Exemplo n.º 1
        void SampleALibReport()
            Console.WriteLine("Sample: ALib Report via using ALox");

            Log.SetDomain("/SAMPLE", Scope.Filename);
            Log.SetVerbosity(Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Info, "");
            Log.Info("Method \"Log.AddDebugLogger()\" by default creates a replacement for ALibs'\n"
                     + "error/warning reporter. If this is a debug compiliation, let's have a try and\n"
                     + "create 3 Messages:");

            Report.GetDefault().PushHaltFlags(false, false);
            ALIB.ERROR("This is an error report!");
            ALIB.WARNING("And this is a warning!");
            AString illegalAccess = new AString(10);

            illegalAccess.SetCharAt_NC(5, '5');

            Log.SetVerbosity(Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, ALox.InternalDomains);
            ALIB.REPORT(2, "This is an ALib Report. Types other than '0' and '1' are user defined.\n"
                        + "Verbosity of ALox.InternalDomains has to be increased to see them when using"
                        + " ALoxReportWriter.");

            Log.Info("Note the domain prefix '" + ALox.InternalDomains.ToString() + "'. This addresses "
                     + "the tree of internal domains\nof the Lox, which the report writer is just "
                     + "using for ALib reports.");

Exemplo n.º 2
        /** ********************************************************************************************
         *  Releases ownership of this object. If Acquire() was called multiple times before, the same
         *  number of calls to this method have to be performed to release ownership.
        public void Release()
            // are we in unsafe mode?
            if (mutex == null)
                // not locked
                if (lockMode == LockMode.Recursive && lockCount == 0)
                    ALIB.ERROR("Release() without Acquire() (unsafe mode). This must never happen, check your code, set lock to safe mode!");

                // we are still decreasing the lockCount
                lockCount = lockMode == LockMode.Recursive  ? lockCount - 1
                                                        : 0;
                // end of unsafe version of this method

            // synchronize on mutex
            lock ( mutex )
                // not locked
                if (lockCount == 0)
                    ALIB.ERROR("Release() without Acquire(). This must never happen, check your code!");

                // decreasing the lockCount
                lockCount = lockMode == LockMode.Recursive ? lockCount - 1
                                                       : 0;

                // release and notify next waiting thread
                if (lockCount == 0)
                    owner = null;

                #if DEBUG
                    acquirementLineNumber = -1;
                    acquirementSourcefile = null;
                    acquirementMethodName = null;
            } // synchronized
Exemplo n.º 3
        /** ********************************************************************************************
         *  If parameter is true, the whole locking system is disabled. The only objective here is to
         *  to gain execution speed, as thread synchronization causes relatively expensive system calls.
         *  Use this method only if you are 100% sure that your (otherwise) critical section are executed
         *  in a single threaded environment. And: "relative expensive" means: they are not really
         *  expensive. This is provided only for the rare case that your critical section is very,
         *  very frequently executed.
         * @param safeness  Determines if this object should use a mutex (\c Safeness.Safe)
         *                  or just do nothing (\c Safeness.Unsafe).
        public void SetSafeness(Safeness safeness)
            // are we in unsafe mode?
            if (mutex == null)
                // already locked? ALIB Error
                if (lockCount != 0)
                    ALIB.ERROR("Cannot switch safeness mode while already locked. Current mode: unsafe, requested mode: "
                               + safeness.ToString());

                //  switch on?
                if (safeness == Safeness.Safe)
                    mutex = new Object();

                // end of unsafe version of this method

            // synchronize on mutex
            lock ( mutex )
                // already locked? ALIB Error
                if (owner != null)
                    ALIB.ERROR("Cannot switch safeness mode while already locked. Current mode: safe, requested mode: "
                               + safeness.ToString());

                //  switch off?
                if (safeness == Safeness.Unsafe)
                    mutex = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        void     Register(Lox lox, ContainerOp operation)
            try { ALIB.Lock.Acquire();

                  // check
                  if (lox == null)
                      ALIB.ERROR("null given");

                  // remove
                  if (operation == ContainerOp.Remove)
                      if (!loxes.Remove(lox))
                          ALIB.WARNING("A lox named \"" + lox.GetName()
                                       + "\" could not be found for removal.");

                  // insert
                      foreach (Lox it in loxes)
                          if (it.GetName().Equals(lox.GetName( )))
                              ALIB.ERROR("A lox named \"" + lox.GetName()
                                         + "\" was already registered. Registration ignored");
                  } } finally { ALIB.Lock.Release(); }
Exemplo n.º 5
        // #############################################################################################
        // Interface
        // #############################################################################################

        /** ********************************************************************************************
         *  Thread which invokes this method gets registered  as the current owner of this object, until the
         *  same thread releases the ownership invoking Release().
         *  In the case that this object is already owned by another thread, the invoking thread is suspended
         *  until ownership can be gained.
         *  Multiple (nested) calls to this method are counted and the object is only released when the same
         *  number of Release() calls have been made.
         * @param cln (Optional) Caller info, compiler generated. Please omit.
         * @param csf (Optional) Caller info, compiler generated. Please omit.
         * @param cmn (Optional) Caller info, compiler generated. Please omit.
        public void Acquire(
            [CallerLineNumber] int cln = 0, [CallerFilePath] String csf = "", [CallerMemberName] String cmn = "")

