// add a new key
 public void addKey(AMITarget itarget, OnAddKey addCall, int _frame, Camera camera = null,/*int? type = null, Camera camera = null, Color? color = null,*/ AMCameraSwitcherKey keyToClone = null)
     foreach(AMCameraSwitcherKey key in keys) {
         // if key exists on frame, update key
         if(key.frame == _frame) {
             if(camera != null) {
                 key.setCamera(itarget, camera);
                 key.type = 0;
     AMCameraSwitcherKey a = addCall(gameObject, typeof(AMCameraSwitcherKey)) as AMCameraSwitcherKey;
     if(keyToClone) {
     else {
         a.type = 0;
         a.still = !AMTakeData.isProLicense;
         a.easeType = (int)EaseType.EaseOutSine;
     a.frame = _frame;
     if(camera != null) {
         a.setCamera(itarget, camera);
         a.type = 0;
     // add a new key
     // update cache
 // add a new key
 public void addKey(int _frame, Camera camera = null,/*int? type = null, Camera camera = null, Color? color = null,*/ AMCameraSwitcherKey keyToClone = null)
     foreach(AMCameraSwitcherKey key in keys) {
         // if key exists on frame, update key
         if(key.frame == _frame) {
             if(camera != null) {
                 key.camera = camera;
                 key.type = 0;
     AMCameraSwitcherKey a = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<AMCameraSwitcherKey>();
     if(keyToClone) {
         a = (AMCameraSwitcherKey) keyToClone.CreateClone();
     } else {
         a.type = 0;
         a.still = !AMTake.isProLicense;
         a.easeType = (int)AMTween.EaseType.easeOutSine;
     a.frame = _frame;
     if(camera != null) {
         a.camera = camera;
         a.type = 0;
     // add a new key
     keys.Add (a);
     // update cache
Exemplo n.º 3
    public override AMKey CreateClone()
        AMCameraSwitcherKey a = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AMCameraSwitcherKey>();

        a.frame                = frame;
        a.type                 = type;
        a.camera               = camera;
        a.color                = color;
        a.cameraFadeType       = cameraFadeType;
        a.cameraFadeParameters = new List <float>(cameraFadeParameters);
        a.irisShape            = irisShape;
        a.still                = still;
        a.easeType             = easeType;
        a.customEase           = new List <float>(customEase);
    // add a new key
    public void addKey(int _frame, Camera camera = null, /*int? type = null, Camera camera = null, Color? color = null,*/ AMCameraSwitcherKey keyToClone = null)
        foreach (AMCameraSwitcherKey key in keys)
            // if key exists on frame, update key
            if (key.frame == _frame)
                if (camera != null)
                    AMUtil.recordObject(key, "update key");
                    key.camera = camera;
                    key.type   = 0;
        AMUtil.recordObject(this, "add key");
        AMCameraSwitcherKey a = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AMCameraSwitcherKey>();

        if (keyToClone)
            a = (AMCameraSwitcherKey)keyToClone.CreateClone();
            a.type     = 0;
            a.still    = !AMTake.isProLicense;
            a.easeType = (int)AMTween.EaseType.easeOutSine;
        a.frame = _frame;
        if (camera != null)
            a.camera = camera;
            a.type   = 0;
        // add a new key
        // update cache
Exemplo n.º 5
    void appendTrackCode(AMTrack track, ref string code)
        string        s_init        = "";
        string        s_init_suffix = "";
        string        s             = "";
        string        objName       = "track" + (track.id + 1) + "OBJ";
        List <string> init_cameras  = new List <string>();
        List <string> init_textures = new List <string>();

