Exemplo n.º 1
 public void InitContent(ARDocument doc)
     ResultTitle.text   = doc.title;
     ResultAuthors.text = string.Join(", ", doc.authors);
     ResultSource.text  = string.Format("<i>{0} - {1}</i>", doc.year, doc.source);
     pdfLink             = doc.pdfLink;
     BtnPDF.interactable = pdfLink.Length > 0;
     //Debug.Log("Init Content:" + ResultTitle.text + ResultTitle.font);
 public void InitTagContent(ARDocument doc, string words, GameObject cam)
     TextTitle.text     = doc.title;
     TextAuthors.text   = string.Join(", ", doc.authors);
     TextSource.text    = string.Format("{0} - {1}", doc.year, doc.source);
     TextExtraInfo.text = string.Format("Tag: <i>{0}</i>", words);
     hololensCamera     = cam;
     rootObject         = null;
     if (PageOrganizer.DictPrintedDocObjects.ContainsKey(doc.filename))
         rootObject = PageOrganizer.DictPrintedDocObjects[doc.filename];
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void PreloadTags(string newDoc)
     // Not yet prepared
     if (!Doc2Tags.ContainsKey(newDoc) && PageOrganizer.DictDocuments.ContainsKey(newDoc))
         ARDocument newARDoc = PageOrganizer.DictDocuments[newDoc];
         Doc2Tags.Add(newDoc, new List <string>());
         // Add all authors
         foreach (string author in newARDoc.authors)
             AddNewTag(author, newDoc);
         // Add source and year
         AddNewTag(newARDoc.source, newDoc);
         AddNewTag(newARDoc.year.ToString(), newDoc);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void TagPointerClick(GameObject tagObj)
        string tagName = tagObj.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;

        Debug.Log("Click on Tag:" + tagName);
        if (tagName != currClickedTag)
            // Clear old ones and open new one
            foreach (var obj in tagResultObjList)

            if (Tag2Docs.ContainsKey(tagName))
                var docs = Tag2Docs[tagName];
                Debug.Log("Tag2Docs:" + string.Join(", ", docs));
                foreach (var doc in docs)
                    // No need to create for current document
                    if (doc != PageOrg.CurrDocStr && PageOrganizer.DictDocuments.ContainsKey(doc))
                        ARDocument currDoc      = PageOrganizer.DictDocuments[doc];
                        GameObject tagResultObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("LocalSearchResult")) as GameObject;
                        var tagResultHandler = tagResultObj.GetComponent <LocalSearchResultCanvas>();
                        tagResultHandler.InitTagContent(currDoc, tagName, PageOrg.hololensCamera);
                    else if (doc != PageOrg.CurrDocStr)
                        Debug.Log("Tag Clicked: cannot find target document from DictDocuments:" + doc);
                currClickedTag = tagName;
                Debug.Log("Tag Clicked: cannot find target tag from Tag2Docs: " + tagName);
Exemplo n.º 5
    private static List <ARDocument> ParseLocalDocuments(string word)
        string            cleanedWord = word.Trim(new char[] { ' ', ',', '.', ':', '\'', '\"', '-', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}', '<', '>', ';', '*' }).ToLower();
        List <ARDocument> resultList  = new List <ARDocument>();

        if (!wordRecords.Dict.ContainsKey(cleanedWord))

        List <Tuple <string, int> > resultZip = wordRecords.Files.Zip(wordRecords.Dict[cleanedWord].ToArray(), (first, second) => new Tuple <string, int>(first, second)).ToList();

        resultZip.Sort((x, y) => y.Item2.CompareTo(x.Item2));
        foreach (var pair in resultZip)
            Debug.Log("[Ordered Result] FileName:" + pair.Item1 + ", Hit:" + pair.Item2);

