private APSIMJob BuildAPSIMJobAndStageFiles( Guid jobId, string apsimAppPkgVersion, string displayName, string modelZipFile, CancellationToken ct) { var job = new APSIMJob { DisplayName = displayName, StorageCredentials = _storageCredentials, BatchCredentials = _batchCredentials, PoolSettings = _poolSettings, ApsimApplicationPackageVersion = apsimAppPkgVersion, }; ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); job.ModelZipFileSas = _fileUploader.UploadFile( modelZipFile, jobId.ToString(), Path.GetFileName(modelZipFile), ct); ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); return(job); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the APSIM ZIP file and helpers like AzCopy and 7zip. /// </summary> private static IEnumerable <ResourceFile> GetResourceFiles(APSIMJob job, CloudBlobClient blobClient) { yield return(new ResourceFile(job.ModelZipFileSas, BatchConstants.MODEL_ZIPFILE_NAME)); var toolsRef = blobClient.GetContainerReference("tools"); foreach (CloudBlockBlob listBlobItem in toolsRef.ListBlobs()) { var sas = listBlobItem.GetSharedAccessSignature(new SharedAccessBlobPolicy { SharedAccessStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1), SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(2), Permissions = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read, }); yield return(new ResourceFile(listBlobItem.Uri.AbsoluteUri + sas, listBlobItem.Name)); } var apsimRef = blobClient.GetContainerReference("apsim"); foreach (CloudBlockBlob listBlobItem in apsimRef.ListBlobs()) { if (listBlobItem.Name.ToLower().Contains(job.ApsimApplicationPackageVersion.ToLower())) { var sas = listBlobItem.GetSharedAccessSignature(new SharedAccessBlobPolicy { SharedAccessStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1), SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(2), Permissions = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read, }); yield return(new ResourceFile(listBlobItem.Uri.AbsoluteUri + sas, listBlobItem.Name)); } } }
public static JobPreparationTask ToJobPreparationTask(this APSIMJob job, Guid jobId, CloudBlobClient blobClient) { return(new JobPreparationTask { CommandLine = "cmd.exe /c jobprep.cmd", ResourceFiles = GetResourceFiles(job, blobClient).ToList(), WaitForSuccess = true, }); }
public static JobReleaseTask ToJobReleaseTask(this APSIMJob job, Guid jobId) { return(new JobReleaseTask { //CommandLine = "cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q " + BatchConstants.GetJobInputPath(jobId), //CommandLine = "cmd.exe /c echo test > " + BatchConstants.GetJobInputPath(jobId) + "\\test.txt", //CommandLine = "cmd.exe /c jobrelease.cmd " + BatchConstants.GetJobInputPath(jobId), //CommandLine = "cmd.exe /c jobrelease.cmd", CommandLine = "cmd.exe /c jobrelease.cmd " + job.StorageCredentials.Key, //CommandLine = "cmd.exe /c md c:\temp && echo test > c:\temp\test.stdout", }); }
private static IEnumerable <ResourceFile> GetResourceFiles(APSIMJob job, CloudBlobClient blobClient) { var toolsRef = blobClient.GetContainerReference("jobmanager"); foreach (CloudBlockBlob listBlobItem in toolsRef.ListBlobs()) { var sas = listBlobItem.GetSharedAccessSignature(new SharedAccessBlobPolicy { SharedAccessStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1), SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(2), Permissions = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read, }); yield return(new ResourceFile(listBlobItem.Uri.AbsoluteUri + sas, listBlobItem.Name)); } }
public void SubmitJob(Guid jobId, APSIMJob job, bool shouldSubmitTasks, bool autoScale) { try { var cloudJob = _batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId.ToString(), GetPoolInfo(job.PoolSettings)); cloudJob.DisplayName = job.DisplayName; cloudJob.JobPreparationTask = job.ToJobPreparationTask(jobId, _storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient()); cloudJob.JobReleaseTask = job.ToJobReleaseTask(jobId); cloudJob.JobManagerTask = job.ToJobManagerTask(jobId, _storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(), shouldSubmitTasks, autoScale); cloudJob.Commit(); } catch (AggregateException e) { throw ExceptionHelper.UnwrapAggregateException(e); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } }
public static JobManagerTask ToJobManagerTask(this APSIMJob job, Guid jobId, CloudBlobClient blobClient, bool shouldSubmitTasks, bool autoScale) { var cmd = string.Format("cmd.exe /c {0} job-manager {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9}", BatchConstants.GetJobManagerPath(jobId), job.BatchCredentials.Url, job.BatchCredentials.Account, job.BatchCredentials.Key, job.StorageCredentials.Account, job.StorageCredentials.Key, jobId, BatchConstants.GetModelPath(jobId), shouldSubmitTasks, autoScale); return(new JobManagerTask { CommandLine = cmd, DisplayName = "Job manager task", KillJobOnCompletion = true, Id = BatchConstants.JOB_MANAGER_NAME, RunExclusive = false, ResourceFiles = GetResourceFiles(job, blobClient).ToList(), }); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the bulk of the work for submitting the job to the cloud. /// Zips up ApsimX (if necessary), uploads tools and ApsimX, /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Event arg, containing the job parameters</param> private void SubmitJob_DoWork(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e) { JobParameters jp = (JobParameters)e.Argument; jp.JobId = Guid.NewGuid(); jp.CoresPerProcess = 1; jp.JobManagerShouldSubmitTasks = true; jp.AutoScale = true; jp.PoolMaxTasksPerVM = 16; string tmpZip = ""; SetAzureMetaData("job-" + jp.JobId, "Owner", Environment.UserName.ToLower()); // if jp.ApplicationPackagePath is a directory it will need to be zipped up if (Directory.Exists(jp.ApplicationPackagePath)) { view.Status = "Zipping APSIM"; tmpZip = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "Apsim-tmp-X-" + Environment.UserName.ToLower() + ".zip"); if (File.Exists(tmpZip)) { File.Delete(tmpZip); } if (CreateApsimXZip(jp.ApplicationPackagePath, tmpZip) > 0) { view.Status = "Cancelled"; return; } jp.ApplicationPackagePath = tmpZip; jp.ApplicationPackageVersion = Path.GetFileName(tmpZip).Substring(Path.GetFileName(tmpZip).IndexOf('-') + 1); } // add current job to the list of jobs // TODO : do we actually need/use the APSIMJob class? APSIMJob job = new APSIMJob(jp.JobDisplayName, "", jp.ApplicationPackagePath, jp.ApplicationPackageVersion, jp.Recipient, batchAuth, storageAuth, PoolSettings.FromConfiguration()); job.PoolInfo.MaxTasksPerVM = jp.PoolMaxTasksPerVM; job.PoolInfo.VMCount = jp.PoolVMCount; // upload tools such as 7zip, AzCopy, CMail, etc. view.Status = "Checking tools"; string executableDirectory = GetExecutableDirectory(); string toolsDir = Path.Combine(executableDirectory, "tools"); if (!Directory.Exists(toolsDir)) { ShowErrorMessage("Tools Directory not found: " + toolsDir); } foreach (string filePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(toolsDir)) { UploadFileIfNeeded("tools", filePath); } if (jp.Recipient.Length > 0) { try { // Store a config file into the job directory that has the e-mail config string tmpConfig = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), settingsFileName); using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(tmpConfig)) { file.WriteLine("EmailRecipient=" + jp.Recipient); file.WriteLine("EmailSender=" + AzureSettings.Default["EmailSender"]); file.WriteLine("EmailPW=" + AzureSettings.Default["EmailPW"]); } UploadFileIfNeeded("job-" + jp.JobId, tmpConfig); File.Delete(tmpConfig); } catch (Exception err) { ShowError(new Exception("Error writing to settings file; you may not receive an email upon job completion: ", err)); } } // upload job manager UploadFileIfNeeded("jobmanager", Path.Combine(executableDirectory, "azure-apsim.exe")); // upload apsim view.Status = "Uploading APSIM Next Generation"; UploadFileIfNeeded("apsim", jp.ApplicationPackagePath); // generate model files view.Status = "Generating model files"; if (!Directory.Exists(jp.ModelPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(jp.ModelPath); } try { // copy weather files to models directory to be zipped up foreach (Models.Weather child in Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(model).OfType <Models.Weather>()) { if (Path.GetDirectoryName(child.FullFileName) != Path.GetDirectoryName(presenter.ApsimXFile.FileName)) { presenter.MainPresenter.ShowError("Weather file must be in the same directory as .apsimx file: " + child.FullFileName); view.Status = "Cancelled"; return; } string sourceFile = child.FullFileName; string destFile = Path.Combine(jp.ModelPath, child.FileName); if (!File.Exists(destFile)) { File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile); } ; } // Generate .apsimx files, and if any errors are