  planSpline.subsplines.Count-1 : planSpline.subsplines.Count;
                        int endCount = (P_Plan != null && P_Plan.shapeState == ShapeState.Open) ?  planSpline.insetSpanSplines.Count - 1 : planSpline.insetSpanSplines.Count;

                        for (int i = 0; i < endCount; i++)
                            //SubsplineIndices rsi = planSpline.subsplines[i];
                            Spline spanSpline = planSpline.insetSpanSplines[i];

                            //Debug.Log(i + "||||||||||> " + spanSpline.toString());

                            List <Matrix4x4> nodeMatrices = spanSpline.repeaterNodeTransforms;

                            // on each of these nodes, place a nodePlug instance.
                            bool spanNodesAtBreakCorners = true;

                            int starter = (inset > 0 || spanNodesAtBreakCorners) ? 0 : 1;

                            int ender = (inset > 0 || spanSpline.shapeState == ShapeState.Open || planSpline.subsplines.Count == 1) ? nodeMatrices.Count : nodeMatrices.Count - 1;

                            //Debug.Log("starter="+starter +", ender="+ender + ", nodeMatrices.Count=" + nodeMatrices.Count);

                            //Debug.Log("(inset > 0 && spanNodesAtBreakCorners)="+(inset > 0 && spanNodesAtBreakCorners)+", nodeMatrices.Length="+nodeMatrices.Length+", starter="+starter+", ender="+ender);

                            string this_address = "";

                            if (nodeMatrices != null)
                                for (int ii = starter; ii < ender; ii++)
                                    this_address = "node_" + path_i + "_" + i + "_" + ii;

                                    // LOCAL_PLACEMENT

                                    localPlacement_mx = localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Node, path_i, i, ii);

                                    // AX_MESHES

                                    for (int mi = 0; mi < nodeSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                                        AXMesh dep_amesh = nodeSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                                        tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                                        tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                                    // BOUNDING
                                    boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(nodeSrc_po.boundsMesh, localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrix));

                                    //Debug.Log("boundingMeshes: " + boundingMeshes.Count);

                                    // GAME_OBJECTS

                                    if (nodePlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                                        Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                                        GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(nodePlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                                        Vector3 newJitterScale = jitterScale + Vector3.one;
                                        copyGO.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * newJitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * newJitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * newJitterScale.z);
                                        copyGO.transform.localScale += jitterScale;

                                        AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();

                                        if (axgo != null)
                                            axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;
                                            //Debug.Log("ADD ADDRESS: " + this_address);
                                        copyGO.name = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;

                                        //Debug.Log("copyGO.name = "+copyGO.name);

                                        copyGO.transform.parent = planGO.transform;
                    }                     // \NODE MESHES

                    if (cellSrc_p != null && cellSrc_p.meshes != null)
                        //int endCount = (P_Plan != null && P_Plan.shapeState == ShapeState.Open) ?  planSpline.subsplines.Count-1 : planSpline.subsplines.Count;
                        int endCount = (P_Plan != null && P_Plan.shapeState == ShapeState.Open) ?  planSpline.insetSpanSplines.Count - 1 : planSpline.insetSpanSplines.Count;

                        for (int i = 0; i < endCount; i++)
                            //SubsplineIndices rsi = planSpline.subsplines[i];
                            Spline spanSpline = planSpline.insetSpanSplines[i];

                            spanSpline.setRepeaterTransforms(i, inset, bay);

                            List <Matrix4x4> cellMatrices = spanSpline.repeaterCellTransforms;

                            // on each of these cell, place a nodePlug instance.
                            //bool spanNodesAtBreakCorners = true;

                            int starter = 0;                            //spanNodesAtBreakCorners ? 0 : 1;

                            //int ender     = (inset > 0 || spanNodesAtBreakCorners) ? cellMatrices.Count : cellMatrices.Count-1;
                            int ender = cellMatrices.Count;

                            //Debug.Log("(inset > 0 && spanNodesAtBreakCorners)="+(inset > 0 && spanNodesAtBreakCorners)+", nodeMatrices.Length="+nodeMatrices.Length+", starter="+starter+", ender="+ender);

                            string this_address = "";

                            if (cellMatrices != null)
                                for (int ii = starter; ii < ender; ii++)
                                    // ADDRESS

                                    this_address = "cell_" + path_i + "_" + i + "_" + ii;

                                    // LOCAL_PLACEMENT

                                    localPlacement_mx = localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Cell, path_i, i, ii);

                                    // AX_MESHES

                                    for (int mi = 0; mi < cellSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                                        AXMesh dep_amesh = cellSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                                        tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                                        tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                                    // BOUNDING
                                    boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(cellSrc_po.boundsMesh, localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrix));

                                    // GAME_OBJECTS

                                    if (cellPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                                        Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                                        GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(cellPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                                        Vector3 newJitterScale = jitterScale + Vector3.one;
                                        copyGO.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * newJitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * newJitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * newJitterScale.z);
                                        copyGO.transform.localScale += jitterScale;

                                        AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();

                                        if (axgo != null)
                                            axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;
                                            //Debug.Log("ADD ADDRESS: " + this_address);
                                        copyGO.name = copyGO.name + "_";                                      // + this_address;

                                        //Debug.Log("copyGO.name = "+copyGO.name);

                                        copyGO.transform.parent = planGO.transform;
                    }             // \CELL MESHES
                }                 // \each spanSpline

                // BREAK CORNER MESHES

                if (cornerSrc_p != null && cornerSrc_p.meshes != null)
                    for (int bi = 0; bi < planSpline.breakIndices.Count; bi++)
                        // ADDRESS

                        string this_address = "corner_" + path_i + "_" + planSpline.breakIndices[bi];

                        // LOCAL_PLACEMENT

                        localPlacement_mx = localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Corner, path_i, planSpline.breakIndices[bi]);

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int mi = 0; mi < cornerSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = cornerSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING
                        boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(cornerSrc_po.boundsMesh, localPlacement_mx * cornerSrc_po.generator.localMatrix));

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (cornerPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * cornerSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(cornerPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            Vector3 newJitterScale = jitterScale + Vector3.one;
                            copyGO.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * newJitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * newJitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * newJitterScale.z);
                            copyGO.transform.localScale += jitterScale;

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = planGO.transform;

                 * int cells = Mathf.CeilToInt( md/bay_U );
                 * int nby = Mathf.CeilToInt( height/bay_V );
                 * //Debug.Log ("d="+d+", md="+md);
                 * float actual_bayx = md/cells;
                 * float actual_bayy = height/nby;
                 * // ******************************************************************************
                 * // someting similar shoud be added to griditerator, stepiterator, and where else?
                 * // instead of prev, would be better to create a dictionary of bounds and AXMeshes?
                 * if (bay_span_p != null && (prevActuralBayx != actual_bayx || prevActuralBayx != actual_bayy))
                 * {
                 *      // regnerate the input meshes using actual_bayx
                 *      bay_span_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("uScale", parametricObject.floatValue("uScale"));
                 *      bay_span_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("vScale", parametricObject.floatValue("vScale"));
                 *      bay_span_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("uShift", parametricObject.floatValue("uShift"));
                 *      bay_span_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("vShift", parametricObject.floatValue("vShift"));
                 *      //bay_span_p.Parent.generateOutputNow (makeGameObjects, parametricObject, true);//, new Vector3(actual_bayx, actual_bayy, margin_th));
                 * }
                 * // ******************************************************************************
                 * // ******************************************************************************
                 * // someting similar shoud be added to griditerator, stepiterator, and where else?
                 * // instead of prev, would be better to create a dictionary of bounds and AXMeshes?
                 * if (node_p != null && (prevActuralBayx != actual_bayx || prevActuralBayx != actual_bayy))
                 * {
                 *      // regnerate the input meshes using actual_bayx
                 *      node_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("uScale", parametricObject.floatValue("uScale"));
                 *      node_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("vScale", parametricObject.floatValue("vScale"));
                 *      node_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("uShift", parametricObject.floatValue("uShift"));
                 *      node_p.Parent.setParameterValueByName("vShift", parametricObject.floatValue("vShift"));
                 *      //node_p.Parent.generateOutputNow (makeGameObjects, parametricObject, true);//, new Vector3(actual_bayx, actual_bayy, margin_th));
                 * }
                 * // ******************************************************************************

