private void newDropDown(EntryItem edit, int fromTable, int link, int Top, int Left, int Width, string text) { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { edit.Combo(Top, Left, Width, text); DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); int tno = pcLinks[link].tableNo; TPCTable pcTable = pcTables[tno]; int noFields = pcTable.noFields; int offsetFields = pcTable.offsetFields; int noShowFields = pcTable.noShowFields; int offsetShowFields = pcTable.offsetShowFields; int noOrderFields = pcTable.noOrderFields; int noLinkPairs = pcLinks[link].noLinkPairs; int offsetOrderFields = pcTable.offsetOrderFields; if (noShowFields > 0) db.GetTable(, pcFields, offsetFields, noFields, pcShowFields, offsetShowFields, noShowFields); else db.GetTable(, pcFields, offsetFields, noFields, pcOrderFields, offsetOrderFields, noOrderFields); DataTable table = db.GetDataTable(); System.Data.DataRowCollection rows = table.Rows; for (int row = 0; row < rows.Count; row++) { string[] values = new string[noLinkPairs]; string[] descr = new string[noShowFields == 0 ? noLinkPairs : noShowFields]; for (int field = 0; field < noFields; field++) { int offset = pcLinks[link].offsetLinkPairs; int offset2 = pcTable.offsetShowFields; for (int pair = 0; pair < noLinkPairs; pair++) { if (field == pcLinkPairs[pair + offset].toNo) { values[pair] = rows[row][field].ToString(); if (noShowFields == 0) descr[pair] = values[pair]; } } for (int show = 0; show < noShowFields; show++) { if (field == pcShowFields[offset2 + show].index) descr[show] = rows[row][field].ToString(); } } edit.combo.Items.Add(new ListItem(values, descr, row)); } int no = getIndex(edit.combo, text); edit.combo.SelectedIndex = no; } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); } } }
private void parmExecute(EHow how) { if (allowUpdates == false && how != EHow.DISPLAY) return; string where = "", c = "", query = ""; int row = -1; int field; DataTable data = null; int offset = pcTable.offsetFields; if (tablesDataGrid.CurrentRow != null) { where = "WHERE "; row = tablesDataGrid.CurrentRow.Index; data = tablesDataGrid.DataSource as DataTable; for (int k = 0; k < pcTable.noKeyFields; k++) { int okfield = k + pcTable.offsetKeyFields; field = pcKeyFields[okfield].index; string value = data.Rows[row][field].ToString(); TPCField pcField = pcFields[offset + field]; string ready = sqlReady(pcField, value); where += c + pcFields[offset + field].name + " = " + ready; c = " AND "; } } string oldUsId = ""; string oldTmStamp = ""; string newUsId = ""; string newTmStamp = ""; if (row != -1) { int no = pcTable.noFields; oldUsId = data.Rows[row][no].ToString(); oldTmStamp = DateTime.Parse(data.Rows[row][no + 1].ToString()).ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); } List<EntryItem> edits = new List<EntryItem>(pcTable.noFields); ScaffoldForm form = scaffoldForm = new ScaffoldForm(this, how, edits); int comboWidth = form.ClientSize.Width - 132; int editWidth = comboWidth - 18; // The next 3 lines are indicative of why properties are at best second class. Size size = form.MinimumSize; size.Height = pcTable.noFields * 24 + 66; form.MinimumSize = size; Dictionary<int, ComboBox> combos = new Dictionary<int, ComboBox>(); for (field = 0; field < pcTable.noFields; field++) { EntryItem edit = new EntryItem(); edits.Add(edit); TPCField pcField = pcFields[field + offset]; edit.ofType = pcField.type; edit.isNull = pcField.isNull == 1; if (how != EHow.ADD && (how == EHow.DELETE || how == EHow.DISPLAY || isKey(pcTable, field)) || (how == EHow.ADD && pcField.type == DBHandler.PC_SEQUENCE)) edit.isReadOnly = true; if (pcField.uppercase == 1 || isKey(pcTable, field) == true) edit.uppercase = true; Label label = edit.label = new Label(); label.Text =; label.Top = field * 24 + 4; label.Left = 4; form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(label); if (showSetup.Checked == true) LogDebug = label.Text + " " + label.Top + " " + label.Left; string setupWork =; string value = ""; if (how == EHow.ADD || (how == EHow.CHANGE && isKey(pcTable, field) == false)) { value = row != -1 ? data.Rows[row][field].ToString() : ""; if (clearAdd.Checked == true && how == EHow.ADD) value = ""; int link; int pair; if (setupLink(pcTable, field, out link, out pair)) { setupWork += " Is Link Field"; if (sizeIsOk(link) == true) { setupWork += " and is not too large"; if (pair == 0) { newDropDown(edit, pcTable.index, link, field * 24 + 4, 124, comboWidth, value); combos.Add(link, edit.combo); edit.pair = pair; form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.combo); if (showSetup.Checked == true) LogDebug = setupWork; } else { setupWork += " is extra link pair field"; edit.isReadOnly = true; edit.combo = combos[link]; edit.pair = pair; edit.combo.