예제 #1
        public static bool HasDurationItems(WM.DurationItem item)
            bool result = false;

            if (item == null)
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.DurationISO8601) && item.DurationISO8601.Substring(0,1) == "P" )
            //	//eventually need to handle expanding the ISO8601 duration
            //	return true;

            if (item.Years > 0 ||
                item.Months > 0 ||
                item.Weeks > 0 ||
                item.Days > 0 ||
                item.Hours > 0 ||
                item.Minutes > 0
                result = true;

예제 #2
        }        //

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a single DurationProfile by integer Id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static WM.DurationItem GetRenewalDuration(Guid parentUid)
            WM.DurationItem duration = new WM.DurationItem();
            ThisEntity      profile  = new ThisEntity();
            Entity          parent   = EntityManager.GetEntity(parentUid);

            if (parent == null || parent.Id == 0)

            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                List <EM.Entity_DurationProfile> results = context.Entity_DurationProfile
                                                           .Where(s => s.EntityId == parent.Id &&
                                                                  (s.TypeId == 3))

                if (results != null && results.Count > 0)
                    foreach (EM.Entity_DurationProfile item in results)
                        MapFromDB(item, duration);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve and fill duration profiles for parent entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentUid"></param>
        public static List <ThisEntity> GetAll(Guid parentUid, int typeId = 0)
            ThisEntity row = new ThisEntity();

            WM.DurationItem   duration = new WM.DurationItem();
            List <ThisEntity> profiles = new List <ThisEntity>();
            Entity            parent   = EntityManager.GetEntity(parentUid);

            if (parent == null || parent.Id == 0)

            using (var context = new EntityContext())
                List <EM.Entity_DurationProfile> results = context.Entity_DurationProfile
                                                           .Where(s => s.EntityId == parent.Id &&
                                                                  ((typeId == 0 && s.TypeId < 3) || s.TypeId == typeId))
                                                           .OrderBy(s => s.Id)

                if (results != null && results.Count > 0)
                    foreach (EM.Entity_DurationProfile item in results)
                        row = new ThisEntity();
                        MapFromDB(item, row);
        }        //
 public DurationProfile()
     MinimumDuration = new DurationItem();
     MaximumDuration = new DurationItem();
     ExactDuration   = new DurationItem();
     ProfileName     = "";
     DurationSummary = "";
예제 #5
        private static string DurationSummary(string conditions, WM.DurationItem entity, ref string durationOnly)
            string duration = "";
            string prefix   = "";
            string comma    = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(conditions))
                prefix = "Duration: ";
                prefix = conditions + " ";

            if (entity.Years > 0)
                duration += SetLabel(entity.Years, "Year");
                comma     = ", ";
            if (entity.Months > 0)
                duration += comma + SetLabel(entity.Months, "Month");
                comma     = ", ";
            if (entity.Weeks > 0)
                duration += comma + SetLabel(entity.Weeks, "Week");
                comma     = ", ";
            if (entity.Days > 0)
                duration += comma + SetLabel(entity.Days, "Day");
                comma     = ", ";
            if (entity.Hours > 0)
                duration += comma + SetLabel(entity.Hours, "Hour");
                comma     = ", ";
            if (entity.Minutes > 0)
                duration += comma + SetLabel(entity.Minutes, "Minute");
                comma     = ", ";

            //TODO could replace last comma with And
            int lastPos = duration.LastIndexOf(",");

            if (lastPos > 0)
                duration = duration.Substring(0, lastPos) + " and " + duration.Substring(lastPos + 1);
            durationOnly = duration;
            return(prefix + duration);
예제 #6
 private static void MapFromDB(DBEntity from, WM.DurationItem duration)
     //WM.DurationItem duration = new WM.DurationItem();
     //duration = new WM.DurationItem();
     duration.Years   = from.FromYears == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromYears;
     duration.Months  = from.FromMonths == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromMonths;
     duration.Weeks   = from.FromWeeks == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromWeeks;
     duration.Days    = from.FromDays == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromDays;
     duration.Hours   = from.FromHours == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromHours;
     duration.Minutes = from.FromMinutes == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromMinutes;
예제 #7
        public static string AsSchemaDuration(WM.DurationItem entity, ref int totalMinutes)
            string duration = "P";