                //margin_U = .5f;
                if (margin_U > 0 && planSpline.isClosed)
                    AXSpline connSpline2 = new AXSpline();
                    connSpline2.isClosed = false;

                    tmpEXSP.uShift = parametricObject.floatValue("uShift") + (runningU) / tmpEXSP.uScale;

                    Mesh mesh = tmpEXSP.generate(connSpline2, secSpline);
                    ax_meshes.Add(new AXMesh(mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, tmp_mat));

                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    planGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
            }            // end paths


            // FINISH AX_MESHES
            //Debug.Log("finish " + ax_meshes.Count);
            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, renderToOutputParameter);

            // FINISH BOUNDS

            CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingMeshes.Count];
            for (int bb = 0; bb < boundsCombinator.Length; bb++)
                boundsCombinator[bb].mesh      = boundingMeshes[bb].mesh;
                boundsCombinator[bb].transform = boundingMeshes[bb].transMatrix;

            // FINISH GAME_OBJECTS

            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true);

                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();                        //AXUtilities.GetScale(tmx);

                if (P_Plan.reverse)

                if (P_Section != null && P_Section.reverse)

                // Submit AXMeshes for realtime rendering
                //parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, renderToOutputParameter);

            if (P_Plan.reverse)

            if (P_Section != null && P_Section.reverse)

Exemplo n.º 8
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)


            // NODE_MESH
            GameObject nodePlugGO = null;

            if (nodeSrc_p != null)
                nodeSrc_po = nodeSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    nodePlugGO = nodeSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // CELL_MESH
            GameObject cellPlugGO = null;

            if (cellSrc_p != null)
                cellSrc_po = cellSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    cellPlugGO = cellSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            if (nodeSrc_po == null && cellSrc_po == null)
                if (P_Output != null)
                    P_Output.meshes = null;


            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            Matrix4x4 localPlacement_mx = Matrix4x4.identity;

            // -----------------------------------

            shiftU = 0;
            //shiftU = (topStep) ? (-steps * actual_tread / 2) : (-(steps-1) * actual_tread / 2);

            AXMesh tmpMesh;

            // BOUNDING

            CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[steps];

            // LOOP

            //Debug.Log(nodeSrc_po.Name + ": " + nodeSrc_po.boundsMesh.vertices.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
                //Debug.Log("["+i+"] i*actualBay="+i*actualBay+", perval="+perlval);

                if (i == steps - 1 && !topStep)

                // NODES
                if (nodeSrc_po != null && nodeSrc_p.meshes != null)
                    string this_address = "node_" + i;

                    // LOCAL_PLACEMENT

                    localPlacement_mx = localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Node, i);

                    // AX_MESHES

                    for (int mi = 0; mi < nodeSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                        AXMesh dep_amesh = nodeSrc_p.meshes [mi];

                        tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                        tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                    // BOUNDING MESHES

                    boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = nodeSrc_po.boundsMesh;
                    boundsCombinator[i].transform = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                    // GAME_OBJECTS

                    if (nodePlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                        //Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx  * parametricObject.getTransMatrix() * source.getTransMatrix();

                        Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                        GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(nodePlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                        Vector3 newJitterScale = jitterScale + Vector3.one;
                        copyGO.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * newJitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * newJitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * newJitterScale.z);
                        copyGO.transform.localScale += jitterScale;

                                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                        //if (parametricObject.model.isSelected(nodeSrc_po) && nodeSrc_po.selectedConsumerAddress == this_address)
                        //	Selection.activeGameObject = copyGO;

                        AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                        if (axgo != null)
                            axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                        copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                        copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                }                 // \NODES

                // CELLS
                if (cellSrc_po != null && cellSrc_p.meshes != null)
                    string this_address = "cell_" + i;

                    // LOCAL_PLACEMENT

                    localPlacement_mx = localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Cell, i);

                    // AX_MESHES

                    for (int mi = 0; mi < cellSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                        AXMesh dep_amesh = cellSrc_p.meshes [mi];

                        tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                        tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                    // BOUNDING MESHES

                    boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = cellSrc_po.boundsMesh;
                    boundsCombinator[i].transform = localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                    // GAME_OBJECTS

                    if (cellPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                        //Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx  * parametricObject.getTransMatrix() * source.getTransMatrix();

                        Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                        GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(cellPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                        Vector3 newJitterScale = jitterScale + Vector3.one;
                        copyGO.transform.localScale  = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * newJitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * newJitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * newJitterScale.z);
                        copyGO.transform.localScale += jitterScale;

                                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                        //if (parametricObject.model.isSelected(nodeSrc_po) && nodeSrc_po.selectedConsumerAddress == this_address)
                        //	Selection.activeGameObject = copyGO;

                        AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                        if (axgo != null)
                            axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                        copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                        copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                }         // \CELLS
            }             //i

            //Debug.Log(parametricObject.Name + " : " + parametricObject.bounds);


            // FINNISH AX_MESHES

            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

            // FINISH BOUNDARIES


            // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects
            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true);

                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();                        //AXUtilities.GetScale(tmx);


Exemplo n.º 9
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            //Debug.Log("repeaterToolU="+repeaterToolU+", repeaterToolV="+repeaterToolV);
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)

            if (repeaterTool == null)


            // FLOOR_MESH (NODE_MESH)
            AXParametricObject nodeSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         nodePlugGO = null;

            //Debug.Log("Get source");
            if (nodeSrc_p != null)
                nodeSrc_po = nodeSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    nodePlugGO = nodeSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // STORY MESH (CELL_MESH)
            AXParametricObject storySrc_po = null;
            GameObject         storyPlugGO = null;

            if (storySrc_p != null)
                storySrc_po = storySrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    storyPlugGO = storySrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // TOP_FLOOR
            AXParametricObject topSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         topPlugGO = null;

            if (topSrc_p != null)
                topSrc_po = topSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    topPlugGO = topSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);
            // BOTTOM_FLOOR
            AXParametricObject bottomSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         bottomPlugGO = null;

            if (bottomSrc_p != null)
                bottomSrc_po = bottomSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    bottomPlugGO = bottomSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            if (nodeSrc_po == null && storySrc_po == null && topSrc_po == null && bottomSrc_po == null)
                if (P_Output != null)
                    P_Output.meshes = null;


            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            Matrix4x4 localPlacement_mx = Matrix4x4.identity;

            // -----------------------------------

            int max_reps = 150;

            int   cellsU     = Mathf.Clamp(repeaterTool.cells, 1, max_reps);
            float actualBayU = repeaterTool.actualBay;

            shiftU = -cellsU * actualBayU / 2;

            AXMesh tmpMesh;

            // BAY SPAN
            // Spanners are meshers that get replicated and sized to fit the bay...

            // prepare mesh to iterate in each direction

            // BOUNDING

            int boundingObjectCount = 0;

            if (nodeSrc_po != null && nodeSrc_p.meshes != null)
                boundingObjectCount += cellsU + 1;

                if (!topFloor)

                if (!bottomFloor)

            if (storySrc_p != null && storySrc_p.meshes != null)
                boundingObjectCount += cellsU;

                if (!topStory)

                if (!bottomStory)

            //Debug.Log(cellsU + " :::::: " + boundingObjectCount);

            CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingObjectCount];
            int boundingCursor = 0;

            // LOOP
            for (int i = 0; i <= cellsU; i++)
                // FLOORS (NODES)
                if ((i == 0 && bottomFloor) || (i == cellsU && topFloor) || (i > 0 && i < cellsU))
                    AXParameter        tmpSrc_p  = nodeSrc_p;
                    AXParametricObject tmpSrc_po = nodeSrc_po;
                    GameObject         tmpPlugGO = nodePlugGO;
                    if (i == 0 && bottomSrc_p != null)
                        tmpSrc_p  = bottomSrc_p;
                        tmpSrc_po = bottomSrc_po;
                        tmpPlugGO = bottomPlugGO;
                    else if (i == cellsU && topSrc_p != null)
                        tmpSrc_p  = topSrc_p;
                        tmpSrc_po = topSrc_po;
                        tmpPlugGO = topPlugGO;

                    if (tmpSrc_po != null && tmpSrc_p.meshes != null)
                        string this_address = "node_" + i;

