private void PrintTimers() { Render.Text(10, 10, Color.White, "Timer1 Freq: " + (getGameTimer - lastGameTimerTick)); Render.Text(10, 30, Color.White, "Timer2 Freq: " + (getTickCountTimer - lastTickCountTimerTick)); Render.Text(10, 50, Color.White, "Timer3 Freq: " + (getWatchTimer - lastWatchTimerTick)); //(getWatchTimer - lastWatchTimerTick)); if (getTickCountTimer - lastTimerCheck > 1000) { ConsolePrinter.Print("" + (getGameTimer - lastGameTimerStart - (getTickCountTimer - lastTickCountTimerStart))); lastTimerCheck = getTickCountTimer; } Render.Text(10, 70, Color.White, "Timer1 Freq: " + (getGameTimer - lastGameTimerStart)); Render.Text(10, 90, Color.White, "Timer2 Freq: " + (getTickCountTimer - lastTickCountTimerStart)); Render.Text(10, 110, Color.White, "Timer3 Freq: " + (getWatchTimer - lastWatchTimerStart)); /*Render.Text(10, 70, Color.White, "Timer1 Freq: " + (getGameTimer)); * Render.Text(10, 90, Color.White, "Timer2 Freq: " + (getTickCountTimer)); * Render.Text(10, 100, Color.White, "Timer3 Freq: " + (getWatchTimer));*/ lastGameTimerTick = getGameTimer; lastTickCountTimerTick = getTickCountTimer; lastWatchTimerTick = getWatchTimer; }
//private void Game_OnGameInput(GameInputEventArgs args) //{ // ConsolePrinter.Print("" + args.Input); //} private static void ObjAiHeroOnOnNewPath(Obj_AI_Base unit, Obj_AI_BaseNewPathEventArgs args) { if (unit.Type == GameObjectType.obj_AI_Hero) { if (testMenu["(TestSpellEndTime)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { //ConsolePrinter.Print("Dash windup: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.timestamp)); } if (args.IsDash && testMenu["(ShowDashInfo)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { var dist = args.Path.First().Distance(args.Path.Last()); ConsolePrinter.Print("Dash Speed: " + args.Speed + " Dash dist: " + dist); } if (unit.IsMe && testMenu["(EvadeTesterPing)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled && args.Path.Count() > 1) { //ConsolePrinter.Print("Received Path ClickTime: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastRightMouseClickTime)); } if (unit.IsMe) { //Draw.RenderObjects.Add(new Draw.RenderCircle(args.Path.Last().To2D(), 500)); //Draw.RenderObjects.Add(new Draw.RenderCircle(args.Path.First().To2D(), 500)); } } }
private void Game_OnGameUpdate() { if (startWalkTime > 0) { if (EvadeUtils.TickCount - startWalkTime > 500 && myHero.HasPath == false) { startWalkTime = 0; } } if (testMenu["(ShowWindupTime)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { if (myHero.HasPath && lastStopingTime > 0) { ConsolePrinter.Print("WindupTime: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastStopingTime)); lastStopingTime = 0; } else if (!myHero.HasPath && lastStopingTime == 0) { lastStopingTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; } } if (testMenu["(ShowDashInfo)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { if (myHero.IsDashing()) { var dashInfo = myHero.GetDashInfo(); ConsolePrinter.Print("Dash Speed: " + dashInfo.Speed + " Dash dist: " + dashInfo.EndPos.Distance(dashInfo.StartPos)); } } }
private void CompareSpellLocation(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float time) { var pos2 = spell.currentSpellPosition; if (spell.spellObject != null) { ConsolePrinter.Print("Compare: " + pos2.Distance(pos) / (EvadeUtils.TickCount - time)); } }
private void Game_OnDoCast(Obj_AI_Base sender, Obj_AI_BaseMissileClientDataEventArgs args) { if (!testMenu["(ShowDoCastInfo)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { return; } ConsolePrinter.Print("DoCast " + sender.Name + ": " + args.SpellData.Name); }
//private void Game_onRecvPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args) //{ // if (args.GetPacketId() == 178) // { // /* // //ConsolePrinter.Print(args.GetPacketId()); // foreach (var data in args.PacketData) // { // Console.Write(" " + data); // } // ConsolePrinter.Print("");*/ // lastProcessPacketTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; // } //} //private void Game_onSendPacket(GamePacketEventArgs args) //{ // if (args.GetPacketId() == 160) // { // if (testMenu["(EvadeTesterPing)"].As<MenuBool>().Enabled) // { // ConsolePrinter.Print("Send Path ClickTime: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastRightMouseClickTime)); // } // } //} private void Game_OnGameLoad() { ConsolePrinter.Print("EvadeTester loaded"); //menu.Add(new Menu("Test", "Test")); //ConsolePrinter.Print("Ping:" + ObjectCache.gamePing); if (testMenu["(ShowBuffs)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { //ConsolePrinter.Print(myHero); } }
