Exemplo n.º 1
        private float GetExpectedDamageForAllWeaponsVsTarget(AbstractActor attackingUnit, ICombatant targetUnit, bool targetIsEvasive)
            if (!AIUtil.UnitHasVisibilityToTargetFromCurrentPosition(attackingUnit, targetUnit))
                // Our team can't see this hostile.

            float damage = 0;

            for (int weaponIndex = 0; weaponIndex < attackingUnit.Weapons.Count; ++weaponIndex)
                Weapon weapon = attackingUnit.Weapons[weaponIndex];
                if (weapon.CanFire && weapon.WillFireAtTarget(targetUnit))
                    int   numShots = weapon.ShotsWhenFired;
                    float toHit    = weapon.GetToHitFromPosition(targetUnit, 1, attackingUnit.CurrentPosition, targetUnit.CurrentPosition, true, targetIsEvasive);                  // TODO (DAVE) : 1 = attacking a single target. Once AI can multi-target, this should reflect the number of targets

                    float damagePerShot     = weapon.DamagePerShotFromPosition(MeleeAttackType.NotSet, attackingUnit.CurrentPosition, targetUnit);
                    float heatDamagePerShot = 1 + (weapon.HeatDamagePerShot);                     // Factoring in heatDamagePerShot. +1, since most weapons deal 0 heat Dmg
                    damage += numShots * toHit * damagePerShot * heatDamagePerShot;

Exemplo n.º 2
        // Evaluate all possible attacks for the attacker and target based upon their current position. Returns the total damage the target will take,
        //   which will be compared against all other targets to determine the optimal attack to make
        public static float MakeAttackOrderForTarget(AbstractActor attackerAA, ICombatant target, bool isStationary, out BehaviorTreeResults order)
            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Evaluating AttackOrder from ({CombatantUtils.Label(attackerAA)}) against ({CombatantUtils.Label(target)} at position: ({target.CurrentPosition})");

            // If the unit has no visibility to the target from the current position, they can't attack. Return immediately.
            if (!AIUtil.UnitHasVisibilityToTargetFromCurrentPosition(attackerAA, target))
                order = BehaviorTreeResults.BehaviorTreeResultsFromBoolean(false);

            Mech  attackerMech   = attackerAA as Mech;
            float currentHeat    = attackerMech == null ? 0f : (float)attackerMech.CurrentHeat;
            float acceptableHeat = attackerMech == null ? float.MaxValue : AIUtil.GetAcceptableHeatLevelForMech(attackerMech);

            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" heat: current: {currentHeat} acceptable: {acceptableHeat}");

            //float weaponToHitThreshold = attackerAA.BehaviorTree.weaponToHitThreshold;

            // Filter weapons that cannot contribute to the battle
            CandidateWeapons candidateWeapons = new CandidateWeapons(attackerAA, target);

            Mech targetMech      = target as Mech;
            bool targetIsEvasive = targetMech != null && targetMech.IsEvasive;

            List <List <CondensedWeapon> >[] weaponSetsByAttackType =
                new List <List <CondensedWeapon> >()
                new List <List <CondensedWeapon> >()
                new List <List <CondensedWeapon> >()

            // Note: Disabled the evasion fractional checking that Vanilla uses. Should make units more free with ammunition against evasive foes
            //float evasiveToHitFraction = AIHelper.GetBehaviorVariableValue(attackerAA.BehaviorTree, BehaviorVariableName.Float_EvasiveToHitFloor).FloatVal / 100f;
            // TODO: Reappropriate BehaviorVariableName.Float_EvasiveToHitFloor as floor for all shots?

            // Build three sets of sets; ranged, melee, dfa. Each set contains a set of weapons O(n^2) here
            weaponSetsByAttackType[0] = AEHelper.MakeWeaponSets(candidateWeapons.RangedWeapons);

            // Evaluate melee attacks
            string cannotEngageInMeleeMsg = "";

            if (attackerMech == null || !attackerMech.CanEngageTarget(target, out cannotEngageInMeleeMsg))
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" attacker cannot melee, or cannot engage due to: '{cannotEngageInMeleeMsg}'");
                // Check Retaliation
                // TODO: Retaliation should consider all possible attackers, not just the attacker
                // TODO: Retaliation should consider how much damage you do with melee vs. non-melee - i.e. punchbots should probably prefer punching over weak weapons fire
                // TODO: Should consider if heat would be reduced by melee attack
                if (AEHelper.MeleeDamageOutweighsRisk(attackerMech, target))
                    // Generate base list
                    List <List <CondensedWeapon> > meleeWeaponSets = AEHelper.MakeWeaponSets(candidateWeapons.MeleeWeapons);

