Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void GenerateHOSAReports(int ALedgerNumber,
                                               int APeriodNumber,
                                               int AIchNumber,
                                               string ACurrencySelect,
                                               out TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResult
            AVerificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection();

            //Begin the transaction
            bool NewTransaction = false;

            TDBTransaction    DBTransaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, out NewTransaction);
            ALedgerTable      ALedger       = ALedgerAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ALedgerNumber, DBTransaction);
            AJournalTable     AJournal      = new AJournalTable();
            ATransactionTable ATransaction  = new ATransactionTable();
            ACostCentreTable  ACostCentre   = new ACostCentreTable();

#if TODO
                ALedgerRow LedgerRow = PostingDS.ALedger[0];
                //Find the Ledger Name = Partner Short Name
                PPartnerTable PartnerTable = PPartnerAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(LedgerRow.PartnerKey, DBTransaction);
                PPartnerRow   PartnerRow   = (PPartnerRow)PartnerTable.Rows[0];
                string        LedgerName   = PartnerRow.PartnerShortName;

                // Load the Journals, and Transactions for this period:
                String JournalQuery = "SELECT PUB_a_journal.* FROM PUB_a_batch, PUB_a_journal WHERE " +
                                      "PUB_a_batch.a_ledger_number_i = " + ALedgerNumber +
                                      " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_year_i = " + ALedger[0].CurrentFinancialYear +
                                      " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_period_i = " + APeriodNumber +
                                      " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_status_c = 'Posted'" +
                                      " AND PUB_a_batch.a_ledger_number_i = PUB_a_journal.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                      " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_number_i = PUB_a_journal.a_batch_number_i";

                DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(AJournal, JournalQuery, DBTransaction);

                String TransactionQuery = "SELECT PUB_a_transaction.* FROM PUB_a_batch, PUB_a_transaction WHERE " +
                                          "PUB_a_batch.a_ledger_number_i = " + ALedgerNumber +
                                          " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_year_i = " + ALedger[0].CurrentFinancialYear +
                                          " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_period_i = " + APeriodNumber +
                                          " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_status_c = 'Posted'" +
                                          " AND PUB_a_batch.a_ledger_number_i = PUB_a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i" +
                                          " AND PUB_a_batch.a_batch_number_i = PUB_a_transaction.a_batch_number_i";

                DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(ATransaction, TransactionQuery, DBTransaction);

                String CostCentreQuery = "SELECT * FROM a_cost_centre WHERE " +
                                         ACostCentreTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " + ALedgerNumber +
                                         " AND " + ACostCentreTable.GetPostingCostCentreFlagDBName() + " = True" +
                                         " AND " + ACostCentreTable.GetCostCentreTypeDBName() + " LIKE '" + MFinanceConstants.FOREIGN_CC_TYPE + "'" +
                                         " ORDER BY " + ACostCentreTable.GetCostCentreCodeDBName();

                DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.SelectDT(ACostCentre, CostCentreQuery, DBTransaction);

                //Iterate through the cost centres
                foreach (ACostCentreRow CostCentreRow in ACostCentre.Rows)
                    bool TransactionExists = false;

                    //Iterate through the journals
                    foreach (AJournalRow JournalRow in AJournal.Rows)
                        int BatchNumber   = JournalRow.BatchNumber;
                        int JournalNumber = JournalRow.JournalNumber;

#if TODO
                        String TransFilter =
                            ATransactionTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + " = " + BatchNumber.ToString() +
                            " AND " + ATransactionTable.GetJournalNumberDBName() + " = " + JournalNumber.ToString() +
                            " AND " + ATransactionTable.GetCostCentreCodeDBName() + " = '" + CostCentreRow.CostCentreCode + "'" +
                            " AND (" + ATransactionTable.GetIchNumberDBName() + " = 0" +
                            "      OR " + ATransactionTable.GetIchNumberDBName() + " = " + AIchNumber.ToString() +

                        DataRow[] FoundTransRows = BatchDS.ATransaction.Select(TransFilter);

                        foreach (DataRow untypedTransRow in FoundTransRows)
                            ATransactionRow TransactionRow = (ATransactionRow)untypedTransRow;

                            TransactionExists = true;

                            string DefaultData = ALedgerNumber.ToString() + "," +
                                                 LedgerName + "," +
                                                 APeriodNumber.ToString() + "," +
                                                 APeriodNumber.ToString() + "," +
                                                 CostCentreRow.CostCentreCode + "," +
                                                 "" + "," +
                                                 "" + "," +
                                                 "" + "," +
                                                 "A" + "," +
                                                 LedgerRow.CurrentFinancialYear.ToString() + "," +
                                                 LedgerRow.CurrentPeriod.ToString() + "," +
                                                 MFinanceConstants.MAX_PERIODS.ToString() + "," +
                                                 "h" + "," +
                                                 ACurrency + "," +

                            string ReportTitle = "Home Office Stmt of Acct: " + CostCentreRow.CostCentreName;

                            //call code for gl2120p.p Produces Account Detail, Analysis Attribute and HOSA Reprint reports.

                            /* RUN sm9000.w ("gl2120p.p",
                             *                               lv_report_title_c,
                             *                               lv_default_data_c).*/
                            //TODO: call code to produce reports

                        if (TransactionExists)
                            //only need to run above code once for 1 transaction per cost centre code
                            break;     //goto next cost centre else try next journal

                if (NewTransaction)
            catch (Exception Exp)
                if (NewTransaction)

