void TriggerAbility(ABS_Abilities _ability, string _key)
    {                                                 //takes the selected ability and the input key
        if (_ability.canCharge)
        {                                             //if it is chargable
            StartCoroutine(Charging(_ability, _key)); //start the charging coroutine

            MoveAbility(_ability, 0f);                                                                                          //else, just use the ability and send zero for the charge time
    IEnumerator Impact(ABS_Abilities _ability)
        //canMove = false;
        while (cc.isGrounded != true)
            print("I believe I can fly!");
            yield return(null);

         *      _ability.SetImpactLoc (cc.transform.position);
         *      //play smash animation
         * }*/
        canMove = true;
    IEnumerator Charging(ABS_Abilities _ability, string _key)
    {                                           //Takes the ability and the string of the button used to activate it
        float charge = 0f;                      //creates a float to track how long the buttons has been held

        while (charge < _ability.maxChargeTime)
        {                                                                       //while the current charge is less than the max charge time of the ability
            if (Input.GetButtonUp(_key))
            }                                                                   //break out of the loop if the player releases the button, break out of the while loop

            charge += Time.deltaTime;                                           //Add to the charge time
            yield return(null);                                                 //wait for a frame
        MoveAbility(_ability, charge);                                          //Activate MoveEnemy
    void MoveAbility(ABS_Abilities _ability, float _charge)
        if (_ability.movingAbility)
            StartCoroutine(AbilityMove(_ability.UseAbility("default", weaponAnims, _charge, CameraPos, this.transform)));

            if (_ability.hasImpact)
            {                                                   //adds force to the character
                move = _ability.UseAbility("default", weaponAnims, _charge, CameraPos);

                _ability.UseAbility("defult", weaponAnims, _charge, _ability.damageGO, this.transform);                  //** not tested**
                //use ability