        code += "\n// " + track.name;
        #region translation
        if ((track is AMTranslationTrack) && (track as AMTranslationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Translation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMTranslationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            // set initial position
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region rotation
        else if ((track is AMRotationTrack) && (track as AMRotationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Rotation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMRotationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            // set initial rotation
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region orientation
        else if ((track is AMOrientationTrack) && (track as AMOrientationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Orientation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMOrientationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            // set initial orientation
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region animation
        else if ((track is AMAnimationTrack) && (track as AMAnimationTrack).obj)
            code += " (Animation)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMAnimationTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            #region audio
        else if ((track is AMAudioTrack) && (track as AMAudioTrack).audioSource)
            code += " (Audio)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("AudioSource", objName, (track as AMAudioTrack).audioSource.gameObject.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            #region property
        else if ((track is AMPropertyTrack) && (track as AMPropertyTrack).component)
            code += " (Property)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize component and MemberInfo (Property or Field)
            code += getObjectInitialization("Component", objName, (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.gameObject.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.GetType().Name);
            code += getObjectInitialization((track as AMPropertyTrack).getMemberInfoTypeName(), objName, (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.gameObject.name, aData.codeLanguage, (track as AMPropertyTrack).getTrackType(), (track as AMPropertyTrack).component.GetType().Name);
            // set initial value
            code += getInitialPropertiesFor(aData.codeLanguage, track, objName);
            #region event
        else if ((track is AMEventTrack) && (track as AMEventTrack).obj)
            code += " (Event)\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
            // initialize object
            code += getObjectInitialization("GameObject", objName, (track as AMEventTrack).obj.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
            #region camera switcher
        else if ((track is AMCameraSwitcherTrack))
            code += " (Camera Switcher)\n";
            // all cameras
            Camera[] csCameras = (track as AMCameraSwitcherTrack).getAllCameras();
            if (csCameras.Length > 0)
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "Camera[] csCameras = new Camera[]{";
                    code += "var csCameras = [";
                for (int i = 0; i < csCameras.Length; i++)
                    init_cameras.Add(getDictionaryValue("GameObject.Find(\"" + csCameras[i].gameObject.name + "\").camera", "csCameras[" + i + "]", null));
                    code += init_cameras[init_cameras.Count - 1];
                    //code += "GameObject.Find(\""+csCameras[i].gameObject.name+"\").camera";
                    if (i <= csCameras.Length - 2)
                        code += ", ";
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "}";
                    code += "]";
                code += ";\n";
            // all textures
            Texture[] csTextures = (track as AMCameraSwitcherTrack).getAllTextures();
            if (csTextures.Length > 0)
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "Texture[] csTextures = new Texture[]{";
                    code += "var csTextures = [";
                for (int i = 0; i < csTextures.Length; i++)
                    init_textures.Add(getDictionaryValue("AMTween.LoadTexture2D(\"" + csTextures[i].name + "\")", "csTextures[" + i + "]", null));
                    code += init_textures[init_textures.Count - 1];
                    //code += "GameObject.Find(\""+csCameras[i].gameObject.name+"\").camera";
                    if (i <= csTextures.Length - 2)
                        code += ", ";
                if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                    code += "}";
                    code += "]";
                //code += ";\n";
                code += "; // Put Textures in Resources Folder\n";
            // set initial top camera or show color
            if (track.keys.Count > 0)
                AMCameraSwitcherKey cKey = (track.keys[0] as AMCameraSwitcherKey);
                if (cKey.type == 0)
                    string strCam = "null /* Missing Camera */";
                    if (cKey.camera)
                        strCam = "GameObject.Find(\"" + cKey.camera.gameObject.name + "\").camera";
                        strCam = getDictionaryValue(strCam, null, null);
                    code += "AMTween.SetTopCamera(" + strCam + ", csCameras); // Set Initial Camera\n";
                    if (aData.codeLanguage == 0)
                        code += "AMTween.ShowColor(new Color(" + cKey.color.r + "f, " + cKey.color.g + "f, " + cKey.color.b + "f, " + cKey.color.a + "f));";
                        code += "AMTween.ShowColor(Color(" + cKey.color.r + ", " + cKey.color.g + ", " + cKey.color.b + ", " + cKey.color.a + "));";
                    code += " // Set Initial Color\n";
            code += "\n// Missing Track Object\n";
            if (track.cache.Count <= 0)
        #region action
        foreach (AMAction action in track.cache)
            string actionString;
            // if audioclip resource, use variable name in ToString
            if (action is AMAudioAction)
                actionString = (action as AMAudioAction).ToString(aData.codeLanguage, aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate, objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame);
            else if (action is AMEventAction)
                actionString = (action as AMEventAction).ToString(aData.codeLanguage, aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate, objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame);
                actionString = action.ToString(aData.codeLanguage, aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate);
            if (action is AMCameraSwitcherAction && actionString != null)
                // textures
                foreach (string _st in init_textures)
                    //if(numCameras <= 0) break;
                    string prev = actionString;
                    actionString = actionString.Replace(_st, getDictionaryValue(_st, null, null));
                    if (prev != actionString)
                        break;                                          // found one texture, break. Change if a single CameraSwitcherAction can have more than one texture
                // cameras
                int numCameras = 0;
                if ((action as AMCameraSwitcherAction).startTargetType == 0)
                if ((action as AMCameraSwitcherAction).endTargetType == 0)
                foreach (string _sc in init_cameras)
                    if (numCameras <= 0)
                    string prev = actionString;
                    actionString = actionString.Replace(_sc, getDictionaryValue(_sc, null, null));
                    if (prev != actionString)
            if (actionString != null)
                s += actionString;
                s += "\n";
                // resource
                if (action is AMAudioAction)
                    s_init += getObjectInitialization("AudioClip", objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame, (action as AMAudioAction).audioClip.name, aData.codeLanguage, null, null);
                // method info
                if ((action is AMEventAction) && !(action as AMEventAction).useSendMessage)
                    string[] event_init = getMethodInfoInitialization((action as AMEventAction).component, (action as AMEventAction).methodName, objName + "Frame" + action.startFrame, aData.codeLanguage);
                    s_init        += event_init[0] + "\n";                      // add component init
                    s_init_suffix += event_init[1] + "\n";                      // add methodinfo init to suffix
        s     = s_init + s_init_suffix + s;
        code += s;
        code  = code.Replace("obj.gameObject", objName);
        code  = code.Replace("obj.memberinfo", objName + "Property");
Exemplo n.º 6
 public AMPlugCameraSwitcher(AMCameraSwitcherKey camSwitcher, int frameRate, AMITarget itarget, Camera[] allCameras)
     : base(null, false)
     mCamSwitcher = camSwitcher;
     mFrameRate = frameRate;
     mITarget = itarget;
     mAllCams = allCameras;
Exemplo n.º 7
        //private float[] mFadeParams;
        public void Apply(AMCameraSwitcherKey camSwitcher, int frameRate, AMITarget itarget, Camera[] allCameras, bool backwards)
            if(mCamSwitcher != camSwitcher) {
                mCamSwitcher = camSwitcher;

