internal void Unsubscribe(int j) { j += 2; IWebElement Element = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath($"{FollowingUserXpath}/li[{j}]//div/div/div/div[1]/h3/a")); string userUrl = Element.GetAttribute("href"); Cons.WriteLine($"Unsubscribe: {j}) {userUrl}", false); db.UpdateUser(userUrl, 0, 1, 0); string btn_1 = $"{FollowingUserXpath}/li[{j}]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/a[2]"; string btn_2 = $"{FollowingUserXpath}/li[{j}]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/a[3]"; IWebElement elem_button_1 = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(btn_1)); IWebElement elem_button_2 = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(btn_2)); if (elem_button_1.Displayed) { Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath(btn_1); return; } if (elem_button_2.Displayed) { Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath(btn_2); return; } Cons.WriteLine($"Account: {j}, error unsubscribe"); }
internal override void Start(int limit) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (!OpenRandomFollowerPage()) { return; } for (int i = 3; i < 3000; i++) { string xpathNextUser = UserXpath + "/li[" + i + "]"; if (IsBlock()) { return; } Сhrome.Scroll(xpathNextUser); if (!ParseAndFollowing(xpathNextUser, limit)) { return; } // Thread.Sleep(100); } Cons.WriteLine($"___ Смена списка подписок"); } }
internal bool IsBlock() { string xpath = $@"/html/body/div[26]/div/div[2]/a"; if (Сhrome.IsElementPage(By.XPath(xpath))) { Cons.WriteLine($"Limit error."); return(true); } return(false); }
internal bool OpenRandomFollowerPage() { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}: Open Random Page."); Сhrome.OpenUrl(db.GetRandomUrl() + "/followers"); if (Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(UserXpath)) == null) { return(false); } return(true); }
internal override void Start(int limit) { Сhrome.OpenUrl(@""); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); string mySubs_xPath = "//div[@class = 'UserInfo-column-TMV']/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]/a"; int subsCount = ParsToInt(Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(mySubs_xPath)).Text); Cons.WriteLine($"{Name} Number of our subscriptions {subsCount}"); if (subsCount <= 1300) { Cons.WriteLine("The number of subscriptions is not enough to start unsubscribing."); return; } Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath(mySubs_xPath); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); if (Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(FollowingUserXpath)) == null) { Cons.WriteLine("UserXpath not found."); return; } for (int i = 2; i < subsCount; i++) { Сhrome.Scroll(string.Format($"{FollowingUserXpath}/li[{i}]")); if (i % 100 == 0) { Cons.WriteLine($"Scroll following list.{i}"); } } for (int i = subsCount - 3; i > 0; i--) { if (IsBlock()) { return; } Сhrome.Scroll(string.Format($"{FollowingUserXpath}/li[{i}]")); Thread.Sleep(3000); Unsubscribe(i); limit--; if (limit <= 0) { return; } } }
private void AddImageToBoard(string userUrl) { Сhrome.OpenUrlNewTab(userUrl); IWebElement Element_photo = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath("//div[@class = 'e2e-Work']/div/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/a")); if (Element_photo == null) { Cons.WriteLine($"AddImageToBoard. v2 {userUrl}"); Сhrome.CloseAndReturnTab(); return; } string url_photo = Element_photo.GetAttribute("href"); Сhrome.OpenUrl(url_photo); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (!Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath("//div[. = 'Сохранить']")) { Cons.WriteLine($"Error open board."); Сhrome.CloseAndReturnTab(); return; } Thread.Sleep(500); if (Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath("//*[contains(text(), 'Новая доска настроени')]")) == null) { if (!Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath("//div[. = 'Сохранить']")) { Cons.WriteLine($"Error check open board."); Сhrome.CloseAndReturnTab(); return; } } Thread.Sleep(200); if (!Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath($"//li[. ='{GetRandomNameBoard()}']")) { Cons.WriteLine($"Error select board."); } Thread.Sleep(600); if (!Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath("//button[. ='Сохранить']")) { Cons.WriteLine($"Error save image to board."); } Thread.Sleep(3000); Сhrome.CloseAndReturnTab(); }
internal override void Start(int limit) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (!OpenRandomFollowerPage()) { Cons.WriteLine($"Open random page error."); return; } for (int i = 3; i < 3000; i++) { string xpathNextUser = UserXpath + "/li[" + i + "]"; if (imageAddBoard_counter >= limit) { return; } if (IsBlock()) { return; } if (!Сhrome.Scroll(xpathNextUser)) { break; } if (CheckUser(xpathNextUser, out string userUrl, out _, out _, out _)) { AddImageToBoard(userUrl); db.AddUser(userUrl, 0, 0, 0); imageAddBoard_counter++; Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}. Count = {imageAddBoard_counter}"); } Thread.Sleep(100); } Cons.WriteLine("End following list"); } }
