protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
			if( Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd" )
				string addNodeText = HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["addNodeText"] );
				int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] ) );

				string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
				int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
				int newId = max + 1;

				string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
					, max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

				int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

				ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

				ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
				node.NavigateUrl = "#";
				node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

				root.AppendChild( node );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );

				foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
					string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
					string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
					string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
					int childNodesCount = 0;
					if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
						childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
					node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
					node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
					node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
					node.NavigateUrl = "#";
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );*/
				base.Render( writer );

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd")
                string addNodeText     = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["addNodeText"]);
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]));

                if (addNodeText.ToLower().IndexOf("a") >= 0)
                    ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode("[Server Said]:You cannot add node with nodetext containing letter 'a'", "failed");
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("addfailed", "true"));


                    HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                    astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                    foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
                    string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                    int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                    int    newId  = max + 1;

                    string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                               , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                    int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                    ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                    node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                    HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                    astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                    foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
		protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
			if( Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd" )
				string addNodeText = HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["addNodeText"] );
				int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( HttpUtility.UrlDecode( Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] ) );

				if( addNodeText.ToLower().IndexOf( "a" ) >= 0 )
					ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "[Server Said]:You cannot add node with nodetext containing letter 'a'", "failed" );
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "addfailed", "true" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

					HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
					astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
					foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
						c.RenderControl( writer );
					string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
					int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
					int newId = max + 1;

					string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
						, max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

					int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

					ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
					node.NavigateUrl = "#";
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

					HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
					astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
					foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
						c.RenderControl( writer );
				base.Render( writer );

        private void GenerateTree()
            ASTreeViewLinkNode n = new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Picasa", "Picasa", "", "frm", "Goto Picasa", "~/Images/demoIcons/picasa.gif");

            n.NodeText              = "The node cannot have children.";
            n.EnableChildren        = false;
            n.EnableEditContextMenu = false;

            //n.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "alert(1);return false;" ) );
            //n.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "disableChildren1", "true" ) );

            //.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Accor", "Accor", "", "frm", "Goto Accor", "~/Images/demoIcons/accor.gif" )
            //                    .AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Accor Services", "Accor Services", "", "frm", "Goto Accor Services", "~/Images/demoIcons/accorservices.gif" ) )
            //                    .AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Accor Hospitality", "Accor Hospitality", "", "frm", "Goto Accor Hospitality", "~/Images/demoIcons/accorhospitality.gif" ) )
            .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("GM", "GM", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/gm.gif")
                         .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Hummer", "Hummer", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/hummer.gif"))
                         .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Cadillac", "Cadillac", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/cadillac.gif"))
                         .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("SAAB", "SAAB", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/saab.gif"))
            .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Google", "Google Site", "", "frm", "Goto Google", "~/Images/demoIcons/google.gif")
                         .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Picasa", "Picasa", "", "frm", "Goto Picasa", "~/Images/demoIcons/picasa.gif"))
            .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Microsoft", "Microsoft", "", "frm", "Goto Microsoft", "~/Images/demoIcons/microsoft.gif")
                         .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("MSDN", "MSDN", "", "frm", "Goto MSDN", "~/Images/demoIcons/msdn.gif"))
            .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Amazon", "Amazon", "", "frm", "Goto Amazon", "~/Images/demoIcons/amazon.gif").AppendChild(n))
            .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("<font style='color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;' isTreeNodeChild='true'>ASTreeView</font>", "Best Free TreeView Control for ASP.Net", "", "frm", "Html as TreeNode Text", "~/Images/demoIcons/ast.gif")

             * string path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
             * string connStr = string.Format( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source={0}db\\NorthWind.mdb", path );
             * DataSet ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset( connStr, CommandType.Text, "select * from [Products]" );
             * ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor descripter = new ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor( "ProductName"
             *      , "ProductID"
             *      , "ParentID" );
             * //descripter.AddSingleQuotationOnQuery = false;
             * this.astvMyTree.DataTableColumnDescriptor = descripter;
             * this.astvMyTree.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
             * this.astvMyTree.DataBind();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void GenerarTreeTipoProductos(ASTreeView astvMyTree, bool Buscador)
            ASTreeViewLinkNode n100 = new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Marcos", "100", "", "frm", "madera maciza", "");
            n100.EnableCheckbox = Buscador;
            n100.EnableChildren = false;
            n100.EnableEditContextMenu = false;

            ASTreeViewLinkNode n400 = new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Mesas", "400", "", "frm", "", "");
            n400.EnableCheckbox = Buscador;
            n400.EnableChildren = false;
            n400.EnableEditContextMenu = false;

            ASTreeViewLinkNode n500 = new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Sillas y Bancos", "500", "", "frm", "", "");
            n500.EnableCheckbox = Buscador;
            n500.EnableChildren = false;
            n500.EnableEditContextMenu = false;

            ASTreeViewLinkNode n600 = new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Decoración", "600", "", "frm", "objetos decorativos", "");
            n600.EnableCheckbox = Buscador;
            n600.EnableChildren = false;
            n600.EnableEditContextMenu = false;