                        localPlacement_mx = localNodeMatrixFromAddress(i);

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int j = 0; j < tmpSrc_p.meshes.Count; j++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = tmpSrc_p.meshes [j];

                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING MESHES

                        boundsCombinator[boundingCursor].mesh      = tmpSrc_po.boundsMesh;
                        boundsCombinator[boundingCursor].transform = localPlacement_mx * tmpSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (tmpPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            //Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx  * parametricObject.getTransMatrix() * source.getTransMatrix();

                            Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * tmpSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(tmpPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                            //if (parametricObject.model.isSelected(tmpSrc_po) && tmpSrc_po.selectedConsumerAddress == this_address)
                            //	Selection.activeGameObject = copyGO;

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                    }                     // \NODES

                // STORIES (CELLS)
                if ((i == 0 && bottomStory) || (i == cellsU - 1 && topStory) || (i > 0 && i < cellsU - 1))
                    if (storySrc_p != null && storySrc_p.meshes != null && i < cellsU)
                        string this_address = "cell_" + i;

                        // LOCAL_PLACEMENT
                        localPlacement_mx = localCellMatrixFromAddress(i);

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int j = 0; j < storySrc_p.meshes.Count; j++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = storySrc_p.meshes [j];
                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING MESHES
                        if (boundsCombinator.Length > boundingCursor)
                            boundsCombinator[boundingCursor].mesh      = storySrc_po.boundsMesh;
                            boundsCombinator[boundingCursor].transform = localPlacement_mx * storySrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (storyPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            //Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx  * parametricObject.getTransMatrix() * source.getTransMatrix();
                            Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * storySrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(storyPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                    }     // \ STORIES (CELLS)
            }             //i


            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);


            // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects
            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true);

                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();                        //AXUtilities.GetScale(tmx);


Exemplo n.º 10
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool renderToOutputParameter)
            if (inputs != null && inputs.Count > 0)
                float bayw = 2f;

                List <Vector3> verts = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Vector2> uvs   = new List <Vector2>();

                List <int> tris = new List <int>();


                Paths paths = new Paths();
                Path  path  = null;

                int prevPathCount = 0;

                for (int c = 0; c < inputs.Count; c++)
                    if (inputs[c].DependsOn == null)

                    path = inputs[c].DependsOn.getPaths()[0];


                    verts.AddRange(AXGeometryTools.Utilities.path2Vec3s(path, AXGeometryTools.Axis.Y, (c * bayw)));

                    if (c > 0)
                        shiftIndices.Add(shiftIndices[shiftIndices.Count - 1] + prevPathCount);

                    prevPathCount = path.Count;

                for (int u = 0; u < verts.Count; u++)

                for (int a = 0; a < inputs.Count - 1; a++)
                    int b = a + 1;

                    //				foreach (Vector3 vert in verts)
                    //					Debug.Log(vert);
                    if (inputs[a].DependsOn == null)
                    if (inputs[b].DependsOn == null)
                    Path pathA = inputs[a].DependsOn.getPaths()[0];
                    Path pathB = inputs[b].DependsOn.getPaths()[0];

                    int av = 0;
                    int bv = 0;

                    // Step through...
                    // each loop is a triangle

                    int gov = 0;
                    while (av < pathA.Count - 1)
                        if (gov > 25)

                        // add the first two points of the triangle
                        tris.Add(getIndex(a, av));
                        tris.Add(getIndex(b, bv));

                        IntPoint aa1 = pathA[av];
                        IntPoint aa2 = pathA[av + 1];

                        IntPoint bb1 = pathB[bv];
                        IntPoint bb2 = pathB[bv + 1];

                        //Debug.Log(aa1.X + ", " + aa1.Y + "  --- " + bb1.X + ", " + bb1.Y);

                        // if dist(aa1, bb1) < dist(bb1, aa2), uadd the former to the triabgle.
                        if (Pather.DistanceSquared(aa1, bb2) < Pather.DistanceSquared(bb1, aa2))
                            //Debug.Log("use bb2");

                            tris.Add(getIndex(b, bv));
                            //Debug.Log("use aa2");
                            tris.Add(getIndex(a, av));


//				foreach (int t in tris)
//					Debug.Log(t);

                // create mesh and GameObject
                Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

                mesh.vertices  = verts.ToArray();
                mesh.triangles = tris.ToArray();
                mesh.uv        = uvs.ToArray();


                AXMesh axmesh = new AXMesh(mesh);
                ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

                // FINISH AX_MESHES

                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, true);                //renderToOutputParameter);

                // FINISH BOUNDING


                if (makeGameObjects)

Exemplo n.º 11
        // GENERATE
        // This is the main function for generating a Shape, Mesh, or any other output that a node may be tasked with generating.
        // You can do pre processing of Inputs here, but that might best be done in an override of pollControlValuesFromParmeters().
        // Often, you will be creating a list of AXMesh objects. AXMesh has a Mesh, a Matrix4x4 and a Material
        // to be used when drawing the ouput to the scene before creating GameObjects. Your list of AXMeshes generated
        // is pased to the model via parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput().
        // When generate() is called by AX, it will be either with makeGameObjects set to true or false.
        // makeGameObjects=False is passed when the user is dragging a parameter and the model is regenerateing multiple times per second.
        // makeGameObjects=True is passed when the user has stopped editing (for example, OnMouseup from a Handle) and it is time to
        // build a GameObject hierarchy.

        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            // At this point the amount variable has been set to the FloatValue of its amount parameter.

            //Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;

            // AXMeshes are the key product of a Generator3D
            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        inputSrc_p  = P_Input.DependsOn;
            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

//			GameObject go       = null;
//			if (makeGameObjects && ! parametricObject.combineMeshes)
//				go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                GameObject GOsToDeformPlug = inputSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

                modifyGameObject(GOsToDeformPlug, Matrix4x4.identity);

                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                GOsToDeformPlug.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                GOsToDeformPlug.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                GOsToDeformPlug.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();                   //AXUtilities.GetScale(tmx);

                // COMBINE

                if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)                  // Is there an input node connected to this node?
                    //Debug.Log("P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count="+P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count + ", "+ P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[0].GetType());
                    AXMesh amesh = null;

                    // EACH MESH
                    for (int i = 0; i < P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
                        // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                        amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i].Clone();
                        Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                        Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;

                        // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------
                        for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                            Vector3 vert = new Vector3(verts[j].x, verts[j].y, verts[j].z);

                            vert = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                            float scale = 1;

                            if (modifierCurve != null)
                                scale = modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.y) * (1 - (amount * vert.y));

                            vert = new Vector3(vert.x * scale, vert.y, vert.z * scale);

//							Vector3 n = -vert.normalized;
//							n *= scale;
//							vert = vert + n;

                            verts [j] = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);
                        // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------

                        m.vertices = verts;

                    parametricObject.bounds = inputSrc_po.bounds;
                    parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                    if (makeGameObjects)
                        if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)

Exemplo n.º 12
        // GENERATE BOX
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool renderToOutputParameter)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)


            AXPlaneGenerator e = new AXPlaneGenerator();

            e.side_x = sizeX;
            e.side_y = sizeY;
            e.side_z = sizeZ;

            e.top    = top;
            e.bottom = bottom;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            e.generate(ref mesh, parametricObject.axTex);

            //AXGeometryTools.Utilities.calculateMeshTangents(ref mesh);

            AXMesh tmpAXmesh;

            tmpAXmesh                 = new AXMesh(mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, parametricObject.axMat.mat);
            tmpAXmesh.name            = parametricObject.Name;
            tmpAXmesh.hasContinuousUV = parametricObject.boolValue("hasContinuousUV");
            tmpAXmesh.makerPO         = parametricObject;

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();


            //parametricObject.finishSingleAXMeshAndOutput(tmpAXmesh, isReplica);
            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, renderToOutputParameter);


            if (makeGameObjects)
                GameObject go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, false);
                //Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();
                //go.transform.rotation         = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                //go.transform.position         = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                //go.transform.localScale   = parametricObject.getLocalScale();


            //Debug.Log ("gen time="+sw.stop ());

Exemplo n.º 13
        // GENERATE
        // This is the main function for generating a Shape, Mesh, or any other output that a node may be tasked with generating.
        // You can do pre processing of Inputs here, but that might best be done in an override of pollControlValuesFromParmeters().
        // Often, you will be creating a list of AXMesh objects. AXMesh has a Mesh, a Matrix4x4 and a Material
        // to be used when drawing the ouput to the scene before creating GameObjects. Your list of AXMeshes generated
        // is pased to the model via parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput().
        // When generate() is called by AX, it will be either with makeGameObjects set to true or false.
        // makeGameObjects=False is passed when the user is dragging a parameter and the model is regenerateing multiple times per second.
        // makeGameObjects=True is passed when the user has stopped editing (for example, OnMouseup from a Handle) and it is time to
        // build a GameObject hierarchy.

