예제 #1
        private int CreateNewAddToCartMVT()
            int           mvtid       = -1;
            VariationType testVariant = AddToCartButton.GetNextUntestedVariant();

            if (testVariant != null)
                mvtid = MVTHistory.CreateNewLiveMVT(TestTypesEnum.ADDTOCARTBUTTON);
                MVTHistory.AddNewTestVariantToMVT(mvtid, ref testVariant);
                //Could not create new MVT as could not produce new test variant.
                if (AddToCartButton.IsAllVariationTested() == false)
                    //There are still untested variants. This must be an error.
                    if (Configuration.IsDebugModeOn)
                        _CLI.Out("Error while trying to create new MVT.", true, false);


예제 #2
        public void HandleAddToCartCTATags(WesofHtmlTag[] Tags, ref ServerResponse sRep)
            //Check if the clients currently assigned MVT's are addtocart tests
            Variation[] relevantTestAssignments = MVTHistory.MatchLiveMVTWithTestType(sRep.Cookie.ModifiedMVTAssignments, TestTypesEnum.ADDTOCARTBUTTON);
            if (relevantTestAssignments != null)
                //Todo, the client is already assigned to live AddToCartButton test(s)
                for (int i = 0; i < relevantTestAssignments.Length; i++)
                    relevantTestAssignments[i].ApplyModification(ref Tags, ref sRep);


            //Check if there is already a live mvt that experiments with the add to cart.
            int assignToMVTId = MVTHistory.GetSuitableLiveMVTforNewGUIDAssignment(TestTypesEnum.ADDTOCARTBUTTON);
            int assignToVariation;

            if (assignToMVTId == -1)
                //No suitable live MVT found. Generate a new one.
                assignToMVTId = CreateNewAddToCartMVT();

            //Check if a test is available
            if (assignToMVTId > -1)
                assignToVariation = AssignGuidToMVT(assignToMVTId, sRep.Cookie.Wesof_GUID, ref sRep);
                if (assignToVariation > -1)
                    Variation v = MVTHistory.GetVariant(assignToMVTId, assignToVariation);
                    if (v != null)
                        v.ApplyModification(ref Tags, ref sRep);
                        if (Configuration.IsDebugModeOn)
                            _CLI.Out("Error. Expected variation object, returned null.", true, false);
                //Check if all the possible variations tested
                if (AddToCartButton.IsAllVariationTested())
                    //Let's apply the winning variant.
                    AddToCartButton.ApplyChangesBasedOnLatestWinner(ref Tags, ref sRep);

예제 #3
        private int AssignGuidToMVT(int mvtId, string guid, ref ServerResponse sRep)
            int variantId = MVTHistory.AssignGuidToMVTEvenly(mvtId, guid);

            sRep.Cookie.AssignResponseToMVT(mvtId, variantId, ref sRep);

            if (variantId == -1)
                if (Configuration.IsDebugModeOn)
                    _CLI.Out("Error. The GUID assigned to variant id -1.", true, false);

예제 #4
 private static void TriggerTrigged(string guid)
예제 #5
        public static void PrintStats(CommandLineInterface _CLI)
            string result = "\n\n********** MVT STATS **********\n\n";

            int TotalMVTs = MVTHistory.GetMVTCount(false);
            int LiveMVTs  = MVTHistory.GetMVTCount(true);

            result += "Total MVTs: " + TotalMVTs.ToString() + "\n";
            result += "Live MVTs: " + LiveMVTs.ToString() + "\n";

            if (LiveMVTs == 0)
                result += "\n\n********** MVT STATS **********\n\n";
                _CLI.Out(result, false, false);

            MultiVariateTest[] LiveTests = MVTHistory.GetLiveTests();

            if (LiveTests == null || LiveTests.Length == 0)
                result += "\n\n********** MVT STATS **********\n\n";

                //No live tests found, check if all completed.
                result += "\n No live tests running currently.\n";
                if (AddToCartButton.IsAllVariationTested())
                    result += "All the 'Add To Cart Button' type variants have been tested. The best performing variant is live on 100%.";

                _CLI.Out(result, false, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < LiveTests.Length; i++)
                result += "\n----\n";

                result += "MVT ID: " + LiveTests[i].Id.ToString() + "\n";
                result += "Variant number (including control): " + LiveTests[i].GetNumberOfVariants().ToString() + "\n";
                result += "Launch date: " + LiveTests[i].GetLaunchDateTime.ToString() + "\n\n";