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(editComboSelectedIndexChanged); edit.Text(field * 24 + 4, 124, editWidth, maxLength(pcField), value); List<EntryItem> list = (List<EntryItem>)edit.combo.Tag; list.Add(edit); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.text); } continue; } } else if (pcField.noEnums > 0) { setupWork += " Is Enum Field"; enumDropDown(edit, field + offset, field * 24 + 4, 124, comboWidth, value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.combo); if (showSetup.Checked == true) LogDebug = setupWork; continue; } } value = row != -1 ? data.Rows[row][field].ToString() : ""; if (clearAdd.Checked == true && how == EHow.ADD) value = ""; switch (pcField.type) { case DBHandler.PC_CHAR: case DBHandler.PC_USERSTAMP: { setupWork += " Is Text Field"; edit.Text(field * 24 + 4, 124, editWidth, maxLength(pcField), value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.text); } break; case DBHandler.PC_DATE: { setupWork += " Is Date Field"; edit.Date(field * 24 + 4, 124, comboWidth, value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(; } break; case DBHandler.PC_DATETIME: case DBHandler.PC_TIMESTAMP: { setupWork += " Is Date Time Field"; edit.Date(field * 24 + 4, 124, comboWidth * 8 / 14, value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(; edit.Time(field * 24 + 4, 124 + + 4, comboWidth * 6 / 14 - 4, value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.time); } break; case DBHandler.PC_TIME: { setupWork += " Is Time Field"; edit.Time(field * 24 + 4, 124, comboWidth, value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.time); } break; case DBHandler.PC_BOOLEAN: { setupWork += " Is Boolean"; edit.Combo(field * 24 + 4, 124, comboWidth, value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.combo); } break; case DBHandler.PC_BYTE: { setupWork += " Is Byte"; edit.Text(field * 24 + 4, 124, editWidth, maxLength(pcField), value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.text); } break; case DBHandler.PC_SHORT: { setupWork += " Is Short"; edit.Text(field * 24 + 4, 124, editWidth, maxLength(pcField), value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.text); } break; case DBHandler.PC_DOUBLE: { edit.Text(field * 24 + 4, 124, editWidth, maxLength(pcField), value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.text); } break; case DBHandler.PC_SEQUENCE: case DBHandler.PC_INT: { edit.Text(field * 24 + 4, 124, editWidth, maxLength(pcField), value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.text); } break; case DBHandler.PC_LONG: { edit.Text(field * 24 + 4, 124, editWidth, maxLength(pcField), value); form.CapturePanel.Controls.Add(edit.text); } break; } if (showSetup.Checked == true) LogDebug = setupWork; } switch (how) { case EHow.ADD: form.Text = "Add Record for " +; form.isAdd = true; form.isChange = false; form.isDelete = false; form.isDisplay = false; break; case EHow.CHANGE: form.Text = "Change Record on " +; form.isAdd = false; form.isChange = true; form.isDelete = false; form.isDisplay = false; break; case EHow.DELETE: form.Text = "Delete Record in " +; form.isAdd = false; form.isChange = false; form.isDelete = true; form.isDisplay = false; break; case EHow.DISPLAY: form.Text = "Display Record of " +; form.isAdd = false; form.isChange = false; form.isDelete = false; form.isDisplay = true; break; } DialogResult rc = form.ShowDialog(); if (rc != DialogResult.OK || how == EHow.DISPLAY) return; List<string> cells = new List<string>(pcTable.noFields); for (field = 0; field < pcTable.noFields; field++) cells.Add(edits[field].Value); connect.BeginTransaction(); try { DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); string sysdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); switch (how) { case EHow.ADD: newUsId = userName; newTmStamp = sysdate; query = "INSERT INTO " +; query += " VALUES "; c = "( "; for (field = 0; field < pcTable.noFields; field++) { query += c + sqlReady(pcFields[offset + field], cells[field], true,; c = ", "; } query += ", '" + userName + "', Sysdate)"; break; case EHow.CHANGE: newUsId = userName; newTmStamp = sysdate; query = "UPDATE " +; query += " SET "; c = ""; for (field = 0; field < pcTable.noFields; field++) { if (isKey(pcTable, field) == true) continue; query += c + pcFields[offset + field].name + " = " + sqlReady(pcFields[offset + field], cells[field]); c = ", "; } query += ", " + db.UsId + " = '" + userName + "', " + db.TmStamp + " = Sysdate"; query += " " + where; break; case EHow.DELETE: query = "DELETE FROM " +; query += " " + where; break; } using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { if (showSQL.Checked == true) LogDebug = query; db.Execute(query); if (BinTables.HasValidation() == true) { if (validateAuditPython(pcTable, how, edits, oldUsId, newUsId, oldTmStamp, newTmStamp) == false) { connect.FlagRollback(); return; } showTableGrid(); } } catch (Exception ex) { connect.FlagRollback(); showException(ex); } } } finally { connect.EndTransaction(); } }
private void fromSelectedClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { connect.BeginTransaction(); try { lastErrorStripLabel.Text = ""; int fromCol = relationFromCol == 0 ? relationFromCol : relationToCol; int toCol = relationToCol == 0 ? relationFromCol : relationToCol; int noFromCols = relationFromCol == 0 ? relationNoFromCols : relationNoToCols; int noToCols = relationToCol == 0 ? relationNoFromCols : relationNoToCols; int offsetFields = pcRelation.offsetFields; string fromValue = relationFromValue; string[] toValues = new string[selectedRelationList.SelectedIndices.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (int index in selectedRelationList.SelectedIndices) toValues[i++] = selectedRelationList.Items[index].ToString(); foreach (string toValue in toValues) { string[] fromList = relationFromCol == 0 ? fromValue.Split(('|')) : toValue.Split(('|')); string[] toList = relationToCol == 0 ? fromValue.Split(('|')) : toValue.Split(('|')); string fieldNames = "["; string values = "["; string comma = ""; string command = "DELETE FROM " +; string conj = " WHERE "; for (int c = 0; c < noFromCols; c++) { fieldNames += comma + "'" + pcFields[c + offsetFields + fromCol].name + "'"; values += comma + "'" + fromList[c] + "'"; comma = ", "; command += conj + pcFields[c + offsetFields + fromCol].name + " = '" + fromList[c] + "'"; conj = " AND "; } for (int c = 0; c < noToCols; c++) { fieldNames += comma + "'" + pcFields[c + offsetFields + toCol].name + "'"; values += comma + "'" + fromList[c] + "'"; command += conj + pcFields[c + offsetFields + toCol].name + " = '" + toList[c] + "'"; conj = " AND "; } fieldNames += "]"; values += "]"; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); db.Execute(command); if (BinTables.HasValidation() == true) { if (validatePython(pcRelation, EHow.DELETE, fieldNames, values) == false) { connect.FlagRollback(); return; } } } listOfRelationsDoubleClick(sender, e); Refresh(); if (relationFromCol == 0) { leftRelationCombo.SelectedIndex = leftRelationCombo.Items.IndexOf(fromValue); leftRelationComboChange(sender, e); } else { rightRelationCombo.SelectedIndex = rightRelationCombo.Items.IndexOf(fromValue); rightRelationComboChange(sender, e); } } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); connect.FlagRollback(); } finally { connect.EndTransaction(); } } }
private void lookupChange(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { lastErrorStripLabel.Text = ""; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); setDB(db,; db.Lookup = ""; string C = " WHERE "; string MR = "5000"; if (maxRowsEdit.Value > 0) MR = maxRowsEdit.Value.ToString(); db.Lookup += C + "RowNum <= " + MR; C = "AND "; string value = likeEdit.Text.Trim(); if (value.Length > 0) { int o = pcTable.offsetFields; int k = pcTable.offsetKeyFields; int f = pcKeyFields[k].index + o; value = value.Replace("'", "''"); int p = value.IndexOf('%'); if (p == 0) p = value.IndexOf('_'); db.Lookup += string.Format("{0} {1} {2} '{3}'", C, pcFields[f].name, p == 0 ? "=" : "LIKE", value); } dbLookupLabel.Text = registry["Lookup",] = db.Lookup; db.GetTable(, pcFields, pcTable.offsetFields, pcTable.noFields, pcOrderFields, pcTable.offsetOrderFields, pcTable.noOrderFields); db.Grid = tablesDataGrid; } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); } } }
private void valueComboChange(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { registry["Value",] = valueCombo.Text; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); setDB(db,; db.Lookup = ""; string C = " WHERE "; string MR = "5000"; if (maxRowsEdit.Value > 0) MR = maxRowsEdit.Value.ToString(); db.Lookup += C + "RowNum <= " + MR; C = "AND "; string value = valueCombo.Text.Trim(); value = value.Replace("'", "''"); int p = value.IndexOf('%'); if (p == 0) p = value.IndexOf('_'); if (value.Length > 0) db.Lookup += string.Format("{0} {1} {2} '{3}'", C, lookupCombo.Text, p == 0 ? "=" : "LIKE", value); db.GetTable(, pcFields, pcTable.offsetFields, pcTable.noFields, pcOrderFields, pcTable.offsetOrderFields, pcTable.noOrderFields); db.Grid = tablesDataGrid; } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); } } }
