Exemplo n.º 1
        //-----------------------------------------  COORDINATE_TRANSFORMATION  ---------------------------------------------

         * This script does the following:
         *      - Transform from horizontal to celestial coordinates
         * */

        // returns the sidereal time at the designated longitude
        public static float LocalSiderealTime(float lng)
            // get the current time
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            //create time custom time object
            AASDate dateSunCalc = new AASDate(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second, true);

            //get greenwich time
            double greenwich_sidereal_time = AASSidereal.MeanGreenwichSiderealTime(dateSunCalc.Julian);

            //adjust for longitude
            double adj_st = greenwich_sidereal_time + (lng * (24.0 / 360.0));

            if (adj_st >= 24.0)
                adj_st -= 24.0;
            if (adj_st < 0)
                adj_st += 24.0;

        public static AAS2DCoordinate SunPosition(DateTime dateTime)
            var bHighPrecision = false;

            dateTime = dateTime.ToUniversalTime(); // NOTE: time must be converted to Universal Time

            //Calculate the topocentric horizontal position of the Sun
            AASDate         dateSunCalc           = new AASDate(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, dateTime.Hour, dateTime.Minute, dateTime.Second, true);
            double          JDSun                 = dateSunCalc.Julian + AASDynamicalTime.DeltaT(dateSunCalc.Julian) / 86400.0;
            double          SunLong               = AASSun.ApparentEclipticLongitude(JDSun, bHighPrecision);
            double          SunLat                = AASSun.ApparentEclipticLatitude(JDSun, bHighPrecision);
            AAS2DCoordinate Equatorial            = AASCoordinateTransformation.Ecliptic2Equatorial(SunLong, SunLat, AASNutation.TrueObliquityOfEcliptic(JDSun));
            double          SunRad                = AASEarth.RadiusVector(JDSun, bHighPrecision);
            AAS2DCoordinate SunTopo               = AASParallax.Equatorial2Topocentric(Equatorial.X, Equatorial.Y, SunRad, RT_LONG, RT_LAT, RT_HEIGHT, JDSun);
            double          AST                   = AASSidereal.ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime(dateSunCalc.Julian);
            double          LongtitudeAsHourAngle = AASCoordinateTransformation.DegreesToHours(RT_LONG);
            double          LocalHourAngle        = AST - LongtitudeAsHourAngle - SunTopo.X;
            AAS2DCoordinate SunHorizontal         = AASCoordinateTransformation.Equatorial2Horizontal(LocalHourAngle, SunTopo.Y, RT_LAT);

            SunHorizontal.Y += AASRefraction.RefractionFromTrue(SunHorizontal.Y, 1013, 10);

            //The result above should be that we have a setting Sun at Y degrees above the horizon at azimuth X degrees south of the westerly horizon
            //NOTE: for azimuth west is considered positive, to get east as positive subtract the result from 360
        public static AAS2DCoordinate MoonPosition(DateTime dateTime)
            dateTime = dateTime.ToUniversalTime(); // NOTE: time must be converted to Universal Time

            //Calculate the topocentric horizontal position of the Moon
            AASDate         dateMoonCalc = new AASDate(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, dateTime.Hour, dateTime.Minute, dateTime.Second, true);
            double          JDMoon       = dateMoonCalc.Julian + AASDynamicalTime.DeltaT(dateMoonCalc.Julian) / 86400.0;
            double          MoonLong     = AASMoon.EclipticLongitude(JDMoon);
            double          MoonLat      = AASMoon.EclipticLatitude(JDMoon);
            AAS2DCoordinate Equatorial   = AASCoordinateTransformation.Ecliptic2Equatorial(MoonLong, MoonLat, AASNutation.TrueObliquityOfEcliptic(JDMoon));
            double          MoonRad      = AASMoon.RadiusVector(JDMoon);