private void CompareSpellLocation2(Spell spell) { var pos1 = spell.currentSpellPosition; var timeNow = EvadeUtils.TickCount; if (spell.spellObject != null) { ConsolePrinter.Print("start distance: " + spell.startPos.Distance(pos1)); } DelayAction.Add(250, () => CompareSpellLocation(spell, pos1, timeNow)); }
private void Game_OnDelete(GameObject sender) { if (testMenu["(ShowMissileInfo)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { if (testMissile != null && testMissile.NetworkId == sender.NetworkId) { var range = sender.Position.To2D().Distance(testMissile.StartPosition.To2D()); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + testMissile.SpellData.Name + "]: Est.Missile range: " + range); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + testMissile.SpellData.Name + "]: Est.Missile speed: " + 1000 * (range / (EvadeUtils.TickCount - testMissileStartTime))); } } }
//private void Game_OnGameNotifyEvent(GameNotifyEventArgs args) //{ // //ConsolePrinter.Print("" + args.EventId); //} //private void GameObject_OnFloatPropertyChange(GameObject obj, GameObjectFloatPropertyChangeEventArgs args) //{ // //ConsolePrinter.Print(obj.Name); // /*foreach (var sth in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Base>()) // { // ConsolePrinter.Print(sth.Name); // }*/ // if (testMenu["(TestSpellEndTime)"].As<MenuBool>().Value == false) // { // return; // } // if (obj.Name == "RobotBuddy") // { // //Draw.RenderObjects.Add(new Draw.RenderPosition(obj.Position.To2D(), EvadeUtils.TickCount + 10)); // } // //ConsolePrinter.Print(obj.Name); // if (args.Property == "mHP" && args.OldValue > args.NewValue) // { // //ConsolePrinter.Print("Damage taken time: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastSpellCastTime)); // } // if (!obj.IsMe) // { // return; // } // if (args.Property != "mExp" && args.Property != "mGold" && args.Property != "mGoldTotal" // && args.Property != "mMP" && args.Property != "mPARRegenRate") // { // //ConsolePrinter.Print(args.Property + ": " + args.NewValue); // } //} private void Game_OnDamage(AttackableUnit sender, AttackableUnitDamageEventArgs args) { if (testMenu["(TestSpellEndTime)"].As <MenuBool>().Value == false) { return; } if (!sender.IsMe) { return; } ConsolePrinter.Print("Damage taken time: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastSpellCastTime)); }
private void Render_OnPresent() { //PrintTimers(); //EvadeHelper.CheckMovePath(Game.CursorPos.To2D()); //TestUnderTurret(); /*if (EvadeHelper.CheckPathCollision(myHero, Game.CursorPos.To2D())) * { * var paths = myHero.GetPath(ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2DExtra.To3D(), Game.CursorPos); * foreach (var path in paths) * { * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(path, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Red, 3); * } * } * else * { * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(Game.CursorPos, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.White, 3); * }*/ foreach (var entry in SpellDetector.drawSpells) { var spell = entry.Value; if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line) { var spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; Render.Circle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z),, 50, Color.White); /*spellPos = spellPos + spell.Orientation * * (60 / 1000); //move the spellPos by 50 miliseconds forwards * spellPos = spellPos + spell.Orientation * 200; //move the spellPos by 50 units forwards * * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(spellPos.X, spellPos.Y, myHero.Position.Z),, Color.White, 3);*/ } } if (testMenu["(TestHeroPos)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { var path = myHero.Path; if (path.Length > 0) { var heroPos2 = EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos(ObjectCache.gamePing + 50); // path[path.Length - 1].To2D(); var heroPos1 = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; Render.Circle(new Vector3(heroPos2.X, heroPos2.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, 50, Color.Red); Render.Circle( new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, 50, Color.White); Vector2 heroPos; Render.WorldToScreen(ObjectManager.GetLocalPlayer().Position, out heroPos); //var dimension = Render.GetTextExtent("Evade: ON"); Render.Text(heroPos.X - 10, heroPos.Y, Color.Red, "" + (int)heroPos2.Distance(heroPos1)); Render.Circle(new Vector3(circleRenderPos.X, circleRenderPos.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), 10, 50, Color.Red); } } if (testMenu["(DrawHeroPos)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { Render.Circle(new Vector3(myHero.ServerPosition.X, myHero.ServerPosition.Y, myHero.ServerPosition.