                MVTResult testResult = LiveTests[i].GetResult;
                if (testResult != null)
                    result += "Variants (including control): " + testResult.Variants.ToString() + "\n";
                    result += "Any variant reached significance: " + testResult.ReachedSignificance.ToString() + "\n";

                    result += "Visitors: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.SampleSize[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "Converted visitors: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.ConvertedSize[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "Means: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.Means[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "Standard Deviations: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.STDevs[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n\n";

                    result += "T-Score: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants - 1; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.TScores[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "Degree of Freedom: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants - 1; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.DFree[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "Next known Degree Freedom: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants - 1; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.NextDFree[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "Required P for next DF: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants - 1; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.ReqPVal[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "Is significant: ";
                    for (int j = 0; j < testResult.Variants - 1; j++)
                        result += "[" + j.ToString() + "]: " + testResult.ReachedSignificance[j] + "\t";
                    result += "\n";

                    result += "\nNote: [0] is the control variant";
                    result += "Results not analysed yet.\n";

                result += "\n----\n";

            result += "\n\n********** MVT STATS **********\n\n";
            _CLI.Out(result, false, false);
예제 #6
        public static void PrintDashboard(CommandLineInterface _CLI)
            int TotalMVTs        = MVTHistory.GetMVTCount(false);
            int LiveMVTs         = MVTHistory.GetMVTCount(true);
            int CompletedMVTs    = TotalMVTs - LiveMVTs;
            int PositiveMVTs     = MVTHistory.GetMVTCount(TestResultType.Positive);
            int NegativeMVTs     = MVTHistory.GetMVTCount(TestResultType.Negative);
            int InconclusiveMVTs = MVTHistory.GetMVTCount(TestResultType.Inconclusive);

            MultiVariateTest[] LiveTests = MVTHistory.GetLiveTests();

            string result = "************************** OVERALL TESTING SUMMARY *************************\n\n";

            result += "Total MVTs launched: " + TotalMVTs.ToString()
                      + " (" + CompletedMVTs.ToString() + " completed, "
                      + LiveMVTs.ToString() + " currently live)\n";

            result += "Test results:\t" + PositiveMVTs.ToString() + " Positive\t"
                      + NegativeMVTs.ToString() + " Negative\t"
                      + InconclusiveMVTs.ToString() + " Inconclusive (abandoned) \n\n";

            if (LiveTests != null && LiveTests.Length > 0)
                result += "******************************** LIVE TESTS ********************************\n";

                for (int i = 0; i < LiveTests.Length; i++)
                    int           testId  = LiveTests[i].Id;
                    TestTypesEnum type    = LiveTests[i].TestType;
                    string        typeStr = "";
                    if (type == TestTypesEnum.ADDTOCARTBUTTON)
                        typeStr = "Add to Cart Btn";

                    DateTime?launched       = LiveTests[i].GetLaunchDateTime;
                    int      variantsNumber = LiveTests[i].GetNumberOfVariants();

                    MVTResult TResult = LiveTests[i].GetResult;

                    result += "[MVT ID: " + testId.ToString() + "]  [Type: " + typeStr
                              + "]  [Launch date: " + launched.ToString() + "]\n";

                    result += "[Variants: " + variantsNumber.ToString() + " (including control)]\n";

                    //Displaying ctr and test variant change details
                    //Only "Add to cart" A/B test display supported currently.
                    if (variantsNumber == 2 && type == TestTypesEnum.ADDTOCARTBUTTON)
                        AddToCartButtonVariation ctrVar = (AddToCartButtonVariation)LiveTests[i].GetVariant(0).GetVariationType();
                        AddToCartButtonVariation tstVar = (AddToCartButtonVariation)LiveTests[i].GetVariant(1).GetVariationType();

                        result += "[Control: ";
                        if (ctrVar.colorPalette == null && ctrVar.addToCartTextCopies == null)
                            result += "No changes";
                            if (ctrVar.colorPalette != null)
                                result += "Colour: " + ctrVar.colorPalette + "   ";

                            if (ctrVar.addToCartTextCopies != null)
                                result += "Copy change: " + ctrVar.addToCartTextCopies;
                        result += "]\n";

                        result += "[Test: ";
                        if (tstVar.colorPalette == null && tstVar.addToCartTextCopies == null)
                            result += "No changes";
                            if (tstVar.colorPalette != null)
                                result += "Colour: " + tstVar.colorPalette + "   ";

                            if (tstVar.addToCartTextCopies != null)
                                result += "Copy change: " + tstVar.addToCartTextCopies;
                        result += "]\n\n";

                    //Displaying ctr and test variant visitors, cvr and stdev. Works for A/B only.
                    if (TResult != null && variantsNumber == 2)
                        if (TResult.SampleSize.Length > 1 &&
                            TResult.Means.Length > 1 &&
                            TResult.ConvertedSize.Length > 1 &&
                            TResult.STDevs.Length > 1)
                            result += "\t[Visitors]\t[Converted]\t[%]\t[Std Dev]\n";

                            result += "CTRL\t" + TResult.SampleSize[0].ToString() + "\t\t"
                                      + TResult.ConvertedSize[0].ToString() + "\t\t"
                                      + TruncString((TResult.Means[0] * 100).ToString(), 4) + "%\t"
                                      + TruncString(TResult.STDevs[0].ToString(), 5) + "\n";