            if (PageOrganizer.DictDocuments.ContainsKey(pair.Item1))
                if (pair.Item2 > 0)
                    ARDocument arDoc = PageOrganizer.DictDocuments[pair.Item1];
                    arDoc.extraInfo = pair.Item2.ToString();
                    // Add to list (to be displayed on window)
                    Debug.Log("Word didn't appear in target document:" + pair.Item1);
                Debug.Log("FileName from local records not exist in PageOrganizer.DictDocument: " + pair.Item1);
Exemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// The title meta-data (brief info)'s position / size is controled by the parent canvas.
    /// In this animator, only transparency is controlled.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="status"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator TitleMetaDataFade(ChildObjFadeStatus status, ARDocument currDoc = null)
        if (status == ChildObjFadeStatus.CLOSE || status == ChildObjFadeStatus.CLOSE_AND_OPEN)
            for (float i = CANVAS_CLOSE_TIME; i >= 0; i -= Time.deltaTime)
                float percentage = i / CANVAS_CLOSE_TIME;
                bkgMetaData.alpha = percentage;
                yield return(null);

        if (status == ChildObjFadeStatus.OPEN || status == ChildObjFadeStatus.CLOSE_AND_OPEN)
            if (currDoc != null)
                TextMetaDataTitle.text   = currDoc.title;
                TextMetaDataAuthors.text = string.Join(", ", currDoc.authors);
                TextMetaDataSource.text  = string.Format("{0} - {1}", currDoc.year, currDoc.source);
                Debug.LogError("Title Fade Error: Fail to update Title Meta-data");

            //titleBriefText.text = sourceText;
            for (float i = 0; i <= CANVAS_OPEN_TIME; i += Time.deltaTime)
                float percentage = i / CANVAS_OPEN_TIME;
                bkgMetaData.alpha = percentage;
                yield return(null);
Exemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newDoc"></param>
    /// <param name="newRef"></param>
    /// <param name="normPosX">Normalized position X</param>
    /// <param name="normPosY">Normalized position Y</param>
    /// <param name="newRefType"></param>
    public void UpdateRefEvent(RefEventStatus newRefEvent, string newDoc = "", string newRef = "", float normPosX = 0, float normPosY = 0)

        bool docDiff = (newDoc.Length > 0);

        bool refDiff = false;

        if (newRef.Length > 0 && newRef != refFileName)
            refFileName = newRef;
            refDiff     = true;
            if (PageOrganizer.DictDocuments.ContainsKey(refFileName))
                refDoc = PageOrganizer.DictDocuments[refFileName];
                refDoc = null;

        // Should update the canvas if the ref changed.
        bool shouldUpdate = docDiff || refDiff;

        Debug.Log(string.Format("parsing the events, name:{0}, current status:{1}, new status:{2}", refFileName, RefFlag, newRefEvent));

        // Same Ref *Diff Type: if from OFF: open canvas, open new content, else: clear old, keep canvas, and open new content
        // Diff Ref *Diff Type: if from OFF: open canvas, open new content, else: clear old, modify canvas, open new
        // Diff Ref Same Type: modify canvas, close&open new
        // Check the level info from the pen, and update the _refFlag
        switch (newRefEvent)
        case RefEventStatus.OFF:
            if (RefFlag != RefEventStatus.OFF)
                // Close (ON -> OFF)
                StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.CLOSE, RefFlag, refAnimationCounter));
                RefFlag = RefEventStatus.OFF;

        case RefEventStatus.META_DATA:
            if (RefFlag != RefEventStatus.META_DATA)
                if (RefFlag == RefEventStatus.OFF)
                    StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.OPEN, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));

                    if (shouldUpdate)
                        StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));

            else if (shouldUpdate)
                // level didn't change, but contents changed
                StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));
            RefFlag = RefEventStatus.META_DATA;

        case RefEventStatus.PREVIEW:
            if (RefFlag != RefEventStatus.PREVIEW)
                if (RefFlag == RefEventStatus.OFF)
                    StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.OPEN, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));
                    if (shouldUpdate)
                        StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));

            else if (shouldUpdate)
                // level didn't change, but contents changed
                StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));
            RefFlag = RefEventStatus.PREVIEW;