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, 50, Color.White); } if (testMenu["(TestMoveTo)"].As <MenuKeyBind>().Enabled) { // fix ? wtf var MenuKeyBind = testMenu["(TestMoveTo)"].As <MenuKeyBind>(); testMenu["(TestMoveTo)"].As <MenuKeyBind>().Value = false; /*lastRightMouseClickTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; * myHero.IssueOrder(OrderType.MoveTo, Game.CursorPos,false);*/ myHero.IssueOrder(OrderType.MoveTo, Game.CursorPos); var dir = (Game.CursorPos - myHero.Position).Normalized(); //var pos2 = myHero.Position - dir * Game.CursorPos.Distance(myHero.Position); //var pos2 = myHero.Position.To2D() - dir.To2D() * 75; var pos2 = Game.CursorPos.To2D() - dir.To2D() * 75; //Console.WriteLine(myHero.BBox.Maximum.Distance(myHero.Position)); DelayAction.Add(20, () => myHero.IssueOrder(OrderType.MoveTo, pos2.To3D())); //myHero.IssueOrder(OrderType.MoveTo, pos2, false); } if (testMenu["(TestPath)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos); var lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (var point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); Render.Circle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, 50, Color.Violet); lastPoint = point2D; } } if (testMenu["(TestPath)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(Game.CursorPos); var lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (var point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3); lastPoint = point2D; } foreach (var entry in SpellDetector.spells) { var spell = entry.Value; var to = Game.CursorPos.To2D(); var dir = (to - myHero.Position.To2D()).Normalized(); Vector2 cPos1, cPos2; var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(myHero.Position.To2D(), dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, spell.direction *, to, spell.endPos); var cpaTime = MathUtilsCPA.CPATime(myHero.Position.To2D(), dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, spell.direction *; //ConsolePrinter.Print("" + cpaTime); //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(cPos1.To3D(), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Red, 3); if (cpa < ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + spell.radius) { } } } if (testMenu["(ShowBuffs)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { var target = myHero; foreach (var hero in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes) { target = hero; } var buffs = target.Buffs; //ConsolePrinter.Print(myHero.ChampionName); //if(myHero.IsDead) // ConsolePrinter.Print("dead"); if (!target.IsTargetable) { ConsolePrinter.Print("invul" + EvadeUtils.TickCount); } var height = 20; foreach (var buff in buffs) { if (buff.IsValid) { Render.Text(10, height, Color.White, buff.Name); height += 20; ConsolePrinter.Print(buff.Name); } } } if (testMenu["(TestTracker)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { foreach (var entry in ObjectTracker.objTracker) { var info = entry.Value; Vector3 endPos2; if (info.usePosition == false) { endPos2 = info.obj.Position; } else { endPos2 = info.position; } Render.Circle(new Vector3(endPos2.X, endPos2.Y, myHero.Position.Z), 50, 50, Color.Green); } } if (testMenu["(ShowMissileInfo)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { if (testMissile != null) { //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(testMissile.Position, testMissile.BoundingRadius, Color.White, 3); } } if (testMenu["(TestWall)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { /*foreach (var posInfo in sortedBestPos) * { * var posOnScreen = Drawing.WorldToScreen(posInfo.position.To3D()); * //Render.Text(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); * * * if (!posInfo.rejectPosition) * { * Render.Text(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); * } * * Render.Text(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + (int)posInfo.closestDistance); * * if (posInfo.posDangerCount <= 0) * { * var pos = posInfo.position; * Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float)25, Color.White, 3); * } * }*/ var posChecked = 0; var maxPosToCheck = 50; var posRadius = 50; var radiusIndex = 0; var heroPoint = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; var posTable = new List <PositionInfo>(); while (posChecked < maxPosToCheck) { radiusIndex++; var curRadius = radiusIndex * 2 * posRadius; var curCircleChecks = (int)Math.Ceiling(2 * Math.PI * curRadius / (2 * (double)posRadius)); for (var i = 1; i < curCircleChecks; i++) { posChecked++; var cRadians = 2 * Math.PI / (curCircleChecks - 1) * i; //check decimals var pos = new Vector2((float)Math.Floor(heroPoint.X + curRadius * Math.Cos(cRadians)), (float)Math.Floor(heroPoint.Y + curRadius * Math.Sin(cRadians))); if (!EvadeHelper.CheckPathCollision(myHero, pos)) { Render.Circle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), 25, 50, Color.White); } } } } }