                    // Add melee weapons to each set
                    CondensedWeapon cMeleeWeapon = new CondensedWeapon(attackerMech.MeleeWeapon);
                    for (int i = 0; i < meleeWeaponSets.Count; i++)

                    weaponSetsByAttackType[1] = meleeWeaponSets;
                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($" potential melee retaliation too high, skipping melee.");

            WeaponHelper.FilterWeapons(attackerAA, target, out List <Weapon> rangedWeps, out List <Weapon> meleeWeps, out List <Weapon> dfaWeps);

            AttackDetails attackDetails = new AttackDetails(attacker: attackerAA, target: target as AbstractActor,
                                                            attackPos: attackerAA.CurrentPosition, targetPos: target.CurrentPosition, useRevengeBonus: true);

            AttackEvaluation rangedAE = RangedCalculator.OptimizeAttack(attackDetails, rangedWeps);
            AttackEvaluation meleeAE  = MeleeCalculator.OptimizeAttack(meleeWeps, attackerAA, target);
            AttackEvaluation dfaAE    = DFACalculator.OptimizeAttack(dfaWeps, attackerAA, target);

            List <AttackEvaluation> allAttackSolutions = new List <AttackEvaluation>()
                rangedAE, meleeAE, dfaAE

            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write(string.Format("found {0} different attack solutions", allAttackSolutions.Count));

            // TODO: Apply mode - CleverGirlHelper.ApplyAmmoMode(wep, cWeapon.ammoAndMode);

            // Find the attack with the best damage across all attacks
            float bestRangedEDam = 0f;
            float bestMeleeEDam  = 0f;
            float bestDFAEDam    = 0f;

            for (int m = 0; m < allAttackSolutions.Count; m++)
                AttackEvaluation attackEvaluation = allAttackSolutions[m];
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"evaluated attack of type {attackEvaluation.AttackType} with {attackEvaluation.WeaponList.Count} weapons, " +
                                     $"damage EV of {attackEvaluation.ExpectedDamage}, heat {attackEvaluation.HeatGenerated}");
                switch (attackEvaluation.AttackType)
                case AIUtil.AttackType.Shooting:
                    bestRangedEDam = Mathf.Max(bestRangedEDam, attackEvaluation.ExpectedDamage);

                case AIUtil.AttackType.Melee:
                    bestMeleeEDam = Mathf.Max(bestMeleeEDam, attackEvaluation.ExpectedDamage);

                case AIUtil.AttackType.DeathFromAbove:
                    bestDFAEDam = Mathf.Max(bestDFAEDam, attackEvaluation.ExpectedDamage);

                    Debug.Log("unknown attack type: " + attackEvaluation.AttackType);
            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"best shooting: {bestRangedEDam}  melee: {bestMeleeEDam}  dfa: {bestDFAEDam}");

            //float existingTargetDamageForOverheat = AIHelper.GetBehaviorVariableValue(attackerAA.BehaviorTree, BehaviorVariableName.Float_ExistingTargetDamageForOverheatAttack).FloatVal;

            AbstractActor   targetActor         = target as AbstractActor;
            List <PathNode> meleeDestsForTarget = attackerMech.Pathing.GetMeleeDestsForTarget(targetActor);

            // LOGIC: Now, evaluate every set of attacks in the list
            for (int n = 0; n < allAttackSolutions.Count; n++)
                AttackEvaluator.AttackEvaluation attackEvaluation2 = allAttackSolutions[n];
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"Evaluating attack solution #{n} vs target: {CombatantUtils.Label(targetActor)}");

                // TODO: Do we really need this spam?
                StringBuilder weaponListSB = new StringBuilder();
                weaponListSB.Append(" Weapons: (");
                foreach (Weapon weapon3 in attackEvaluation2.WeaponList)
                    weaponListSB.Append("', ");

                if (attackEvaluation2.WeaponList.Count == 0)
                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("SOLUTION REJECTED - no weapons!");

