Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ACSApplicationModel GetTestPartnerApplication(Partner partner, List <StoreModel> stores, int id, string externalApplicationId, string name)
            ACSApplication acsApplication = new ACSApplication()
                Id = id,
                ExternalApplicationId = externalApplicationId,
                Name      = name,
                PartnerId = partner.Id

            ACSApplicationModel acsApplicationModel = new ACSApplicationModel()
                Partner        = partner,
                ACSApplication = acsApplication,
                Stores         = stores

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void RemoveFirstPartnerApplicationStore(string connectionString, ACSApplicationModel application)
            PartnerController partnerController = new PartnerController();

            partnerController.AndroAdminConnectionStringOverride = connectionString;

            // Remove the first store
            application.Stores[0].Selected = false;

            // Remove the first store from the application
            ActionResult actionResult = partnerController.ApplicationStores(application);

            // Check for model errors
            string error = AndroAdminTestHelper.CheckForModelError(actionResult, partnerController);

            if (error.Length > 0)

            // Check to see if the partner exists
            error = AndroAdminTestHelper.CheckPartners(partnerController, new List <Partner> {

            if (error.Length > 0)

            // Check to see if the application exists
            error = AndroAdminTestHelper.CheckPartnerApplications(partnerController, application.Partner, new List <ACSApplicationModel> {

            if (error.Length > 0)

            SyncHelper.ConnectionStringOverride = connectionString;
            string xml          = "";
            string errorMessage = AndroAdminSyncHelper.TryGetExportSyncXml(6, 7, out xml);

            Assert.AreEqual <string>("", errorMessage);

            string expectedXml2 =
                "<CloudSync>" +
                "<FromDataVersion>6</FromDataVersion>" +
                "<ToDataVersion>7</ToDataVersion>" +
                "<Stores />" +
                "<Partners>" +
                "<Partner>" +
                "<Id>1</Id>" +
                "<Name>test partner 1</Name>" +
                "<ExternalId>testpartner1</ExternalId>" +
                "<Applications>" +
                "<Application>" +
                "<Id>1</Id>" +
                "<ExternalApplicationId>TestExternalApplicationid</ExternalApplicationId>" +
                "<Name>TestName</Name>" +
                "<Sites>" +
                "123" +
                "</Sites>" +
                "</Application>" +
                "</Applications>" +
                "</Partner>" +
                "</Partners>" +

            Assert.AreEqual <string>(expectedXml2, xml, "Incorrect sync xml generated: " + xml);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SyncTest()
            // Create a test database
            string connectionString = DatabaseHelper.CreateTestAndroAdminDatabase();

            StoreModel storeModel = AndroAdminTestHelper.GetTestStore(
                "United Kingdom",
                new DateTime(2001, 2, 3),
                new Address()
                Org1     = "Test1_Org1",
                Org2     = "Test1_Org2",
                Org3     = "Test1_Org3",
                Prem1    = "Test1_Prem1",
                Prem2    = "Test1_Prem2",
                Prem3    = "Test1_Prem3",
                Prem4    = "Test1_Prem4",
                Prem5    = "Test1_Prem5",
                Prem6    = "Test1_Prem6",
                RoadNum  = "Test1_RoadNum",
                RoadName = "Test1_RoadName",
                Locality = "Test1_Locality",
                Town     = "Test1_Town",
                County   = "Test1_County",
                State    = "Test1_State",
                PostCode = "Test1_PostCode",
                DPS      = "DPS1",
                Lat      = "1.2",
                Long     = "3.4"

            StoreModel storeModel2 = AndroAdminTestHelper.GetTestStore(
                "United Kingdom",
                new DateTime(2003, 2, 1),
                new Address()
                Org1     = "Test2_Org1",
                Org2     = "Test2_Org2",
                Org3     = "Test2_Org3",
                Prem1    = "Test2_Prem1",
                Prem2    = "Test2_Prem2",
                Prem3    = "Test2_Prem3",
                Prem4    = "Test2_Prem4",
                Prem5    = "Test2_Prem5",
                Prem6    = "Test2_Prem6",
                RoadNum  = "Test2_RoadNum",
                RoadName = "Test2_RoadName",
                Locality = "Test2_Locality",
                Town     = "Test2_Town",
                County   = "Test2_County",
                State    = "Test2_State",
                PostCode = "Test2_PostCode",
                DPS      = "DPS2",
                Lat      = "1.2",
                Long     = "3.4"

            // Add a single store to the db then do a sync
            this.FirstStore(connectionString, storeModel);

            // Add a second store to the db then do a sync
            this.SecondStore(connectionString, storeModel, storeModel2);

            // Add a partner
            Partner partner = AndroAdminTestHelper.GetTestPartner(1, "testpartner1", "test partner 1");

            this.FirstPartner(connectionString, partner);

            // Add an application to the partner
            ACSApplicationModel acsApplicationModel = AndroAdminTestHelper.GetTestPartnerApplication(partner, null, 1, "TestExternalApplicationid", "TestName");

            this.FirstPartnerApplication(connectionString, acsApplicationModel);

            // Add a store to the application
            acsApplicationModel.Stores = new List <StoreModel> {
            this.FirstPartnerApplicationStore(connectionString, acsApplicationModel);

            // Add a second store to the application
            acsApplicationModel.Stores = new List <StoreModel> {
                storeModel, storeModel2
            this.SecondPartnerApplicationStore(connectionString, acsApplicationModel);

            // Remove the first store from the application
            acsApplicationModel.Stores = new List <StoreModel> {
            this.RemoveFirstPartnerApplicationStore(connectionString, acsApplicationModel);