Exemplo n.º 1
    public static AOTABundle MarkIsTileDataInBundleTrueStatic(ref AOTABundle bundle)
        // make .isBundled true. add coord
        bundle.isTileDataInBundle = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
    public static void MarkisBundledTrueStatic(ref AOTABundle bundle)
        bundle.isBundled = true;

        // make .isBundled true. add coord
        // return bundle;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static AOTABundle SetBundle(Coord index, AOTABundle bundle)
     bundles[index] = bundle;// AddOrUpdate(index, (ka) => bundle, (k, v) => v);
        private void RenderOutlet(TileData data, AOTABundle bundle, Dictionary <string, ulong> OutletFullList)
            ulong matchingId;

            foreach (var splineSys in bundle.SplineSysBundle)
                // Check the list is properly formatted. Could be removed... if you are confident.
                if (!OutletFullList.ContainsKey(splineSys.outletName))
                    Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} not found initialised in the {2}", nameof(matchingId), splineSys.outletName, nameof(OutletFullList));
                    // item.outletName      // should match the entry in OutletFullList
                    matchingId = OutletFullList[splineSys.outletName];

                if (splineSys.splineSys.lines.Length > 0)
                    //Debug.LogFormat("{6} has {7} lines at tile {8}, first line goes from {0},{1},{2} to {3},{4},{5} ",

                    //     splineSys.splineSys.lines[0].segments[0].start.pos.x,
                    //     splineSys.splineSys.lines[0].segments[0].start.pos.y,
                    //     splineSys.splineSys.lines[0].segments[0].start.pos.z,
                    //     splineSys.splineSys.lines[0].segments[0].end.pos.x,
                    //     splineSys.splineSys.lines[0].segments[0].end.pos.y,
                    //     splineSys.splineSys.lines[0].segments[0].end.pos.z,
                    //     splineSys.outletName,
                    //     splineSys.splineSys.lines.Length,
                    //     data.area.Coord
                    //     );

                    // now we know the Id. go populate it.
                    foreach (var outlet in Outlets())
                        if (outlet.Id == matchingId)
                            //    splineSys.splineSys.Clamp((Vector3)data.area.full.worldPos, (Vector3)data.area.full.worldSize);

                            data.StoreProduct(outlet, splineSys.splineSys);
                //  else
                //      Debug.LogFormat("Outlet {0} has {1} lines", splineSys.outletName, splineSys.splineSys.lines.Length);

            // We only render the objects in the last gasp. (Main Pass)

            //if (data.isDraft)
            //    return;

            foreach (var objectList in bundle.TransitionsListBundle)
                if (RoadOnly)

                if (OutletFullList.ContainsKey(objectList.outletName))
                    // item.outletName      // should match the entry in OutletFullList
                    matchingId = OutletFullList[objectList.outletName];
                    Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} not found initialised in the {2}", nameof(matchingId), objectList.outletName, nameof(OutletFullList));

                if (objectList.transitionsList.count > 0)
                    // now we know the Id. go populate it.
                    foreach (var outlet in Outlets())
                        if (outlet.Id == matchingId)
                            // Bodge the city size into the object  // 0,0 is shared between the corner of 4 tiles. so expect at least 4
                            if (objectList.outletName == "centerOut")

                                var hinum = (double)Mathf.Max((TownGlobalObjectService.PatchCap + 10), (TownGlobalObject.bundles[data.area.Coord].town.Options.Patches));
                                var magic = (float)(1 / (hinum / (double)TownGlobalObject.bundles[data.area.Coord].town.Options.Patches));

                                objectList.transitionsList.arr[0].scale = new Vector3(magic, magic, magic);

                                // Store the single case. for the absolute town center
                                if (data.area.Coord == TownGlobalObject.GetIndexAtCoord(data.area.Coord))
                                    var location = Outlets().Where(x => x.Id == singlecenterOut.Id).First();

                                    objectList.transitionsList.arr = objectList.transitionsList.arr.Truncated(objectList.transitionsList.count);



