internal object syncExec(Job job, object obj) { if (Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread) return; else return asyncExec(job, obj).waitFor(); }
internal Future asyncExec(Job job, object obj) { Future future = new Future(); Runner runner = new Runner(job, obj, future); lock (runnables) { runnables.AddLast(runner); Monitor.Pulse(runnables); } return future; }
// Try the following? //private string ConvertToString(char[] buffer, int count) //{ // StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(buffer.Length); // for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // { // data.Append(buffer[i]); // } // return data.ToString(); //} //void replace_checksat(Experiment e, Job j) //{ // string fn = j.localFilename; // string tr = "(check-sat)"; // string rp = e.custom_check_sat; // int cl = tr.Length; // int ll = cl + rp.Length; // char[] buffer = new char[ll]; // int index = 0; // int rl = tr.Length; // StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fn); // StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fn + ".tmp"); // while (true) // { // streamReader.DiscardBufferedData(); // streamReader.BaseStream.Seek(index, SeekOrigin.Begin); // int count = streamReader.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, ll); // if (count == 0) break; // string data = ConvertToString(buffer, count); // bool isEndReplaced = false; // if (count >= cl) // isEndReplaced = (data.LastIndexOf(tr, cl) > 0); // data = data.Replace(tr, rp); // if (isEndReplaced) // { // streamWriter.Write(data); // index += count; // } // else // { // if (count >= cl) // { // streamWriter.Write(data.Substring(0, data.Length - rl)); // index += cl; // } // else // { // streamWriter.Write(data); // index += cl; // } // } // } // streamReader.Close(); // streamWriter.Close(); // File.Delete(fn); // File.Move(fn + ".tmp", fn); //} void runJob(Experiment e, Job j) { retry_from_scratch: try { getBinary(e); Result r = new Result(); r.j = j; try { // Console.WriteLine("Running job #" + j.ID); File.Copy(j.filename, j.localFilename, true); if (e.custom_check_sat != null) replace_checksat(e, j); } catch (System.OutOfMemoryException) { r.exitCode = "MEMORY"; r.runtime = 0; results.Add(r); return; } int output_limit = 134217728; // 128 MB int error_limit = 262144; // 256 KB StreamWriter out_writer = new StreamWriter(r.stdout); StreamWriter err_writer = new StreamWriter(r.stderr); Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = e.localExecutable; p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = e.localDir; p.StartInfo.Arguments = j.localFilename + " " + e.Parameters; //p.StartInfo.Arguments = e.Parameters + " " + j.localFilename; //p.StartInfo.Arguments = e.Parameters; //p.StartInfo.Arguments = " " + j.filename; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.OutputDataReceived += (sender, args) => WriteToStream(sender, args, out_writer, ref output_limit); p.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, args) => WriteToStream(sender, args, err_writer, ref error_limit); bool exhausted_time = false, exhausted_memory = false; if (e.localExecutable.EndsWith(".cmd") || e.localExecutable.EndsWith(".bat")) { p.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/c " + e.localExecutable + " " + p.StartInfo.Arguments; } // For stdin-only programs like mathsat: //p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; //p.StartInfo.Arguments = e.Parameters; //StreamReader fin = new StreamReader(j.localFilename); retry: try { p.Start(); p.BeginOutputReadLine(); p.BeginErrorReadLine(); // For stdin-only programs like mathsat: //while (!fin.EndOfStream) // p.StandardInput.WriteLine(fin.ReadLine()); //fin.Close(); //p.StandardInput.Close(); } catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process") { Console.WriteLine("Retrying to execute binary..."); Thread.Sleep(500); goto retry; } else throw ex; } try { do { p.Refresh(); if (!p.HasExited) { if (processTime(p).TotalSeconds >= e.timeout.TotalSeconds) { Console.WriteLine("Job timed out; killing."); exhausted_time = true; processKill(p); } else if (e.memout != 0 && processMemory(p) > e.memout) { Console.WriteLine("Job uses too much memory; killing."); exhausted_memory = true; processKill(p); } else if (output_limit <= 0 || error_limit <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Job produced too much output; killing."); processKill(p); throw new Exception("Job produced too much output."); } } } while (!p.WaitForExit(500)); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Operation: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Assuming process has ended."); } p.WaitForExit(); int excode = p.ExitCode; if (excode == -1073741515) logInfrastructureError(j, "Binary could not be executed."); double runtime = (exhausted_time ? e.timeout.TotalSeconds : processTime(p).TotalSeconds); p.Close(); Thread.Sleep(500); // Give the asynch stdout/stderr events a chance to finish. out_writer.Flush(); err_writer.Flush(); r.exitCode = ((exhausted_time) ? "TIME" : (exhausted_memory) ? "MEMORY" : excode.ToString()); r.runtime = runtime; results.Add(r); } catch (Exception ex) { if (logInfrastructureError(j, ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace)) goto retry_from_scratch; } }