            // are we in unsafe mode?
            if (mutex == null)
                // we are still increasing the lockCount
                lockCount = lockMode == LockMode.Recursive ? lockCount + 1
                                                       : 1;

                // reached warning limit
                if (lockCount <= 0)
                    ALIB.ERROR("Unsafe mode: Counter invalid (<= 0): This should never happen. Set lock to safe mode!");

                else if (lockCount % RecursionWarningThreshold == 0)
                    ALIB.WARNING("Recursion depth " + lockCount + ". To prevent this, change ThreadSafe.recursionWarningThreshold or fix your code!");

                // end of unsafe version of this method

            // get current thread
            Thread thisThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

            // synchronize on mutex
            lock ( mutex )
                // we already own the thread
                if (owner == thisThread)
                    // we are still increasing the lockCount
                    lockCount = lockMode == LockMode.Recursive ? lockCount + 1
                                                           : 1;
                    // reached warning limit
                    if (lockCount % RecursionWarningThreshold == 0)
                        ALIB.WARNING("Recursion depth " + lockCount + ". To prevent this, change ThreadSafe.recursionWarningThreshold or fix your code!");


                // we do not own this thread, wait until lock is free
                bool hasWarned = false;
                while (owner != null)
                        // wait unconditional
                        if (waitWarningTimeLimitInMillis <= 0 || hasWarned)

                        // wait with time limit
                            Monitor.Wait(mutex, waitWarningTimeLimitInMillis);
                            long time = waitTime.Age().InMillis();
                            if (time >= waitWarningTimeLimitInMillis)
                                hasWarned = true;
                                ALIB.WARNING("Timeout (" + waitWarningTimeLimitInMillis
                                             + " ms). Change your codes critical section length if possible." + CString.NewLineChars
                                             + "This thread: " + thisThread.ManagedThreadId + "/" + thisThread.Name + CString.NewLineChars
                                             + "Owning thread: " + (owner != null ? (owner.ManagedThreadId + "/" + owner.Name) : "null")
                                    #if DEBUG
                                             + CString.NewLineChars
                                             + "Location of acquirement: " + acquirementSourcefile + ":" + acquirementLineNumber + " " + acquirementMethodName + "()"
                    catch (Exception) {} // ignore spurious wakeups

                // take control
                owner = thisThread;
            #if DEBUG
                acquirementLineNumber = cln;
                acquirementSourcefile = csf;
                acquirementMethodName = cmn;

                lockCount = 1;
            } // synchronized
Exemplo n.º 6
        // #############################################################################################
        // public interface
        // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Constructs a scope info.
         * @param name              The name of the Lox we belong to
         * @param threadDictionary  A dictionary to map thread IDs to user friendly names which is
         *                          managed outside of this class.
        public ScopeInfo(String name, Dictionary <int, String> threadDictionary)
            loxName = name.ToUpper();
            ALIB.ASSERT_ERROR(!loxName.Equals("GLOBAL"), "Name \"GLOBAL\" not allowed for Lox instances");

            this.threadDictionary = threadDictionary;

            cache = new SourceFile[cacheSize = DefaultCacheSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++)
                cache[i] = new SourceFile();
            actual = cache[0];

            // read trim rules from config
            // do 2 times, 0== local list, 1== global list
            List <SourcePathTrimRule> trimInfoList;
            AString rules        = new AString();
            AString variableName = new AString();

            for (int trimInfoNo = 0; trimInfoNo < 2; trimInfoNo++)
                // check if done... or set list
                if (trimInfoNo == 0)
                    trimInfoList = LocalSPTRs;
                    if (GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig)
                    GlobalSPTRsReadFromConfig = true;
                    trimInfoList = GlobalSPTRs;

                // get auto sizes from last session
                if (ALIB.Config.Get(ALox.ConfigCategoryName, variableName, rules) != 0)
                    Tokenizer rulesTok = new Tokenizer();
                    Tokenizer ruleTok  = new Tokenizer();
                    rulesTok.Set(rules, ';');
                    Substring ruleStr;
                    while ((ruleStr = rulesTok.Next()).IsNotEmpty())
                        try {
                            ruleTok.Set(ruleStr, ',');
                            SourcePathTrimRule rule = new SourcePathTrimRule();
                            rule.Path = new AString();
                            if (!(rule.IsPrefix = !ruleTok.Actual.StartsWith("*")))
                            if (rule.Path.CharAtEnd() == '*')
                            if (rule.Path.IsEmpty())

                            if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/')
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll("\\", "/");
                                rule.Path.SearchAndReplaceAll("/", "\\");

                            rule.IncludeString = ALIB.ReadInclusion(ruleTok.Next());

                            if (ruleTok.HasNext())
                                ruleTok.Next().ConsumeInteger(out rule.TrimOffset);

                            rule.Sensitivity = ALIB.ReadCase(ruleTok.Next());
                        catch (Exception)
                            ALIB.ERROR("Error reading source path trim rule from configuration. Invalid String: "
                                       + ruleStr.ToString());