                            //  foreach (var item in objectList.transitionsList.arr)
                            //  {
                            //      if (!data.area.active.Contains(item.pos)) continue;
                            //   }

                            TransitionsList cleaner = new TransitionsList();

                            if (objectList.outletName == "gatehouseSplineOut")
                                Debug.Log(objectList.transitionsList.arr.Length + " gatehouseSplines on this tile");

                            //for (int i = 0; i < objectList.transitionsList.arr.Length; i++)
                            //    {
                            //        if (data.area.active.Contains(objectList.transitionsList.arr[i].pos))
                            //        {
                            //            cleaner.Add( objectList.transitionsList.arr[i]);
                            //        }
                            //    }

                            data.StoreProduct(outlet, objectList.transitionsList);

                            // data.StoreProduct(outlet, cleaner);
                //  else
                //      Debug.LogFormat("Outlet {0} has {1} objects", objectList.outletName, objectList.transitionsList.count);

            // Let's shove it all in the list.
        private void RenderTownMeshes(ref AOTABundle bundle)
            //  bundle.isTileDataInBundle = true;

            TownGlobalObject.TownsWaitingToRender.Enqueue(new TownMeshRenderer(bundle.town, bundle.town.Options, TownGlobalObjectService.rendererOptions));
        public override void Generate(TileData data, StopToken stop)
            if (stop.stop || !enabled)

            // the only reason we could get here that I can figure is if you pinned so lets init things.

            if (!TownGlobalObject.InitialTownsGenerated)
                Debug.Log("***** !TownGlobalObject.InitialTownsGenerated THIS IS BAD*****");

            Dictionary <string, ulong> OutletFullList; // = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();

            InitNamedOutputsDicts(out OutletFullList);

            if (stop.stop)

            //// Town stuff  /////////// ********

            // This will ALLLLLways return something... it SHOULD be the town.
            Coord locality = TownGlobalObject.GetIndexAtCoord(data.area.Coord);

            if (!TownGlobalObject.bundles.ContainsKey(data.area.Coord))  // By this point  !bundle.isBundled && !bundle.isTileDataInBundle  - basically the bundle is a blank.
                Debug.Log("***** !TownGlobalObject.bundles.ContainsKey(data.area.Coord) THIS IS BAD*****");
            // WE DID HIT THE BUNDLE

            bundle = TownGlobalObject.bundles[data.area.Coord];

            if (locality == data.area.Coord && !bundle.isTileDataInBundle && !RoadOnly)
                Debug.LogFormat("This is a town tile. Is the locality Town stored? {0}", TownGlobalObject.townsData.ContainsKey(locality));

            // Handle the WE HAVE THE TILE DATA ALREADY case
            if (bundle.isBundled && bundle.isTileDataInBundle)
                //       "{0} is {1}, {2} is {3}, {4} is {5},  ",
                //       "outlet GUID",
                //       item.splineSys.GetType().GUID,
                //       "name",
                //       item.name,
                //       nameof(item.outlet.Id),
                //       item.outlet.id);

                // Write it to the outputs and exit.

                RenderOutlet(data, bundle, OutletFullList);

            // The Unrendered case. Lets double check.
            else if (bundle.isBundled && !bundle.isTileDataInBundle)
                RenderOutlet(data, bundle, OutletFullList);
                //   bundle.isTileDataInBundle = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void OnBeforeTileGenerateCheck(TerrainTile tile, TileData data)
        if (!TownGlobalObject.InitialTownsGenerated)
            Debug.Log("***** !TownGlobalObject.InitialTownsGenerated THIS IS BAD*****");

        // This will ALLLLLways return something... it SHOULD be the town.
        Coord locality = TownGlobalObject.GetIndexAtCoord(data.area.Coord);

        if (!TownGlobalObject.bundles.ContainsKey(data.area.Coord))  // By this point  !bundle.isBundled && !bundle.isTileDataInBundle  - basically the bundle is a blank.
            // WE DID NOT HIT THE BUNDLE

            //Debug.LogFormat("bundle not found for tile {1}, town {0} during the {2} phase", locality, data.area.Coord,
            //    (data.isDraft) ? "Draft" : "Main"
            //    );

            TownTileRenderer mrMaker = new TownTileRenderer();

            // But the actual town should be stored at the "Locality"

            bundle = mrMaker.MakeATileBundleWithThisTown(data.area.Coord, false, true, locality);

            // by here all our splineSys and transition lists should be filled.