                // TODO: Does heatGenerated account for jump heat?
                // TODO: Does not rollup heat!
                bool willCauseOverheat = attackEvaluation2.HeatGenerated + currentHeat > acceptableHeat;
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write($"heat generated: {attackEvaluation2.HeatGenerated}  current: {currentHeat}  acceptable: {acceptableHeat}  willOverheat: {willCauseOverheat}");
                if (willCauseOverheat && attackerMech.OverheatWillCauseDeath())
                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("SOLUTION REJECTED - overheat would cause own death");
                // TODO: Check for acceptable damage from overheat - as per below
                //bool flag6 = num4 >= existingTargetDamageForOverheat;
                //Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("but enough damage for overheat attack? " + flag6);
                //bool flag7 = attackEvaluation2.lowestHitChance >= weaponToHitThreshold;
                //Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("but enough accuracy for overheat attack? " + flag7);
                //if (willCauseOverheat && (!flag6 || !flag7)) {
                //    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("SOLUTION REJECTED - not enough damage or accuracy on an attack that will overheat");
                //    continue;

                // LOGIC: If we have some damage from an attack, can we improve upon it as a morale / called shot / multi-attack?
                if (attackEvaluation2.ExpectedDamage > 0f)
                    BehaviorTreeResults behaviorTreeResults = new BehaviorTreeResults(BehaviorNodeState.Success);

                    // LOGIC: Check for a morale attack (based on available morale) - target must be shutdown or knocked down
                    //CalledShotAttackOrderInfo offensivePushAttackOrderInfo = AEHelper.MakeOffensivePushOrder(attackerAA, attackEvaluation2, target);
                    //if (offensivePushAttackOrderInfo != null) {
                    //    behaviorTreeResults.orderInfo = offensivePushAttackOrderInfo;
                    //    behaviorTreeResults.debugOrderString = attackerAA.DisplayName + " using offensive push";

                    // LOGIC: Check for a called shot - target must be shutdown or knocked down
                    //CalledShotAttackOrderInfo calledShotAttackOrderInfo = AEHelper.MakeCalledShotOrder(attackerAA, attackEvaluation2, target, false);
                    //if (calledShotAttackOrderInfo != null) {
                    //    behaviorTreeResults.orderInfo = calledShotAttackOrderInfo;
                    //    behaviorTreeResults.debugOrderString = attackerAA.DisplayName + " using called shot";

                    // LOGIC: Check for multi-attack that will fit within our heat boundaries
                    //MultiTargetAttackOrderInfo multiAttackOrderInfo = MultiAttack.MakeMultiAttackOrder(attackerAA, attackEvaluation2, enemyUnitIndex);
                    //if (!willCauseOverheat && multiAttackOrderInfo != null) {
                    //     Multi-attack in RT / BTA only makes sense to:
                    //      1. maximize breaching shot (which ignores cover/etc) if you a single weapon
                    //      2. spread status effects around while firing on a single target
                    //      3. maximizing total damage across N targets, while sacrificing potential damage at a specific target
                    //        3a. Especially with set sof weapons across range brackets, where you can split short-range weapons and long-range weapons
                    //    behaviorTreeResults.orderInfo = multiAttackOrderInfo;
                    //    behaviorTreeResults.debugOrderString = attackerAA.DisplayName + " using multi attack";

                    AttackOrderInfo attackOrderInfo = new AttackOrderInfo(target)
                        Weapons    = attackEvaluation2.WeaponList,
                        TargetUnit = target
                    AIUtil.AttackType attackType = attackEvaluation2.AttackType;

                    List <PathNode> dfaDestinations = attackerAA.JumpPathing.GetDFADestsForTarget(targetActor);
                    if (attackType == AIUtil.AttackType.DeathFromAbove)
                        attackOrderInfo.IsDeathFromAbove = true;
                        attackOrderInfo.AttackFromLocation = attackerMech.FindBestPositionToMeleeFrom(targetActor, dfaDestinations);
                    else if (attackType == AIUtil.AttackType.Melee)
                        attackOrderInfo.IsMelee = true;

                        attackOrderInfo.AttackFromLocation = attackerMech.FindBestPositionToMeleeFrom(targetActor, meleeDestsForTarget);

                    behaviorTreeResults.orderInfo        = attackOrderInfo;
                    behaviorTreeResults.debugOrderString = $" using attack type: {attackEvaluation2.AttackType} against: {target.DisplayName}";

                    Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("attack order: " + behaviorTreeResults.debugOrderString);
                    order = behaviorTreeResults;
                Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("Rejecting attack for not having any expected damage");

            Mod.Log.Debug?.Write("There are no targets I can shoot at without overheating.");
            order = null;