            MoonRad /= 149597870.691; //Convert KM to AU
            AAS2DCoordinate MoonTopo = AASParallax.Equatorial2Topocentric(Equatorial.X, Equatorial.Y, MoonRad, RT_LONG, RT_LAT, RT_HEIGHT, JDMoon);
            double          AST      = AASSidereal.ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime(dateMoonCalc.Julian);
            double          LongtitudeAsHourAngle = AASCoordinateTransformation.DegreesToHours(RT_LONG);
            double          LocalHourAngle        = AST - LongtitudeAsHourAngle - MoonTopo.X;
            AAS2DCoordinate MoonHorizontal        = AASCoordinateTransformation.Equatorial2Horizontal(LocalHourAngle, MoonTopo.Y, RT_LAT);

            MoonHorizontal.Y += AASRefraction.RefractionFromTrue(MoonHorizontal.Y, 1013, 10);

            //The result above should be that we have a rising Moon at Y degrees above the horizon at azimuth X degrees east of the southern horizon
            //NOTE: for azimuth west is considered positive, to get east as positive subtract the result from 360
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void NutationInObliquityTest()
            var    date = new AASDate(1987, 4, 10, 0, 0, 0, true);
            double nutationInEcliptic = AASNutation.NutationInObliquity(date.Julian);

            Assert.Equal(9.4425206987573933, nutationInEcliptic);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void MeanObliquityOfEclipticTest()
            var    date      = new AASDate(1987, 4, 10, 0, 0, 0, true);
            double obliquity = AASNutation.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(date.Julian);

            Assert.Equal(23.440946290957317, obliquity);
        public Coordinate OrientationToCoordinate(Orientation currHorizontal, DateTime datetime)
            // We don't want to modify the current orientation, so we must create a new instance
            Orientation horizontal = (Orientation)currHorizontal.Clone();

            if (horizontal == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Orientation cannot be null");

            // Since AASharp considers south zero, flip the orientation 180 degrees
            horizontal.Azimuth += 180;
            if (horizontal.Azimuth > 360)
                horizontal.Azimuth -= 360;

            AAS2DCoordinate equatorial = AASCoordinateTransformation.Horizontal2Equatorial(horizontal.Azimuth, horizontal.Elevation, Location.Latitude);

            AASDate date = new AASDate(datetime.Year, datetime.Month, datetime.Day, datetime.Hour, datetime.Minute, datetime.Second, true);
            double  ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime = AASSidereal.ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime(date.Julian);
            double  LongtitudeAsHourAngle         = AASCoordinateTransformation.DegreesToHours(Location.Longitude);
            double  RightAscension = ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime - LongtitudeAsHourAngle - equatorial.X;

            if (RightAscension < 0)
                RightAscension += 24;
            return(new Coordinate(RightAscension, equatorial.Y));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void NutationInLongitudeTest()
            var    date = new AASDate(1987, 4, 10, 0, 0, 0, true);
            double nutationInLongitude = AASNutation.NutationInLongitude(date.Julian);

            Assert.Equal(-3.7879310766037446, nutationInLongitude);
        public void JulianDate(int year, int month, int day, int expectedJulianDay)
            bool bGregorian = AASDate.AfterPapalReform(year, month, day);
            var  date       = new AASDate(year, month, day, 12, 0, 0, bGregorian);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJulianDay, date.Julian);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void DeltaTTest2(long year, long month, double day, double hour, double minute, double second, bool isGregorianCalendar, double expectedDeltaT)
            var    date   = new AASDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, isGregorianCalendar);
            double deltaT = AASDynamicalTime.DeltaT(date.Julian);

            Assert.Equal(expectedDeltaT, deltaT);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public void UpdateJd(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, double second)
        //if we are using local time, let us convert the input to UTC
        if (!useUTC)
            int secondInt  = (int)Math.Truncate(second);
            int milisecond = (int)((second - secondInt) * 1000);
                DateTime utc = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, secondInt, milisecond);

                year   = utc.Year;
                month  = utc.Month;
                day    = utc.Day;
                hour   = utc.Hour;
                minute = utc.Minute;
                second = utc.Second + utc.Millisecond / 1000.0d;

                localDatetime = utc.ToLocalTime();
            }catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException a) {

        double dayDec = day + hour / HOURS_PER_DAY + minute / MINUTES_PER_DAY + second / SECONDS_PER_DAY;

        jd = Convert.ToDecimal(AASDate.DateToJD(year, month, dayDec, gregorianCalendar));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void GregorianToJulianTest(long year, long month, long day, long expectedYear, long expectedMonth, long expectedDay)
            AASCalendarDate gregorianDate = AASDate.GregorianToJulian(year, month, day);

