Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the latest gift that was given by a donor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AParameters">report parameter list</param>
        /// <param name="AResults">result list</param>
        /// <returns>DataTable with row for last gift by donor</returns>
        public static DataTable SelectLatestGiftRow(TParameterList AParameters, TResultList AResults)
            Int64 DonorKey = AParameters.Get("PartnerKey").ToInt64();

            String StrSql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + ", " +
                            AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + ", " +
                            AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName() + ", " +
                            AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName();

            StrSql = StrSql +
                     " FROM " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() +
                     " WHERE " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDonorKeyDBName() + " = " + DonorKey.ToString() +
                     " ORDER BY " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + " DESC";

            TDBTransaction Transaction = new TDBTransaction();
            DataTable      tempTbl     = new DataTable();

                ref Transaction,
                tempTbl = Transaction.DataBaseObj.SelectDT(StrSql, "result", Transaction);

            DataTable resultTbl = tempTbl.Clone();


            if (tempTbl.Rows.Count > 0)

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Select the last Gift and motivation details of the gifts that were given within the time period from one partner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ADonorKey">Partner key of the donor</param>
        /// <param name="ALedgerNumber">Ledger number</param>
        /// <param name="AStartDate">Start date of the period</param>
        /// <param name="AEndDate">End date of the period</param>
        /// <param name="ACurrency">Currency: Base or International</param>
        /// <returns>True if a gift was found; otherwise false</returns>
        private bool SelectLastGift(Int64 ADonorKey, Int64 ALedgerNumber, DateTime AStartDate, DateTime AEndDate, String ACurrency)
            String StrSql = "SELECT " + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + ", " +
                            AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationGroupCodeDBName() + ", " +
                            AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationDetailCodeDBName();

            if (ACurrency == "Base")
                StrSql = StrSql + ", " + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftAmountDBName() + " AS CurrentAmount";
                StrSql = StrSql + ", " + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftAmountIntlDBName() + " AS CurrentAmount";

            StrSql = StrSql +
                     " FROM " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() +
                     " , " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() +
                     ", " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() +

                     " WHERE " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " + ALedgerNumber.ToString() +
                     " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " +
                     ALedgerNumber.ToString() +
                     " AND " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftBatchTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " + ALedgerNumber.ToString() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDonorKeyDBName() + " = " + ADonorKey.ToString() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + " = " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() +
                     "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() +
                     " AND " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftBatchTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + " = " +
                     AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName() + " = " +
                     AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + " BETWEEN '" + AStartDate.ToString(
                "yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + AEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'" +
                     " AND " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftBatchTable.GetBatchStatusDBName() + " = 'Posted'" +
                     " ORDER BY " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + " DESC LIMIT 1";

            DataTable Table = situation.GetDatabaseConnection().SelectDT(StrSql, "table",
                                                                         situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction, new OdbcParameter[] { });

            if (Table.Rows.Count > 0)
                DateTime DateEntered      = (DateTime)Table.Rows[0][AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName()];
                decimal  CurrentAmount    = Convert.ToDecimal(Table.Rows[0]["CurrentAmount"]);
                String   MotivationDetail = (String)Table.Rows[0][AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationDetailCodeDBName()];
                String   MotivationGroup  = (String)Table.Rows[0][AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationGroupCodeDBName()];

                situation.GetParameters().Add("LastGiftDate", new TVariant(DateEntered));
                situation.GetParameters().Add("LastGiftAmount", new TVariant(CurrentAmount));
                situation.GetParameters().Add("MotivationDetail", new TVariant(MotivationDetail));
                situation.GetParameters().Add("MotivationGroup", new TVariant(MotivationGroup));


Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This report considers gifts given between the two specified dates, and can include all gifts or, if
        /// selected, those to a particular motivation, motivation detail or recipient. For the defined set of gifts
        /// and its total value, the donors are sorted into a list, starting with those who gave most, and showing
        /// the percentage that their gifts contributed to the total received (for this motivation or recipient, if
        /// specified) and the cumulative percentage, moving down the list starting with the top donor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ATotalAmount">Pre calculated value of the total gifts given with these parameters</param>
        /// <param name="ATopXPercent">Upper limit of the percentage to show in the report</param>
        /// <param name="ABottomXPercent">Lower limit of the percentage to show in the report</param>
        /// <param name="AExtract">true to use only partners from an extract</param>
        /// <param name="AExtractName">extract name</param>
        /// <param name="AStartDate">Start date of the gifts given</param>
        /// <param name="AEndDate">End date of the gifts given</param>
        /// <param name="ARecipientKey">Partner key of a specific recipient. If 0 then use all recipients</param>
        /// <param name="AMotivationGroup">Limit gifts to this motivation group. If % use all motivation groups</param>
        /// <param name="AMotivationDetail">Limit gifts to this motivation detail. If % use all motivation details</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool MakeTopDonor(decimal ATotalAmount, decimal ATopXPercent, decimal ABottomXPercent,
                                  bool AExtract, String AExtractName, DateTime AStartDate, DateTime AEndDate,
                                  Int64 ARecipientKey, String AMotivationGroup, String AMotivationDetail)
            Int64         LedgerNumber = situation.GetParameters().Get("param_ledger_number_i").ToInt64();
            String        CurrencyType = situation.GetParameters().Get("param_currency").ToString();
            StringBuilder SqlString    = new StringBuilder();

            SqlString.Append("SELECT DISTINCT ");
            SqlString.Append("gift.p_donor_key_n AS DonorKey, ");
            SqlString.Append(PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName() + " AS ShortName, ");
            SqlString.Append(PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName() + " AS PartnerClass, ");

            if (CurrencyType == "Base")
                SqlString.Append("SUM(detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftAmountDBName() + ") AS Amount ");
                SqlString.Append("SUM(detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftAmountIntlDBName() + ") AS Amount ");

                " FROM " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + " as gift, " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + " as detail, " +
                PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + ", " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + " ");

            if (AExtract)
                SqlString.Append(", " + MExtractTable.GetTableDBName() + ", " + MExtractMasterTable.GetTableDBName());
                    " WHERE gift." + AGiftTable.GetDonorKeyDBName() + " = " + MExtractTable.GetTableDBName() + "." +
                    " AND " + MExtractTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + MExtractTable.GetExtractIdDBName() + " = " +
                    MExtractMasterTable.GetTableDBName() +
                    "." + MExtractMasterTable.GetExtractIdDBName());
                SqlString.Append(" AND " + MExtractMasterTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + MExtractMasterTable.GetExtractNameDBName() + " = '");
                SqlString.Append("' AND ");
                SqlString.Append(" WHERE ");

            SqlString.Append(" detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = gift." + AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName());
            SqlString.Append(" AND detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + " = gift." + AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName());
                " AND detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName() + " = gift." + AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName());
            SqlString.Append(" AND gift." + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + " BETWEEN '");
            SqlString.Append("' AND '");
            SqlString.Append("' AND gift." + AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = ");
            SqlString.Append(" AND " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftBatchTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = ");
                " AND " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftBatchTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + " = gift." +
            SqlString.Append(" AND ( " + AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftBatchTable.GetBatchStatusDBName() + " = 'Posted' OR ");
            SqlString.Append(AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftBatchTable.GetBatchStatusDBName() + " = 'posted' ) ");
                " AND " + PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerKeyDBName() + " = gift." + AGiftTable.GetDonorKeyDBName());

            if (ARecipientKey != 0)
                SqlString.Append(" AND detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetRecipientKeyDBName() + " = ");

            if (AMotivationGroup != "%")
                SqlString.Append(" AND  detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationGroupCodeDBName() + " LIKE '");
                SqlString.Append("' ");

            if (AMotivationDetail != "%")
                SqlString.Append(" AND  detail." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationDetailCodeDBName() + " LIKE '");
                SqlString.Append("' ");

            SqlString.Append(" GROUP BY gift." + AGiftTable.GetDonorKeyDBName() + ", ");
            SqlString.Append(PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerShortNameDBName() + ", ");
            SqlString.Append(PPartnerTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + PPartnerTable.GetPartnerClassDBName());
            SqlString.Append(" ORDER BY Amount DESC");

