Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Living Entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">The rectangle that represents the location and width and height of the entity</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">the location of the sprite for this entity</param>
        public LivingEntity(FloatRectangle rect, Sprite sprite, int health, AI.AI ai = null, int cash = 0)
            : base(rect, sprite)
            inventory = new Inventory();
            time      = new GameTime();
            lastShot  = 60000D;

            interactRange = 32;
            // the below depend on texture, this should not be needed ever but because of the player texture it is...
            //this.interactBoundsOffsetY = interactBoundsOffsetY;
            //this.interactBoundsOffsetX = interactBoundsOffsetX;

            this.cash   = cash;
            this.health = health;
            this.ai     = ai;

            maxHealth = health;

            color = Color.Red;

            healthBar              = new ProgressBar(new Vector2(60, 20));
            healthBar.MaxValue     = maxHealth;
            healthBar.CurrentValue = health;
            healthBar.IncludeText  = Name;
            healthBar.LoadVisuals(Game1.Instance.Content, Game1.Instance.GraphicsDevice);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void UpdateItem()
            //TODO: Remove this once Shadow Demons are added to the room count.
            AI.AI[] ShadowDemons = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <AI.ShadowDemonAI>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ShadowDemons.Length; i++)
                AI.AI    enemy    = ShadowDemons[i];
                int      damage   = Mathf.RoundToInt(1);
                Status[] statuses = { Status.Burn };
                enemy.TakeDamage(m_Player.PlayerNumber, damage, statuses, 1);

            //Do damage to every enemy in the room by their max HP and apply burn
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Player.MyIslandRoom.EnemiesInRoomCount; i++)
                AI.AI enemy = m_Player.MyIslandRoom.EnemiesInRoom[i];

                int damage = Mathf.RoundToInt(enemy.Health.MaxHp / 2);
                if (m_Player.MyIslandRoom.TypeOfRoom == RoomType.Boss)
                    damage = 30;

                Status[] statuses = { Status.Burn };
                enemy.TakeDamage(m_Player.PlayerNumber, damage, statuses, 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Living Entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">The rectangle that represents the location and width and height of the entity</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">the location of the sprite for this entity</param>
        public LivingEntity(FloatRectangle rect, Sprite sprite, int health, AI.AI ai = null, int cash = 0)
            : base(rect, sprite)
            inventory = new Inventory();
            time = new GameTime();
            lastShot = 60000D;

            interactRange = 32;
            // the below depend on texture, this should not be needed ever but because of the player texture it is...
            //this.interactBoundsOffsetY = interactBoundsOffsetY;
            //this.interactBoundsOffsetX = interactBoundsOffsetX;

            this.cash = cash;
            this.health = health;
            this.ai = ai;

            maxHealth = health;

            color = Color.Red;

            healthBar = new ProgressBar(new Vector2(60, 20));
            healthBar.MaxValue = maxHealth;
            healthBar.CurrentValue = health;
            healthBar.IncludeText = Name;
            healthBar.LoadVisuals(Game1.Instance.Content, Game1.Instance.GraphicsDevice);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void PlayIAMain(params AIRule[] ias)
            Game2048 game = new Game2048();

            AI.AI ia = new AI.AI(ias);


            var result = ia.PlayGame(game, () =>

            if (result == GameResult.Loss)
                Console.WriteLine("You loose you dumb !");
            else if (result == GameResult.Win)
                Console.WriteLine("Congratulations, you won .... A COCONUT !");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to leave !");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void PlayIAStatsMain(params AIRule[] rules)
            string text = string.Format("Running 1000 tests with selected AI : {0}",
                                        rules.Aggregate("", (x, y) => x + y.GetType().Name + " (" + y.Coefficient + "),"));


            List <GameResult> results = new List <GameResult>();
            List <int>        scores  = new List <int>();
            List <int>        bests   = new List <int>();

            AI.AI ai = new AI.AI(rules);
            Parallel.For(0, 1000, (i) =>
                Game2048 game = new Game2048();
                var res       = ai.PlayGame(game, () =>

            Console.WriteLine("Results : ");

            var wins = results.Count(x => x == GameResult.Win);

            Console.WriteLine(" - {0} win and {1} losses.", wins, 1000 - wins);
            Console.WriteLine(" - {0} average score, {1} best, {2} worst.", scores.Average(), scores.Max(), scores.Min());
            Console.WriteLine(" - {0} average best tile, {1} best, {2} worst.", bests.Average(), bests.Max(), bests.Min());

Exemplo n.º 6
        public Diablo3Api()
            Log.OnLogMessage += LogMessageCallback;

            d3 = new BlackMagic();
            d3.SetDebugPrivileges = false;
            memReader             = new MemoryReader(d3);

            ai = new AI.AI(this);
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void ShockNearbyEnemies(Collider[] CollidersInRange)
     //Loop though all the colliders and find all the AI in Range
     foreach (Collider collider in CollidersInRange)
         //If the collider has an AI attached to it Apply damage to the AI
         AI.AI colliderAI = collider.GetComponent <AI.AI>();
         if (collider != null)
             colliderAI.TakeDamage(DamageCountManager.instance.PlayerWhoLastDealtDamage, ShockDamage, null, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private async Task RunAiAsync(int segmentId, int userId, decimal addThr, decimal rmvThr, double exp,
            double rmv, double brk)
            var aiInstance = new AI.AI(_segmentRepository, segmentId);
            AiInstances.Add(userId, aiInstance);