            Assert.Equal(expectedYear, gregorianDate.Year);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMonth, gregorianDate.Month);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDay, gregorianDate.Day);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void DateInitialisation(int year, int month, int day)
            bool bGregorian = AASDate.AfterPapalReform(year, month, day);
            var  date       = new AASDate(year, month, day, 12, 0, 0, bGregorian);

            Assert.Equal(year, date.Year);
            Assert.Equal(month, date.Month);
            Assert.Equal(day, date.Day);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void DayOfYearToDayAndMonthTest(long dayOfYear, bool isLeap, long expectedDayOfMonth, long expectedMonth)
            long dayOfMonth = 0;
            long month      = 0;

            AASDate.DayOfYearToDayAndMonth(dayOfYear, isLeap, ref dayOfMonth, ref month);

            Assert.Equal(expectedDayOfMonth, dayOfMonth);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMonth, month);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void MeanGreenwichSiderealTimeTest(int year, int month, int day, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, bool isGregorian, double expectedSideralTime)
            var date = new AASDate();

            date.Set(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, isGregorian);

            double meanGreenwichSiderealTime = AASSidereal.MeanGreenwichSiderealTime(date.Julian);

            Assert.Equal(expectedSideralTime, meanGreenwichSiderealTime);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void IsLeapTest(int year, bool isLeap)
            //Test of the instance property
            var date = new AASDate(year, 1, 1, year >= 1582);

            Assert.Equal(isLeap, date.Leap);

            //Test of the static method
            Assert.Equal(isLeap, AASDate.IsLeap(year, year >= 1582));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void DaysInMonthTest(int month, bool isLeap, int expectedNumberOfDay)
            //Test of the instance method
            var date = new AASDate(isLeap ? 2016 : 2017, month, 1, true);

            Assert.Equal(expectedNumberOfDay, date.DaysInMonth());

            //Test of the static method
            Assert.Equal(expectedNumberOfDay, AASDate.DaysInMonth(month, isLeap));
Exemplo n.º 17
        [InlineData(2018, 3, 25, 12, 15, 29.999984800815632)]//TODO : Second should return 30. But AA+ also return 29.9999... To check with AA+ author
        public void YearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondTest(int year, int month, int day, double hour, double minute, double second)
            var date = new AASDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, true);

            Assert.Equal(year, date.Year);
            Assert.Equal(month, date.Month);
            Assert.Equal(day, date.Day);
            Assert.Equal(hour, date.Hour);
            Assert.Equal(minute, date.Minute);
            Assert.Equal(second, date.Second);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static AASCalendarDate DateOfPesach(long Year, bool bGregorianCalendar = true)
            //What will be the return value
            AASCalendarDate Pesach = new AASCalendarDate();

            long C = AASDate.INT(Year / 100.0);
            long S = AASDate.INT((3 * C - 5) / 4.0);

            if (bGregorianCalendar == false)
                S = 0;
            long   A    = Year + 3760;
            long   a    = (12 * Year + 12) % 19;
            long   b    = Year % 4;
            double Q    = -1.904412361576 + 1.554241796621 * a + 0.25 * b - 0.003177794022 * Year + S;
            long   INTQ = AASDate.INT(Q);
            long   j    = (INTQ + 3 * Year + 5 * b + 2 - S) % 7;
            double r    = Q - INTQ;

            if ((j == 2) || (j == 4) || (j == 6))
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 23;
            else if ((j == 1) && (a > 6) && (r >= 0.632870370))
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 24;
            else if ((j == 0) && (a > 11) && (r >= 0.897723765))
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 23;
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 22;

            if (Pesach.Day > 31)
                Pesach.Month = 4;
                Pesach.Day  -= 31;
                Pesach.Month = 3;

            Pesach.Year = A;