void replace_checksat(Experiment e, Job j) { string tmpf = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()); FileStream f = new FileStream(j.localFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileStream ft = new FileStream(tmpf, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamReader fr = new StreamReader(f); StreamWriter ftw = new StreamWriter(ft); while (!fr.EndOfStream) { string s = fr.ReadLine(); ftw.WriteLine(s.Replace("(check-sat)", e.custom_check_sat)); } ftw.Close(); ft.Close(); fr.Close(); f.Close(); File.Copy(tmpf, j.localFilename, true); try { File.Delete(tmpf); } catch { } }
bool logInfrastructureError(Job j, string message) { if (--infrastructure_errors_max == 0) { string x = "INFRASTRUCTURE ERROR: " + message; ensureConnected(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Data " + "(ExperimentID,FilenameP,ResultCode,stderr,Worker,SAT,UNSAT,UNKNOWN,TargetSAT,TargetUNSAT,TargetUNKNOWN) VALUES (" + j.experimentID + ", " + j.filenameP + ", " + "4," + "@ERRORMESSAGE, " + "'" + myName + "'," + "0,0,0,0,0,0); " + "DELETE FROM JobQueue WHERE ID=" + j.ID + ";", sql); cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters.Add("@ERRORMESSAGE", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar); p.Size = x.Length; p.Value = x; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return false; } else { Thread.Sleep(1000); return true; } }
Job getJob(Experiment e, int jID = 0) { Job j = new Job(); if (jID == -1) { retry: Dictionary<string, Object> r = SQLRead("SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM JobQueue WHERE ExperimentID=" + e.ID, sql); if (r.Count() == 0) return null; jID = (int)r["ID"]; ensureConnected(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE JobQueue SET Worker='" + myName + "/Recovery',AcquireTime=GETDATE() WHERE ID=" + jID, sql); if (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() == 0) jID = 0; if (jID == 0) goto retry; Dictionary<string, Object> rd = SQLRead("SELECT a.ID as ID,a.FilenameP as FileP,b.s as Filename FROM JobQueue as a,Strings as b WHERE Worker='" + myName + "/Recovery' AND a.FilenameP=b.ID AND ExperimentID=" + e.ID + ";", sql); if (rd.Count == 0) return null; else { jID = (int)rd["ID"]; j.ID = jID.ToString(); j.experimentID = e.ID; j.filename = e.sharedDir + "\\" + (string)rd["Filename"]; j.filenameP = (int)rd["FileP"]; j.localFilename = e.localDir + "\\" + j.ID + Path.GetExtension(j.filename); } if (e.ID != j.experimentID) throw new Exception("Got job from wrong experiment."); } else { while (jID == 0) { TimeSpan x = e.timeout; int limit = Convert.ToInt32(x.TotalSeconds); limit += 300; // +5 minutes string cond = "((Worker IS NULL) OR (DATEDIFF(second, AcquireTime, GETDATE()) >= " + limit.ToString() + ")"; //string cond = "(Worker IS NULL)"; List<Result>.Enumerator en = results.GetEnumerator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { cond += " AND (ID <> " + en.Current.j.ID + ")"; } cond += ")"; Dictionary<string, Object> rd = new Dictionary<string, object>(); rd = SQLRead("DECLARE @jid INT;" + "BEGIN TRANSACTION; " + "SELECT TOP 1 @jid = ID FROM JobQueue WITH (ROWLOCK,UPDLOCK,READPAST) WHERE " + "ExperimentID=" + e.ID + " AND " + cond + ";" + "UPDATE JobQueue SET Worker='" + myName + "',AcquireTime=GETDATE() WHERE ID=@jid; COMMIT; " + "SELECT a.ID as ID,a.FilenameP as FileP,b.s as Filename FROM JobQueue as a, Strings as b " + "WHERE a.ID=@jid AND a.FilenameP=b.ID;", sql); if (rd.Count == 0) return null; else { jID = (int)rd["ID"]; j.ID = jID.ToString(); j.experimentID = e.ID; j.filename = e.sharedDir + "\\" + (string)rd["Filename"]; j.filenameP = (int)rd["FileP"]; j.localFilename = e.localDir + "\\" + j.ID + Path.GetExtension(j.filename); } if (e.ID != j.experimentID) throw new Exception("Got job from wrong experiment."); } } return j; }
public Runner(Job job, object obj, Future future1) { future = future1; args = obj; runnable = job; }