            // Bless it.



            TownGlobalObject.bundles[data.area.Coord] = bundle;

        bundle = TownGlobalObject.bundles[data.area.Coord];

        if (locality == data.area.Coord && !bundle.isTileDataInBundle)
            Debug.LogFormat("This is a town tile. Is the locality Town stored? {0}", TownGlobalObject.townsData.ContainsKey(locality));

        // Handle the WE HAVE THE TILE DATA ALREADY case
        if (bundle.isBundled && bundle.isTileDataInBundle)
        // The Unrendered case. Lets double check.
        else if (bundle.isBundled && !bundle.isTileDataInBundle)
            TownTileRenderer mrMaker = new TownTileRenderer();
            bundle = mrMaker.MakeATileBundle(data.area.Coord, false, false);

            Debug.LogFormat("rewrite for UNRENDERED {0}, {1}, {2} during {3} phase and {4} and {5}",
                            string.Format("{0}:{1}", bundle.town.mapOffset.x, bundle.town.mapOffset.y),
                            (data.isDraft) ? "DRAFT" : "MAIN",
                            (bundle.isBundled) ? " is bundled :)" : "is not bundled :(",
                            (bundle.isTileDataInBundle) ? " Tile Data IS In Bundle :)" : "TILE DATA MISSING!!!!!!!!!!"

            // by here all our splineSys and transition lists should be filled.

            // Bless it.


            TownGlobalObject.bundles[data.area.Coord] = bundle;

            //   var bundletest = TownGlobalObject.GetTownBundle(data.area.Coord);

            var bundletest = TownGlobalObject.bundles[data.area.Coord];

            //  if (bundle2test == bundletest)
            //  {
                " FINAL TEST {0} is null = {1}, {2} is {3}, {4} .isBundled is {5}",
                string.Format("{0}:{1}", data.area.Coord.x, data.area.Coord.z),

                bundletest == null,
                (bundletest.isBundled) ? " Tile Data IS In Bundle :)" : "TILE DATA MISSING!!!!!!!!!!"

            //   RenderOutlet(data, bundle, OutletFullList);
            //   bundle.isTileDataInBundle = true;
            //  }
Exemplo n.º 8
    //async Task MyProcess() //the Task is returned implicitly
    //   // busyIndicator.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
    //    await LongRunningMethod(); //the work here is done in a worker thread
    //   // busyIndicator.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //this line executes back on the ui context

    //Task LongRunningMethod() //the Async suffix is a convention to differentiate overloads that return Tasks
    //    var result1 = await Task.Run(() => /* do some processing */ ); //we are actually starting an asynchronous task here.

    //    //update some ui elements here

    //    var result2 = await Task.Run(() => /* do some more processing */ );

    //    //update some ui elements here

    void CreateCities
        (int XzSpread,
        int extraCities,
        string HomeTownName = "Hometon")
        int timesThru = 0;

        int layerMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("MAPGEN");

        __extraCities = extraCities;

        // We service the town requests first
        for (int i = 0; i < (extraCities + TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests.Count); i++)
            MakeCity(ref XzSpread, HomeTownName, ref timesThru, i);

        //var myList = TownGlobalObject.townsData.ToList();

        //myList.Sort((pair1, pair2) => pair1.Value.NumPatches.CompareTo(pair2.Value.NumPatches));

        if (true)
            var sortedDict = from entry in TownGlobalObject.townsData orderby entry.Value.Patches.Count descending select entry;

            foreach (var item in sortedDict)
                float size = CityRatioGrowthApproximationmultiplier * item.Value.Patches.Count;