        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            // At this point the amount variable has been set to the FloatValue of its amount parameter.

            // AXMeshes are the key product of a Generator3D
            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        inputSrc_p  = P_Input.DependsOn;
            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

            Perlin perlin = new Perlin();

            perlin.Frequency = .1f;
            float factor = amount / 100;

            if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)              // Is there an input node connected to this node?
                //Debug.Log("P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count="+P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count + ", "+ P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[0].GetType());
                AXMesh amesh = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
                    if (amount == 0)
                        amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i];
                        // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                        amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i].Clone();
                        Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                        Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;

                        for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                            //Debug.Log(verts[j] + " " + perlin.GetValue(verts[j]));
//							float pval = factor * 100 *(float) perlin.GetValue(verts[j]);

                            //						float new_x = verts [j].x + pval;
                            //						float new_y = verts [j].y + pval;
                            //						float new_z = verts [j].z + pval;
                            Vector3 vert = new Vector3(verts[j].x, verts[j].y, verts[j].z);

                            vert = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                            //float len = Mathf.Sqrt(verts[j].x*verts[j].x + verts[j].z*verts[j].z);
                            float len = Mathf.Sqrt(vert.x * vert.x + vert.z * vert.z);

                            float new_x = vert.x;                            //+ pval;
                            //float new_y = verts[j].y  -  factor*len*len*verts[j].y/5;
                            //float new_y = vert.y  -  factor*len*len + pval;
                            float new_y = vert.y - factor * len * len;       // * vert.y/5;// + pval;

                            float new_z = vert.z;                            //+ pval;

                            //Debug.Log(pval + " :::: " +  verts[j].x + " :: " + verts[j].z + " + " + Mathf.PerlinNoise (verts[j].x, verts[j].z));
                            verts [j] = new Vector3(new_x, new_y, new_z);
                            verts [j] = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[j]);
                        m.vertices = verts;

                parametricObject.bounds = inputSrc_po.bounds;
                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                AXParameter p = parametricObject.getParameter("Amount");

                if (makeGameObjects)

Exemplo n.º 14
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool renderToOutputParameter)
            //Debug.Log ("===> " + parametricObject.Name + " generate");

            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            if (!parametricObject.isActive)


            AXParameter input_p = parametricObject.getParameter("Input Mesh");

            if (parametricObject == null || input_p == null || input_p.DependsOn == null)

            AXParametricObject src_po = input_p.DependsOn.Parent;

            if (src_po == null)

            Matrix4x4 srcLocalM = src_po.getLocalMatrix().inverse;

            // 1. cache source object
            List <AXParameter> geometryControlParameterList = parametricObject.getAllParametersOfPType(AXParameter.ParameterType.GeometryControl);


            if (!makeGameObjects)
                // 2. re_generate source PO with temporary values set by this Replicant
                src_po.generateOutputNow(false, parametricObject, false);

                // 3. Now that the input_sourcePO has been regenerated,
                //    grab the temporaryOutputMeshes meshes
                //    from the input sources and add them here
                List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();
                if (src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes != null)
                    for (int mi = 0; mi < src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes.Count; mi++)
                        AXMesh amesh = src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes [mi];
                        ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(srcLocalM * amesh.transMatrix));

            // 4. Make GAME OBJECTS
            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects)
                go      = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, false);
                go.name = src_po.Name + " Replicant";
                AXGameObject axgo = go.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                if (axgo != null)
                    axgo.makerPO_GUID = parametricObject.Guid;

            //  5. restore source object; as though we were never here!

            // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects
            if (makeGameObjects)
                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();


Exemplo n.º 15
        // GENERATE
        // This is the main function for generating a Shape, Mesh, or any other output that a node may be tasked with generating.
        // You can do pre processing of Inputs here, but that might best be done in an override of pollControlValuesFromParmeters().
        // Often, you will be creating a list of AXMesh objects. AXMesh has a Mesh, a Matrix4x4 and a Material
        // to be used when drawing the ouput to the scene before creating GameObjects. Your list of AXMeshes generated
        // is pased to the model via parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput().
        // When generate() is called by AX, it will be either with makeGameObjects set to true or false.
        // makeGameObjects=False is passed when the user is dragging a parameter and the model is regenerateing multiple times per second.
        // makeGameObjects=True is passed when the user has stopped editing (for example, OnMouseup from a Handle) and it is time to
        // build a GameObject hierarchy.

        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            planSrc_p  = P_Plan.DependsOn;                         // getUpstreamSourceParameter(P_Plan);
            planSrc_po = (planSrc_p != null)                                                           ? planSrc_p.parametricObject    : null;

            if (planSrc_p == null)

            //Debug.Log("planSrc_po = " + planSrc_po.Name+"."+planSrc_p.Name + " ... " + planSrc_p.DependsOn.PType + " ..... " + planSrc_p.getPaths());

            P_Plan.polyTree = null;
            AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref P_Plan, planSrc_p);
            if (P_Plan.reverse)

            planPaths = P_Plan.getPaths();

            if (planPaths == null || planPaths.Count == 0)

            // ** CREATE PLAN_SPLINES **

            if (planPaths != null && planPaths.Count > 0)
                planSplines = new Spline[planPaths.Count];

                if (planSplines != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < planSplines.Length; i++)
                        planSplines[i] = new Spline(planPaths[i], (P_Plan.shapeState == ShapeState.Closed) ? true : false);

            // FOR EACH PATH
            for (int path_i = 0; path_i < planPaths.Count; path_i++)
                Spline planSpline = planSplines[path_i];

                planSpline.breakAngleCorners = 35;
                planSpline.shapeState        = P_Plan.shapeState;

                //Matrix4x4 mm = planSpline.matrixAtLength(4.5f);

            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            // At this point the amount variable has been set to the FloatValue of its amount parameter.

            //Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;

            // AXMeshes are the key product of a Generator3D
            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        inputSrc_p  = P_Input.DependsOn;
            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

            Spline planSpl = planSplines[0];

            if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)              // Is there an input node connected to this node?
                //Debug.Log("P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count="+P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count + ", "+ P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[0].GetType());
                AXMesh amesh = null;

                // EACH MESH
                for (int i = 0; i < P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
//					if (amount == 0)
//					{
//						amesh   = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i];
//					}
//					else{
                    // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                    amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i].Clone();
                    Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                    Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;

                    // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------
                    for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                        Vector3 vert = new Vector3(verts[j].x, verts[j].y, verts[j].z);

                        vert = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                        //float scale = modifierCurve.Evaluate( vert.y)  * (1-(twist*vert.y));
                        float scale = modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.x);

                        //vert = new Vector3(vert.x*scale, vert.y, vert.z*scale);

                        Matrix4x4 warperM = planSpl.matrixAtLength(vert.x);

                        if (turn != 0 || twist != 0 || scale != 0)
                            warperM *= Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(vert.x * twist + turn + scale, 0, 0), Vector3.one);

                        vert = warperM.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(0, vert.y, vert.z));;
//							float len = Mathf.Sqrt(vert.x*vert.x + vert.z*vert.z);
//							float new_x = vert.x;//+ pval;
//							float new_y = vert.y  -  factor*len*len*vert.y/5;// + pval;
//							float new_z = vert.z;//+ pval;
//							//Debug.Log(pval + " :::: " +  verts[j].x + " :: " + verts[j].z + " + " + Mathf.PerlinNoise (verts[j].x, verts[j].z));
//							verts [j] = new Vector3 (new_x, new_y, new_z);
                        verts [j] = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);
                    // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------

                    m.vertices = verts;


                parametricObject.bounds = inputSrc_po.bounds;
                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                if (makeGameObjects)

