Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                const string connectionUrl = @"amqp://*****:*****@clientid/test?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'";
                const string queueName     = @"test-queue";

                var connectionInfo = QpidConnectionInfo.FromUrl(connectionUrl);
                var connection     = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo);
                var channel        = connection.CreateChannel(false, AcknowledgeMode.AutoAcknowledge, 1);

                channel.DeclareQueue(queueName, false, true, true);
                channel.Bind(queueName, ExchangeNameDefaults.DIRECT, queueName);
                IMessageConsumer consumer = channel.CreateConsumerBuilder(queueName).Create();

                ITextMessage message = (ITextMessage)consumer.Receive();
                Console.WriteLine("Got: " + message.Text);
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> Sets up the nth test end-point. </summary>
        /// <param name="n">The index of the test end-point to set up.</param>
        /// <param name="producer"><tt>true</tt> to set up a producer on the end-point.</param>
        /// <param name="consumer"><tt>true</tt> to set up a consumer on the end-point.</param>
        /// <param name="routingKey">The routing key for the producer to send on.</param>
        /// <param name="ackMode">The ack mode for the end-points channel.</param>
        /// <param name="transacted"><tt>true</tt> to use transactions on the end-points channel.</param>
        /// <param name="exchangeName">The exchange to produce or consume on.</param>
        /// <param name="declareBind"><tt>true</tt> if the consumers queue should be declared and bound, <tt>false</tt> if it has already been.</param>
        /// <param name="durable"><tt>true</tt> to declare the consumers queue as durable.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptionName">If durable is true, the fixed unique queue name to use.</param>
        /// <param name="exclusive"><tt>true</tt> declare queue as exclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="browse"><tt>true</tt> only browse, don''t consume.</param>
        public void SetUpEndPoint(int n, bool producer, bool consumer, string routingKey, AcknowledgeMode ackMode, bool transacted,
                                  string exchangeName, bool declareBind, bool durable, string subscriptionName, bool exclusive, bool browse)
            // Allow client id to be fixed, or undefined.
                // Use unique id for end point.
                connectionInfo = QpidConnectionInfo.FromUrl(connectionUri);

                connectionInfo.ClientName = "test" + n;

            testConnection[n] = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo);
            testChannel[n] = testConnection[n].CreateChannel(transacted, ackMode);

            if (producer)
                testProducer[n] = testChannel[n].CreatePublisherBuilder()

            if (consumer)
                string queueName;

                // Use the subscription name as the queue name if the subscription is durable, otherwise use a generated name.
                if (durable)
                    // The durable queue is declared without auto-delete, and passively, in case it has already been declared.
                    queueName = subscriptionName;

                    if (declareBind)
                        testChannel[n].DeclareQueue(queueName, durable, exclusive, false);
                        testChannel[n].Bind(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey);
                    queueName = testChannel[n].GenerateUniqueName();

                    if (declareBind)
                        if (durable)
                            testQueue[n] = queueName;
                        testChannel[n].DeclareQueue(queueName, durable, true, true);
                        testChannel[n].Bind(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey);

                testConsumer[n] = testChannel[n].CreateConsumerBuilder(queueName).WithBrowse(browse).Create();
        public void SimpleConnection()
            IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new QpidConnectionInfo();

            connectionInfo.VirtualHost = "test";
            using (IConnection connection = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo))
                Console.WriteLine("connection = " + connection);
        private static void MakeBrokerConnection(SslOptions options)
            IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new QpidConnectionInfo();

            connectionInfo.VirtualHost = "test";
            connectionInfo.AddBrokerInfo(new AmqBrokerInfo("amqp", "localhost", 8672, options));

            using (IConnection connection = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo))
                Console.WriteLine("connection = " + connection);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Establishes an AMQ connection. This is a simple convenience method for code that does not anticipate handling connection failures.
        /// All exceptions that indicate that the connection has failed, are allowed to fall through.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="brokerUrl">   The broker url to connect to, <tt>null</tt> to use the default from the properties. </param>
        /// <param name="virtualHost"> The virtual host to connectio to, <tt>null</tt> to use the default. </param>
        /// <returns> A JMS conneciton. </returns>
        public static IConnection CreateConnection(string brokerUrl, string virtualHost)
            log.Info("public static Connection createConnection(string brokerUrl = " + brokerUrl + ", string virtualHost = "
                     + virtualHost + "): called");

            // Create a connection to the broker.
            IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = QpidConnectionInfo.FromUrl(brokerUrl);

            connectionInfo.VirtualHost = virtualHost;
            IConnection connection = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo);