        case RefEventStatus.FULL_PAPER:
            if (RefFlag != RefEventStatus.FULL_PAPER)
                if (RefFlag == RefEventStatus.OFF)
                    StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.OPEN, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));
                    if (shouldUpdate)
                        StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));

            else if (shouldUpdate)
                // level didn't change, but contents changed
                StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));
            RefFlag = RefEventStatus.FULL_PAPER;

        case RefEventStatus.VIDEO:
            if (RefFlag != RefEventStatus.VIDEO)
                if (RefFlag == RefEventStatus.OFF)
                    StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.OPEN, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));
                    if (shouldUpdate)
                        StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));

                if (refDoc != null && refDoc.videoLink.Length > 0)
                    StartCoroutine(PageOrg.VideoFade(VideoObj, ChildObjFadeStatus.OPEN, refDoc.videoLink));
            else if (shouldUpdate)
                if (refDoc != null && refDoc.videoLink.Length > 0)
                    StartCoroutine(ReferenceCanvasFade(CanvasFadeStatus.MODIFY, newRefEvent, refAnimationCounter, normPosX, normPosY));
                    StartCoroutine(PageOrg.VideoFade(VideoObj, ChildObjFadeStatus.CLOSE_AND_OPEN, refDoc.videoLink));
            RefFlag = RefEventStatus.VIDEO;

            // negative values
            Debug.Log("UpdateRef: negative values: " + newRefEvent);
Exemplo n.º 8
    /// <summary>
    /// The reference event animations use morph effect because they are closer.
    /// For the title event, since we explicitly switch context, we just shrink and re-open the new one.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="flag"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator ReferenceMetaDataFade(ChildObjFadeStatus flag)//, float posX=0, float posY=0)
        if (flag == ChildObjFadeStatus.CLOSE)
            // Handle the fade in/out effect of the [current] printed reference on the desk, if available
            CanvasGroup prevPrintedGroup = null;
            if (refPrintedObj)
                prevPrintedGroup = refPrintedObj.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

            // ON -> OFF: Fade out the title alpha
            for (float i = CANVAS_CLOSE_TIME; i >= 0; i -= Time.deltaTime)
                float percentage = i / CANVAS_CLOSE_TIME;
                bkgMetaData.alpha = percentage;

                if (prevPrintedGroup)
                    prevPrintedGroup.alpha   = percentage;
                    refPrintedMaterial.color = new Color(refPrintedMaterial.color.r, refPrintedMaterial.color.g, refPrintedMaterial.color.b, percentage);
                yield return(null);
            if (refPrintedObj)
                // Finally, hide and clear the printed reference object
                refPrintedObj = null;
            Debug.Log("Ref: Title closed.");
        else if (flag == ChildObjFadeStatus.OPEN)

            CanvasGroup currPrintedGroup = null;
            // Update new reference's printed object (AR Tag)
            if (PageOrganizer.DictPrintedDocObjects.ContainsKey(refFileName))
                refPrintedObj = PageOrganizer.DictPrintedDocObjects[refFileName];
                currPrintedGroup = refPrintedObj.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

            // Note the (x,y) of the 2D document maps to X and -Z axis of Unity3D
            if (PageOrganizer.DictDocuments.ContainsKey(refFileName))
                ARDocument refDoc = PageOrganizer.DictDocuments[refFileName];
                MetaDataTitle.text   = refDoc.title;
                MetaDataAuthors.text = string.Join(", ", refDoc.authors);
                MetaDataSource.text  = string.Format("{0} - {1}", refDoc.year, refDoc.source);
                Debug.LogError("Error: reference name not found in documents dict:" + refFileName);

            for (float i = 0; i <= CANVAS_OPEN_TIME; i += Time.deltaTime)
                float percentage = i / CANVAS_OPEN_TIME;
                bkgMetaData.alpha = percentage;

                if (currPrintedGroup)
                    currPrintedGroup.alpha   = percentage;
                    refPrintedMaterial.color = new Color(refPrintedMaterial.color.r, refPrintedMaterial.color.g, refPrintedMaterial.color.b, percentage);
                yield return(null);
        else if (flag == ChildObjFadeStatus.CLOSE_AND_OPEN)
            if (PageOrganizer.DictDocuments.ContainsKey(refFileName))
                ARDocument refDoc = PageOrganizer.DictDocuments[refFileName];
                Debug.Log("Update Ref Title: " + refDoc.title);