Exemplo n.º 16
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            //if (ArchimatixUtils.doDebug)
            //Debug.Log (parametricObject.Name + " generate +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");

            if (!parametricObject.isActive)


            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            // BOUNDING

            List <AXMesh> boundingMeshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            // Reinstate the original functionality of the Grouper as simple combiner in addition to Groupees.
            if (inputs != null && inputs.Count > 0)
                // ALL
                if (channel == inputs.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                        if (inputs[i] != null && inputs[i].DependsOn != null)
                            if (inputs[i].Dependents != null || inputs[i].Dependents.Count == 0)
                                AXParameter        src_p  = inputs[i].DependsOn;
                                AXParametricObject src_po = inputs[i].DependsOn.parametricObject;
                                //if (! parametricObject.visited_pos.Contains (groupee))

                                //Debug.Log("groupee.generateOutputNow: " + groupee.Name + " isAltered="+groupee.isAltered);
                                if (src_po.isAltered)
                                    src_po.generateOutputNow(makeGameObjects, initiator_po);
                                    //Debug.Log("XXXXX: " + groupee.Output.meshes.Count);
                                    src_po.isAltered = false;

                                if (src_p != null && src_p.meshes != null)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < src_p.meshes.Count; j++)
                                        AXMesh dep_amesh = src_p.meshes [j];

                                // BOUNDING MESHES
                                //boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh;
                                //boundsCombinator[i].transform     = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                                if (src_po.boundsMesh != null)
                                    boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(src_po.boundsMesh, src_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment));

                                // GAME_OBJECTS

                                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                                    GameObject plugGO = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);
                                    if (plugGO != null)
                                        plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

                // JUST ONE CHANNEL
                else if (inputs.Count > channel && inputs[channel] != null)
                    AXParameter src_p = inputs[channel].DependsOn;

                    if (src_p != null)
                        AXParametricObject src_po = src_p.parametricObject;

                        if (src_po.is3D())
                            if (src_po.Output != null && src_po.Output.meshes != null)
                                for (int j = 0; j < src_po.Output.meshes.Count; j++)
                                    AXMesh dep_amesh = src_po.Output.meshes [j];

                            // BOUNDING MESHES
                            //boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.boundsMesh;
                            //boundsCombinator[i].transform     = input_p.DependsOn.parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            if (src_po.boundsMesh != null)
                                boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(src_po.boundsMesh, src_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment));

                            // GAME_OBJECTS

                            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                                GameObject plugGO = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);
                                if (plugGO != null)
                                    plugGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

                        P_Output.meshes = src_p.meshes;

                // FINISH AX_MESHES

                //Debug.Log("ORG: " + ax_meshes.Count);
                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                // FINISH BOUNDS

                CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingMeshes.Count];
                for (int bb = 0; bb < boundsCombinator.Length; bb++)
                    boundsCombinator[bb].mesh      = boundingMeshes[bb].mesh;
                    boundsCombinator[bb].transform = boundingMeshes[bb].transMatrix;

                if (P_BoundsX != null && !P_BoundsX.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsX.hasExpressions())
                    P_BoundsX.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.x;

                if (P_BoundsY != null && !P_BoundsY.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsY.hasExpressions())
                    P_BoundsY.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.y;

                if (P_BoundsZ != null && !P_BoundsZ.hasRelations() && !P_BoundsZ.hasExpressions())
                    P_BoundsZ.FloatVal = parametricObject.bounds.size.z;

            // FINISH GAME_OBJECTS

            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true, false);

                    // COMBINE ALL THE MESHES
                    CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[ax_meshes.Count];

                    int combineCt = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ax_meshes.Count; i++)
                        AXMesh _amesh = ax_meshes [i];
                        combine [combineCt].mesh      = _amesh.mesh;
                        combine [combineCt].transform = _amesh.transMatrix;

                    Mesh combinedMesh = new Mesh();

                    // If combine, use combined mesh as invisible collider
                    MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)go.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));

                    if (mf == null)
                        mf = (MeshFilter)go.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));

                    if (mf != null)
                        mf.sharedMesh = combinedMesh;

                    Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                    go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                    go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                    go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();

Exemplo n.º 17
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            //Debug.Log(parametricObject.Name + " Generate");
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)

            if (repeaterToolU == null || repeaterToolV == null)


            // NODE_MESH
            AXParametricObject nodeSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         nodePlugGO = null;

            if (nodeSrc_p != null)
                nodeSrc_po = nodeSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    nodePlugGO = nodeSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // CELL_MESH
            AXParametricObject cellSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         cellPlugGO = null;

            if (cellSrc_p != null)
                cellSrc_po = cellSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    cellPlugGO = cellSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // BAY_SPAN_U
            AXParametricObject spanUSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         spanUPlugGO = null;

            if (spanUSrc_p != null)
                spanUSrc_po = spanUSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    spanUPlugGO = spanUSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // BAY_SPAN_V
            AXParametricObject spanVSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         spanVPlugGO = null;

            if (spanVSrc_p != null)
                spanVSrc_po = spanVSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    spanVPlugGO = spanVSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            if (nodeSrc_po == null && cellSrc_po == null && spanUSrc_po == null && spanVSrc_po == null)
                AXParameter output_p = getPreferredOutputParameter();
                if (output_p != null)
                    output_p.meshes = null;


            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            // BOUNDING_SHAPE

            Paths boundingSolids = null;
            Paths boundingHoles  = null;

            if (P_BoundingShape != null && P_BoundingShape.DependsOn != null)
                AXParameter bounding_src_p = null;
                if (P_BoundingShape != null)
                    bounding_src_p = P_BoundingShape.DependsOn;                               // USING SINGLE SPLINE INPUT
                boundingShapeSrc_po = bounding_src_p.parametricObject;

                AXShape.thickenAndOffset(ref P_BoundingShape, bounding_src_p);
                // now boundin_p has offset and thickened polytree or paths.

                boundingSolids = P_BoundingShape.getTransformedSubjPaths();
                boundingHoles  = P_BoundingShape.getTransformedHolePaths();

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            Matrix4x4 localPlacement_mx = Matrix4x4.identity;

            // -----------------------------------

            int max_reps = 150;

            int   cellsU     = Mathf.Clamp(repeaterToolU.cells, 1, max_reps);
            float actualBayU = repeaterToolU.actualBay;

            int   cellsV     = Mathf.Clamp(repeaterToolV.cells, 1, max_reps);
            float actualBayV = repeaterToolV.actualBay;

            shiftU = -cellsU * actualBayU / 2;
            shiftV = -cellsV * actualBayV / 2;

            // BAY SPAN
            // Spanners are meshers that get replicated and sized to fit the bay...

            // prepare mesh to iterate in each direction

            //List<AXMesh>  ax_meshes_X         = new List<AXMesh>();
            //List<AXMesh>  ax_meshes_Z         = new List<AXMesh>();

            AXMesh tmpMesh;

            if (spanUSrc_p != null)
                //ax_meshes_X = spanUSrc_p.meshes;
                //ax_meshes_Z = spanUSrc_p.meshes;

