public string getInstallationExe()
            var fiddler          = new API_Fiddler();
            var fiddlerInstaller = fiddler.installerFile();

            Assert.That(fiddlerInstaller.fileExists(), "Could not find file: {0}".info(fiddlerInstaller));
            return("ok - getInstallationExe");
        public string test_UnInstallation_Process()
            var fiddler = new API_Fiddler();

            Assert.That(fiddler.isInstalled(), "Fiddler was NOT installed");
            Assert.That(fiddler.isInstalled().isFalse(), "After uninstall, Fiddler should not be there anymore");
            return("ok - test_UnInstall");
        public string test_Installation_Process()
            var fiddler = new API_Fiddler();

            if (fiddler.isInstalled())
                "[UnitTest_API_Fiddler] Fiddler is already installed, so need to uninstalled first".info();

            Assert.That(fiddler.isInstalled(), "After installation process, could not detect installation");
            return("ok - test_Install");