                            result += "TEST\t" + TResult.SampleSize[1].ToString() + "\t\t"
                                      + TResult.ConvertedSize[1].ToString() + "\t\t"
                                      + TruncString((TResult.Means[1] * 100).ToString(), 4) + "%\t"
                                      + TruncString(TResult.STDevs[1].ToString(), 5) + "\n\n";

                            result += "[T-score: " + TruncString(TResult.TScores[0].ToString(), 6) + "]  "
                                      + "[Degree of freedom: " + TResult.DFree[0].ToString()
                                      + " (next known is " + TResult.NextDFree[0].ToString() + ")]\n";

                            result += "[Required P for next Degree of Freedom: " + TruncString(TResult.ReqPVal[0].ToString(), 6) + "]\n";

                    result += "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";
                //No live tests found, check if all completed.
                result += "\n No live tests running currently.\n";

                if (AddToCartButton.IsAllVariationTested())
                    result += "All the 'Add To Cart Button' type variants have been tested. The best performing variant is live on 100%.";

            _CLI.Out(result, false, false);
예제 #7
        public static string TestHistoryAsCSV()
            string result = "";

            MultiVariateTest[] allTests = MVTHistory.GetAllTests();

            if (allTests != null && allTests.Length > 0)
                result =
                    "Test ID," + "Status," + "Launched," + "Finished," + "Type," + "Control variant," + "Test variant,"
                    + "CTR Visitors," + "TST Visitors," + "CTR Converted," + "TST Converted," + "CTR Conversion %," + "TST Conversion %," + "CTR Std Dev," + "TST Std Dev,"
                    + "T-Score," + "Degree of Freedom," + "Next Degree of Freedom," + "Required P for next DFree"
                    + "\n";

                for (int i = 0; i < allTests.Length; i++)
                    MVTResult TResult = allTests[i].GetResult;

                    //Test ID
                    result += allTests[i].Id.ToString() + ",";

                    switch (allTests[i].GetResultType())
                    case TestResultType.Inconclusive:
                        result += "Inconclusive,";

                    case TestResultType.Live:
                        result += "Live,";

                    case TestResultType.Negative:
                        result += "Negative,";

                    case TestResultType.Positive:
                        result += "Positive,";

                    case TestResultType.None:
                        result += "None,";

                    DateTime?launched = allTests[i].GetLaunchDateTime;
                    if (launched != null)
                        result += launched.ToString() + ",";
                        result += ",";

                    DateTime?finished = allTests[i].GetCompletionDate;
                    if (finished != null)
                        result += finished.ToString() + ",";
                        result += ",";

                    if (allTests[i].TestType == TestTypesEnum.ADDTOCARTBUTTON)
                        result += "Add to Cart Btn,";
                        result += ",";

                    //Control variant description
                    AddToCartButtonVariation ctrVar = (AddToCartButtonVariation)allTests[i].GetVariant(0).GetVariationType();
                    if (ctrVar.colorPalette == null && ctrVar.addToCartTextCopies == null)
                        result += "No changes";
                        if (ctrVar.colorPalette != null)
                            result += "Colour: " + ctrVar.colorPalette + "; ";

                        if (ctrVar.addToCartTextCopies != null)
                            result += "Copy change: " + ctrVar.addToCartTextCopies;
                    result += ",";

                    //Test variant description
                    AddToCartButtonVariation tstVar = (AddToCartButtonVariation)allTests[i].GetVariant(1).GetVariationType();
                    if (tstVar.colorPalette == null && tstVar.addToCartTextCopies == null)
                        result += "No changes";
                        if (tstVar.colorPalette != null)
                            result += "Colour: " + tstVar.colorPalette + "; ";

                        if (tstVar.addToCartTextCopies != null)
                            result += "Copy change: " + tstVar.addToCartTextCopies;
                    result += ",";

                    if (TResult != null)
                        if (TResult.SampleSize.Length > 1 &&
                            TResult.Means.Length > 1 &&
                            TResult.ConvertedSize.Length > 1 &&
                            TResult.STDevs.Length > 1)
                            //CTR visitors
                            result += TResult.SampleSize[0].ToString() + ",";

                            //TST visitors
                            result += TResult.SampleSize[1].ToString() + ",";

                            //CTR converted
                            result += TResult.ConvertedSize[0].ToString() + ",";

                            //TST converted
                            result += TResult.ConvertedSize[1].ToString() + ",";

                            //CTR conversion
                            result += TResult.Means[0].ToString() + ",";

                            //TST conversion
                            result += TResult.Means[1].ToString() + ",";

                            //CTR std dev
                            result += TResult.STDevs[0].ToString() + ",";

                            //TST std dev
                            result += TResult.STDevs[1].ToString() + ",";

                            result += TResult.TScores[0].ToString() + ",";

                            //Degree of freedom
                            result += TResult.DFree[0].ToString() + ",";

                            //Next degree of freedom
                            result += TResult.NextDFree[0].ToString() + ",";

                            //Required DFree
                            result += TResult.ReqPVal[0].ToString();

                    result += "\n";
                result = "No tests launched yet.";