             * if (bay_span_source != null)
             * {
             *      // 1. cache source object
             *      bay_span_source.cacheParameterValues();
             *      // Y_AXIS
             *      AXParameter p_bayv = parametricObject.getParameter("actual_bay_V");
             *      AXParameter p_bayv_client = null;
             *      if (p_bayv != null)
             *      {
             *              foreach (AXRelation rel in p_bayv.relations)
             *              {
             *                      p_bayv_client = rel.getRelatedTo(p_bayv);
             *                      p_bayv_client.intiateRipple_setFloatValueFromGUIChange(abayy);
             *              }
             *      }
             *      AXParameter p_bayu = parametricObject.getParameter("actual_bay_U");
             *      AXParameter p_bayu_client = null;
             *      // X-AXIS
             *      // For now, only set the boundaries.
             *      // Perhaps later, may want to set other like controls as in Replicant
             *      // If there is a relation to actual_bay_U, propogate it
             *      if (p_bayu != null)
             *      {
             *              foreach (AXRelation rel in p_bayu.relations)
             *              {
             *                      p_bayu_client = rel.getRelatedTo(p_bayu);
             *                      p_bayu_client.intiateRipple_setFloatValueFromGUIChange(abayx);
             *              }
             *      }
             *      //bay_span_source.propagateParameterByBinding(1, bayx);
             *      //bay_span_source.propagateParameterByBinding(2, bayy);
             *      // 2. re_generate with temporary values set by this Replicant
             *      bay_span_source.generateOutputNow (makeGameObjects, parametricObject);
             *      // 3. Now that the bay_span_source has been regergrab the meshes from the input sources and add them here
             *      AXParameter output_p = bay_span_source.getParameter("Output Mesh");
             *      foreach (AXMesh amesh in output_p.meshes)
             *              ax_meshes_X.Add (amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix));
             *      // Z-AXIS
             *      // Use the bayz now to generate x
             *      if (p_bayu != null)
             *      {
             *              foreach (AXRelation rel in p_bayu.relations)
             *              {
             *                      p_bayu_client = rel.getRelatedTo(p_bayu);
             *                      p_bayu_client.intiateRipple_setFloatValueFromGUIChange(abayz);
             *              }
             *      }
             *      //bay_span_source.propagateParameterByBinding(1, bayz);
             *      // 2. re_generate with temporary values set by this Replicant
             *      bay_span_source.generateOutputNow (makeGameObjects, parametricObject);
             *      // 3. Now that the bay_span_source has been regergrab the meshes from the input sources and add them here
             *      foreach (AXMesh amesh in output_p.meshes)
             *              ax_meshes_Z.Add (amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix));
             *      // 4. restore source object; as though we were never here!
             *      bay_span_source.revertParametersFromCache();
             *      //Debug.Log ("HAVE BAY SPAN -- " + output_p.meshes.Count);
             * }

             * if (cell_center_source != null)
             * {
             *      // Y-AXIS
             *      // For now, only set the boundaries.
             *      // Perhaps later, may want to set other like controls as in Replicant
             *      // 1. cache source object
             *      cell_center_source.cacheParameterValues();
             *      //bay_center_source.propagateParameterByBinding(1, bayx);
             *      //bay_center_source.propagateParameterByBinding(3, bayz);
             *      // 2. re_generate with temporary values set by this Replicant
             *      cell_center_source.generateOutputNow (makeGameObjects, parametricObject);
             *      // 3. Now that the bay_span_source has been regenerted,  grab the meshes from the input sources and add them here
             *      AXParameter bc_output_p = cell_center_source.getParameter("Output Mesh");
             *      foreach (AXMesh amesh in bc_output_p.meshes)
             *              ax_meshes_Y.Add (amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix));
             *      // 4. restore source object; as though we were never here!
             *      cell_center_source.revertParametersFromCache();
             * }

            // BOUNDING

            List <AXMesh> boundingMeshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            for (int i = 0; i <= cellsU; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k <= cellsV; k++)
                    bool exclude = false;

                    IntPoint ip = new IntPoint((i * actualBayU + shiftU) * AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision, (k * actualBayV + shiftV) * AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision);

                    if (boundingSolids != null)
                        exclude = true;

                        if (boundingSolids != null)
                            foreach (Path path in boundingSolids)
                                if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(ip, path) == 1 && Clipper.Orientation(path))
                                    exclude = false;

                        if (boundingHoles != null)
                            foreach (Path hole in boundingHoles)
                                if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(ip, hole) == 1)
                                    exclude = true;

                    exclude = (boundingIsVoid) ? !exclude : exclude;

                    if (exclude)

                    // NODES
                    if (nodeSrc_po != null && nodeSrc_p.meshes != null && ((i <= repeaterToolU.edgeCount || i >= cellsU - repeaterToolU.edgeCount) || (k <= repeaterToolV.edgeCount || k >= cellsV - repeaterToolV.edgeCount)))
                        string this_address = "node_" + i + "_" + k;

                        // LOCAL PLACEMENT NODE
                        localPlacement_mx = localNodeMatrixFromAddress(i, k);

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int mi = 0; mi < nodeSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = nodeSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING
                        boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(nodeSrc_po.boundsMesh, localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrix));

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (nodePlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(nodePlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                            //if (parametricObject.model.isSelected(nodeSrc_po) && nodeSrc_po.selectedConsumerAddress == this_address)
                            //	Selection.activeGameObject = copyGO;

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                    }                     // \NODES

                    // CELL CENTERS
                    if (cellSrc_po != null && cellSrc_p.meshes != null && i < cellsU && k < cellsV && ((i < repeaterToolU.edgeCount || i > cellsU - repeaterToolU.edgeCount - 1) || (k < repeaterToolV.edgeCount || k > cellsV - repeaterToolV.edgeCount - 1)))
                        string this_address = "cell_" + i + "_" + k;

                        // LOCAL PLACEMENT

                        localPlacement_mx = localCellMatrixFromAddress(i, k);

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int mi = 0; mi < cellSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = cellSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING
                        boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(cellSrc_po.boundsMesh, localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrix));

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (cellPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(cellPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                            //if (parametricObject.model.isSelected(cellSrc_po) && cellSrc_po.selectedConsumerAddress == this_address)
                            //Selection.activeGameObject = copyGO;

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

                    // SPAN_U
                    if (spanUSrc_po != null && spanUSrc_p.meshes != null && i < cellsU && k <= cellsV && ((i < repeaterToolV.edgeCount || i > cellsU - repeaterToolU.edgeCount - 1) || (k <= repeaterToolV.edgeCount || k > cellsV - repeaterToolV.edgeCount - 1)))
                        string this_address = "spanU_" + i + "_" + k;

                        // LOCAL PLACEMENT SPAN_U

                        localPlacement_mx = localSpanUMatrixFromAddress(i, k);

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int mi = 0; mi < spanUSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = spanUSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING
                        boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(spanUSrc_po.boundsMesh, localPlacement_mx * spanUSrc_po.generator.localMatrix));

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (spanUSrc_po != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * spanUSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(spanUPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                            //if (parametricObject.model.isSelected(spanUSrc_po) && spanUSrc_po.selectedConsumerAddress == this_address)
                            //	Selection.activeGameObject = copyGO;

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

                    // SPAN_V
                    if (spanVSrc_po != null && spanVSrc_p.meshes != null && i <= cellsU && k < cellsV && ((i <= repeaterToolU.edgeCount || i > cellsU - repeaterToolU.edgeCount - 1) || (k < repeaterToolV.edgeCount || k > cellsV - repeaterToolV.edgeCount - 1)))
                        string this_address = "spanV_" + i + "_" + k;

                        // LOCAL PLACEMENT SPAN_U
                        localPlacement_mx = localSpanVMatrixFromAddress(i, k);

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int mi = 0; mi < spanVSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = spanVSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING
                        boundingMeshes.Add(new AXMesh(spanVSrc_po.boundsMesh, localPlacement_mx * spanVSrc_po.generator.localMatrix));

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (spanVSrc_po != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * spanVSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(spanVPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                            //if (parametricObject.model.isSelected(spanVSrc_po) && spanVSrc_po.selectedConsumerAddress == this_address)
                            //	Selection.activeGameObject = copyGO;

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                }         // k
            }             //i


            // FINISH AX_MESHES

            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

            // FINISH BOUNDS

            CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingMeshes.Count];
            for (int bb = 0; bb < boundsCombinator.Length; bb++)
                boundsCombinator[bb].mesh      = boundingMeshes[bb].mesh;
                boundsCombinator[bb].transform = boundingMeshes[bb].transMatrix;

            // FINISH GAME_OBJECTS

            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true);

                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();


Exemplo n.º 18
        // GENERATE
        // This is the main function for generating a Shape, Mesh, or any other output that a node may be tasked with generating.
        // You can do pre processing of Inputs here, but that might best be done in an override of pollControlValuesFromParmeters().
        // Often, you will be creating a list of AXMesh objects. AXMesh has a Mesh, a Matrix4x4 and a Material
        // to be used when drawing the ouput to the scene before creating GameObjects. Your list of AXMeshes generated
        // is pased to the model via parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput().
        // When generate() is called by AX, it will be either with makeGameObjects set to true or false.
        // makeGameObjects=False is passed when the user is dragging a parameter and the model is regenerateing multiple times per second.
        // makeGameObjects=True is passed when the user has stopped editing (for example, OnMouseup from a Handle) and it is time to
        // build a GameObject hierarchy.