Exemplo n.º 19
        private DateTime GetAutumnalEquinox(int year)
            long   curYear = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, minutes = 0;
            double seconds = 0;
            var    date    = new AASDate();
            var    spring  = AASEquinoxesAndSolstices.SouthwardEquinox(year, true);

            date.Set(spring, true);
            date.Get(ref curYear, ref month, ref day, ref hour, ref minutes, ref seconds);
            var dt       = new DateTime((int)curYear, (int)month, (int)day, (int)hour, (int)minutes, (int)seconds);
            var converDt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dt, timeZone);

        public Coordinate GetSunCoordinate(DateTime datetime)
            AASDate date    = new AASDate(datetime.Year, datetime.Month, datetime.Day, datetime.Hour, datetime.Minute, datetime.Second, true);
            double  JD      = date.Julian + AASDynamicalTime.DeltaT(date.Julian) / 86400.0;
            double  SunLong = AASSun.ApparentEclipticLongitude(JD, false);
            double  SunLat  = AASSun.ApparentEclipticLatitude(JD, false);

            AAS2DCoordinate equatorial = AASCoordinateTransformation.Ecliptic2Equatorial(SunLong, SunLat, AASNutation.TrueObliquityOfEcliptic(JD));
            double          SunRad     = AASEarth.RadiusVector(JD, false);

            // This line gives us RA & Declination.
            AAS2DCoordinate SunTopo = AASParallax.Equatorial2Topocentric(equatorial.X, equatorial.Y, SunRad, Location.Longitude, Location.Latitude, Location.Altitude, JD);

            return(new Coordinate(SunTopo.X, SunTopo.Y));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static long DaysInYear(long Year)
            //Find the previous civil year corresponding to the specified jewish year
            long CivilYear = Year - 3761;

            //Find the date of the next Jewish Year in that civil year
            AASCalendarDate CurrentPesach = DateOfPesach(CivilYear);
            bool            bGregorian    = AASDate.AfterPapalReform(CivilYear, CurrentPesach.Month, CurrentPesach.Day);
            AASDate         CurrentYear   = new AASDate(CivilYear, CurrentPesach.Month, CurrentPesach.Day, bGregorian);

            AASCalendarDate NextPesach = DateOfPesach(CivilYear + 1);
            AASDate         NextYear   = new AASDate(CivilYear + 1, NextPesach.Month, NextPesach.Day, bGregorian);

            return((long)(NextYear.Julian - CurrentYear.Julian));
        public Coordinate GetMoonCoordinate(DateTime datetime)
            AASDate date     = new AASDate(datetime.Year, datetime.Month, datetime.Day, datetime.Hour, datetime.Minute, datetime.Second, true);
            double  JD       = date.Julian + AASDynamicalTime.DeltaT(date.Julian) / 86400.0;
            double  MoonLong = AASMoon.EclipticLongitude(JD);
            double  MoonLat  = AASMoon.EclipticLatitude(JD);

            AAS2DCoordinate Equatorial = AASCoordinateTransformation.Ecliptic2Equatorial(MoonLong, MoonLat, AASNutation.TrueObliquityOfEcliptic(JD));
            double          MoonRad    = AASMoon.RadiusVector(JD);

            MoonRad /= 149597870.691; //Convert KM to AU

            AAS2DCoordinate MoonTopo = AASParallax.Equatorial2Topocentric(Equatorial.X, Equatorial.Y, MoonRad, Location.Longitude, Location.Latitude, Location.Altitude, JD);

            return(new Coordinate(MoonTopo.X, MoonTopo.Y));
Exemplo n.º 23
    public void Reset()
        DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

        localDatetime = dt;

        if (useUTC)
            dt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dt);

        double dayDec = dt.Day + dt.Hour / HOURS_PER_DAY + dt.Minute / MINUTES_PER_DAY +
                        dt.Second / SECONDS_PER_DAY + dt.Millisecond / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY;

        jd = Convert.ToDecimal(AASDate.DateToJD(dt.Year, dt.Month, dayDec, gregorianCalendar));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static AASCalendarDate MoslemToJulian(long Year, long Month, long Day)
            //What will be the return value
            AASCalendarDate julianDate = new AASCalendarDate();

