static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Instantiate Object
            APDocConverter.DocConverter docConverter =
                new APDocConverter.DocConverter();

            // Enable extra logging (logging should only be used while
            // troubleshooting) C:\ProgramData\activePDF\Logs\
            docConverter.Debug = true;

            // Add stamp image onto the output PDF
            docConverter.AddStampCollection(collectionName: "IMGimage");
                ImageFile: $"{strPath}DocConverter.Input.jpg",
                x: 508.0f,
                y: 16.0f,
                Width: 32.0f,
                Height: 32.0f,
                PersistRatio: true);

            // Set whether the stamp collection(s) appears in the background or
            // foreground
            docConverter.StampBackground = 0;

            // Convert the file to PDF
            // If the output parameter is not used the created PDF will use
            // the input string substituting the filename extension to 'pdf'
            DCDK.Results.DocConverterResult result =
                    inputPath: $"{strPath}DocConverter.Word.Input.doc",
                    outputPDF: $"{strPath}DocConverter.AddStampImage.pdf");


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");