            DataTable Table = situation.GetDatabaseConnection().SelectDT(SqlString.ToString(), "table",
                                                                         situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction, new OdbcParameter[] { });

            decimal CummulativeAmount = 0;
            decimal TopAmount         = ATotalAmount * ATopXPercent / 100;
            decimal BottomAmount      = ATotalAmount * ABottomXPercent / 100;

            int NumColumns = 7;
            int ChildRow   = 1;


            for (int Counter = 0; Counter < Table.Rows.Count; ++Counter)
                decimal CurrentAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Table.Rows[Counter]["Amount"]);

                if (CurrentAmount < 0)

                if ((CummulativeAmount <= TopAmount) &&
                    (CummulativeAmount >= BottomAmount))
                    Int64  DonorKey     = Convert.ToInt64(Table.Rows[Counter]["DonorKey"]);
                    String ShortName    = (String)Table.Rows[Counter]["ShortName"];
                    String PartnerClass = (String)Table.Rows[Counter]["PartnerClass"];

                    CummulativeAmount += CurrentAmount;

                    // Transfer to results
                    TVariant[] Header      = new TVariant[NumColumns];
                    TVariant[] Description =
                        new TVariant(), new TVariant()
                    TVariant[] Columns = new TVariant[NumColumns];

                    for (int Counter2 = 0; Counter2 < NumColumns; ++Counter2)
                        Header[Counter2]  = new TVariant();
                        Columns[Counter2] = new TVariant();

                    StringBuilder       PartnerAddress = new StringBuilder();
                    PPartnerLocationRow AddressRow;

                    if (Ict.Petra.Server.MReporting.MPartner.TRptUserFunctionsPartner.GetPartnerBestAddressRow(DonorKey, situation, out AddressRow))
                        PLocationTable LocationTable = PLocationAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(AddressRow.SiteKey,
                                                                                        AddressRow.LocationKey, situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction);

                        if (LocationTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                            PLocationRow LocationRow = (PLocationRow)LocationTable.Rows[0];


                            if (LocationRow.Locality.Length > 0)
                                PartnerAddress.Append(", ");


                            if (PartnerAddress.Length > 0)
                                PartnerAddress.Append(", ");


                            if (PartnerAddress.Length > 0)
                                PartnerAddress.Append(", ");

                            PartnerAddress.Append(" ");

                            if (LocationRow.County.Length > 0)
                                PartnerAddress.Append(", ");

                            PartnerAddress.Append(", ");

                    Columns[0] = new TVariant(DonorKey.ToString("0000000000"));
                    Columns[1] = new TVariant(PartnerClass);
                    Columns[2] = new TVariant(ShortName);
                    Columns[3] = new TVariant(CurrentAmount, "-#,##0.00;#,##0.00");
                    Columns[4] = new TVariant((CurrentAmount * 100 / ATotalAmount), "-#,##0.00;#,##0.00");
                    Columns[5] = new TVariant((CummulativeAmount * 100 / ATotalAmount), "-#,##0.00;#,##0.00");
                    Columns[6] = new TVariant(PartnerAddress.ToString());

                    situation.GetResults().AddRow(0, ChildRow++, true, 2, "", "", false,
                                                  Header, Description, Columns);
                    CummulativeAmount += CurrentAmount;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the gift amount for this year and the previous two years given from this donor to this recipient.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ALastGiftDate">defines the last year of the calculation</param>
        /// <param name="ADonorKey">Partner Key of the donor</param>
        /// <param name="ALedgerNumber">The ledger number</param>
        /// <param name="ARecipientKey">Partner Key of the gift recipient</param>
        /// <param name="AMotivationDetail">A matching string for the gift motivation detail</param>
        /// <param name="AMotivationGroup">A matching string for the gift motivation group.</param>
        /// <param name="ABaseCurrency">Defines if we sum up the base currency or international currency</param>
        private void CalculatePrviousYearsGift(DateTime ALastGiftDate,
                                               Int64 ADonorKey,
                                               int ALedgerNumber,
                                               Int64 ARecipientKey,
                                               String AMotivationDetail,
                                               String AMotivationGroup,
                                               bool ABaseCurrency)
            DateTime SelectionEndDate   = new DateTime(ALastGiftDate.Year, 12, 31);
            DateTime SelectionStartDate = new DateTime(ALastGiftDate.Year - 2, 1, 1);