                // rendering 36 tiles by default at max per city
                int roughTileGuess = (int)Mathf.Max(MinTileRender, Mathf.Min(MaxTileRender, Mathf.Ceil(size * 0.003f)));

                //    item.Key

                //  item.Value

                // so walk over the location from -half the rough guess to +half the rough guess verticall and horizontally as a raster and make the tiles.
                for (int row = 0; row < roughTileGuess; row++)
                    int halfrow;
                    int halfcolumn = halfrow = (int)Mathf.Ceil(roughTileGuess * 0.5f);

                    for (int column = 0; column < roughTileGuess; column++)
                        Coord nextlocality = new Coord(item.Key.x + (column - halfcolumn), item.Key.z + (row - halfrow));

                        //List<Coord> ExclusionList = new List<Coord>();

                        //foreach (var thisitem in sortedDict)
                        //    // Is this exactly the town we are sweeping on this loop
                        //    if (thisitem.Key == item.Key)
                        //        continue;
                        //    ExclusionList.Add(thisitem.Key);
                        //    ExclusionList.Add(new Coord(thisitem.Key.x - 1, thisitem.Key.z - 1));
                        //    ExclusionList.Add(new Coord(thisitem.Key.x - 1, thisitem.Key.z));
                        //    ExclusionList.Add(new Coord(thisitem.Key.x, thisitem.Key.z - 1));

                        //if (ExclusionList.Contains(nextlocality))
                        //    continue;


                        // Don't do the town twice.
                        //    if (item.Key == nextlocality)
                        //    {
                        //        continue;
                        //    }

                        //foreach (var townlocation in TownGlobalObject.townsData.Keys)

                        //    // It's not our town and we are right next to it
                        //    //    if (Coord.DistanceSq( townlocation , item.Key ) < 6 && item.Key != nextlocality)
                        //    //{
                        //    //    if (townlocation != item.Key)
                        //    //    {

                        //    //         Debug.LogFormat("Skipped {0} for {1}", item.Key, townlocation);
                        //    //    }
                        //    //    continue;
                        //    //}


                        TownTileRenderer nextlocalityMaker = new TownTileRenderer();

                        // We already have a processed tile for this and it's not the town center
                        if (TownGlobalObject.bundles.ContainsKey(nextlocality) && AllowTileMerging)
                            // We need to create a method that can just "append" to an existing bundles lists  - maybe via reference

                            //  AOTABundle nextlocalityBundle = TownGlobalObject.bundles[nextlocality];

                            AOTABundle nextlocalityBundleReplaced = nextlocalityMaker.MakeATileBundleWithThisTown(nextlocality, false, true, item.Key);

                            TownGlobalObject.bundles[nextlocality] = nextlocalityBundleReplaced;

                            // it's already bundled, and rolled and marked it a B, so no need to put it in the oven ...
                            // Just render this first pass

                            AOTABundle nextlocalityBundle;

                            // Fill it with Joy

                            //  if (TownGlobalObject.bundles.ContainsKey(nextlocality))
                            //  {
                            nextlocalityBundle = nextlocalityMaker.MakeATileBundleWithThisTown(nextlocality, false, false, item.Key); //, data.area.active);
                            //  }
                            //  else
                            //  {

                            //      nextlocalityBundle = nextlocalityMaker.MakeATileBundle(nextlocality, false, false);
                            //  }



                            TownGlobalObject.bundles[nextlocality] = nextlocalityBundle;

                            AOTABundle nextReffedBundle = TownGlobalObject.bundles[nextlocality];