private void valueComboDropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { lastErrorStripLabel.Text = ""; if (valueCombo.Items.Count > 0) return; int field; int noFields = pcTable.noFields; int offsetFields = pcTable.offsetFields; for (field = 0; field < noFields; field++) if (lookupCombo.Text.CompareTo(pcFields[field + offsetFields].name) == 0) break; if (field > noFields) return; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); db.GetDistinctList(, pcFields[field + offsetFields]); db.PopulateCombo(valueCombo); } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); } } }
public static void SQLAction(string code) { if (connect == null) return; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); db.Execute(code); }
public static string SQLQuery(string code) { if (connect == null) return ""; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); return db.Query(code); }
private bool sizeIsOk(int link) { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); int tno = pcLinks[link].tableNo; string name = pcTables[tno].name; int size = db.GetCount(name); return size < int.Parse(maxDropdownEdit.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); return false; } } }
private void showTableGrid() { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { lastErrorStripLabel.Text = ""; maxRowsEdit.Value = Registry.IntOf(registry["MaxRows",, "0"]); allowUpdates = pcTable.viewOnly == 0; setUpdateActions(); DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); setDB(db,; db.GetTable(, pcFields, pcTable.offsetFields, pcTable.noFields, pcOrderFields, pcTable.offsetOrderFields, pcTable.noOrderFields); tablesDataGrid.Columns.Clear(); db.Grid = tablesDataGrid; clearAdd.Checked = registry["ClearAdd",, "False"] == "True" ? true : false; if (pcTable.noOrderFields > 1) { lookupCombo.Visible = true; lookupLabel.Visible = true; valueCombo.Visible = true; valueLabel.Visible = true; doValueButton.Visible = true; likeLabel.Visible = false; likeEdit.Visible = false; doButton.Visible = false; lookupCombo.Items.Clear(); valueCombo.Items.Clear(); int o = pcTable.offsetFields; for (int j = 0; j < pcTable.noOrderFields; j++) { int k = j + pcTable.offsetOrderFields; int f = pcOrderFields[k].index + o; lookupCombo.Items.Add(pcFields[f].name); } lookupCombo.Text = registry["LookupKey",, ""]; valueCombo.Text = registry["LookupValue",, ""]; } else { lookupCombo.Visible = false; lookupLabel.Visible = false; valueCombo.Visible = false; valueLabel.Visible = false; doValueButton.Visible = false; likeLabel.Visible = true; likeEdit.Visible = true; doButton.Visible = true; likeEdit.Text = registry["Like",, ""]; } } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); } } }
private void showRelationsGrid() { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { lastErrorStripLabel.Text = ""; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); int offsetFields = pcRelation.offsetFields; int noFields = pcRelation.noFromFields + pcRelation.noToFields; db.GetTable(, pcFields, offsetFields, noFields, pcOrderFields, 0, 0); db.Grid = relationDataGrid; populateCombo(leftRelationCombo, pcRelation.fromTable); leftTableLabel.Text = pcTables[pcRelation.fromTable].name; populateCombo(rightRelationCombo, pcRelation.toTable); rightTableLabel.Text = pcTables[pcRelation.toTable].name; availableRelationList.Items.Clear(); selectedRelationList.Items.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); } } }
private void setDB(DBHandler db, string tableName) { dbLookupLabel.Text = db.Lookup = registry["Lookup", tableName, ""]; db.UsId = registry["UsId", tableName, "UsId"]; db.TmStamp = registry["TmStamp", tableName, "TmStamp"]; }
private void populateCombo(ComboBox combo, int tableIndex) { using (AutoCursor.DatabaseCall) { try { TPCTable pcTable = pcTables[tableIndex]; lastErrorStripLabel.Text = ""; DBHandler db = new DBHandler(connect); setDB(db,; db.Lookup = ""; db.GetTable(, pcFields, pcTable.offsetFields, pcTable.noFields, pcOrderFields, pcTable.offsetOrderFields, pcTable.noOrderFields); db.PopulateCombo(combo, pcKeyFields, pcTable.offsetKeyFields, pcTable.noKeyFields); } catch (Exception ex) { showException(ex); } } }