예제 #1
        private void CreateMenu()
            //VehicleData vd = new VehicleData();
            #region initial setup.

            // Create the menu.
            menu = new UIMenu("BigFam Crew", "Vehicle Spawner", true)
                ScaleWithSafezone       = false,
                MouseControlsEnabled    = false,
                MouseEdgeEnabled        = false,
                ControlDisablingEnabled = false

            // Create the buttons and checkboxes.
            UIMenuItem         spawnByName = new UIMenuItem("Spawn Vehicle By Model Name", "Enter the name of a vehicle to spawn.");
            UIMenuCheckboxItem spawnInVeh  = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Spawn Inside Vehicle", SpawnInVehicle,
                                                                    "This will teleport you into the vehicle when you spawn it.");
            UIMenuCheckboxItem replacePrev = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Replace Previous Vehicle", ReplaceVehicle,
                                                                    "This will automatically delete your previously spawned vehicle when you spawn a new vehicle.");

            // Add the items to the menu.
            if (cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VSSpawnByName))

            #region addon cars menu
            // Vehicle Addons List
            UIMenu addonCarsMenu = new UIMenu("Addon Vehicles", "Spawn An Addon Vehicle", true)
                MouseControlsEnabled    = false,
                MouseEdgeEnabled        = false,
                ControlDisablingEnabled = false,
                ScaleWithSafezone       = false
            UIMenuItem addonCarsBtn = new UIMenuItem("Addon Vehicles", "A list of addon vehicles available on this server.");


            if (cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VSAddon))
                if (AddonVehicles != null)
                    if (AddonVehicles.Count > 0)
                        menu.BindMenuToItem(addonCarsMenu, addonCarsBtn);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, uint> veh in AddonVehicles)
                            string localizedName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(veh.Value));
                            string name          = localizedName != "NULL" ? localizedName : GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(veh.Value);
                            name = name != "CARNOTFOUND" ? name : veh.Key;
                            UIMenuItem carBtn = new UIMenuItem(name, $"Click to spawn {name}.");
                            if (!IsModelInCdimage(veh.Value))
                                carBtn.Enabled     = false;
                                carBtn.Description = "This vehicle is not available. Please ask the server owner to check if the vehicle is being streamed correctly.";

                         * //AddonVehicles.ToList();
                         * List<UIMenuItem> buttonsList = new List<UIMenuItem> { };
                         * menu.BindMenuToItem(addonCarsMenu, addonCarsBtn);
                         * MainMenu.Mp.Add(addonCarsMenu);
                         * foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> veh in AddonVehicles)
                         * {
                         *  string localizedName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(veh.Value));
                         *  string name = localizedName != "NULL" ? localizedName : GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(veh.Value);
                         *  name = name != "CARNOTFOUND" ? name : veh.Key;
                         *  UIMenuItem carBtn = new UIMenuItem(name, $"Click to spawn {name}.");
                         *  carBtn.SetRightLabel($"({veh.Key.ToString()})");
                         *  if (!IsModelInCdimage(veh.Value))
                         *  {
                         *      carBtn.Enabled = false;
                         *      carBtn.Description = "This vehicle is not available. Please ask the server owner to check if the vehicle is being streamed correctly.";
                         *      carBtn.SetLeftBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Lock);
                         *  }
                         *  buttonsList.Add(carBtn);
                         * }
                         * buttonsList.Sort((prev, next) => String.Compare(prev.Text, next.Text));
                         * buttonsList.ForEach(carBtn =>
                         * {
                         *  addonCarsMenu.AddItem(carBtn);
                         * });
                        addonCarsMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                            cf.SpawnVehicle(AddonVehicles.ElementAt(index).Key, SpawnInVehicle, ReplaceVehicle);
                        addonCarsBtn.Enabled = false;
                        addonCarsBtn.Description = "There are no addon vehicles available on this server.";
                    addonCarsBtn.Enabled = false;
                    addonCarsBtn.Description = "The list containing all addon cars could not be loaded, is it configured properly?";
                addonCarsBtn.Enabled = false;
                addonCarsBtn.Description = "Access to this list has been restricted by the server owner.";