                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Madera Pinotea", "101", "", "frm", "madera maciza", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Madera Cedro", "102", "", "frm", "", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Vintage", "103", "", "frm", "madera maciza", ""))
                .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Espejos", "200", "", "frm", "", ""))
                .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Carteles", "300", "", "frm", "", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Mesas Ratonas", "401", "", "frm", "Mesas Ratonas", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Bancos Rústicos", "501", "", "frm", "En madera reciclada", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Bancos Modernos", "502", "", "frm", "En madera reciclada", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Peces", "601", "", "frm", "madera y metal", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Barcos", "602", "", "frm", "madera y metal", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Caras", "603", "", "frm", "madera y metal", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Cuadros", "604", "", "frm", "madera y metal", ""))
                    .AppendChild(new ASTreeViewLinkNode("Objetos Varios", "650", "", "frm", "madera y metal", ""))
        private void GenerateTree2()
            string para = "= 1";

            string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

            DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];

            ASTreeViewNode root = this.astvMyTree2.RootNode;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                string productName     = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                string productId       = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                string parentId        = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                int    childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString());

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId);
                node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                node.VirtualParentKey  = productId;
                node.IsVirtualNode     = childNodesCount > 0;
                node.NavigateUrl       = "#";
                //List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> attrs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));
                //node.AdditionalAttributes = attrs;

Exemplo n.º 7
        private void GenerateTree2()
            string para = "= 1";

            string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID
            FROM [Products] p1
            INNER JOIN
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId
            FROM [Products] p2
            GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
            ) p3
            ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
            WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

            DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql ).Tables[0];

            ASTreeViewNode root = this.astvMyTree2.RootNode;

            foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
                string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                int childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
                node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
                node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                //List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> attrs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );
                //node.AdditionalAttributes = attrs;

                root.AppendChild( node );
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
            if( Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad" )
                string virtualParentKey = Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

                string para = string.Empty;// "= 1";
                if( virtualParentKey == null )
                    para = " is NULL";
                    para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

                string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
            FROM [Products] p1
            LEFT OUTER JOIN
            SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId
            FROM [Products] p2
            GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
            ) p3
            ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
            WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

                DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql ).Tables[0];

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

                foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
                    string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                    string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                    string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                    int childNodesCount = 0;
                    if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
                        childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
                    node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                    node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
                    node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
                    node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

                    root.AppendChild( node );

                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
                foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
                    c.RenderControl( writer );
            else if( Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd" )
                string addNodeText = Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
                int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] );

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
                int newId = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                    , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

                root.AppendChild( node );

                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
                foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
                    c.RenderControl( writer );
                base.Render( writer );
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad")
                string virtualParentKey = Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

                string para = string.Empty;                // "= 1";
                if (virtualParentKey == null)
                    para = " is NULL";
                    para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

                string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

                DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    string productName     = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                    string productId       = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                    string parentId        = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                    int    childNodesCount = 0;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString()))
                        childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString());

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId);
                    node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                    node.VirtualParentKey  = productId;
                    node.IsVirtualNode     = childNodesCount > 0;
                    node.NavigateUrl       = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
            else if (Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd")
                string addNodeText     = Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]);

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                int    newId  = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                           , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (this.Page.Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad")
                #region ajaxLoad

                string virtualParentKey = this.Page.Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

                string para = string.Empty;                // "= 1";
                if (virtualParentKey == null)
                    para = " is NULL";
                    para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

                string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

                DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0];

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    string productName     = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                    string productId       = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                    string parentId        = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                    int    childNodesCount = 0;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString()))
                        childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString());

                    ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId);
                    node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                    node.VirtualParentKey  = productId;
                    node.IsVirtualNode     = childNodesCount > 0;
                    node.NavigateUrl       = "#";
                    node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));



                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)


            else if (this.Page.Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd")
                #region ajaxAdd

                string addNodeText     = this.Page.Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(this.Page.Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]);

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                int    newId  = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                           , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));



                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)



                #region render click script

                string clickScript = string.Format(@"
<script type='text/javascript'>
function nodeSelectHandler{0}(elem){{
	document.getElementById('{1}').value = encodeURIComponent(elem.innerHTML);
	document.getElementById('{2}').value = elem.parentNode.getAttribute(""treeNodeValue"");
                                                   , this.ClientID                     /*0*/
                                                   , this.hfSelectedNodeText.ClientID  /*1*/
                                                   , this.hfSelectedNodeValue.ClientID /*2*/
                                                   , this.btnPostBackTrigger.ClientID /*3*/);


        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Request.QueryString["t"] == "ajaxAdd")
                string addNodeText     = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["addNodeText"]);
                int    parentNodeValue = int.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]));

                string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
                int    max    = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql);
                int    newId  = max + 1;

                string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
                                           , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue);

                int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql);

                ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root");

                ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString());
                node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;"));


                HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
                astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false);
                foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls)