//private void GameObject_OnIntegerPropertyChange(GameObject obj, GameObjectIntegerPropertyChangeEventArgs args) //{ // if (obj.IsMe) // { // if (args.Property != "mExp" && args.Property != "mGold" && args.Property != "mGoldTotal") // { // ConsolePrinter.Print("Int" + args.Property + ": " + args.NewValue); // } // } //} private void Game_OnIssueOrder(Obj_AI_Base hero, Obj_AI_BaseIssueOrderEventArgs args) { if (!hero.IsMe) { return; } if (args.OrderType == OrderType.HoldPosition) { var path = myHero.Path; var heroPoint = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; if (path.Length > 0) { var movePos = path[path.Length - 1].To2D(); var walkDir = (movePos - heroPoint).Normalized(); //circleRenderPos = EvadeHelper.GetRealHeroPos(); //heroPoint;// +walkDir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed * (((float)ObjectCache.gamePing) / 1000); } } if (testMenu["(TestPath)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { var tPath = myHero.GetPath(args.Target.Position); var lastPoint = Vector2.Zero; foreach (var point in tPath) { var point2D = point.To2D(); RenderObjects.Add(new RenderCircle(point2D, 500)); //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, Color.Violet, 3); } } /* * if (args.OrderType == OrderType.MoveTo) * { * if (testingCollision) * { * if (args.TargetPosition.To2D().Distance(testCollisionPos) < 3) * { * //var path = myHero.GetPath(); * //circleRenderPos * * args.Process = false; * } * } * }*/ if (args.OrderType == OrderType.MoveTo) { if (testMenu["(EvadeTesterPing)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { ConsolePrinter.Print("Sending Path ClickTime: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastRightMouseClickTime)); } var heroPos = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D; var pos = args.Target.Position.To2D(); var speed = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed; startWalkPos = heroPos; startWalkTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; foreach (var entry in SpellDetector.spells) { var spell = entry.Value; var spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition; var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).Normalized(); var spellTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime -; spellPos = spell.startPos + spell.direction * * (spellTime / 1000); //ConsolePrinter.Print("aaaa" + spellTime); var isCollision = false; var movingCollisionTime = MathUtils.GetCollisionTime(heroPos, spellPos, walkDir * (speed - 25), spell.direction * ( - 200), ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius, spell.radius, out isCollision); if (isCollision) { if (true) //spellPos.Distance(spell.endPos) / > movingCollisionTime) { ConsolePrinter.Print("movingCollisionTime: " + movingCollisionTime); } } } } }
private void Game_ProcessSpell(Obj_AI_Base hero, Obj_AI_BaseMissileClientDataEventArgs args) { if (!(hero is Obj_AI_Hero)) { return; } if (testMenu["(ShowProcessSpell)"].As <MenuBool>().Enabled) { ConsolePrinter.Print( args.SpellData.Name + " CastTime: " + (hero.SpellBook.CastEndTime - Game.ClockTime)); ConsolePrinter.Print("CastRadius: " + args.SpellData.CastRadius); /*foreach (PropertyDescriptor descriptor in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(args.SData)) * { * string name = descriptor.Name; * object value = descriptor.As(args.SData); * ConsolePrinter.Print("{0}={1}", name, value); * }*/ } if (args.SpellData.Name == "YasuoQW") { RenderObjects.Add( new RenderCircle(args.Start.To2D(), 500)); RenderObjects.Add( new RenderCircle(args.End.To2D(), 500)); } //ConsolePrinter.Print(EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastProcessPacketTime); //circleRenderPos = args.SpellData.ParticleStartOffset.To2D(); /*Draw.RenderObjects.Add( * new Draw.RenderPosition(args.Start.To2D(), Evade.GetTickCount + 500)); * Draw.RenderObjects.Add( * new Draw.RenderPosition(args.End.To2D(), Evade.GetTickCount + 500));*/ /*float testTime; * * * testTime = Evade.GetTickCount; * for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) * { * var testVar = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius; * } * ConsolePrinter.Print("Test time1: " + (Evade.GetTickCount - testTime)); * * testTime = Evade.GetTickCount; * var cacheVar = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius; * for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) * { * var testVar = cacheVar; * } * ConsolePrinter.Print("Test time1: " + (Evade.GetTickCount - testTime));*/ // ConsolePrinter.Print("NetworkID: " + args.MissileNetworkId); lastHeroSpellCastTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; foreach (var entry in SpellDetector.spells) { var spell = entry.Value; if ( == args.SpellData.Name && spell.heroID == hero.NetworkId) { if ( == false && == false) { ConsolePrinter.Print("Time diff: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime)); } } } if (hero.IsMe) { lastSpellCastTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; } }
