private Vector3 SelectUnassignedVariable() { List <Vector3> selectedKeys = new List <Vector3>(); int maxValCount = int.MaxValue; foreach (Vector3 key in csp.Keys) { if (csp[key].Count <= maxValCount && csp[key].Count > 1) { if (csp[key].Count < maxValCount) { selectedKeys.Clear(); } selectedKeys.Add(key); maxValCount = csp[key].Count; } } Vector3 selectedKey =; int maxConstraintCount = int.MinValue; foreach (Vector3 key in selectedKeys) { int nbConstraint = AC3.GetNeighbors(csp, key).Count; if (nbConstraint > maxConstraintCount) { selectedKey = key; maxConstraintCount = nbConstraint; } } return(selectedKey); }
public sealed override string ToString() { return("{ AC1: " + AC1.ToString("X") + ", AC2: " + AC2.ToString("X") + ", AC3: " + AC3.ToString("X") + ", AC4: " + AC4.ToString("X") + ", AC5: " + AC5.ToString("X") + ", AC6: " + AC6.ToString("X") + ", VB1: " + B1.ToString("X") + ", VB2: " + B2.ToString("X") + ", MB: " + MB.ToString("X") + ", MC: " + MC.ToString("X") + ", MD: " + MD.ToString("X") + " }"); }
public void CallEdit() { try { if (ViewState["Flag"].ToString() != "AD") { DT = RP.GetInfo(ViewState["Id"].ToString(), "Disp", Session["BRCD"].ToString()); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { TxtPno.Text = DT.Rows[0]["REC_PRD"].ToString(); string AC1; AC1 = LI.Getaccno(TxtPno.Text, Session["BRCD"].ToString()); if (AC1 != null) { string[] AC = AC1.Split('_');; TxtRecPname.Text = AC[1].ToString(); } TxtPostPrd.Text = DT.Rows[0]["POST_PRD"].ToString(); string AC2; AC2 = LI.Getaccno(TxtPostPrd.Text, Session["BRCD"].ToString()); if (AC2 != null) { string[] ACp = AC2.Split('_');; TxtPname.Text = ACp[1].ToString(); } string AC3; TxtExrec.Text = DT.Rows[0]["EXRECCODE"].ToString(); AC3 = LI.Getaccno(TxtExrec.Text, Session["BRCD"].ToString()); if (AC3 != null) { string[] ACe = AC3.Split('_');; TxtEname.Text = ACe[1].ToString(); } TxtCol.Text = DT.Rows[0]["COLUMNNO"].ToString(); TxtShort.Text = DT.Rows[0]["SHORTNAME"].ToString(); TxtMarati.Text = DT.Rows[0]["SHORTMARATHI"].ToString(); Txtvalue.Text = DT.Rows[0]["VALUE"].ToString(); Txttype.Text = DT.Rows[0]["TYPE"].ToString(); Txtrate.Text = DT.Rows[0]["RATE"].ToString(); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionLogging.SendErrorToText(Ex); } }
private IEnumerable <Room> OrderDomainValues(Vector3 position) { List <CountedRoom> sortedRoom = new List <CountedRoom>(); Queue <Arc> arcs = AC3.GetNeighbors(csp, position); List <Room> neighbors = new List <Room>(); while (arcs.Count > 0) { neighbors.Concat <Room>(csp[arcs.Dequeue().roomJ]); } foreach (Room room in csp[position]) { sortedRoom.Add(new CountedRoom(CountRoom(room.GetType(), neighbors), room)); } sortedRoom.Sort(); Queue <Room> output = new Queue <Room>(); foreach (CountedRoom cr in sortedRoom) { output.Enqueue(; } return(output); }
private Dictionary <Vector3, Room> RecursiveBacktracking(Dictionary <Vector3, Room> assignment, Dictionary <Vector3, List <Room> > csp) { AC3.Execute(ref csp); if (CheckAssignment(assignment)) { return(assignment); } bool partialyComplete = false; if (CheckPartialAssignment(assignment)) { partialyComplete = true; if (partialCounter > partialMax) { return(assignment); } } if (HasNullValue(csp)) { //return new Dictionary<Vector3, List<Room>>(); if (partialyComplete) { partialCounter++; } return(new Dictionary <Vector3, Room>()); } Vector3 variable = SelectUnassignedVariable(); if (variable == { Debug.Log("No variable found during the recursivebacktracking"); if (partialyComplete) { partialCounter++; } //return new Dictionary<Vector3, List<Room>>(); return(new Dictionary <Vector3, Room>()); } IEnumerable <Room> sortedUnassignedValues = OrderDomainValues(variable); foreach (Room value in sortedUnassignedValues) { //Consistent thanks to AC3 //if (!assignment.ContainsKey(variable)) // assignment.Add(variable, new List<Room>()); //assignment[variable].Add(value); assignment.Add(variable, value); List <Room> tmp = new List <Room>(csp[variable]); csp[variable].Clear(); csp[variable].Add(value); Dictionary <Vector3, Room> result = RecursiveBacktracking(assignment, csp); if (result.Count > 0) { return(result); } assignment.Remove(variable); csp[variable] = tmp; } return(new Dictionary <Vector3, Room>()); //return new Dictionary<Vector3, List<Room>>(); }