protected void HandleTriggerDown() { if (m_CurrentInteractible != null) { // Do trigger down and over m_CurrentInteractible.TriggerDown(m_VrInput); m_CurrentInteractible.TriggerOver(m_VrInput); } }
protected override void doRaycast() { if (m_Enabled) { // Show the debug ray if required if (ShowDebugRay) { Debug.DrawRay(ctrlT.position, ctrlT.forward * DebugRayLength,, DebugRayDuration); } // Create a ray that points forwards from the controller. Ray ray = new Ray(ctrlT.position, ctrlT.forward); RaycastHit hit; // Do the raycast forwards to see if we hit an interactive item if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, RayLength, ~ExclusionLayers)) { // Something was hit, set at the hit position. m_HitPosition = hit.point; m_HitAngle = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, hit.normal); VRInteractiveItem interactible = hit.collider.GetComponent <VRInteractiveItem>(); //attempt to get the VRInteractiveItem on the hit object m_CurrentInteractible = interactible; //print( ); // If we hit an interactive item and it's not the same as the last interactive item, then call PointerOver if (interactible && interactible != m_LastInteractible) { interactible.PointerOver(m_VrInput); if (m_VrInput.GetTrigger()) { interactible.TriggerOver(m_VrInput); } } // Deactive the last interactive item if (interactible != m_LastInteractible) { deactiveLastInteractible(); } m_LastInteractible = interactible; if (Reticle) { Reticle.SetPosition(hit); } _onRaycastHit(hit); } else { // Nothing was hit, deactive the last interactive item. deactiveLastInteractible(); m_CurrentInteractible = null; // Position the reticle at default distance. if (Reticle) { Reticle.SetPosition(); } } } }