            String StrSql = "SELECT " + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName();

            if (ABaseCurrency)
                StrSql = StrSql + ", " + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftAmountDBName() + " AS CurrentAmount";
                StrSql = StrSql + ", " + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftAmountIntlDBName() + " AS CurrentAmount";

            StrSql = StrSql +
                     " FROM " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() +
                     " , " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() +
                     " WHERE " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " + ALedgerNumber.ToString() +
                     " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " +
                     ALedgerNumber.ToString() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDonorKeyDBName() + " = " + ADonorKey.ToString() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + " = " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() +
                     "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName() + " = " +
                     AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName() +
                     " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + " BETWEEN '" + SelectionStartDate.ToString(
                "yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + SelectionEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";

            if (ARecipientKey != 0)
                StrSql = StrSql +
                         " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetRecipientKeyDBName() + " = " +

            if (AMotivationDetail != "%")
                StrSql = StrSql +
                         " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationDetailCodeDBName() + " LIKE '" +
                         AMotivationDetail + "'";

            if (AMotivationGroup != "%")
                StrSql = StrSql +
                         " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationGroupCodeDBName() + " LIKE '" +
                         AMotivationGroup + "'";

            DataTable Table = situation.GetDatabaseConnection().SelectDT(StrSql, "table",
                                                                         situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction, new OdbcParameter[] { });

            decimal TotalYear_0 = 0.0M;
            decimal TotalYear_1 = 0.0M;
            decimal TotalYear_2 = 0.0M;

            foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows)
                DateTime DateEntered   = (DateTime)Row[AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName()];
                decimal  CurrentAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Row["CurrentAmount"]);

                if (DateEntered.Year == ALastGiftDate.Year)
                    TotalYear_0 += CurrentAmount;
                else if (DateEntered.Year == ALastGiftDate.Year - 1)
                    TotalYear_1 += CurrentAmount;
                else if (DateEntered.Year == ALastGiftDate.Year - 2)
                    TotalYear_2 += CurrentAmount;

            situation.GetParameters().Add("TotalYear_0", new TVariant(TotalYear_0));
            situation.GetParameters().Add("TotalYear_1", new TVariant(TotalYear_1));
            situation.GetParameters().Add("TotalYear_2", new TVariant(TotalYear_2));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the donor is a lapsed donor according to the parameters supplied
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ADonorKey">Partner Key of the donor</param>
        /// <param name="ARecipientKey">Partner Key of the gift recipient</param>
        /// <param name="AStartDate">Date of the first gift</param>
        /// <param name="AEndDate">Date until the gift must occure regularly</param>
        /// <param name="AFrequency">How often the gift must come</param>
        /// <param name="ATolerance">How much tolerance (in days) the gift can vary</param>
        /// <param name="ALedgerNumber">The ledger number</param>
        /// <param name="AMotivationGroup">A matching string for the gift motivation group.</param>
        /// <param name="AMotivationDetail">A matching string for the gift motivation detail</param>
        /// <param name="AIgnoreBetween">True: If this donor gave a gift in between the frequency pattern, then return false</param>
        /// <returns>True if donor is still active</returns>
        private bool IsLapsedDonor(Int64 ADonorKey, Int64 ARecipientKey, DateTime AStartDate, DateTime AEndDate, String AFrequency,
                                   int ATolerance, int ALedgerNumber,
                                   String AMotivationGroup, String AMotivationDetail, bool AIgnoreBetween)
            bool ReturnValue = false;
            bool FirstTime   = true;

            DateTime StartDate = AEndDate.AddDays(-ATolerance);
            DateTime EndDate   = AEndDate.AddDays(ATolerance);

            int YearFrequency;
            int MonthFrequency;
            int DayFrequency;

            GetTimeFrequency(AFrequency, out YearFrequency, out MonthFrequency, out DayFrequency);

            DataTable Table;

