public Texture GetTexture(string textureName) { textureName = textureName.ToLower(); if (textureName.Contains("_rt_camera")) { if (!Textures.ContainsKey(textureName)) { Textures.Add(textureName, Test.Inst.cameraTexture); } return(Textures [textureName]); } else { if (!Textures.ContainsKey(textureName)) { Textures.Add(textureName, VTFLoader.LoadFile(textureName)); } return(Textures [textureName]); } }
public Texture GetTexture(string textureName, string appendedOutName, bool asNormalMap) { textureName = textureName.ToLower(); if (textureName.Contains("_rt_camera")) { if (!Textures.ContainsKey(textureName)) { Textures.Add(textureName, Test.Inst.cameraTexture); } return(Textures [textureName]); } else { if (!Textures.ContainsKey(appendedOutName)) { Texture2D texture = VTFLoader.LoadFile(textureName, asNormalMap); Texture finalTexture = SerializeTexture(textureName, texture); Textures.Add(appendedOutName, finalTexture); } return(Textures[appendedOutName]); } }
void LoadEntity (int index) { List<string> data = new List<string> (); string pattern = "\"[^\"]*\""; foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches (entities[index], pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) data.Add (match.Value.Trim ('"')); int classNameIndex = data.FindIndex (n => n == "classname"); string className = data[classNameIndex + 1]; if (className == "worldspawn") { if(data.Contains("skyname")) // Skybox loading { string sky = data[data.FindIndex(n => n == "skyname") + 1]; Material SkyMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Skybox/6 Sided")); Texture FrontTex = VTFLoader.LoadFile("skybox/" + sky + "ft"); FrontTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; Texture BackTex = VTFLoader.LoadFile("skybox/" + sky + "bk"); BackTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; Texture LeftTex = VTFLoader.LoadFile("skybox/" + sky + "lf"); LeftTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; Texture RightTex = VTFLoader.LoadFile("skybox/" + sky + "rt"); RightTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; Texture DownTex = VTFLoader.LoadFile("skybox/" + sky + "dn"); DownTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; Texture UpTex = VTFLoader.LoadFile("skybox/" + sky + "up"); UpTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; //if any of you can code it so that the up texture of the skybox //gets rotated by 90 that would be perfect -Jhrino SkyMaterial.SetTexture("_FrontTex", FrontTex); SkyMaterial.SetTexture("_BackTex", BackTex); SkyMaterial.SetTexture("_LeftTex", LeftTex); SkyMaterial.SetTexture("_RightTex", RightTex); SkyMaterial.SetTexture("_DownTex", DownTex); SkyMaterial.SetTexture("_UpTex", UpTex); RenderSettings.skybox = SkyMaterial; } return; } Vector3 angles = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); if (data[0] == "model") { int modelIndex = int.Parse (data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "model") + 1].Substring (1)); GameObject obj = models[modelIndex]; if (data.Contains ("origin")) { if (data.FindIndex (n => n == "origin") % 2 == 0) obj.transform.position = ConvertUtils.StringToVector (data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "origin") + 1]); } if (data.Contains ("angles")) { string[] t = data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "angles") + 1].Split (' '); angles = new Vector3 (-ConvertUtils.floatParse(t[2]), ConvertUtils.floatParse(t[1]), ConvertUtils.floatParse(t[0])); obj.transform.eulerAngles = angles; } if (className == "func_illusionary") { MeshRenderer[] renderers = obj.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer> (); for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++) { renderers[i].shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; } } return; } string[] testEnts = new string[] { "info_player_start", "sky_camera", "point_camera", "light_environment", "prop_dynamic", "prop_dynamic_override" /*,"point_viewcontrol"*/ , "info_target", "light_spot", "light", "info_survivor_position", "env_projectedtexture", "func_illusionary", "prop_button", "prop_floor_button", "prop_weighted_cube", "prop_physics" }; if (testEnts.Contains (className)) { string targetname = null; if (data.Contains ("targetname")) targetname = data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "targetname") + 1]; if (data.Contains ("angles")) { string[] t = data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "angles") + 1].Split (' '); angles = new Vector3 (-ConvertUtils.floatParse(t[2]), ConvertUtils.floatParse(t[1]), ConvertUtils.floatParse(t[0])); } if (data.Contains ("pitch")) angles.x = -ConvertUtils.floatParse(data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "pitch") + 1]); GameObject obj = new GameObject (targetname ?? className); //if(className.Contains("light")) obj.transform.parent = entObject.transform; obj.transform.position = ConvertUtils.StringToVector (data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "origin") + 1]); obj.transform.eulerAngles = angles; /*if(className=="light") { Light l = obj.AddComponent<Light>(); l.color = ConvertUtils.stringToColor(data[data.FindIndex (n=>n=="_light")+1],255); } if(className=="light_spot") { Light l = obj.AddComponent<Light>(); l.type=LightType.Spot; l.color = ConvertUtils.stringToColor(data[data.FindIndex (n=>n=="_light")+1],255); //float pitch = 0; //if(data.Contains ("pitch")) // pitch = float.Parse (data[data.FindIndex (n=>n=="pitch")+1]); if(data.Contains ("_cone")) { l.spotAngle = int.Parse (data[data.FindIndex (n=>n=="_cone")+1]); } //angles.y = pitch; angles.y+=90; //obj.transform.eulerAngles = angles; }*/ if (className == "light_environment" & Test.Inst.light_environment != null) { Light l = Test.Inst.light_environment; l.color = ConvertUtils.stringToColor (data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "_light") + 1], 255); //float pitch = 0; //if(data.Contains ("pitch")) // pitch = float.Parse (data[data.FindIndex (n=>n=="pitch")+1]); //angles.y = pitch; angles.y += 90; l.transform.eulerAngles = angles; } if (className == "sky_camera") { Test.Inst.skyCameraOrigin = obj.transform.position; if (Test.Inst.skyCamera != null) { //Test.Inst.skyCamera.transform.SetParent(obj.transform); //; Test.Inst.skyCamera.transform.localPosition = (Test.Inst.playerCamera.transform.position / 16) + Test.Inst.skyCameraOrigin; Test.Inst.skyCamera.transform.rotation = Test.Inst.playerCamera.transform.rotation; } } if (!Test.Inst.isL4D2) { if (className == "info_player_start") { Test.Inst.startPos = obj.transform.position; } } else { if (className == "info_survivor_position") { Test.Inst.startPos = obj.transform.position; } } if ((className == "prop_dynamic" | className == "prop_dynamic_override" | className == "prop_weighted_cube" | className == "prop_floor_button" | className == "prop_button" | className == "prop_physics") && uSrcSettings.Inst.propsDynamic) { string modelName = ""; if (data.Contains ("model")) modelName = data[data.FindIndex (n => n == "model") + 1]; else if (className == "prop_weighted_cube") modelName = "models/props/metal_box.mdl"; else if (className == "prop_floor_button") modelName = "models/props/portal_button.mdl"; else if (className == "prop_button") modelName = "models/props/switch001.mdl"; //angles.y-=90; //Kostyl //if(modelName.Contains("signage_num0")) // angles.y+=90; //====== obj.transform.eulerAngles = angles; SourceStudioModel tempModel = ResourceManager.Inst.GetModel (modelName); if (tempModel == null || !tempModel.loaded) { //Debug.LogWarning("Error loading: "+modelName); GameObject prim = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Cube); = modelName; prim.transform.parent = obj.transform; prim.transform.localPosition =; } else { tempModel.GetInstance (obj, true, 0); } if(className == "prop_physics") { obj.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().convex = true; obj.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); } } /*if(className=="prop_floor_button") { string modelname="models/props/button_base_reference.mdl"; SourceStudioModel baseModel = ResourceManager.Inst.GetModel(modelName); if(baseModel==null||!baseModel.loaded) { Debug.LogWarning("Error loading: "+modelName); } else { GameObject baseObj=new GameObject("button_base"); baseObj.transform.SetParent(go.transform); baseModel.GetInstance(baseObj, true,0); } modelname="models/props/button_top_reference.mdl"; SourceStudioModel topModel = ResourceManager.Inst.GetModel(modelName); if(topModel==null||!topModel.loaded) { Debug.LogWarning("Error loading: "+modelName); } else { GameObject topObj=new GameObject("button_base"); topObj.transform.SetParent(go.transform); topModel.GetInstance(topObj, true,0); } obj.transform.eulerAngles = angles; }*/ } }