public VlasovPlayer( int position, Dictionary <string, string> caMap, CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, string logpath, string logname, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) : base( position, logpath, logname, caMap, bin, aiEvent, command, query, cheat, logLevel) { elogger_ = new CSubLog("ExamplePlayer:" + Convert.ToString(position), realLog_);"D Logger Log Open: " + logpath + " " + logname);"Position " + Convert.ToSingle(position) + " waking up."); testAttribute_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(caMap[TEST_ATTR]); hints_ = new CDLLHints(bin); }
public static CUnit decodeCUnit(CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, AIQueryI query) { bin.nextTag(TAG); Dictionary <string, string> A = bin.getAttributes(); var ret = new CUnit(A, bin, query); bin.endTag(TAG); return(ret); }
public override AIPlayer reloadAIPlayer(int position, CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, string logpath, string logname, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) { Dictionary <string, string> caMap = bin.getAttributes(); return(new VlasovPlayer(position, caMap, bin, logpath, logname, aiEvent, command, query, cheat, logLevel)); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected AIPlayer(int position, string path, string logname, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) { position_ = position; realLog_ = new CLog(path, logname, logLevel); alogger_ = new CSubLog("AIPlayer" + Convert.ToString(position_), realLog_);"A Logger Log Open: " + path + " " + logname); aiEvent_ = aiEvent; command_ = command; query_ = query; cheat_ = cheat; }
public VlasovPlayer(int position, string pname, string logpath, string logname, CDLLHints hints, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) : base(position, logpath, logname, aiEvent, command, query, cheat, logLevel) { elogger_ = new CSubLog("Vlasov Player:" + Convert.ToString(position), realLog_);"D Logger Log Open: " + logpath + " " + logname); + " waking up"); hints_ = hints.copy(); pname_ = pname; }
public override AIPlayer createAIPlayer(int position, string logpath, string logname, CDLLHints hints, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) { if (aiGroup_.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < leaders_.Length; i++) { aiGroup_.Add(leaders_[i]); } } int r = random_.nextInt(aiGroup_.Count); string pname = aiGroup_[r]; aiGroup_.RemoveAt(r); return(new VlasovPlayer(position, pname, logpath, logname, hints, aiEvent, command, query, cheat, logLevel)); }
// ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local protected AIPlayer( int position, string path, string logname, Dictionary <string, string> caMap, CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) // ReSharper restore UnusedParameter.Local { position_ = position; realLog_ = new CLog(path, logname, logLevel); alogger_ = new CSubLog("AIPlayer:" + Convert.ToString(position_), realLog_); aiEvent_ = aiEvent; command_ = command; query_ = query; cheat_ = cheat; }
private CProducerUnit(Dictionary <string, string> A, CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, AIQueryI query) : base(A, bin, query) { producing_ = A[PRODUCING]; specialty_ = A[SPECIALTY]; turnsToCompletion_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[TURNSTOCOMPLETE]); efficiency_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[EFFICIENCY]); supplyStore_ = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(A[SUPPLYSTORE]); minStore_ = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(A[MINSTORE]); scrapVal_ = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(A[SCRAPVAL]); consumeSupplyForDrain_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[CONSUMESUPPFORDRAIN]); consumePriority_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[CONSUMEPRIORITY]); autoDrainSupply_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[AUTODRAIN]); isCapital_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[CAPITAL]); isImportant_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[IMPORTANT]); }
//call by the game to have you reload a player public abstract AIPlayer reloadAIPlayer(int position, CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, string logpath, string logname, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel);
//call by the game to have you create a player public abstract AIPlayer createAIPlayer(int position, string logpath, string logname, CDLLHints hints, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel);