                            //            "INIT TEST: bundle found for tile {5} town {0}: {7} : {3} with {1} SplineSysBundles and {2} TransitionsListBundles and {4} and {6}",
                            //           string.Format("{0}:{1}", nextlocality.x, nextlocality.z),
                            //            nextReffedBundle.SplineSysBundle.Count(),
                            //            nextReffedBundle.TransitionsListBundle.Count(),
                            //            nextReffedBundle.name,
                            //            (nextReffedBundle.isBundled) ? " is bundled :)" : "is not bundled :(",
                            //           nextlocality,
                            //             (nextReffedBundle.isTileDataInBundle) ? " Tile Data IS In Bundle :)" : "TILE DATA MISSING!!!!!!!!!!",
                            //             nextReffedBundle.town.name
                            //            );

                            //if (!TownGlobalObject.renderedTowns.Contains(nextReffedBundle.coord))

                            //    TownGlobalObject.renderedTowns.Add(nextReffedBundle.coord);

        TownGlobalObject.InitialTownsGenerated = true;

        //   if(InitTradeScripts)  InitTrade.GeneratePrefabsForTradersInCitiesStatic();

        // Here was could disable all the MAPGEN colliders if we are going for a fixed city count...

        TownGlobalObject.renderedBoxColliders.ForEach(col => col.enabled = false);
Exemplo n.º 9
    private void MakeCity(ref int XzSpread, string HomeTownName, ref int timesThru, int timeThru)
        // The new Town
        Coord newlocality = new Coord();

        // New random choices for the towns coords
        int newXmaybe = 0;
        int newZmaybe = 0;

        int NextValidRandomPatchAmountFromTGOSRange =
            RandomGen.Next(TownGlobalObjectService.PatchCap, TownGlobalObjectService.PatchFloor);

        // Get A valid amount for the patch choice
        int randomPatches = NextValidRandomPatchAmountFromTGOSRange;

        // For "Distance" comparison
        float closest = 0;

        if (timeThru >= TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests.Count)
            newXmaybe = (int)(GetRandomXZrangedInt() * 1) + (RandomGen.FlipACoin() ? (int)MinimumDistance : -(int)MinimumDistance);
            newZmaybe = (int)(GetRandomXZrangedInt() * 1) + (RandomGen.FlipACoin() ? (int)MinimumDistance : -(int)MinimumDistance);

            // Test if the hit is closer than we would like, if it is then we need to try again

            timesThru = 0;

            while (closest < MinimumDistance + ((RandomGen.FlipACoin()) ? 0 : 1))
                if (timesThru >= ExpandXZsAfterTries)
                    timesThru = 0;
                    Debug.Log("**********BAILED ON COUNT OUT**************");
                    // closest = MinimumDistance +1;
                    // continue;

                // ADDED +1!
                newXmaybe += (RandomGen.FlipACoin() ? (int)MinimumDistance : -(int)MinimumDistance);
                newZmaybe += (RandomGen.FlipACoin() ? (int)MinimumDistance : -(int)MinimumDistance);

                // wraps the modulo regardless of sign
                //newXmaybe = (newXmaybe < 0) ? newXmaybe = -(Mathf.Abs(newXmaybe) % XzSpread) : newXmaybe % XzSpread;
                //newZmaybe = (newZmaybe < 0) ? newZmaybe = -(Mathf.Abs(newZmaybe) % XzSpread) : newZmaybe % XzSpread;

                // find a random coord with a magnitude high enough
                newlocality = new Coord(newXmaybe, newZmaybe);

                // convert it to 1000* size and 500 Y
                Vector3 p1 = newlocality.ToTileSizeCeilVector3();
                //   Debug.LogFormat("{0}", p1);

                // get hits
                //   Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(p1, (MinimumDistance * ratio) * 1000f, layerMask);//, LayerMask.NameToLayer("MAPGEN"));

                ///  Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(p1, (MinimumDistance) * 500f, layerMask);//, LayerMask.NameToLayer("MAPGEN"));

                Coord closetTownFound = TownGlobalObject.GetClosest(newlocality, TownGlobalObject.townsData.Keys.ToList());