            String StrSql = "SELECT " + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() +
                            " FROM " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() +
                            " , " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() +
                            " WHERE " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " + ALedgerNumber.ToString() +
                            " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName() + " = " +
                            ALedgerNumber.ToString() +
                            " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDonorKeyDBName() + " = " + ADonorKey.ToString() +
                            " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + " = " +
                            AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() +
                            " AND " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName() + " = " +
                            AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetGiftTransactionNumberDBName();

            if (ARecipientKey != 0)
                StrSql = StrSql +
                         " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetRecipientKeyDBName() + " = " +

            if (AMotivationDetail != "%")
                StrSql = StrSql +
                         " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationDetailCodeDBName() + " LIKE '" +
                         AMotivationDetail + "'";

            if (AMotivationGroup != "%")
                StrSql = StrSql +
                         " AND " + AGiftDetailTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftDetailTable.GetMotivationGroupCodeDBName() + " LIKE '" +
                         AMotivationGroup + "'";

            StrSql = StrSql +
                     " ORDER BY " + AGiftTable.GetTableDBName() + "." + AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName() + " DESC ";

            Table = situation.GetDatabaseConnection().SelectDT(StrSql, "table", situation.GetDatabaseConnection().Transaction, new OdbcParameter[] { });

            foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows)
                DateTime DateEntered = (DateTime)Row[AGiftTable.GetDateEnteredDBName()];

                // Ok they gave a gift during this period but check that it was the last gift.
                if (FirstTime)
                    if (DateEntered > EndDate)

                    FirstTime = false;

                // If the date is not within the date range then
                // check the flag to see if gifts are allowed between gifts.
                // otherwise ignore.
                if (DateEntered > EndDate)
                    if (AIgnoreBetween)


                // If we are passed the start date and have not found a gift then this
                // donor does not have the right pattern of giving */
                if (DateEntered < StartDate)

                // we have found a gift and it is within the dates we are interested in.
                // now go back to the next set of dates.
                StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(-DayFrequency);
                StartDate = StartDate.AddMonths(-MonthFrequency);
                StartDate = StartDate.AddYears(-YearFrequency);
                EndDate   = EndDate.AddDays(-DayFrequency);
                EndDate   = EndDate.AddMonths(-MonthFrequency);
                EndDate   = EndDate.AddYears(-YearFrequency);

                // we are now beyond the first gift date so stop.
                if (EndDate < AStartDate)
                    ReturnValue = true;

            if (!ReturnValue)
                // clear this row, we don't want to display it
                // set all parameters of this row to NULL
                situation.GetParameters().Add("DONTDISPLAYROW", new TVariant(true));
                // show this row
                situation.GetParameters().Add("DONTDISPLAYROW", new TVariant(false), -1, -1, null, null, ReportingConsts.CALCULATIONPARAMETERS);

                String Currency     = situation.GetParameters().Get("param_currency").ToString();
                bool   BaseCurrency = false;

                if (Currency == "Base")
                    BaseCurrency = true;

                CalculatePrviousYearsGift(AEndDate, ADonorKey, ALedgerNumber, ARecipientKey, AMotivationDetail, AMotivationGroup, BaseCurrency);

        /// <summary>
        /// Print a receipt for each gift (one page for each donor) in the batch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AGiftTDS"></param>
        public void PrintGiftBatchReceipts(GiftBatchTDS AGiftTDS)
            AGiftBatchRow GiftBatchRow = AGiftTDS.AGiftBatch[0];

            DataView GiftView = new DataView(AGiftTDS.AGift);

            GiftView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}={1} and {2}={3}",
                                               AGiftTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), GiftBatchRow.LedgerNumber,
                                               AGiftTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), GiftBatchRow.BatchNumber);
            String       ReceiptedDonorsList             = "";
            List <Int32> ReceiptedGiftTransactions       = new List <Int32>();
            SortedList <Int64, AGiftTable> GiftsPerDonor = new SortedList <Int64, AGiftTable>();

            foreach (DataRowView rv in GiftView)
                AGiftRow GiftRow = (AGiftRow)rv.Row;
                bool     ReceiptEachGift;
                String   ReceiptLetterFrequency;
                bool     EmailGiftStatement;
                bool     AnonymousDonor;

                    out ReceiptEachGift,
                    out ReceiptLetterFrequency,
                    out EmailGiftStatement,
                    out AnonymousDonor);

                if (ReceiptEachGift)
                    // I want to print a receipt for this gift,
                    // but if there's already one queued for this donor,
                    // I'll add this gift onto the existing receipt.