                float[] fadeParams = mCamSwitcher.cameraFadeParameters.ToArray();
                mIsReversed = AMUtil.isTransitionReversed(mCamSwitcher.type, fadeParams);
                mCam = mCamSwitcher.getCamera(itarget);
                mCamEnd = mCamSwitcher.getCameraEnd(itarget);
                mAllCams = allCameras;

                if(mCamSwitcher.cameraFadeType == (int)Fade.None) {
                    mCamSwitcher.CameraFadeNoneTargets(mCamSwitcher.typeEnd, mCamSwitcher.colorEnd, mCamEnd, mAllCams);
                    mCamSwitcher.CameraEnd(mIsReversed, mCam, mCamEnd, mAllCams);
                else {
                    mCamSwitcher.CameraGenerateFadeTargets(mIsReversed, mCam, mCamEnd, mAllCams, fadeParams);

            mBackwards = backwards;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void setCameraEnd(AMCameraSwitcherKey nextKey)
     _cameraEnd = nextKey._camera;
     _cameraEndPath = nextKey._cameraPath;
    // set render texture or colors if render texture is used (stills handled in AMTake)
    private void setRenderTexture(AMITarget itarget,  AMCameraFade cf, float frame, int firstTargetType, int secondTargetType, bool isReversed, 
        AMCameraSwitcherKey action)
        Camera firstCamera = (isReversed ? action.getCameraEnd(itarget) : action.getCamera(itarget));
        Camera secondCamera = (isReversed ? action.getCamera(itarget) : action.getCameraEnd(itarget));

        if(isReversed && frame == action.frame) {
            if(firstTargetType == 0) AMUtil.SetTopCamera(firstCamera, GetCachedCameras(itarget));
        else {
            if(secondTargetType == 0) AMUtil.SetTopCamera(secondCamera, GetCachedCameras(itarget));

        if(action.still || (firstTargetType != 0 && secondTargetType != 0)) return;