            #region vehicle classes submenus
            // Create the submenus for each category.
            var vl = new Vehicles();

            // Loop through all the vehicle classes.
            for (var vehClass = 0; vehClass < 22; vehClass++)
                // Get the class name.
                string className = cf.GetLocalizedName($"VEH_CLASS_{vehClass.ToString()}");

                // Create a button & a menu for it, add the menu to the menu pool and add & bind the button to the menu.
                UIMenuItem btn = new UIMenuItem(className, $"Spawn a vehicle from the ~o~{className} ~s~class.");

                UIMenu vehicleClassMenu = new UIMenu("Vehicle Spawner", className, true)
                    ScaleWithSafezone       = false,
                    MouseControlsEnabled    = false,
                    MouseEdgeEnabled        = false,
                    ControlDisablingEnabled = false

                 * MainMenu.Mp.Add(vehicleClassMenu);
                 * menu.AddItem(btn);
                 * if (allowedCategories[vehClass])
                 * {
                 *  menu.BindMenuToItem(vehicleClassMenu, btn);
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  btn.SetLeftBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Lock);
                 *  btn.Description = "This category has been disabled by the server owner.";
                 *  btn.Enabled = false;
                 * }

                // Create a dictionary for the duplicate vehicle names (in this vehicle class).
                var duplicateVehNames = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                #region Add vehicles per class
                // Loop through all the vehicles in the vehicle class.
                foreach (var veh in vl.VehicleClasses[className])
                    // Convert the model name to start with a Capital letter, converting the other characters to lowercase.
                    var properCasedModelName = veh[0].ToString().ToUpper() + veh.ToLower().Substring(1);

                    // Get the localized vehicle name, if it's "NULL" (no label found) then use the "properCasedModelName" created above.
                    var vehName = cf.GetVehDisplayNameFromModel(veh) != "NULL" ? cf.GetVehDisplayNameFromModel(veh) : properCasedModelName;

                    // Loop through all the menu items and check each item's title/text and see if it matches the current vehicle (display) name.
                    var duplicate = false;
                    for (var itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < vehicleClassMenu.MenuItems.Count; itemIndex++)
                        // If it matches...
                        if (vehicleClassMenu.MenuItems[itemIndex].Text.ToString() == vehName)
                            // Check if the model was marked as duplicate before.
                            if (duplicateVehNames.Keys.Contains(vehName))
                                // If so, add 1 to the duplicate counter for this model name.

                            // If this is the first duplicate, then set it to 2.
                                duplicateVehNames[vehName] = 2;

                            // The model name is a duplicate, so get the modelname and add the duplicate amount for this model name to the end of the vehicle name.
                            vehName += $" ({duplicateVehNames[vehName].ToString()})";

                            // Then create and add a new button for this vehicle.

                            if (cf.DoesModelExist(veh))
                                var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName)
                                    Enabled = true
                                var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName, "This vehicle is not available because the model could not be found in your game files. If this is a DLC vehicle, make sure the server is streaming it.")
                                    Enabled = false

                            // Mark duplicate as true and break from the loop because we already found the duplicate.
                            duplicate = true;

                    // If it's not a duplicate, add the model name.
                    if (!duplicate)
                        if (cf.DoesModelExist(veh))
                            var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName)
                                Enabled = true
                            var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName, "This vehicle is not available because the model could not be found in your game files. If this is a DLC vehicle, make sure the server is streaming it.")
                                Enabled = false

                // Handle button presses
                vehicleClassMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender2, item2, index2) =>
                    cf.SpawnVehicle(vl.VehicleClasses[className][index2], SpawnInVehicle, ReplaceVehicle);

            #region handle events
            // Handle button presses.
            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == spawnByName)
                    // Passing "custom" as the vehicle name, will ask the user for input.
                    cf.SpawnVehicle("custom", SpawnInVehicle, ReplaceVehicle);