Exemplo n.º 6
        private IoHandler MakeBrokerConnection(IBrokerInfo broker, AMQConnection connection)
            if (broker.UseSSL)
                _connector = new SslSocketConnector();
                _connector = new SocketConnector();

            Stream stream = _connector.Connect(broker);

            return(new IoHandler(stream, connection.ProtocolListener));
        public void PasswordFailureConnection()
            IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new QpidConnectionInfo();

            connectionInfo.VirtualHost = "test";
            connectionInfo.Password    = "******";

            using (IConnection connection = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo))
                Console.WriteLine("connection = " + connection);
                // wrong
                Assert.Fail("Authentication succeeded but should've failed");
      /// <summary>
      /// Connect to the specified broker
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="broker">The broker to connect to</param>
      /// <param name="connection">The AMQ connection</param>
      public void Connect(IBrokerInfo broker, AMQConnection connection)
         _stopEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
         _protocolListener = connection.ProtocolListener;

         _ioHandler = MakeBrokerConnection(broker, connection);
         // todo: get default read size from config!

         IProtocolDecoderOutput decoderOutput =
            new ProtocolDecoderOutput(_protocolListener);
         _amqpChannel = 
            new AmqpChannel(new ByteChannel(_ioHandler), decoderOutput);

         // post an initial async read
         _amqpChannel.BeginRead(new AsyncCallback(OnAsyncReadDone), this);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to the specified broker
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="broker">The broker to connect to</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The AMQ connection</param>
        public void Connect(IBrokerInfo broker, AMQConnection connection)
            _stopEvent        = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            _protocolListener = connection.ProtocolListener;

            _ioHandler = MakeBrokerConnection(broker, connection);
            // todo: get default read size from config!

            IProtocolDecoderOutput decoderOutput =
                new ProtocolDecoderOutput(_protocolListener);

            _amqpChannel =
                new AmqpChannel(new ByteChannel(_ioHandler), decoderOutput);

            // post an initial async read
            _amqpChannel.BeginRead(new AsyncCallback(OnAsyncReadDone), this);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void SendMessages()
            AMQConnection conn = new AMQConnection(QpidConnectionInfo.FromUrl(BaseMessagingTestFixture.connectionUri));

            IChannel          channel  = conn.CreateChannel(false, AcknowledgeMode.AutoAcknowledge);
            IMessagePublisher producer = channel.CreatePublisherBuilder().

            for (int i = 0; i < MESSAGE_COUNT; i++)
                if ((i % 10) == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending message " + i);
                producer.Send(channel.CreateTextMessage("Msg" + i));
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the test connection with a fail-over set up, and a producer/consumer pair on that connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// [SetUp]
        public void Init(IConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
            // Reset all counts.
            messagesSent     = 0;
            messagesReceived = 0;
            failedOver       = false;
            _extraMessage    = 0;

            PromptAndWait("Ensure both brokers are running, then press Enter");

            // Create a connection for the test.
            _connection = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo);
            _connection.ConnectionListener = this;

            // Create a consumer to receive the test messages.
            IChannel receivingChannel = _connection.CreateChannel(false, _acknowledgeMode);

            string queueName = receivingChannel.GenerateUniqueName();

            receivingChannel.DeclareQueue(queueName, false, true, true);
            receivingChannel.Bind(queueName, "amq.direct", queueName);

            IMessageConsumer consumer = receivingChannel.CreateConsumerBuilder(queueName)

            consumer.OnMessage = new MessageReceivedDelegate(OnMessage);

            // Create a publisher to send the test messages.
            publishingChannel = _connection.CreateChannel(transacted, AcknowledgeMode.NoAcknowledge);
            publisher         = publishingChannel.CreatePublisherBuilder()

            _log.Debug("connection = " + _connection);
            _log.Debug("connectionInfo = " + connectionInfo);
            _log.Debug("connection.AsUrl = " + _connection.toURL());
            _log.Debug("AcknowledgeMode is " + _acknowledgeMode);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public object execute(AMQConnection con)
     // We wait until we are not in the middle of failover before acquiring the mutex and then proceeding.
     // Any method that can potentially block for any reason should use this class so that deadlock will not
     // occur. The FailoverException is propagated by the AMQProtocolHandler to any listeners (e.g. frame listeners)
     // that might be causing a block. When that happens, the exception is caught here and the mutex is released
     // before waiting for the failover to complete (either successfully or unsuccessfully).
     while (true)
         lock (con.FailoverMutex)
             catch (FailoverException e)
                 _log.Info("Failover exception caught during operation", e);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public object execute(AMQConnection con)
     // We wait until we are not in the middle of failover before acquiring the mutex and then proceeding.
     // Any method that can potentially block for any reason should use this class so that deadlock will not
     // occur. The FailoverException is propagated by the AMQProtocolHandler to any listeners (e.g. frame listeners)
     // that might be causing a block. When that happens, the exception is caught here and the mutex is released
     // before waiting for the failover to complete (either successfully or unsuccessfully).
     while (true)
         lock (con.FailoverMutex)
                 return operation();
             catch (FailoverException e)
                 _log.Info("Failover exception caught during operation", e);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                const string connectionUrl = @"amqp://*****:*****@clientid/test?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'";
                const string queueName     = @"test-queue";

