예제 #1
        internal async Task <Result> ExecuteBuiltinCommandAsync(BuiltinCommand command, string argument, string argument2, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (var context = new ZvsContext(EntityContextConnection))
                switch (command.UniqueIdentifier)
                case "TIMEDELAY":
                    int delay;
                    int.TryParse(argument, out delay);
                    await Task.Delay(delay * 1000, cancellationToken);

                    return(Result.ReportSuccessFormat("{0} second time delay complete", delay));

                case "REPOLL_ME":
                    int dId;
                    int.TryParse(argument, out dId);

                    var device = await context.Devices
                                 .Include(o => o.Type.Adapter)
                                 .FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Type.UniqueIdentifier != "BUILTIN" && o.Id == dId,

                    if (device == null)
                        return(Result.ReportErrorFormat("Cannot find device with id of {0}", dId));

                    var adapter = AdapterManager.FindZvsAdapter(device.Type.Adapter.AdapterGuid);
                    if (adapter == null)
                                 "Re-poll of {0} failed, the associated adapter is not loaded", device.Name));

                    if (!adapter.IsEnabled)
                        return(Result.ReportErrorFormat("Re-poll of {0} failed, adapter is disabled", device.Name));

                    await adapter.RepollAsync(device);

                    return(Result.ReportSuccessFormat("Re-poll of {0} ({1}) complete", device.Name, device.Id));

                case "REPOLL_ALL":
                    var devices = await context.Devices
                                  .Include(o => o.Type.Adapter)
                                  .Where(o => o.Type.UniqueIdentifier != "BUILTIN")

                    foreach (var device in devices)
                        ExecuteBuiltinCommandAsync(new BuiltinCommand { UniqueIdentifier = "REPOLL_ME" },
                                                   device.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "", cancellationToken);

                    return(Result.ReportSuccessFormat("Built-in cmd re-poll {0} devices complete", devices.Count));

                case "GROUP_ON":
                case "GROUP_OFF":
                    int gId   = int.TryParse(argument, out gId) ? gId : 0;
                    var group = await context.Groups
                                .Include(o => o.Devices)
                                .FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == gId, cancellationToken);

                    if (group == null)
                        return(Result.ReportErrorFormat("Command {0} failed. Invalid group id", command.Name));

                    if (group.Devices.Count < 1)
                        return(Result.ReportErrorFormat("Unable to {0} {1}, no devices found in the group", command.Name, group.Name));

                    var adapterGuids = await context.Devices
                                       .Where(o => o.Groups.Any(g => g.Id == gId))
                                       .Select(o => o.Type.Adapter.AdapterGuid)

                    //EXECUTE ON ALL Adapters
                    foreach (var adapter in adapterGuids.Select(adapterGuid => AdapterManager.FindZvsAdapter(adapterGuid)).Where(adapter => adapter != null && adapter.IsEnabled))
                        if (command.UniqueIdentifier == "GROUP_ON")
                            await adapter.ActivateGroupAsync(@group);
                            await adapter.DeactivateGroupAsync(@group);

                    return(Result.ReportSuccessFormat("{0} {2}, {1} complete",
                                                      group.Name, command.Id));

                case "RUN_SCENE":
                    int id;
                    int.TryParse(argument, out id);

                    var sceneRunner = new SceneRunner(Log, this, EntityContextConnection);
                    var sceneResult = await sceneRunner.RunSceneAsync(id, cancellationToken);

                    var details = $"{sceneResult.Message} Built-in cmd '{command.Name}' ({command.Id}) complete";

                    return(sceneResult.HasError ? Result.ReportError(details) : Result.ReportSuccess(details));

                             "Built-in cmd {0} failed. No logic defined for this built-in command.", command.Id));
        internal async Task<Result> ExecuteBuiltinCommandAsync(BuiltinCommand command, string argument, string argument2, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (var context = new ZvsContext(EntityContextConnection))
                switch (command.UniqueIdentifier)
                    case "TIMEDELAY":
                            int delay;
                            int.TryParse(argument, out delay);
                            await Task.Delay(delay * 1000, cancellationToken);
                            return Result.ReportSuccessFormat("{0} second time delay complete", delay);
                    case "REPOLL_ME":
                            int dId;
                            int.TryParse(argument, out dId);

                            var device = await context.Devices
                                .Include(o => o.Type.Adapter)
                                .FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Type.UniqueIdentifier != "BUILTIN" && o.Id == dId,

                            if (device == null)
                                return Result.ReportErrorFormat("Cannot find device with id of {0}", dId);

                            var adapter = AdapterManager.FindZvsAdapter(device.Type.Adapter.AdapterGuid);
                            if (adapter == null)
                                        "Re-poll of {0} failed, the associated adapter is not loaded", device.Name);

                            if (!adapter.IsEnabled)
                                return Result.ReportErrorFormat("Re-poll of {0} failed, adapter is disabled", device.Name);

                            await adapter.RepollAsync(device);
                            return Result.ReportSuccessFormat("Re-poll of {0} ({1}) complete", device.Name, device.Id);
                    case "REPOLL_ALL":
                            var devices = await context.Devices
                                .Include(o => o.Type.Adapter)
                                .Where(o => o.Type.UniqueIdentifier != "BUILTIN")

                            foreach (var device in devices)
                                    ExecuteBuiltinCommandAsync(new BuiltinCommand { UniqueIdentifier = "REPOLL_ME" },
                                        device.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "", cancellationToken);

                            return Result.ReportSuccessFormat("Built-in cmd re-poll {0} devices complete", devices.Count);

                    case "GROUP_ON":
                    case "GROUP_OFF":
                            int gId = int.TryParse(argument, out gId) ? gId : 0;
                            var group = await context.Groups
                                .Include(o => o.Devices)
                                .FirstOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == gId, cancellationToken);

                            if (group == null)
                                return Result.ReportErrorFormat("Command {0} failed. Invalid group id", command.Name);

                            if (group.Devices.Count < 1)
                                return Result.ReportErrorFormat("Unable to {0} {1}, no devices found in the group", command.Name, group.Name);

                            var adapterGuids = await context.Devices
                                .Where(o => o.Groups.Any(g => g.Id == gId))
                                .Select(o => o.Type.Adapter.AdapterGuid)

                            //EXECUTE ON ALL Adapters
                            foreach (var adapter in adapterGuids.Select(adapterGuid => AdapterManager.FindZvsAdapter(adapterGuid)).Where(adapter => adapter != null && adapter.IsEnabled))
                                if (command.UniqueIdentifier == "GROUP_ON")
                                    await adapter.ActivateGroupAsync(@group);
                                    await adapter.DeactivateGroupAsync(@group);

                            return Result.ReportSuccessFormat("{0} {2}, {1} complete",
                                group.Name, command.Id);

                    case "RUN_SCENE":
                            int id;
                            int.TryParse(argument, out id);

                            var sceneRunner = new SceneRunner(Log, this, EntityContextConnection);
                            var sceneResult = await sceneRunner.RunSceneAsync(id, cancellationToken);

                            var details = $"{sceneResult.Message} Built-in cmd '{command.Name}' ({command.Id}) complete";

                            return sceneResult.HasError ? Result.ReportError(details) : Result.ReportSuccess(details);
                                    "Built-in cmd {0} failed. No logic defined for this built-in command.", command.Id);