        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            // At this point the amount variable has been set to the FloatValue of its amount parameter.

            //Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;

            // AXMeshes are the key product of a Generator3D
            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        inputSrc_p  = P_Input.DependsOn;
            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

            if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)              // Is there an input node connected to this node?
                //Debug.Log("P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count="+P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count + ", "+ P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[0].GetType());
                AXMesh amesh = null;

                // EACH MESH
                for (int i = 0; i < P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
//					if (amount == 0)
//					{
//						amesh   = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i];
//					}
//					else{
                    // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                    amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i].Clone();
                    Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                    Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;

                    // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------
                    for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                        Vector3 vert = new Vector3(verts[j].x, verts[j].y, verts[j].z);

                        vert = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                        float scale = modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.y) * (1 - (amount * vert.y));

                        vert = new Vector3(vert.x * scale, vert.y, vert.z * scale);

//							float len = Mathf.Sqrt(vert.x*vert.x + vert.z*vert.z);
//							float new_x = vert.x;//+ pval;
//							float new_y = vert.y  -  factor*len*len*vert.y/5;// + pval;
//							float new_z = vert.z;//+ pval;
//							//Debug.Log(pval + " :::: " +  verts[j].x + " :: " + verts[j].z + " + " + Mathf.PerlinNoise (verts[j].x, verts[j].z));
//							verts [j] = new Vector3 (new_x, new_y, new_z);
                        verts [j] = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);
                    // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------

                    m.vertices = verts;

                parametricObject.bounds = inputSrc_po.bounds;
                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                if (makeGameObjects)

Exemplo n.º 19
        // GENERATE
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))


            Terrain terrain = parametricObject.terrain;
            //float terrainY = 0;

            //float amount  = parametricObject.floatValue("amount");

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter input_p    = parametricObject.getParameter("Input Mesh");
            AXParameter inputSrc_p = input_p.DependsOn;

            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalTrans = inputSrc_po.getLocalTransformMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAxis  = inputSrc_po.getAxisRotationMatrix();
            Matrix4x4 sourceLocalAlign = inputSrc_po.getLocalAlignMatrix();

            // just pass it through, but use grandparent's transform!

            //inputSrc_po.generator.generate(false, null, true);

            if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < inputSrc_p.meshes.Count; i++)
                    // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.

                    AXMesh    amesh = inputSrc_p.meshes [i].Clone();
                    Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                    Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;
                    for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                        //float new_y = (verts[i].y < .01) ? verts[i].y : verts[i].y+amount* (Mathf.PerlinNoise(verts[i].x,  verts[i].z) *  .5f);

                        float new_y = (terrain == null) ? verts [j].y : verts [j].y + terrain.SampleHeight(parametricObject.model.gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(parametricObject.localMatrix.MultiplyPoint(verts [j])));

                        verts [j] = new Vector3(verts [j].x, new_y, verts [j].z);
                    m.vertices = verts;
                    ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix * sourceLocalAlign.inverse * sourceLocalAxis.inverse * sourceLocalTrans.inverse));

                parametricObject.bounds = inputSrc_po.bounds;
                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                if (makeGameObjects)
                    return(parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true));

Exemplo n.º 20
        // GENERATE BOX
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool renderToOutputParameter)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)


            AXBoxGenerator boxer = new AXBoxGenerator(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);

            boxer.front  = front;
            boxer.back   = back;
            boxer.left   = left;
            boxer.right  = right;
            boxer.top    = top;
            boxer.bottom = bottom;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            boxer.generate(ref mesh, parametricObject.axTex);

            AXGeometryTools.Utilities.calculateMeshTangents(ref mesh);

            AXMesh tmpAXmesh;

            tmpAXmesh                 = new AXMesh(mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, parametricObject.axMat.mat);
            tmpAXmesh.name            = parametricObject.Name;
            tmpAXmesh.hasContinuousUV = parametricObject.boolValue("hasContinuousUV");
            tmpAXmesh.makerPO         = parametricObject;

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();


            //parametricObject.finishSingleAXMeshAndOutput(tmpAXmesh, isReplica);
            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, renderToOutputParameter);


            if (makeGameObjects)
                 *      GameObject go =	parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, false);
                 *      //Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();
                 *      //go.transform.rotation         = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                 *      //go.transform.position         = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                 *      //go.transform.localScale   = parametricObject.getLocalScale();
                GameObject go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true);

                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScale();


            //Debug.Log ("gen time="+sw.stop ());

Exemplo n.º 21
        // GENERATE
        // This is the main function for generating a Shape, Mesh, or any other output that a node may be tasked with generating.
        // You can do pre processing of Inputs here, but that might best be done in an override of pollControlValuesFromParmeters().
        // Often, you will be creating a list of AXMesh objects. AXMesh has a Mesh, a Matrix4x4 and a Material
        // to be used when drawing the ouput to the scene before creating GameObjects. Your list of AXMeshes generated
        // is pased to the model via parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput().
        // When generate() is called by AX, it will be either with makeGameObjects set to true or false.
        // makeGameObjects=False is passed when the user is dragging a parameter and the model is regenerateing multiple times per second.
        // makeGameObjects=True is passed when the user has stopped editing (for example, OnMouseup from a Handle) and it is time to
        // build a GameObject hierarchy.

        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            // At this point the amount variable has been set to the FloatValue of its amount parameter.

            //Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;

            // AXMeshes are the key product of a Generator3D
            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            AXParameter        inputSrc_p  = P_Input.DependsOn;
            AXParametricObject inputSrc_po = inputSrc_p.parametricObject;

            if (inputSrc_p != null && inputSrc_p.meshes != null)              // Is there an input node connected to this node?
                //Debug.Log("P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count="+P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count + ", "+ P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[0].GetType());
                AXMesh amesh = null;

                // BOUNDING

                //CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[ P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count];

                // EACH MESH
                for (int i = 0; i < P_Input.DependsOn.meshes.Count; i++)
                    // Instance does not inhereit and build on the transform of its source object.
                    amesh = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes [i].Clone();
                    Mesh      m     = amesh.mesh;
                    Vector3[] verts = m.vertices;

                    // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------
                    for (int j = 0; j < verts.Length; j++)
                        Vector3 vert = new Vector3(verts[j].x, verts[j].y, verts[j].z);

                        vert = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                        float scale = modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.x);

                        vert = new Vector3(vert.x, (vert.y + amount * vert.x) + scale, vert.z);

                        verts [j] = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);
                    // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------

                    m.vertices = verts;


                parametricObject.boundsMesh = ArchimatixUtils.meshClone(inputSrc_po.boundsMesh);

                Vector3[] boundsVerts = parametricObject.boundsMesh.vertices;

                // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------
                for (int j = 0; j < boundsVerts.Length; j++)
                    Vector3 vert = new Vector3(boundsVerts[j].x, boundsVerts[j].y, boundsVerts[j].z);

                    //vert = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);

                    float scale = modifierCurve.Evaluate(vert.x);

                    boundsVerts [j] = new Vector3(vert.x, (vert.y + amount * vert.x) + scale, vert.z);

                    //boundsVerts [j] = P_Input.DependsOn.meshes[i].drawMeshMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(vert);
                // ---------- EACH VERTEX ----------------------

                parametricObject.boundsMesh.vertices = boundsVerts;

                //parametricObject.bounds = inputSrc_po.bounds;
                parametricObject.bounds = parametricObject.boundsMesh.bounds;

                parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);

                if (makeGameObjects)

Exemplo n.º 22
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool isReplica)
            //Debug.Log("repeaterToolU="+repeaterToolU+", repeaterToolV="+repeaterToolV);

            //Debug.Log("LINEAR REPEATER: Gentrate");

            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.isActive)

            if (repeaterToolU == null && repeaterToolV == null)


            repeaterTool = (zAxis) ? repeaterToolV : repeaterToolU;

            repeaterTool = repeaterToolU;

            //Terrain terrain = Terrain.activeTerrain;