            totalMinutes = 0;

            if (entity.Years > 0)
                duration     += entity.Years.ToString() + "Y";
                totalMinutes += entity.Years * 365 * 24 * 3600;
            if (entity.Months > 0)
                duration     += entity.Months.ToString() + "M";
                totalMinutes += entity.Months * 30 * 24 * 3600;

            if (entity.Weeks > 0)
                duration     += entity.Weeks.ToString() + "W";
                totalMinutes += entity.Weeks * 5 * 24 * 3600;

            if (entity.Days > 0)
                duration     += entity.Days.ToString() + "D";
                totalMinutes += entity.Days * 24 * 3600;

            if (entity.Hours > 0 || entity.Minutes > 0)
                duration += "T";

            if (entity.Hours > 0)
                duration     += entity.Hours.ToString() + "H";
                totalMinutes += entity.Hours * 3600;

            if (entity.Minutes > 0)
                duration     += entity.Minutes.ToString() + "M";
                totalMinutes += entity.Minutes;

예제 #8
        public bool SaveRenewalFrequency(WM.DurationItem entity, Guid parentUid, ref SaveStatus status)
            bool   isValid = true;
            Entity parent  = EntityManager.GetEntity(parentUid);

            if (parent == null || parent.Id == 0)
                status.AddError(thisClassName + ". Error - the parent entity was not found.");

            WM.DurationProfile item = new ThisEntity();
            if (entity != null && entity.HasValue)
                item.ExactDuration         = entity;
                item.DurationProfileTypeId = 3;

                return(Save(item, parent, ref status));
예제 #9
        private static void MapFromDB(DBEntity from, ThisEntity to)
            WM.DurationItem duration     = new WM.DurationItem();
            int             totalMinutes = 0;
            string          durationOnly = "";

            to.Id       = from.Id;
            to.EntityId = from.EntityId ?? 0;

            to.Conditions = from.DurationComment;
            to.Created    = from.Created != null ? ( DateTime )from.Created : DateTime.Now;

            to.Created = from.LastUpdated != null ? ( DateTime )from.LastUpdated : DateTime.Now;

            duration         = new WM.DurationItem();
            duration.Years   = from.FromYears == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromYears;
            duration.Months  = from.FromMonths == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromMonths;
            duration.Weeks   = from.FromWeeks == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromWeeks;
            duration.Days    = from.FromDays == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromDays;
            duration.Hours   = from.FromHours == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromHours;
            duration.Minutes = from.FromMinutes == null ? 0 : ( int )from.FromMinutes;

            if (HasToDurations(from))
                //format as from and to
                to.MinimumDuration        = duration;
                to.MinimumDurationISO8601 = AsSchemaDuration(duration, ref totalMinutes);
                to.ProfileSummary         = DurationSummary(to.Conditions, duration, ref durationOnly);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(durationOnly))
                    to.DurationSummary = durationOnly;

                duration         = new WM.DurationItem();
                duration.Years   = from.ToYears == null ? 0 : ( int )from.ToYears;
                duration.Months  = from.ToMonths == null ? 0 : ( int )from.ToMonths;
                duration.Weeks   = from.ToWeeks == null ? 0 : ( int )from.ToWeeks;
                duration.Days    = from.ToDays == null ? 0 : ( int )from.ToDays;
                duration.Hours   = from.ToHours == null ? 0 : ( int )from.ToHours;
                duration.Minutes = from.ToMinutes == null ? 0 : ( int )from.ToMinutes;

                to.MaximumDuration        = duration;
                to.MaximumDurationISO8601 = AsSchemaDuration(duration, ref totalMinutes);

                to.ProfileSummary += DurationSummary(" to ", duration, ref durationOnly);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(durationOnly))
                    to.DurationSummary += " to " + durationOnly;
                to.ExactDuration        = duration;
                to.ExactDurationISO8601 = AsSchemaDuration(duration, ref totalMinutes);
                to.ProfileSummary       = DurationSummary(to.Conditions, duration, ref durationOnly);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(durationOnly))
                    to.DurationSummary = durationOnly;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(to.ProfileName))
                to.ProfileName = to.ProfileSummary;