        bool isPro = AMTakeData.isProLicense;
        // first target is camera, set render texture
        if(firstTargetType == 0) {
            // if should update render texture
            if(/*!cf.tex ||*/ cf.shouldUpdateRenderTexture || (isPro && (!firstCamera.targetTexture || !cf.isRenderTextureSetupFor(firstCamera)/*|| firstCamera.targetTexture != cf.tex*/))) {
                if(isPro) {

                else {
                    cf.useRenderTexture = false;
                    // show place-holder if non-pro
                    cf.colorTex = Color.white;
                    cf.hasColorTex = false;
                    cf.placeholder = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
    private void setColors(AMCameraFade cf, int firstTargetType, int secondTargetType, bool isReversed, AMCameraSwitcherKey action)
        //if(firstTargetType != 1 && secondTargetType != 1) return;
        Color firstColor = (isReversed ? action.colorEnd : action.color);
        Color secondColor = (isReversed ? action.color : action.colorEnd);

        if(firstTargetType == 1) {
            cf.colorTex = firstColor;
            cf.hasColorTex = true;
        else {
            cf.hasColorTex = false;

        if(secondTargetType == 1) {
            cf.colorBG = secondColor;
            cf.hasColorBG = true;
        else {
            cf.hasColorBG = false;

        // send event to game view to repaint OnGUI
        if(!Application.isPlaying && (firstTargetType == 1 || secondTargetType == 1)) {
            cf.transform.position = new Vector3(cf.transform.position.x, cf.transform.position.y, cf.transform.position.z);
Exemplo n.º 11
    private void previewCameraFade(AMITarget itarget, float frame, AMCameraSwitcherKey action)
        // if transition is None, show end camera / color
        if(action.cameraFadeType == (int)AMCameraSwitcherKey.Fade.None) {
            // reset camera fade if visible
            // camera
            if(action.typeEnd == 0) {
                Camera endCam = action.getCameraEnd(itarget);
                if(endCam) AMUtil.SetTopCamera(endCam, GetCachedCameras(itarget));
            else {
        // Get camerafade
        AMCameraFade cf = AMCameraFade.getCameraFade();
        cf.isReset = false;
        bool isReversed = action.isReversed();
        int firstTargetType = (isReversed ? action.typeEnd : action.type);
        int secondTargetType = (isReversed ? action.type : action.typeEnd);
        // Set render texture or colors if render texture is used
        setRenderTexture(itarget, cf, frame, firstTargetType, secondTargetType, isReversed, action);
        setColors(cf, firstTargetType, secondTargetType, isReversed, action);

        if(cf.irisShape != action.irisShape) cf.irisShape = action.irisShape;
        cf.mode = action.cameraFadeType;
        cf.r = action.cameraFadeParameters.ToArray();

        float percentage = (float)(frame-action.frame)/(float)(action.endFrame-action.frame);
        float value;

        // calculate and set value
        if(action.hasCustomEase()) {
            value = AMUtil.EaseCustom(1.0f, -1.0f, percentage, action.easeCurve);
        else {
            TweenDelegate.EaseFunc ease = AMUtil.GetEasingFunction((EaseType)action.easeType);
            value = ease(percentage, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, action.amplitude, action.period);

        cf.value = value;
        cf.percent = percentage;
 void OnDisable()
     window = null;
     justSet = false;
     key = null;
     track = null;
     aData = null;
 public void reloadAnimatorData()
     aData = null;
     AMTake take = aData.getCurrentTake();
     // update references for track and key
     bool shouldClose = true;
     foreach(AMTrack _track in take.trackValues) {
         if(track ==	_track) {
             track = _track;
             foreach(AMCameraSwitcherKey _key in track.keys) {
                 if(key == _key) {
                     key = _key;
                     shouldClose = false;
     if(shouldClose) this.Close();
    public static void setValues(AMCameraSwitcherKey _key, AMTrack _track)
        justSet = true;
        key = _key;
        track = _track;

        selectedTransition = key.cameraFadeType;
        parameters = new List<float>(key.cameraFadeParameters);
        irisShape = key.irisShape;
 public static void setDefaultParametersForKey(ref AMCameraSwitcherKey cKey)
     Vector2 temp = new Vector2(0f,0f);
     setDefaultParametersFor(cKey.cameraFadeType, ref cKey.cameraFadeParameters, ref cKey.irisShape, ref temp);