internal bool Autorize(string v1, string v2) { int timeSleep = 2000; #if DEBUG timeSleep /= 2; #endif Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}: authorization."); Сhrome.OpenUrl(@""); if (Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath("//a[@aria-label ='Создать проект']")) != null) { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}: authorization - ok."); return(true); } //---Enter--- IWebElement Element = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath("//li/div/button[contains(.,'Вход')]")); Element.Click(); Thread.Sleep(timeSleep); Сhrome.SendKeysXPath(".//input[@id='EmailPage-EmailField']", v1); Thread.Sleep(timeSleep); Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath(".//*[@id='EmailForm']/section[2]/div[2]/button"); Thread.Sleep(timeSleep); Сhrome.SendKeysXPath(".//input[@id='PasswordPage-PasswordField']", v2); Thread.Sleep(timeSleep); Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath(".//*[@id='PasswordForm']/section[2]/div[2]/button"); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7)); Сhrome.OpenUrl(@""); if (Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath("//*[contains(text(), 'Создать проект')]")) == null) { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}: Error autorize."); return(false); } Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}: Authorized."); return(true); }
internal bool ParseAndFollowing(string xpathNextUser, int follow_max_count) { if (CheckUser(xpathNextUser, out string userUrl, out int userCountLike, out int userCountViews, out string userName)) { if (Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath(xpathNextUser + @"/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/a[1]")) { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name} Follow:{folow_counter}) {userCountLike} {userCountViews} {userName} "); folow_counter++; db.AddUser(userUrl, 0, 0, 1); //Add to friend } else { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name} Error follow {userName}"); } return(true); } if (folow_counter >= follow_max_count) { return(false); } return(true); }
internal override void Start(int limit) { while (true) { if (!OpenRandomFollowerPage()) { return; } for (int i = 3; i < 3000; i++) { string xpathNextUser = UserXpath + "/li[" + i + "]"; if (like_counter >= limit) { return; } if (IsBlock()) { return; } if (!Сhrome.Scroll(xpathNextUser)) { break; } if (CheckUser(xpathNextUser, out string userUrl, out _, out _, out _)) { if (userUrl == null) { continue; } LikePhoto(userUrl); like_counter++; Cons.WriteLine($"Like!#{like_counter}"); db.AddUser(userUrl, 0, 0, 0); } } Cons.WriteLine("End following list"); } void LikePhoto(string userUrl) { if (userUrl == null) { return; } Сhrome.OpenUrlNewTab(userUrl); IWebElement Element_photo = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(@"//*[@id='site-content']/div/main/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/a")); if (Element_photo == null) { Thread.Sleep(3000); Сhrome.CloseAndReturnTab(); return; } Сhrome.OpenUrl(Element_photo.GetAttribute("href")); Thread.Sleep(300); if (!Сhrome.ClickButtonXPath(@"//div[.='Оценить']")) { Cons.WriteLine($"Error like!"); } Thread.Sleep(1000); Сhrome.CloseAndReturnTab(); } }
internal void Close() { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}: Close."); Сhrome.Quit(); }
internal bool CheckUser(string xpath, out string userUrl, out int userCountLike, out int userCountViews, out string userName) { string buttonText = String.Empty; var element = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(xpath + @"/div/div/div/div[2]/div[3]/span")); if (element != null) { userCountLike = ParsToInt(element.Text); } else { userCountLike = 0; } element = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(xpath + @"/div/div/div/div[2]/div[4]/span")); if (element != null) { userCountViews = ParsToInt(element.Text); } else { userCountViews = 0; } element = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(xpath + @"/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/div/a[1]/span")); if (element != null) { buttonText = element.Text; } IWebElement Element = Сhrome.FindWebElement(By.XPath(xpath + @"/div/div/div/div[1]/h3/a")); if (Element == null) { userUrl = userName = null; return(false); } userUrl = Element.GetAttribute("href"); userName = Element.Text; if (db.IsRepeat(userUrl)) { if (repeatCounter % 100 == 0) { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}:Repeat account. {repeatCounter}"); } repeatCounter++; return(false); } if (userCountViews > 20000) { Cons.WriteLine($"{Name}:{userName} - Add for subscribe."); db.AddUser(userUrl, 1, 0, 0); } if (userCountLike < 200 && userCountLike > 10 && userCountViews < 900 && userCountViews > 30 && buttonText == "Подписаться на") { Thread.Sleep(500); return(true); } return(false); }