                    if (!GiftsPerDonor.ContainsKey(GiftRow.DonorKey))
                        GiftsPerDonor.Add(GiftRow.DonorKey, new AGiftTable());

                    AGiftRow NewRow = GiftsPerDonor[GiftRow.DonorKey].NewRowTyped();
                    DataUtilities.CopyAllColumnValues(GiftRow, NewRow);
                } // if receipt required
            }     // foreach gift

            String HtmlDoc = "";

            OpenFileDialog DialogOpen = new OpenFileDialog();

            if (Directory.Exists(TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("Formletters.Path")))
                DialogOpen.InitialDirectory = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("Formletters.Path");

            DialogOpen.Filter           = Catalog.GetString("HTML file (*.html)|*.html;*.htm");
            DialogOpen.RestoreDirectory = true;
            DialogOpen.Title            = Catalog.GetString("Select the template for the gift receipt");

            if (DialogOpen.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            string HTMLTemplateFilename = DialogOpen.FileName;

            foreach (Int64 DonorKey in GiftsPerDonor.Keys)
                String        DonorShortName;
                TPartnerClass DonorClass;
                TRemote.MPartner.Partner.ServerLookups.WebConnectors.GetPartnerShortName(DonorKey, out DonorShortName, out DonorClass);
                DonorShortName = Calculations.FormatShortName(DonorShortName, eShortNameFormat.eReverseShortname);

                string HtmlPage = TRemote.MFinance.Gift.WebConnectors.PrintGiftReceipt(

                TFormLettersTools.AttachNextPage(ref HtmlDoc, HtmlPage);
                ReceiptedDonorsList += (DonorShortName + "\r\n");

                foreach (AGiftRow GiftRow in GiftsPerDonor[DonorKey].Rows)

            TFormLettersTools.CloseDocument(ref HtmlDoc);

            if (ReceiptedGiftTransactions.Count > 0)

                if (MessageBox.Show(
                            "Press OK if receipts to these recipients were printed correctly.\r\nThe gifts will be marked as receipted.\r\n") +

                        Catalog.GetString("Receipt Printing"),
                        MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
                    foreach (Int32 Trans in ReceiptedGiftTransactions)
        /// <summary>
        /// update the transaction DateEntered from outside
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ABatchRow"></param>
        public void UpdateDateEntered(AGiftBatchRow ABatchRow)
            Int32    ledgerNumber;
            Int32    batchNumber;
            DateTime batchEffectiveDate;

            if (ABatchRow.BatchStatus != MFinanceConstants.BATCH_UNPOSTED)

            ledgerNumber       = ABatchRow.LedgerNumber;
            batchNumber        = ABatchRow.BatchNumber;
            batchEffectiveDate = ABatchRow.GlEffectiveDate;

            DataView giftDataView = new DataView(FMainDS.AGift);

            giftDataView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}={1} And {2}={3}",

            DataView giftDetailDataView = new DataView(FMainDS.AGiftDetail);

            giftDetailDataView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}={1} And {2}={3}",

            ((TFrmGiftBatch)ParentForm).EnsureGiftDataPresent(ledgerNumber, batchNumber);

            if ((FPreviouslySelectedDetailRow != null) && (FBatchNumber == batchNumber))
                //Rows already active in transaction tab. Need to set current row as code below will not update currently selected row
                FGLEffectivePeriodHasChangedFlag   = true;
                GetSelectedDetailRow().DateEntered = batchEffectiveDate;

            TFrmGiftBatch ParentGiftBatchForm = (TFrmGiftBatch)ParentForm;

            ParentGiftBatchForm.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            //Update all gift rows in this batch
            foreach (DataRowView dv in giftDataView)
                AGiftRow giftRow = (AGiftRow)dv.Row;
                giftRow.DateEntered = batchEffectiveDate;

            //Update all gift detail rows in this batch
            foreach (DataRowView dv in giftDetailDataView)
                GiftBatchTDSAGiftDetailRow giftDetailRow = (GiftBatchTDSAGiftDetailRow)dv.Row;
                UpdateGiftDestinationOnDateChange(ref giftDetailRow, batchEffectiveDate);

            ParentGiftBatchForm.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            //If current row exists then refresh details
            if (FGLEffectivePeriodHasChangedFlag)