            var ai = Task.Run(() => aiInstance.Run(exp, rmv, addThr, rmvThr, brk));
            var msg = await ReplyAsync("hang on...").ConfigureAwait(false);

            while (!ai.IsCompleted)
                await UpdateMsgAsync(msg, segmentId, aiInstance.Status).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await Task.Delay(2000).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await UpdateMsgAsync(msg, segmentId, aiInstance.Status).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemplo n.º 9
   /// <summary>
   /// Will create a new instance of this enemy character with the given
   /// texture, at the given position, with the given walking, running
   /// and jumping speeds.
   /// REQUIRE:  given.texture != null
   ///            given.position != nil && given.position.X,Y > 0
   ///            given.walking, running, jumping speed != null && > 0
   /// ENSURE:   this.currentSpeed() == given.walking_speed
   ///            this.boundingBox().X,Y == given.position.X,Y
   /// </summary>
   public Enemy(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position, float walk_speed,
 float run_speed, float jump_speed, float jump_height, float sight_range,
 AI.AI personality)
       this.personality = personality;
         //register this enemy to the personality
         this.texture = texture;
         this.position = position;
         this.sight_range = sight_range;
         this.walk_velocity = walk_speed;
         this.run_velocity = run_speed;
         this.jump_velocity = jump_speed;
         this.fall_velocity = jump_speed;
         this.max_jump_height = jump_height;
         this.is_jumping_left = false;
         this.is_jumping_right = false;
         this.current_velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
         //start the enemy off as alive
         this.is_alive = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void GetVariablesFrom(GameObject recordable)
     AI.AI ai = recordable.GetComponent <AI.AI>();
     VisibleEnemies = ai.VisibleEnemies;
     Side           = ai.Side;
Exemplo n.º 11
        //for detecting enemies
        public Character(Sprite sprite, Body body, World world, CharacterDef charDef)
            : base(sprite, body, world)
            _width = charDef.Width;
            _height = charDef.Height;
            _moveSpeed = charDef.MoveSpeed;

            //create surface sensor
            float xtmp = _width*CHAR_SENSOR_WIDTH_FACTOR*0.5f;
            float x1 = World.B2Value(-xtmp);
            float x2 = World.B2Value(xtmp);
            float ytmp = -_height*0.5f - 2.0f;
            float y1 = World.B2Value(ytmp - 1.0f);
            float y2 = World.B2Value(ytmp);
            var vertices = new Vector2[4];
            vertices[0].X = x2;
            vertices[0].Y = y2;
            vertices[1].X = x1;
            vertices[1].Y = y2;
            vertices[2].X = x1;
            vertices[2].Y = y1;
            vertices[3].X = x2;
            vertices[3].Y = y1;
            _surfaceSense = AttachPolygonSensor(vertices);
            _surfaceSense.SensorName = Constants.SURFACE_SENSOR;

            //create visual sensor
            _visualSense = AttachCircleSensor(Vector2.Zero, _width*VISUAL_RANGE);
            _visualSense.SensorName = Constants.VISUAL_SENSOR;

            HP = charDef.HP;
            MaxHP = charDef.MaxHP;

            //Load animation
            if (charDef.FrameDefs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < charDef.FrameDefs.Length; i++)
                    FrameDef frameDef = charDef.FrameDefs[i];
                    var frame = new Frame(frameDef);
                    frame.Target = sprite;

                    _animations.Add(frame.Name, frame);

            //Load actions
            if (charDef.Actions != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < charDef.Actions.Length; i++)
                    AttachAction(Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(charDef.Actions[i])) as IAction);

            //Load sound effects
            if (charDef.SoundEffects != null)
                foreach (var i in charDef.SoundEffects)
                    _soundEffects.Add(i.Key, AuditionManager.Instance.SoundEffects[i.Value]);

            //Load AI
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(charDef.AI))
                _ai = new AI.AI(charDef.AI, this);
Exemplo n.º 12
        void LevelSelectionButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BG = Content.Load<Texture2D>(String.Format("Backgrounds\\bg{0}", rnd.Next(1, 7)));

            Button b = sender as Button;
            Manager.State.Planets.AddRange(LoadMap(String.Format("Maps\\map{0}.xml", b.Tag)));
                    Manager.State.Planets.AddRange(LoadMap(String.Format("Maps\\map{0}.xml", 22)));
                    Manager.State.Planets.AddRange(LoadMap(String.Format("Maps\\map{0}.xml", b.Tag)));
            CurrentPlanet = b.Tag;
            GameState = GameState.Game;

            if (CurrentPlanet <= 7)
                Manager.AIAttackBias = 0.5f;
                Manager.PlayerAttackBias = 1.5f;
                Ai = new EasyAI();
            else if (CurrentPlanet > 7 && CurrentPlanet <= 14)
                Manager.AIAttackBias = 0.75f;
                Manager.PlayerAttackBias = 1.25f;
                Ai = new MediumAI();
            else if (CurrentPlanet > 14 && CurrentPlanet <= 20)
                Manager.AIAttackBias = 1f;
                Manager.PlayerAttackBias = 1;
                Ai = new HardAI();
                Manager.AIAttackBias = 1.25f;
                Manager.PlayerAttackBias = 1f;
                Ai = new InsaneAI();

            if (CurrentPlanet == 1)
                GameState = GameState.Tutorial;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            Manager = new GameManger();
            Menu = new MenuManager();
            PauseMenu = new MenuManager();

            SelectionState = SelectionState.Selection;
            GameState = GameState.MainMenu;
            Ai = new EasyAI();
            SoundTracksEnabled = MediaPlayer.GameHasControl;