            long N  = Day + AASDate.INT(29.5001 * (Month - 1) + 0.99);
            long Q  = AASDate.INT(Year / 30.0);
            long R  = Year % 30;
            long A  = AASDate.INT((11 * R + 3) / 30.0);
            long W  = 404 * Q + 354 * R + 208 + A;
            long Q1 = AASDate.INT(W / 1461.0);
            long Q2 = W % 1461;
            long G  = 621 + 4 * AASDate.INT(7 * Q + Q1);
            long K  = AASDate.INT(Q2 / 365.2422);
            long E  = AASDate.INT(365.2422 * K);
            long J  = Q2 - E + N - 1;
            long X  = G + K;

            long XMod4 = X % 4;

            if ((J > 366) && (XMod4 == 0))
                J -= 366;

            if ((J > 365) && (XMod4 > 0))
                J -= 365;

            julianDate.Year = X;
            var julienDateDay   = julianDate.Day;
            var julienDateMonth = julianDate.Month;

            AASDate.DayOfYearToDayAndMonth(J, AASDate.IsLeap(X, false), ref julienDateDay, ref julienDateMonth);
            julianDate.Day   = julienDateDay;
            julianDate.Month = julienDateMonth;

        public Orientation CoordinateToOrientation(Coordinate coordinate, DateTime datetime)
            if (coordinate == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Coordinate cannot be null");

            AASDate date = new AASDate(datetime.Year, datetime.Month, datetime.Day, datetime.Hour, datetime.Minute, datetime.Second, true);

            double          ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime = AASSidereal.ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime(date.Julian);
            double          LongtitudeAsHourAngle         = AASCoordinateTransformation.DegreesToHours(Location.Longitude);
            double          LocalHourAngle = ApparentGreenwichSiderealTime - LongtitudeAsHourAngle - coordinate.RightAscension;
            AAS2DCoordinate Horizontal     = AASCoordinateTransformation.Equatorial2Horizontal(LocalHourAngle, coordinate.Declination, Location.Latitude);

            // Since AASharp considers south zero, flip the orientation 180 degrees
            Horizontal.X += 180;
            if (Horizontal.X > 360)
                Horizontal.X -= 360;

            return(new Orientation(Horizontal.X, Horizontal.Y));
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ra">RA in hours</param>
        /// <param name="dec">declination in degrees</param>
        /// <param name="epoch">epoch in years AD</param>
        /// <returns>constellation abbreviation (3 letters), or '' on error</returns>
        public static Constellation GetConstellation(double ra, double dec, int epoch)
            AASDate j1875  = new AASDate(1875, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, true);
            AASDate jEpoch = new AASDate(epoch, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, true);

            var coordinates = AASPrecession.PrecessEquatorial(ra, dec, jEpoch.Julian, j1875.Julian);

            ra  = coordinates.X;
            dec = coordinates.Y;

            var foundConstellationBoundary = Constellations.Boundaries.FirstOrDefault(boundary =>
                                                                                      !(dec < boundary.LowerDeclination ||
                                                                                        ra < boundary.LowerRightAscension ||
                                                                                        ra >= boundary.UpperRightAscension));

            if (foundConstellationBoundary != null)
                return(Constellations.ConstellationsData.Single(c => c.Abbreviation == foundConstellationBoundary.ConstellationAbbreviation));

            throw new NotFoundException($"Constellation not found for coordinates RA : {ra}, Dec : {dec}");
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void DateToJDTest(long year, long month, double day, bool isGregorianCalendar, double expectedJD)
            double JD = AASDate.DateToJD(year, month, day, isGregorianCalendar);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJD, JD);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void DayOfWeekTest(long year, long month, double day, bool isGregorianCalendar, DAY_OF_WEEK expectedDayOfWeek)
            var date = new AASDate(year, month, day, isGregorianCalendar);

            Assert.Equal(expectedDayOfWeek, date.DayOfWeek);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void JulianTest(int year, int month, int day, bool isGregorianCalendar, double expectedJulianDay)
            var date = new AASDate(year, month, day, isGregorianCalendar);

            Assert.Equal(expectedJulianDay, date.Julian);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void DaysInYearTest(int year, int expectedNumberOfDay)
            var date = new AASDate(year, 1, 1, true);

            Assert.Equal(expectedNumberOfDay, date.DaysInYear());