            // NODE_MESH
            AXParametricObject nodeSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         nodePlugGO = null;

            if (nodeSrc_p != null)
                nodeSrc_po = nodeSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    nodePlugGO = nodeSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // CELL_MESH
            AXParametricObject cellSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         cellPlugGO = null;

            if (cellSrc_p != null)
                cellSrc_po = cellSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    cellPlugGO = cellSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            // BAY_SPAN
            AXParametricObject spanSrc_po = null;
            GameObject         spanPlugGO = null;

            if (spanUSrc_p != null)
                spanSrc_po = spanUSrc_p.parametricObject;
                if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    spanPlugGO = spanSrc_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, isReplica);

            if (nodeSrc_po == null && spanSrc_po == null && cellSrc_po == null)
                if (P_Output != null)
                    P_Output.meshes = null;


            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                go = ArchimatixUtils.createAXGameObject(parametricObject.Name, parametricObject);

            Paths boundingSolids = null;
            Paths boundingHoles  = null;

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();

            Matrix4x4 localPlacement_mx = Matrix4x4.identity;

            // -----------------------------------

            int max_reps = 150;

            int   cellsU     = Mathf.Clamp(repeaterTool.cells, 1, max_reps);
            float actualBayU = repeaterTool.actualBay;

            if (float.IsNaN(actualBayU))

            shiftU = -cellsU * actualBayU / 2;

            AXMesh tmpMesh;

            // BAY SPAN
            // Spanners are meshers that get replicated and sized to fit the bay...

            // prepare mesh to iterate in each direction

            List <AXMesh> ax_meshes_X = new List <AXMesh>();

            if (spanUSrc_p != null)
                ax_meshes_X = spanUSrc_p.meshes;

             * if (cell_center_source != null)
             * {
             *      // Y-AXIS
             *      // For now, only set the boundaries.
             *      // Perhaps later, may want to set other like controls as in Replicant
             *      // 1. cache source object
             *      cell_center_source.cacheParameterValues();
             *      //bay_center_source.propagateParameterByBinding(1, bayx);
             *      //bay_center_source.propagateParameterByBinding(3, bayz);
             *      // 2. re_generate with temporary values set by this Replicant
             *      cell_center_source.generateOutputNow (makeGameObjects, parametricObject);
             *      // 3. Now that the bay_span_source has been regenerted,  grab the meshes from the input sources and add them here
             *      AXParameter bc_output_p = cell_center_source.getParameter("Output Mesh");
             *      foreach (AXMesh amesh in bc_output_p.meshes)
             *              ax_meshes_Y.Add (amesh.Clone(amesh.transMatrix));
             *      // 4. restore source object; as though we were never here!
             *      cell_center_source.revertParametersFromCache();
             * }

            // BOUNDING

            int boundingObjectCount = 0;

            if (nodeSrc_po != null && nodeSrc_p.meshes != null)
                boundingObjectCount += cellsU + 1;

                if (!doFirstNode)

                if (!doLastNode)

            else if (cellSrc_p != null && cellSrc_p.meshes != null)
                boundingObjectCount += cellsU;

            if (spanUSrc_p != null && spanUSrc_p.meshes != null)
                boundingObjectCount += cellsU;

            CombineInstance[] boundsCombinator = new CombineInstance[boundingObjectCount];

            // FOR EACH ADDRESS

            for (int i = 0; i <= cellsU; i++)
                //Debug.Log("["+i+"] i*actualBay="+i*actualBay+", perval="+perlval);

                if (boundingSolids != null)
                    IntPoint ip = new IntPoint((i * repeaterToolU.actualBay + shiftU) * AXGeometryTools.Utilities.IntPointPrecision, 0);

                    bool exclude = true;

                    if (boundingSolids != null)
                        foreach (Path path in boundingSolids)
                            if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(ip, path) == 1 && Clipper.Orientation(path))
                                exclude = false;

                    if (boundingHoles != null)
                        foreach (Path hole in boundingHoles)
                            if (Clipper.PointInPolygon(ip, hole) == 1)
                                exclude = true;

                    if (exclude)

                //Debug.Log(" ** ** ** * " + nodeSrc_p.meshes);

                // NODES
                if (nodeSrc_po != null && nodeSrc_p.meshes != null)
                    // Debug.Log("nodeSrc_po.getLocalAlignMatrix()"+nodeSrc_po.getLocalAlignMatrix());
                    if ((i > 0 && i < cellsU) || (i == 0 && doFirstNode) || (i == (cellsU) && doLastNode))
                        string this_address = "node_" + i;

                        int ni = doFirstNode ? i : i - 1;

                        // LOCAL_PLACEMENT //

                        localPlacement_mx = localNodeMatrixFromAddress(i);

                        if (float.IsNaN(localPlacement_mx.m00))

                        // AX_MESHES

                        for (int mi = 0; mi < nodeSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                            AXMesh dep_amesh = nodeSrc_p.meshes [mi];

                            //tmpMesh = dep_amesh.CloneTransformed (localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                            tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                        // BOUNDING MESHES

                        boundsCombinator[ni].mesh      = nodeSrc_po.boundsMesh;
                        boundsCombinator[ni].transform = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                        // GAME_OBJECTS

                        if (nodePlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                            //Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx  * parametricObject.getTransMatrix() * source.getTransMatrix();

                            Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx * nodeSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                            GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(nodePlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                            copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                            AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                            if (axgo != null)
                                axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                            copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                            copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                }                 // \NODES

                // CELL CENTERS
                if (cellSrc_p != null && cellSrc_p.meshes != null && i < cellsU)
                    string this_address = "cell_" + i;

                    // LOCAL_PLACEMENT
                    localPlacement_mx = localCellMatrixFromAddress(i);

                    // ACTUAL MESHES
                    for (int mi = 0; mi < cellSrc_p.meshes.Count; mi++)
                        AXMesh dep_amesh = cellSrc_p.meshes [mi];
                        tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                        tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                    // BOUNDING MESHES

                    boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = cellSrc_po.boundsMesh;
                    boundsCombinator[i].transform = localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;;

                    // GAME_OBJECTS

                    if (cellPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                        //Matrix4x4 mx = localPlacement_mx  * parametricObject.getTransMatrix() * source.getTransMatrix();
                        Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * cellSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                        GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(cellPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                        copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                        AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                        if (axgo != null)
                            axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                        copyGO.name             = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;
                        copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;

                        //Debug.Log("LINEAR: " + axgo.consumerAddress);
                }                 // \CELLS

                // SPANS

                if (spanUSrc_p != null && spanUSrc_p.meshes != null && i < cellsU)
                    string this_address = "spanU_" + i;
                    // X-AXIS

                    // LOCAL_PLACEMENT

                    localPlacement_mx = localCellMatrixFromAddress(i);

                    // AX_MESHES
                    // AX_MESHES
                    for (int mi = 0; mi < ax_meshes_X.Count; mi++)
                        AXMesh dep_amesh = ax_meshes_X [mi];
                        tmpMesh = dep_amesh.Clone(localPlacement_mx * dep_amesh.transMatrix);
                        tmpMesh.subItemAddress = this_address;

                    // BOUNDING MESHES

                    boundsCombinator[i].mesh      = spanUSrc_po.boundsMesh;
                    boundsCombinator[i].transform = localPlacement_mx * spanUSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;

                    // GAME_OBJECTS

                    if (spanPlugGO != null && makeGameObjects && !parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                        Matrix4x4  mx     = localPlacement_mx * spanSrc_po.generator.localMatrixWithAxisRotationAndAlignment;
                        GameObject copyGO = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(spanPlugGO, AXUtilities.GetPosition(mx), AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(mx));

                        copyGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(copyGO.transform.localScale.x * jitterScale.x, copyGO.transform.localScale.y * jitterScale.y, copyGO.transform.localScale.z * jitterScale.z);

                        AXGameObject axgo = copyGO.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                        if (axgo != null)
                            axgo.consumerAddress = this_address;

                        copyGO.name = copyGO.name + "_" + this_address;

                        copyGO.transform.parent = go.transform;
                }         // \SPANS
            }             //i


            parametricObject.finishMultiAXMeshAndOutput(ax_meshes, isReplica);


            // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects
            if (makeGameObjects)
                if (parametricObject.combineMeshes)
                    go = parametricObject.makeGameObjectsFromAXMeshes(ax_meshes, true);
                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();                        //AXUtilities.GetScale(tmx);