encountered, abort the job submission process. if (!presenter.GenerateApsimXFiles(model, jp.ModelPath)) { view.Status = "Cancelled"; return; } } catch (Exception err) { presenter.MainPresenter.ShowError(err); return; } tmpZip = ""; // zip up models directory if (Directory.Exists(jp.ModelPath)) // this test may be unnecessary { tmpZip = GetTempFileName("Model-", ".zip", true); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(jp.ModelPath, tmpZip, CompressionLevel.Fastest, false); jp.ModelPath = tmpZip; } // upload models view.Status = "Uploading models"; job.ModelZipFileSas = uploader.UploadFile(jp.ModelPath, jp.JobId.ToString(), Path.GetFileName(jp.ModelPath)); // clean up temporary model files if (File.Exists(tmpZip)) { File.Delete(tmpZip); } if (!jp.SaveModelFiles) { if (Directory.Exists(jp.ModelPath)) { Directory.Delete(jp.ModelPath); } } view.Status = "Submitting Job"; // submit job try { CloudJob cloudJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jp.JobId.ToString(), GetPoolInfo(job.PoolInfo)); cloudJob.DisplayName = job.DisplayName; cloudJob.JobPreparationTask = job.ToJobPreparationTask(jp.JobId, Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlobAccountExtensions.CreateCloudBlobClient(storageAccount)); cloudJob.JobReleaseTask = job.ToJobReleaseTask(jp.JobId, Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlobAccountExtensions.CreateCloudBlobClient(storageAccount)); cloudJob.JobManagerTask = job.ToJobManagerTask(jp.JobId, Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.BlobAccountExtensions.CreateCloudBlobClient(storageAccount), jp.JobManagerShouldSubmitTasks, jp.AutoScale); cloudJob.Commit(); } catch (Exception err) { ShowError(err); } view.Status = "Job Successfully submitted"; if (jp.AutoDownload) { AzureResultsDownloader dl = new AzureResultsDownloader(jp.JobId, jp.JobDisplayName, jp.OutputDir, null, true, jp.Summarise, true, true, true); dl.DownloadResults(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the bulk of the work for submitting the job to the cloud. /// Zips up ApsimX (if necessary), uploads tools and ApsimX, /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Event arg, containing the job parameters</param> private void SubmitJob_DoWork(object o, DoWorkEventArgs e) { JobParameters jp = (JobParameters)e.Argument; jp.JobId = Guid.NewGuid(); jp.CoresPerProcess = 1; jp.JobManagerShouldSubmitTasks = true; jp.AutoScale = true; jp.PoolMaxTasksPerVM = 16; string tmpZip = ""; SetAzureMetaData("job-" + jp.JobId, "Owner", Environment.UserName.ToLower()); // if jp.ApplicationPackagePath is a directory it will need to be zipped up if (Directory.Exists(jp.ApplicationPackagePath)) { view.Status = "Zipping APSIM"; tmpZip = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "Apsim-tmp-X-" + Environment.UserName.ToLower() + ".zip"); if (File.Exists(tmpZip)) { File.Delete(tmpZip); } if (createApsimXZip(jp.ApplicationPackagePath, tmpZip) > 0) { ShowError("Error zipping up Apsim"); } jp.ApplicationPackagePath = tmpZip; jp.ApplicationPackageVersion = Path.GetFileName(tmpZip).Substring(Path.GetFileName(tmpZip).IndexOf('-') + 1); } // add current job to the list of jobs // TODO : do we actually need/use the APSIMJob class? APSIMJob job = new APSIMJob(jp.JobDisplayName, "", jp.ApplicationPackagePath, jp.ApplicationPackageVersion, jp.Recipient, batchCredentials, storageCredentials, PoolSettings.FromConfiguration()); job.PoolInfo.MaxTasksPerVM = jp.PoolMaxTasksPerVM; job.PoolInfo.VMCount = jp.PoolVMCount; // upload tools such as 7zip, AzCopy, CMail, etc. view.Status = "Checking tools"; string executableDirectory = GetExecutableDirectory(); string toolsDir = Path.Combine(executableDirectory, "tools"); if (!Directory.Exists(toolsDir)) { ShowError("Tools Directory not found: " + toolsDir); } foreach (string filePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(toolsDir)) { UploadFileIfNeeded("tools", filePath); } if (jp.Recipient.Length > 0) { try { // Store a config file into the job directory that has the e-mail config string tmpConfig = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), SETTINGS_FILENAME); using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(tmpConfig)) { file.WriteLine("EmailRecipient=" + jp.Recipient); file.WriteLine("EmailSender=" + AzureSettings.Default["EmailSender"]); file.WriteLine("EmailPW=" + AzureSettings.Default["EmailPW"]); } UploadFileIfNeeded("job-" + jp.JobId, tmpConfig); File.Delete(tmpConfig); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError("Error