                // Create new panel
                GameObject newMetaDataObj    = Instantiate(MetaDataObj, gameObject.transform);
                Canvas     newMetaDataCanvas = newMetaDataObj.GetComponent <Canvas>();
                newMetaDataCanvas.overrideSorting = true;
                newMetaDataCanvas.sortingOrder    = 0;

                Text[] texts = newMetaDataObj.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>();

                // Handle the fade in/out effect of the [current] printed reference on the desk, if available
                CanvasGroup prevPrintedGroup = null;
                if (refPrintedObj)
                    prevPrintedGroup = refPrintedObj.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

                CanvasGroup currPrintedGroup = null;
                GameObject  currPrintedObj   = null;
                // Update new reference's printed object (AR Tag)
                if (PageOrganizer.DictPrintedDocObjects.ContainsKey(refFileName))
                    currPrintedObj = PageOrganizer.DictPrintedDocObjects[refFileName];
                    currPrintedGroup = currPrintedObj.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

                foreach (Text text in texts)
                    if (text.name.Contains("Title"))
                        text.text     = "<b>" + refDoc.title + "</b>";
                        MetaDataTitle = text;
                    else if (text.name.Contains("Authors"))
                        text.text       = string.Join(", ", refDoc.authors);
                        MetaDataAuthors = text;
                    else if (text.name.Contains("Source"))
                        text.text      = string.Format("<i>{0} - {1}</i>", refDoc.year, refDoc.source);
                        MetaDataSource = text;
                CanvasGroup newGroup = newMetaDataObj.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>();

                // hand-made Morph effect: fade in/out at the same time.
                for (float i = 0; i <= CANVAS_OPEN_TIME; i += Time.deltaTime)
                    float percentage = i / CANVAS_OPEN_TIME;
                    // Fading out
                    bkgMetaData.alpha = 1 - percentage;
                    if (prevPrintedGroup)
                        prevPrintedGroup.alpha = 1 - percentage;

                    // Fading in
                    newGroup.alpha = percentage;
                    if (currPrintedGroup)
                        currPrintedGroup.alpha = percentage;
                    yield return(null);
                if (refPrintedObj)
                    // Finally, hide and clear the printed reference object
                    refPrintedObj = null;
                if (currPrintedObj)
                    // Update the printed reference object
                    refPrintedObj = currPrintedObj;

                newGroup.alpha = 1;

                // Update the variables
                MetaDataObj = newMetaDataObj;
                bkgMetaData = newGroup;

                Debug.Log("Ref: New title has replaced the old one:" + MetaDataObj.name);
                Debug.LogError("Error: reference name not found in documents dict:" + refFileName);
Exemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function: parse the json string and turn it into ARDocument List.
    /// Note: this is slow, and the caller needs to put it into a separate Task.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="jsonResult"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    //private IEnumerator ParseJSONResults(string jsonResult)
    public void ParseJSONResults(string jsonResult)
        parsingStatus = PARSING_STATUS.PENDING;

        List <ARDocument> parsedResults = new List <ARDocument>();

        // Parse to output the result.
        var result  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSONAcademic.RootObject>(jsonResult);
        int counter = 0;

        string title         = "";
        var    authorNames   = new List <string>();
        string majorLastName = "";
        int    year          = 0;
        string source        = "";
        string pdfUrl        = "";

        //yield return null;

        foreach (var entity in result.entities)
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("----------{0}----------", counter));
            var dict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(entity.E);
            //yield return null;