protected AIPlayerData(int position, string path, string logname, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) : base(position, path, logname, aiEvent, command, query, cheat, logLevel) { dlogger_ = new CSubLog("PlayerData:" + Convert.ToString(position), realLog_);"D Logger Log Open: " + path + " " + logname); random_ = new CMTRandom(); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Reloading protected AIPlayerData( int position, string path, string logname, Dictionary <string, string> caMap, CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, AIEventInterfaceI aiEvent, AICommandInterfaceI command, AIQueryI query, AICheatI cheat, int logLevel) : base(position, path, logname, caMap, bin, aiEvent, command, query, cheat, logLevel) { dlogger_ = new CSubLog("PlayerData:" + Convert.ToString(position), realLog_); curturn_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(caMap[CUR_TURN]); numPlayers_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(caMap[NUM_PLAYERS]); rdWeight_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(caMap[RD_WEIGHT]); unitsBeforeDrain_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(caMap[UNITS_BEFORE_DRAIN]); bin.nextTag(CPlayer.TAGS); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(CPlayer.TAGS)) { players_.Add(new CPlayer(bin)); } } bin.endTag(CPlayer.TAGS); bin.nextTag(SPOTU); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(SPOTU)) { CUnit u = CUnit.decodeCUnit(bin, query_); masterObjects_.Add(u.gid_, u); spotMap_.Add(u.gid_, u); spots_.Add(u); } } bin.endTag(SPOTU); bin.nextTag(SPOTC); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(SPOTC)) { CProducerUnit c = CProducerUnit.decodeCProducerUnit(bin, query_); masterObjects_.Add(c.gid_, c); knownCitiesVec_.Add(c); spotMap_.Add(c.gid_, c); spots_.Add(c); } } bin.endTag(SPOTC); bin.nextTag(SPOTP); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(SPOTP)) { CProducerUnit p = CProducerUnit.decodeCProducerUnit(bin, query); masterObjects_.Add(p.gid_, p); spotMap_.Add(p.gid_, p); spots_.Add(p); } } bin.endTag(SPOTP); bin.nextTag(CITIES); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(CITIES)) { CProducerUnit c = CProducerUnit.decodeCProducerUnit(bin, query_); masterObjects_.Add(c.gid_, c); knownCitiesVec_.Add(c); cities_.Add(c); cityMap_.Add(c.gid_, c); } } bin.endTag(CITIES); bin.nextTag(UNITS); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(UNITS)) { CUnit u = CUnit.decodeCUnit(bin, query_); masterObjects_.Add(u.gid_, u); unitMap_.Add(u.gid_, u); units_.Add(u); } } bin.endTag(UNITS); bin.nextTag(PRODUCERS); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(PRODUCERS)) { CProducerUnit p = CProducerUnit.decodeCProducerUnit(bin, query_); masterObjects_.Add(p.gid_, p); producers_.Add(p); producerMap_.Add(p.gid_, p); unitMap_.Add(p.gid_, p); units_.Add(p); } } bin.endTag(PRODUCERS); bin.nextTag(CSupplyRoute.TAGS); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(CSupplyRoute.TAGS)) { var csr = new CSupplyRoute(bin); supplySources_.Add(csr.rid_, csr); } } bin.endTag(CSupplyRoute.TAGS); map_ = new AIMap(bin); mapUtil_ = map_.mapUtil_; gameRules_ = new CGameRules(bin); vc_ = new CVictoryConditions(bin); bin.nextTag(CProposal.TAGS); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(CProposal.TAGS)) { var p = new CProposal(bin); proposals_.Add(p); } } bin.endTag(CProposal.TAGS); bin.nextTag(CProductionReportData.TAGS); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(CProductionReportData.TAGS)) { var prd = new CProductionReportData(bin); prodReport_.Add(prd); } } bin.endTag(CProductionReportData.TAGS); random_ = new CMTRandom(AI_RANDOM_TAG, bin); //retrieve flyover foUnit_ = null; if (caMap.ContainsKey(FOUNIT_ID)) { uint fid = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(caMap[FOUNIT_ID]); foUnit_ = masterObjects_[fid]; } }
protected CUnit(Dictionary <string, string> A, CEncodedObjectInputBufferI bin, AIQueryI query) { utype_ = A[UTYPE]; loc_ = CLoc.fromKey(A[LOC]); gid_ = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(A[GID]); owner_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[OWNER]); stackLayer_ = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(A[STACKLAYER]); level_ = A[LEVEL]; landed_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[LANDED]); inReentry_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[INREENTRY]); host_ = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(A[HOST]); turn_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[TURN]); rmvr_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[RMVR]); rmvs_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[RMVS]); fired_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[FIRED]); armed_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[ARMED]); dmg_ = EncodeUtil.parseInt(A[DMG]); shortFuel_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[SHORTFUEL]); sawEnemy_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[SAWENEMY]); dugIn_ = EncodeUtil.fromBoolString(A[DUGIN]); experience_ = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(A[EXPERIENCE]); readiness_ = A[READINESS]; expType_ = A[EXPTYPE]; name_ = bin.getObjectText(NAME); bin.nextTag(CUNITS); if (bin.hasChildren()) { bin.firstChild(); while (!bin.reachedEndTag(CUNITS)) { bin.nextTag(CUNIT); Dictionary <string, string> D = bin.getAttributes(); uint u = EncodeUtil.parseUInt(D[CUNITID]); cunits_.Add(u); bin.endTag(CUNIT); } } bin.endTag(CUNITS); ord_ = new COrder(bin); entry_ = query.unitQuery(utype_); }