private void SpellMissile_OnCreate(GameObject obj) { /*if (sender.Name.ToLower().Contains("minion") || sender.Name.ToLower().Contains("turret") || sender.Type == GameObjectType.obj_GeneralParticleEmitter) || { || return; || } || || if (sender.IsValid<MissileClient>()) || { || var tMissile = sender as MissileClient; || if (tMissile.SpellCaster.Type != GameObjectType.obj_AI_Hero) || { || return; || } || } || || ConsolePrinter.Print(sender.Type + " : " + sender.Name);*/ if (obj.IsValid && obj.Type == GameObjectType.MissileClient) { var mis = (MissileClient)obj; if (mis.SpellCaster is Obj_AI_Hero && mis.SpellData.ConsideredAsAutoAttack) { ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + mis.SpellData.Name + "]: Missile Speed " + mis.SpellData.MissileSpeed); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + mis.SpellData.Name + "]: LineWidth " + mis.SpellData.LineWidth); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + mis.SpellData.Name + "]: Range " + mis.SpellData.CastRange); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + mis.SpellData.Name + "]: Accel " + mis.SpellData.MissileAccel); } } //ConsolePrinter.Print(obj.Name + ": " + obj.Type); if (!obj.IsValid || obj.Type != GameObjectType.MissileClient) { return; } if (testMenu["ShowMissileInfo"].As <MenuBool>().Value == false) { return; } var missile = (MissileClient)obj; if (!(missile.SpellCaster is Obj_AI_Hero)) { return; } var testMissileSpeedStartTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; var testMissileSpeedStartPos = missile.Position.To2D(); DelayAction.Add(250, () => { if (missile != null && missile.IsValid && !missile.IsDead) { testMissileSpeedStartTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; testMissileSpeedStartPos = missile.Position.To2D(); } }); testMissile = missile; testMissileStartTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount; ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: Est.CastTime: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastHeroSpellCastTime)); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: Missile Name " + missile.SpellData.Name); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: Missile Speed " + missile.SpellData.MissileSpeed); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: Accel " + missile.SpellData.MissileAccel); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: Max Speed " + missile.SpellData.MissileMaxSpeed); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: LineWidth " + missile.SpellData.LineWidth); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: Range " + missile.SpellData.CastRange); //ConsolePrinter.Print("Angle " + missile.SpellData.CastConeAngle); /*ConsolePrinter.Print("Offset: " + missile.SpellData.ParticleStartOffset); * ConsolePrinter.Print("Missile Speed " + missile.SpellData.MissileSpeed); * ConsolePrinter.Print("LineWidth " + missile.SpellData.LineWidth); * circleRenderPos = missile.SpellData.ParticleStartOffset.To2D();*/ //ConsolePrinter.Print("Acquired: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - lastSpellCastTime)); RenderObjects.Add( new RenderCircle(missile.StartPosition.To2D(), 500)); RenderObjects.Add( new RenderCircle(missile.EndPosition.To2D(), 500)); DelayAction.Add(750, () => { if (missile != null && missile.IsValid && !missile.IsDead) { var dist = missile.Position.To2D().Distance(testMissileSpeedStartPos); ConsolePrinter.Print("[" + missile.SpellData.Name + "]: Est.Missile speed: " + 1000 * (dist / (EvadeUtils.TickCount - testMissileSpeedStartTime))); } }); SpellData spellData; if (missile.SpellCaster != null && missile.SpellCaster.Team != myHero.Team && missile.SpellData.Name != null && SpellDetector.onMissileSpells.TryGetValue(missile.SpellData.Name, out spellData) && missile.StartPosition != null && missile.EndPosition != null) { if (missile.StartPosition.Distance(myHero.Position) < spellData.range + 1000) { var hero = missile.SpellCaster; if (hero.IsVisible) { foreach (var entry in SpellDetector.spells) { var spell = entry.Value; if ( == missile.SpellData.Name && spell.heroID == missile.SpellCaster.NetworkId) { if ( == false && == false) { ConsolePrinter.Print("Acquired: " + (EvadeUtils.TickCount - spell.startTime)); } } } } } } }