            // Handle checkbox changes.
            menu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, _checked) =>
                if (item == spawnInVeh)
                    SpawnInVehicle = _checked;
                else if (item == replacePrev)
                    ReplaceVehicle = _checked;
예제 #2
파일: MainMenu.cs 프로젝트: brysi73/vMenu
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the online players menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                UIMenu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban))
                TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", PlayerId());
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                UIMenu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", PlayerId());

            // Add the player options menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            var vl = new Vehicles().VehicleClasses;

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                UIMenu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
                SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
                UIMenu     menu   = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                UIMenu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && MenuOptions["disableSync"] != "true")
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && MenuOptions["disableSync"] != "true")
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add misc settings menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu))
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                UIMenu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Misc Settings", "Change general settings.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Voice Chat Menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu))
                VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat();
                UIMenu     menu   = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.
            AboutMenu = new About();
            UIMenu     sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
            UIMenuItem btn = new UIMenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about this menu and it's creators.");

            AddMenu(sub, btn);

            // Refresh everything.

            // Globally disable the native ui controls disabling.
            Mp.ControlDisablingEnabled = false;
            // Globally disable the "mouse edge" feature.
            Mp.MouseEdgeEnabled = false;
예제 #3
        private void CreateMenu()
            VehicleData vd = new VehicleData();

            allowedCategories = new List <bool>()

            // Create the menu.
            menu = new UIMenu(GetPlayerName(PlayerId()), "Vehicle Spawner", true)
                ScaleWithSafezone       = false,
                MouseControlsEnabled    = false,
                MouseEdgeEnabled        = false,
                ControlDisablingEnabled = false

            // Create the buttons and checkboxes.
            UIMenuItem         spawnByName = new UIMenuItem("Spawn Vehicle By Model Name", "Enter the name of a vehicle to spawn.");
            UIMenuCheckboxItem spawnInVeh  = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Spawn Inside Vehicle", SpawnInVehicle,
                                                                    "This will teleport you into the vehicle when you spawn it.");
            UIMenuCheckboxItem replacePrev = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Replace Previous Vehicle", SpawnInVehicle,
                                                                    "This will automatically delete your previously spawned vehicle when you spawn a new vehicle.");

            // Add the items to the menu.
            if (cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VSSpawnByName))

            // Create the submenus for each category.

            var vl = new Vehicles();

            // Loop through all the vehicle classes.
            for (var vehClass = 0; vehClass < 22; vehClass++)
                // Get the class name.
                string className = cf.GetLocalizedName($"VEH_CLASS_{vehClass.ToString()}");

                // Create a button & a menu for it, add the menu to the menu pool and add & bind the button to the menu.
                UIMenuItem btn = new UIMenuItem(className, $"Spawn a vehicle from the ~o~{className} ~s~class.");
                UIMenu vehicleClassMenu = new UIMenu("Vehicle Spawner", className, true)
                    ScaleWithSafezone       = false,
                    MouseControlsEnabled    = false,
                    MouseEdgeEnabled        = false,
                    ControlDisablingEnabled = false
                if (allowedCategories[vehClass])
                    menu.BindMenuToItem(vehicleClassMenu, btn);
                    btn.Description = "This category has been disabled by the server owner.";
                    btn.Enabled     = false;

                // Create a dictionary for the duplicate vehicle names (in this vehicle class).
                var duplicateVehNames = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                // Loop through all the vehicles in the vehicle class.
                foreach (var veh in vl.VehicleClasses[className])
                    // Convert the model name to start with a Capital letter, converting the other characters to lowercase.
                    var properCasedModelName = veh[0].ToString().ToUpper() + veh.ToLower().Substring(1);

                    // Get the localized vehicle name, if it's "NULL" (no label found) then use the "properCasedModelName" created above.
                    var vehName = cf.GetVehDisplayNameFromModel(veh) != "NULL" ? cf.GetVehDisplayNameFromModel(veh) : properCasedModelName;

                    // Loop through all the menu items and check each item's title/text and see if it matches the current vehicle (display) name.
                    var duplicate = false;
                    for (var itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < vehicleClassMenu.MenuItems.Count; itemIndex++)
                        // If it matches...
                        if (vehicleClassMenu.MenuItems[itemIndex].Text.ToString() == vehName)
                            // Check if the model was marked as duplicate before.
                            if (duplicateVehNames.Keys.Contains(vehName))
                                // If so, add 1 to the duplicate counter for this model name.