            // Names in "E" is well-organized. But they are not guranteed.
            title = "";
            majorLastName = "";
            year          = entity.Y;
            source        = "";
            pdfUrl        = "";

            if (dict.ContainsKey("DN"))
                title = dict["DN"];
                //Debug.LogWarning("DisplayName not exist. Have to manulay create them.");
                var titleWords = entity.Ti.Split(' ');
                foreach (var tw in titleWords)
                    title += tw[0].ToString().ToUpper() + tw.Substring(1) + " ";
            //Debug.Log("Title: " + title);

            if (dict.ContainsKey("ANF"))
                dynamic authors = dict["ANF"];
                majorLastName = authors[0]["LN"];
                foreach (var author in authors)
                    // FN, LN, S
                    authorNames.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", author["FN"], author["LN"]));
                //Debug.LogWarning("ANF not exist. Have to manulay create them.");
                foreach (var author in entity.AA)
                    string lowerName      = author.AuN;
                    var    authorWords    = lowerName.Split(' ');
                    var    currAuthorName = "";
                    foreach (var aw in authorWords)
                        currAuthorName += aw[0].ToString().ToUpper() + aw.Substring(1) + " ";
                majorLastName = authorNames[0].Split(' ').Last();

                var titleWords = entity.Ti.Split(' ');
                foreach (var tw in titleWords)
                    title += tw[0].ToString().ToUpper() + tw.Substring(1) + " ";
            //Debug.Log("Authors: " + string.Join("    ", authorNames));

            if (dict.ContainsKey("VSN") && dict["VSN"].Length > 0)
                // short conf/journal name
                source = dict["VSN"];
            else if (dict.ContainsKey("PB") && dict["PB"].Length > 0)
                // short journal name
                source = dict["PB"];
            else if (entity.C != null && entity.C.CN.Length > 0)
                source = entity.C.CN.ToUpper();
            else if (entity.J != null && entity.J.JN.Length > 0)
                source = entity.J.JN.ToUpper();
            else if (dict.ContainsKey("VFN") && dict["VFN"].Length > 0)
                // full conf name
                source = dict["VFN"];
            else if (dict.ContainsKey("BV") && dict["BV"].Length > 0)
                // full journal name
                source = dict["BV"];
                //Debug.LogWarning("Source not available.");

            // Cut string idea from Stack overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16236570/4762924
            if (source.Length == 0)
                source = "N/A";
            else if (source.Length >= 50)
                // Try to cut at space
                int pos = source.LastIndexOf(" ", 40);
                // No space to space is too soon, just cut without thinking.
                if (pos <= 40)
                    pos = 50;
                source = source.Substring(0, pos) + "...";
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Source: {0}-({1})", source, year));

            // S.Ty Source Type(1:HTML, 2:Text, 3:PDF, 4:DOC, 5:PPT, 6:XLS, 7:PS)
            // Sometimes I found type 0 also points to pdf link
            if (dict.ContainsKey("S"))
                foreach (var urlDict in dict["S"])
                    int    urlType    = urlDict["Ty"];
                    string urlContent = urlDict["U"];
                    if (urlType == 3)
                        pdfUrl = urlContent;
                    else if (urlType == 0 && urlContent.Contains("pdf"))
                        pdfUrl = urlContent;
                        //Debug.Log(string.Format("----{0}; {1}", urlType, urlContent));
            if (pdfUrl.Length > 0)
                //Debug.Log("PDF available:" + pdfUrl);
            // Last name of first author + last two digits of year
            string fileName = string.Format("{0}{1}", majorLastName, (year % 100).ToString("D2"));
            //Debug.Log("Named as:" + fileName);
            ARDocument doc = new ARDocument(fileName, title, authorNames.ToArray(), source, year, pdfUrl);


        Debug.Log(string.Format("Got {0} new results. Old results: {1}.", parsedResults.Count, currResults.Count));
        parsingStatus = PARSING_STATUS.DONE;