Exemplo n.º 1
 public virtual bool valid_generic(RT_CLASS_TYPE a_type)
 // Do the generic parameters of `type' conform to those of Current?
 // Assumes that `a_type' base class conforms to current's base class.
         #if ASSERTIONS
     ASSERTIONS.REQUIRE("a_type_not_null", a_type != null);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * feature -- Settings
        public void set_generics(RT_TYPE[] an_array)
        // Assign `an_array' to `generics'.
                #if ASSERTIONS
            ASSERTIONS.REQUIRE("an_array_not_void", an_array != null);
            generics = an_array;
            count    = an_array.Length;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override String class_name()
 // Name of object's generating type who has Current as an EIFFEL_DERIVATION
 // (type of which it is a direct instance)
         #if ASSERTIONS
     ASSERTIONS.CHECK("Basic type inserted", Basic_type_names.Contains(type));
     return((String)Basic_type_names [type]);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override String class_name()
        // Name of object's generating type who has Current as an EIFFEL_DERIVATION
        // (type of which it is a direct instance)
            String Result;

            Object []             l_ca;
            Type                  l_type;
            EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE l_class_name;

            l_type = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(type);
            l_ca   = l_type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE), false);

                #if ASSERTIONS
            ASSERTIONS.CHECK("`l_ca' should not be Void", l_ca != null);

            if (l_ca.Length == 1)
                l_class_name = (EIFFEL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE)l_ca [0];
                Result       = l_class_name.name;
                if (l_type.IsArray)
                    // This is not the perfect solution as it could be an instance
                    // of System.Array and not a vector array. But that will do for now.
                    Result = "NATIVE_ARRAY";
                    if (typeof(EIFFEL_TYPE_INFO).IsAssignableFrom(l_type))
                        // For an Eiffel generated type
                        Result = l_type.Name;
                        // A .NET type, so we get the full name
                        Result = l_type.FullName;

Exemplo n.º 5
 * feature -- Conformance
        public override bool valid_generic(RT_CLASS_TYPE a_type)
        // Do the generic parameters of `type' conform to those of Current?
        // Assumes that `a_type' base class conforms to current's base class.
            bool            Result = false;
            RT_GENERIC_TYPE l_type;

            RT_TYPE [] l_generics, l_type_generics;
            int        i, nb;

                #if ASSERTIONS
            ASSERTIONS.REQUIRE("a_type_not_null", a_type != null);

            if (type.Value == a_type.type.Value)
                // Types are the same, check that their generic paramters are conformant
                Result = true;
                l_type = a_type as RT_GENERIC_TYPE;
                        #if ASSERTIONS
                ASSERTIONS.CHECK("l_type_not_void", l_type != null);
                ASSERTIONS.CHECK("same_count", count == l_type.count);
                l_generics      = generics;
                l_type_generics = l_type.generics;
                nb = count;
                for (i = 0; (i < nb) && Result; i++)
                    Result = (l_type_generics [i]).conform_to(l_generics [i]);
                // `type' is a descendant type of Current: so we
                // have to check the current generic parameters
                // FIXME: We cannot do that because we do not have a parent table.
                //        for now we simply return True as we know that we have
                //        conformance of classes.
                Result = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * feature -- Status Report
        public override RT_TYPE evaluated_type(RT_GENERIC_TYPE context_type)
        // Evaluate Current in context of `context_type'.
            RT_GENERIC_TYPE Result;

            RT_TYPE [] l_generics, l_other_generics;
            int        i, nb;

            if (has_formal())
                i  = 0;
                nb = count;

                // Duplicate current data as after the evaluation in context
                // of `context_type' it will be the same except for `generics'
                // which will only contained fully evaluated types that's why
                // `generics' is created of type `RT_CLASS_TYPE []'.
                Result           = (RT_GENERIC_TYPE)MemberwiseClone();
                l_other_generics = new RT_CLASS_TYPE [nb];

                // Evaluate all types contained in `generics' in context of `context_type'
                l_generics = generics;
                for (; i < nb; i++)
                                #if ASSERTIONS
                    ASSERTIONS.CHECK("Valid element type",
                                     l_generics [i].evaluated_type(context_type) is RT_CLASS_TYPE);
                    l_other_generics [i] = l_generics [i].evaluated_type(context_type);
                Result = this;