                //Scale the result based on city size.  allow for 1.41  within reason

                var tinyCityApproxPatchCount = 100;

                var scalar = (0.002f * CityRatioGrowthApproximationmultiplier * Mathf.Min(TownGlobalObject.townsData[closetTownFound].Patches.Count - tinyCityApproxPatchCount, 10));

                closest = Coord.Distance(
                          - scalar;           //// if we didn't hit at all just place it otherwise check the lengths

                //if (hitColliders.Length == 0)
                //    // Just skip the next bit and place this directly.
                //    closest = MinimumDistance + 1;
                //    //     Debug.LogFormat("{0} is okay as a placement", newlocality);
                //    break;

                //foreach (var hitCollider in hitColliders)

                //    var distance = (p1 - hitCollider.gameObject.transform.position).sqrMagnitude * 0.001f;

                //    if (distance < MinimumDistance)
                //    {
                //        closest = distance;
                //        //   Debug.LogFormat(hitCollider.gameObject, "{0} for {1} from {2} at {3}", closest, hitCollider.gameObject.name, "newlocality", p1);
                //    }
                //    //  closest = (distance < MinimumDistance) ? distance : closest;
                ////   closest = TownGlobalObject.GetClosestMagnitude (newlocality , placesWePlaced);

        else  // i < TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests.Count
            //home North etc...

            newlocality = new Coord(
                (int)TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests[timeThru].Coord.y);                      // Hometon

        TownTileRenderer mrnewlocalityMaker = new TownTileRenderer();

        // 0 triggers a random
        int amount = 0;

        if (timeThru < TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests.Count)
            if (timeThru == 0)
                amount += TownHolder.Instance.MinCitySpreadreq;
                amount += TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests[timeThru].PatchesInSize;
        // Fill it with Joy
        AOTABundle newlocalityBundle = mrnewlocalityMaker.MakeATileBundle(newlocality, true, false, amount);

        //  Debug.Log(TownGlobalObjectService.WorldMultiplier);

        //Town.Town newlocalitylazyTown;

        ////Handle the homes case
        //if (i ==0 )
        //   newlocalitylazyTown = TownGlobalObject.towns.GetOrAdd(newlocality, k => TownGlobalObject.MakeTown(k, k.x, k.z, 0, 60));

        //  newlocalitylazyTown = TownGlobalObject.towns.GetOrAdd(newlocality, k => TownGlobalObject.MakeTown(k, k.x, k.z, 0, randomPatches));


        //    TownGlobalObject.townsData[locality] = TownGlobalObject.MakeTown(locality, locality.x, locality.z);

        TownGlobalObject.townsData[newlocality] = newlocalityBundle.town;

        if (timeThru < TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests.Count)
            TownGlobalObject.townsData[newlocality].name = TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests[timeThru].Name;
            newlocalityBundle.town.coord = new Coord(

        //handle the home case.
        if (timeThru == 0 && newlocality == new Coord(0))
            TownGlobalObject.townsData[newlocality].name = HomeTownName;
            TownGlobalObject.homeTown = TownGlobalObject.townsData[newlocality];

        //  Debug.Log(TownGlobalObject.townsData[newlocality].name);

        // Bless it.




        TownGlobalObject.bundles[newlocality] = newlocalityBundle;

        AOTABundle reffedBundle = TownGlobalObject.bundles[newlocality];

        //            "INIT TEST: bundle found for tile {5} town {0}: {7} : {3} with {1} SplineSysBundles and {2} TransitionsListBundles and {4} and {6}",
        //           string.Format("{0}:{1}", newlocality.x, newlocality.z),
        //            reffedBundle.SplineSysBundle.Count(),
        //            reffedBundle.TransitionsListBundle.Count(),
        //            reffedBundle.name,
        //            (reffedBundle.isBundled) ? " is bundled :)" : "is not bundled :(",
        //           newlocality,
        //             (reffedBundle.isTileDataInBundle) ? " Tile Data IS In Bundle :)" : "TILE DATA MISSING!!!!!!!!!!",
        //             reffedBundle.town.name
        //            );