                            // If this is the first duplicate, then set it to 2.
                                duplicateVehNames[vehName] = 2;

                            // The model name is a duplicate, so get the modelname and add the duplicate amount for this model name to the end of the vehicle name.
                            vehName += $" ({duplicateVehNames[vehName].ToString()})";

                            // Then create and add a new button for this vehicle.

                            if (cf.DoesModelExist(veh))
                                var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName)
                                    Enabled = true
                                var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName, "This vehicle is not available because the model could not be found in your game files. If this is a DLC vehicle, make sure the server is streaming it.")
                                    Enabled = false

                            // Mark duplicate as true and break from the loop because we already found the duplicate.
                            duplicate = true;

                    // If it's not a duplicate, add the model name.
                    if (!duplicate)
                        if (cf.DoesModelExist(veh))
                            var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName)
                                Enabled = true
                            var vehBtn = new UIMenuItem(vehName, "This vehicle is not available because the model could not be found in your game files. If this is a DLC vehicle, make sure the server is streaming it.")
                                Enabled = false

                vehicleClassMenu.OnItemSelect += (sender2, item2, index2) =>
                    cf.SpawnVehicle(vl.VehicleClasses[className][index2], SpawnInVehicle, ReplaceVehicle);

            // Handle button presses.
            menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                if (item == spawnByName)
                    // Passing "custom" as the vehicle name, will ask the user for input.
                    cf.SpawnVehicle("custom", SpawnInVehicle, ReplaceVehicle);

            // Handle checkbox changes.
            menu.OnCheckboxChange += (sender, item, _checked) =>
                if (item == spawnInVeh)
                    SpawnInVehicle = _checked;
                else if (item == replacePrev)
                    ReplaceVehicle = _checked;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the online players menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                UIMenu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban))
                //TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", PlayerId());
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                UIMenu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", PlayerId());

            // Add the player options menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            var vl = new Vehicles().VehicleClasses;

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                UIMenu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
                SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
                UIMenu     menu   = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                UIMenu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync))
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync))
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                UIMenu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Voice Chat Menu.
            if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu))
                VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat();
                UIMenu     menu   = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

                RecordingMenu = new Recording();
                UIMenu     menu   = RecordingMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add misc settings menu.
            //if (Cf.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu))
            // removed the permissions check, because the misc menu should've never been restricted in the first place.
            // not sure why I even added this before... saving of preferences and similar functions should always be allowed.
            // no matter what.
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                UIMenu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                UIMenuItem button = new UIMenuItem("Misc Settings", "Miscellaneous vMenu options/settings can be configured here. You can also save your settings in this menu.");
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.
            AboutMenu = new About();
            UIMenu     sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
            UIMenuItem btn = new UIMenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.");

            AddMenu(sub, btn);

            // Refresh everything.

            // Globally disable the native ui controls disabling.
            Mp.ControlDisablingEnabled = false;
            // Globally disable the "mouse edge" feature.
            Mp.MouseEdgeEnabled = false;

            if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions))
                Notify.Info("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions.");
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the submenus depending on the permissions of the user.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmenus()
            // Add the online players menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPMenu))
                OnlinePlayersMenu = new OnlinePlayers();
                Menu     menu   = OnlinePlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Online Players", "All currently connected players.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.OPUnban) || IsAllowed(Permission.OPViewBannedPlayers))
                BannedPlayersMenu = new BannedPlayers();
                Menu     menu   = BannedPlayersMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Banned Players", "View and manage all banned players in this menu.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)
                        TriggerServerEvent("vMenu:RequestBanList", Game.Player.Handle);