                 * foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
                 * {
                 *      string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
                 *      string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
                 *      string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
                 *      int childNodesCount = 0;
                 *      if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
                 *              childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );
                 *      ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
                 *      node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
                 *      node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
                 *      node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
                 *      node.NavigateUrl = "#";
                 *      node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );
                 *      root.AppendChild( node );
                 * }
                 * HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
                 * astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
                 * foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
                 *      c.RenderControl( writer );*/
		protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer )
			if( this.Page.Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad" )
				#region ajaxLoad

				string virtualParentKey = this.Page.Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"];

				string para = string.Empty;// "= 1";
				if( virtualParentKey == null )
					para = " is NULL";
					para = "=" + virtualParentKey;

				string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount
FROM [Products] p1
	SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId 
	FROM [Products] p2
	GROUP BY p2.[ParentID]
) p3
ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId
WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para;

				DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset( this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql ).Tables[0];

				ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

				foreach( DataRow dr in dt.Rows )
					string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
					string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
					string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
					int childNodesCount = 0;
					if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() ) )
						childNodesCount = int.Parse( dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString() );

					ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( productName, productId );
					node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount;
					node.VirtualParentKey = productId;
					node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0;
					node.NavigateUrl = "#";
					node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

					root.AppendChild( node );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseStartTag );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseEndTag );


			else if( this.Page.Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd" )
				#region ajaxAdd

				string addNodeText = this.Page.Request.QueryString["addNodeText"];
				int parentNodeValue = int.Parse( this.Page.Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"] );

				string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products";
				int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar( this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql );
				int newId = max + 1;

				string sql = string.Format( @"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})"
					, max + 1, addNodeText.Replace( "'", "''" ), parentNodeValue );

				int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql );

				ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode( "root" );

				ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( addNodeText, newId.ToString() );
				node.NavigateUrl = "#";
				node.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "return false;" ) );

				root.AppendChild( node );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseStartTag );

				HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl( "ul" );
				astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree( ulRoot, root, false );
				foreach( Control c in ulRoot.Controls )
					c.RenderControl( writer );

				writer.Write( astvMyTree.AjaxResponseEndTag );

				base.Render( writer );

				#region render click script

				string clickScript = string.Format( @"
<script type='text/javascript'>
function nodeSelectHandler{0}(elem){{
	document.getElementById('{1}').value = encodeURIComponent(elem.innerHTML);
	document.getElementById('{2}').value = elem.parentNode.getAttribute(""treeNodeValue"");
					, this.ClientID /*0*/
					, this.hfSelectedNodeText.ClientID /*1*/
					, this.hfSelectedNodeValue.ClientID /*2*/
					, this.btnPostBackTrigger.ClientID /*3*/);

				writer.Write( clickScript );


		private void GenerateTree()

			ASTreeViewLinkNode n = new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Picasa", "Picasa", "", "frm", "Goto Picasa", "~/Images/demoIcons/picasa.gif" );
			n.NodeText = "The node cannot have children.";
			n.EnableChildren = false;
			n.EnableEditContextMenu = false;

			//n.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "onclick", "alert(1);return false;" ) );
			//n.AdditionalAttributes.Add( new KeyValuePair<string, string>( "disableChildren1", "true" ) );

				//.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Accor", "Accor", "", "frm", "Goto Accor", "~/Images/demoIcons/accor.gif" )
				//                    .AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Accor Services", "Accor Services", "", "frm", "Goto Accor Services", "~/Images/demoIcons/accorservices.gif" ) )
				//                    .AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Accor Hospitality", "Accor Hospitality", "", "frm", "Goto Accor Hospitality", "~/Images/demoIcons/accorhospitality.gif" ) )
								.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "GM", "GM", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/gm.gif" )
													.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Hummer", "Hummer", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/hummer.gif" ) )
													.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Cadillac", "Cadillac", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/cadillac.gif" ) )
													.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "SAAB", "SAAB", "", "frm", "Goto", "~/Images/demoIcons/saab.gif" ) )
								.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Google", "Google Site", "", "frm", "Goto Google", "~/Images/demoIcons/google.gif" )
													.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Picasa", "Picasa", "", "frm", "Goto Picasa", "~/Images/demoIcons/picasa.gif" ) )
								.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Microsoft", "Microsoft", "", "frm", "Goto Microsoft", "~/Images/demoIcons/microsoft.gif" )
													.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "MSDN", "MSDN", "", "frm", "Goto MSDN", "~/Images/demoIcons/msdn.gif" ) )
								.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "Amazon", "Amazon", "", "frm", "Goto Amazon", "~/Images/demoIcons/amazon.gif" ).AppendChild( n ) )
								.AppendChild( new ASTreeViewLinkNode( "<font style='color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;' isTreeNodeChild='true'>ASTreeView</font>", "Best Free TreeView Control for ASP.Net", "", "frm", "Html as TreeNode Text", "~/Images/demoIcons/ast.gif" )

			string path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
			string connStr = string.Format( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source={0}db\\NorthWind.mdb", path );

			DataSet ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset( connStr, CommandType.Text, "select * from [Products]" );

			ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor descripter = new ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor( "ProductName"
				, "ProductID"
				, "ParentID" );
			//descripter.AddSingleQuotationOnQuery = false;
			this.astvMyTree.DataTableColumnDescriptor = descripter;
			this.astvMyTree.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];