        //  in here we could then span every X|Z and prerender every likely tile to have it's data

        float size = CityRatioGrowthApproximationmultiplier * reffedBundle.town.Patches.Count;

        // rendering 36 tiles by default at max per city
        int roughTileGuess = (int)Mathf.Max(MinTileRender, Mathf.Min(MaxTileRender, Mathf.Ceil(size * 0.004f)));

        //return the even above, we will split this in half and use that as out "theoretical middle";
        roughTileGuess = (roughTileGuess % 2 == 1) ? roughTileGuess + 1 : roughTileGuess;

        //    Debug.LogFormat("approximate city size is {0} for {2} so roughly a {1} tile square", size , roughTileGuess, reffedBundle.name);

        // back assign the bundle names from the town for consistency in the editor (manually named and generated cities)

        reffedBundle.name = reffedBundle.town.name;

        // assign the non manually assigned cases
        if (timeThru >= TownGlobalObjectService.TownRequests.Count)
            reffedBundle.town.coord = reffedBundle.coord;

        if (TownGlobalObject.townsData[reffedBundle.town.coord].TownGameObject == null)
            TownGlobalObject.townsData[reffedBundle.town.coord].TownGameObject = new GameObject(reffedBundle.town.name);

        //create or use the holder now it has the right name.
        var go = TownGlobalObject.townsData[reffedBundle.town.coord].TownGameObject;

        GameObject CityHolder = new GameObject("MAP GEN COLLION HOLDER");

        CityHolder.transform.parent        = go.transform;
        CityHolder.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        CityHolder.transform.position = new Vector3(newlocality.x * 1000, 400, newlocality.z * 1000);

        //GameObject CityHolder = Instantiate<GameObject>(Temp, Temp.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        //Debug.LogFormat(CityHolder, "newlocalityBundle is {0} with {1} cells at {2} closest is {3}",
        //      TownGlobalObject.bundles[newlocality].name,
        //      TownGlobalObject.bundles[newlocality].town.Patches.Count,
        //      newlocality,
        //      closest);

        // add something for every city.

        float halfsize = size * 0.01f;

        // Add an item for the HUD
        //  var HUD = Instantiate(TownHolder.Instance.HUDPrefab,CityHolder.transform);
        //  HUD.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        var collisionCube = new Cube(reffedBundle.name,
                                     TownMeshRendererUtils.GetVertices((int)size, (int)size, -halfsize, -halfsize), halfsize,
                                     CityHolder.transform, false, false);

        collisionCube.Transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        //  collisionCube.GameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("MAPGEN");

        BoxCollider col = collisionCube.GameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();

        col.size = new Vector3(size, halfsize, size);

        // Register our BoxCollider for Disabling later.


        TownMeshRendererOptions rendererOptions = TownGlobalObjectService.rendererOptions;

        TownOptions skeletonOptions = TownGlobalObject.bundles[newlocality].town.Options;

        skeletonOptions.IOC        = false;
        skeletonOptions.Farm       = false;
        skeletonOptions.Roads      = false;
        skeletonOptions.Walls      = false;
        skeletonOptions.CityDetail = false;

        //TownGlobalObject.MeshRenderer = new TownMeshRenderer (
        //        reffedBundle.town,
        //        skeletonOptions,
        //        rendererOptions);

        //// This does the fancy  world map colored sections

        //  Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1} ", reffedBundle.name, reffedBundle.town.name);

        // This does the fancy city overlay over the world map colored sections
        RenderTownMeshes(ref reffedBundle);

        //   TownGlobalObject.bundles[newlocality].isTileDataInBundle = true;

        //  Destroy(CityHolder);

        // Assign it back?
        TownGlobalObject.SetBundle(newlocality, reffedBundle);

        //   TownGlobalObject.bundles[newlocality] = reffedBundle;

        //   UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue( TownGlobalObject.bundles.ContainsKey(newlocality));