            // Add the player options menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.POMenu))
                PlayerOptionsMenu = new PlayerOptions();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Options", "Common player options can be accessed here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the vehicle options Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VOMenu))
                VehicleOptionsMenu = new VehicleOptions();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Options", "Here you can change common vehicle options, as well as tune & style your vehicle.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            var vl = new Vehicles().VehicleClasses;

            // Add the vehicle spawner menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VSMenu))
                VehicleSpawnerMenu = new VehicleSpawner();
                Menu     menu   = VehicleSpawnerMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Vehicle Spawner", "Spawn a vehicle by name or choose one from a specific category.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Saved Vehicles menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.SVMenu))
                SavedVehiclesMenu = new SavedVehicles();
                Menu     menu   = SavedVehiclesMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Saved Vehicles", "Save new vehicles, or spawn or delete already saved vehicles.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);
                Menu.OnItemSelect += (sender, item, index) =>
                    if (item == button)

            // Add the Personal Vehicle menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PVMenu))
                PersonalVehicleMenu = new PersonalVehicle();
                Menu     menu   = PersonalVehicleMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Personal Vehicle", "Set a vehicle as your personal vehicle, and control some things about that vehicle when you're not inside.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the player appearance menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.PAMenu))
                PlayerAppearanceMenu = new PlayerAppearance();
                Menu     menu   = PlayerAppearanceMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Player Appearance", "Choose a ped model, customize it and save & load your customized characters.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

                MpPedCustomizationMenu = new MpPedCustomization();
                Menu     menu2   = MpPedCustomizationMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button2 = new MenuItem("MP Ped Customization", "Create, edit, save and load multiplayer peds. ~r~Note, you can only save peds created in this submenu. vMenu can NOT detect peds created outside of this submenu. Simply due to GTA limitations.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu2, button2);

            // Add the time options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.TOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_time_sync))
                TimeOptionsMenu = new TimeOptions();
                Menu     menu   = TimeOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Time Options", "Change the time, and edit other time related options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weather options menu.
            // check for 'not true' to make sure that it _ONLY_ gets disabled if the owner _REALLY_ wants it disabled, not if they accidentally spelled "false" wrong or whatever.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WOMenu) && GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_enable_weather_sync))
                WeatherOptionsMenu = new WeatherOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeatherOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weather Options", "Change all weather related options here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add the weapons menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WPMenu))
                WeaponOptionsMenu = new WeaponOptions();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponOptionsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Options", "Add/remove weapons, modify weapons and set ammo options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Weapon Loadouts menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.WLMenu))
                WeaponLoadoutsMenu = new WeaponLoadouts();
                Menu     menu   = WeaponLoadoutsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Weapon Loadouts", "Mange, and spawn saved weapon loadouts.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add Voice Chat Menu.
            if (IsAllowed(Permission.VCMenu))
                VoiceChatSettingsMenu = new VoiceChat();
                Menu     menu   = VoiceChatSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Voice Chat Settings", "Change Voice Chat options here.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

                RecordingMenu = new Recording();
                Menu     menu   = RecordingMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Recording Options", "In-game recording options.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add misc settings menu.
            //if (CommonFunctions.IsAllowed(Permission.MSMenu))
            // removed the permissions check, because the misc menu should've never been restricted in the first place.
            // not sure why I even added this before... saving of preferences and similar functions should always be allowed.
            // no matter what.
                MiscSettingsMenu = new MiscSettings();
                Menu     menu   = MiscSettingsMenu.GetMenu();
                MenuItem button = new MenuItem("Misc Settings", "Miscellaneous vMenu options/settings can be configured here. You can also save your settings in this menu.")
                    Label = "→→→"
                AddMenu(menu, button);

            // Add About Menu.
            AboutMenu = new About();
            Menu     sub = AboutMenu.GetMenu();
            MenuItem btn = new MenuItem("About vMenu", "Information about vMenu.")
                Label = "→→→"

            AddMenu(sub, btn);

            // Refresh everything.
            MenuController.Menus.ForEach((m) => m.RefreshIndex());

            if (!GetSettingsBool(Setting.vmenu_use_permissions))
                Notify.Alert("vMenu is set up to ignore permissions, default permissions will be used.");