                var connectionInfo = QpidConnectionInfo.FromUrl(connectionUrl);
                var connection     = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo);
                var channel        = connection.CreateChannel(false, AcknowledgeMode.AutoAcknowledge);
                var publisher      = channel.CreatePublisherBuilder()
                IMessage message = channel.CreateTextMessage("0123456789");
                Console.WriteLine("Sent message");
            catch (Exception e)
 public BlockingSocketTransport(string host, int port, AMQConnection connection)
     _host             = host;
     _port             = port;
     _protocolListener = connection.ProtocolListener;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public AMQProtocolSession(IProtocolWriter protocolWriter, IConnectionCloser connectionCloser, AMQConnection connection)
     _protocolWriter = protocolWriter;
     _connectionCloser = connectionCloser;
     _connection = connection;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public BlockingSocketTransport(string host, int port, AMQConnection connection)
     _host = host;
     _port = port;
     _protocolListener = connection.ProtocolListener;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public FailoverHandler(AMQConnection connection)
     _connection = connection;
 public AMQProtocolSession(IProtocolWriter protocolWriter, IConnectionCloser connectionCloser, AMQConnection connection)
     _protocolWriter   = protocolWriter;
     _connectionCloser = connectionCloser;
     _connection       = connection;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public AMQProtocolListener(AMQConnection connection, AMQStateManager stateManager)
     _connection = connection;
     _stateManager = stateManager;
     _failoverHandler = new FailoverHandler(connection);
Exemplo n.º 21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("..\\..\\log.xml"));
            // DOMConfigurator.Configure()

            string          host           = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"];
            int             port           = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"]);
            string          virtualhost    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VirtualHost"];
            string          username       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Username"];
            string          password       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"];
            IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new QpidConnectionInfo();

            connectionInfo.VirtualHost = virtualhost;
            //connectionInfo.host = host;
            //connectionInfo.port = port;
            connectionInfo.Username = username;
            connectionInfo.Password = password;

            //Client client = new Client();

            Console.WriteLine("Client created");
            //client.Connect(host, port, virtualhost, username, password);
            IConnection clientConnection = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo);

            Console.WriteLine("Connection established");

            IClientSession ssn = client.CreateSession(50000);

            Console.WriteLine("Session created");
            ssn.QueueDeclare("queue1", null, null);
            ssn.ExchangeBind("queue1", "amq.direct", "queue1", null);

            Object wl = new Object();

            ssn.AttachMessageListener(new MyListener(ssn, wl), "myDest");

            ssn.MessageSubscribe("queue1", "myDest", MessageAcceptMode.EXPLICIT, MessageAcquireMode.PRE_ACQUIRED, null,
                                 0, null);
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            // issue credits
            ssn.MessageSetFlowMode("myDest", MessageFlowMode.WINDOW);
            ssn.MessageFlow("myDest", MessageCreditUnit.BYTE, ClientSession.MESSAGE_FLOW_MAX_BYTES);
            ssn.MessageFlow("myDest", MessageCreditUnit.MESSAGE, 10000);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                ssn.MessageTransfer("amq.direct", MessageAcceptMode.NONE, MessageAcquireMode.PRE_ACQUIRED,
                                    new Header(new DeliveryProperties().SetRoutingKey("queue1"),
                                               new MessageProperties().SetMessageId(UUID.RandomUuid())),
                                    Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("test: " + i));

            lock (wl)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Start time " + start + " now: " + now);

            Console.WriteLine("Done time: " + (now - start));
            lock (wl)
                Monitor.Wait(wl, 30000);
Exemplo n.º 22
      private IoHandler MakeBrokerConnection(IBrokerInfo broker, AMQConnection connection)
         if ( broker.UseSSL )
            _connector = new SslSocketConnector();
         } else
            _connector = new SocketConnector();

         Stream stream = _connector.Connect(broker);
         return new IoHandler(stream, connection.ProtocolListener);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public AMQProtocolListener(AMQConnection connection, AMQStateManager stateManager)
     _connection      = connection;
     _stateManager    = stateManager;
     _failoverHandler = new FailoverHandler(connection);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public FailoverHandler(AMQConnection connection)
     _connection = connection;