writing to settings file; you may not receive an email upon job completion: " + ex.ToString()); } } // upload job manager UploadFileIfNeeded("jobmanager", Path.Combine(executableDirectory, "azure-apsim.exe")); // upload apsim view.Status = "Uploading APSIM Next Generation"; UploadFileIfNeeded("apsim", jp.ApplicationPackagePath); // create models // TODO : show error message if other files already exist in model output directory? // may be necessary if using a user-selected directory string path = ""; // generate model files view.Status = "Generating model files"; if (!Directory.Exists(jp.ModelPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(jp.ModelPath); } // generate xml string xml = ""; foreach (Simulation sim in Runner.AllSimulations(model)) { path = Path.Combine(jp.ModelPath, sim.Name + ".apsimx"); // if weather file is not in the same directory as the .apsimx file, display an error then abort foreach (var child in sim.Children) { if (child is Models.Weather) { string childPath = sim.Children.OfType <Models.Weather>().ToList()[0].FileName; if (Path.GetDirectoryName(childPath) != "") { ShowError(childPath + " must be in the same directory as the .apsimx file" + (sim.FileName != null ? " (" + Path.GetDirectoryName(sim.FileName) + ")" : "")); view.Status = "Cancelled"; return; } string sourcePath = sim.Children.OfType <Models.Weather>().ToList()[0].FullFileName; string destPath = Path.Combine(jp.ModelPath, sim.Children.OfType <Models.Weather>().ToList()[0].FileName); if (!File.Exists(destPath)) { File.Copy(sourcePath, destPath); } } } xml = Apsim.Serialise(sim); // delete model file if it already exists if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } string pattern = @"<\?xml[^<>]+>"; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var matches = rx.Matches(xml); xml = "<Simulations xmlns:xsi=\"\" Version=\"23\">\r\n<Name>" + sim.Name + "</Name>\r\n" + xml.Replace(matches[0].ToString(), "") + "<DataStore><Name>DataStore</Name><AutoExport>false</AutoExport><MaximumResultsPerPage>0</MaximumResultsPerPage></DataStore><ExplorerWidth>296</ExplorerWidth></Simulations>"; // write xml to file using (FileStream fs = File.Create(path)) { Byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(xml); fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length); } } tmpZip = ""; // zip up models directory if (Directory.Exists(jp.ModelPath)) // this test may be unnecessary { tmpZip = GetTempFileName("Model-", ".zip", true); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(jp.ModelPath, tmpZip, CompressionLevel.Fastest, false); jp.ModelPath = tmpZip; } // upload models view.Status = "Uploading models"; job.ModelZipFileSas = uploader.UploadFile(jp.ModelPath, jp.JobId.ToString(), Path.GetFileName(jp.ModelPath)); // clean up temporary model files if (File.Exists(tmpZip)) { File.Delete(tmpZip); } if (!jp.SaveModelFiles) { if (Directory.Exists(jp.ModelPath)) { Directory.Delete(jp.ModelPath); } } view.Status = "Submitting Job"; // submit job try { CloudJob cloudJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jp.JobId.ToString(), GetPoolInfo(job.PoolInfo)); cloudJob.DisplayName = job.DisplayName; cloudJob.JobPreparationTask = job.ToJobPreparationTask(jp.JobId, storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient()); cloudJob.JobReleaseTask = job.ToJobReleaseTask(jp.JobId, storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient()); cloudJob.JobManagerTask = job.ToJobManagerTask(jp.JobId, storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(), jp.JobManagerShouldSubmitTasks, jp.AutoScale); cloudJob.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex.ToString()); } view.Status = "Job Successfully submitted"; // in theory, instantiating an AzureResultsDownloader here and passing in this job's ID and name, then calling its DownloadResults() method would allow // for automatic job downloading as soon as the job is finished. The trouble is it needs an AzureJobDisplayPresenter (for progress bar updating, etc). // explorerPresenter.MainPresenter.ShowMessage("Job Successfully submitted", Simulation.ErrorLevel.Information); // AzureResultsDownloader dl = new AzureResultsDownloader(jp.JobId, jp.JobDisplayName, jp.OutputDir, this.explorerPresenter, true, false, false); }