예제 #1
        public void DoAddTasks(bool abStartup)
            // Do this at most once per minute to avoid running the same task twice in rapid succession.
            if ( !abStartup && (!moProfile.ContainsKey("-AddTasks") || DateTime.Now < mdtPreviousAddTasksStarted.AddMinutes(1)) )

            mdtPreviousAddTasksStarted = DateTime.Now;

                if ( null == moAddTasksProfile )
                    moAddTasksProfile = moProfile.oProfile("-AddTasks").oOneKeyProfile("-Task");
                    moAddTasksProcessArray = new Process[moAddTasksProfile.Count];
                for (int i=0; i < moAddTasksProfile.Count; ++i)
                    // Convert the current task from a command-line string to a profile oject.
                    tvProfile loAddTask = new tvProfile(moAddTasksProfile[i].ToString());

                    bool lbDoTask = false;

                    if ( abStartup )
                        lbDoTask = loAddTask.bValue("-OnStartup", false);

                        // Reset pause timer to allow other tasks to run without delay after startup.
                        mdtPreviousAddTasksStarted = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1);
                        DateTime    ldtTaskStartTime = loAddTask.dtValue("-StartTime", DateTime.MinValue);
                        string      lsTaskDaysOfWeek = loAddTask.sValue("-StartDays", "");

                        // If -StartTime is within the current minute, start the task.
                        // If -StartDays is specified, run the task on those days only.
                        lbDoTask = DateTime.MinValue != ldtTaskStartTime && (int)mdtPreviousAddTasksStarted.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes == (int)ldtTaskStartTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes
                                && ("" == lsTaskDaysOfWeek || this.bListIncludesDay(lsTaskDaysOfWeek, mdtPreviousAddTasksStarted));

                    if ( lbDoTask )
                        string  lsCommandEXE = loAddTask.sValue("-CommandEXE", "add task -CommandEXE missing");

                        Process loProcess = new Process();
                                loProcess.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(this.BackupProcessOutputHandler);
                                loProcess.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(this.BackupProcessOutputHandler);
                                loProcess.StartInfo.FileName = lsCommandEXE;
                                loProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = loAddTask.sValue("-CommandArgs", "");
                                loAddTask.bValue("-UnloadOnExit", false);

                                // The following subset of parameters are overridden when -TimeoutMinutes is set. This is
                                // necessary to guarantee IO redirection is handled properly (ie. output goes to the log).
                        bool    lbWaitForExitOverride = (loAddTask.iValue("-TimeoutMinutes", 0) > 0);
                                loProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow          =  lbWaitForExitOverride | loAddTask.bValue("-CreateNoWindow", false);
                                loProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute         = !lbWaitForExitOverride & loAddTask.bValue("-UseShellExecute", true);
                                loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput   =  lbWaitForExitOverride | loAddTask.bValue("-RedirectStandardInput", false);
                                loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError   =  lbWaitForExitOverride | loAddTask.bValue("-RedirectStandardError", false);
                                loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput  =  lbWaitForExitOverride | loAddTask.bValue("-RedirectStandardOutput", false);

                                moAddTasksProcessArray[i] = loProcess;

                            if ( !loAddTask.bValue("-OnStartup", false) )
                                this.LogIt(String.Format("Starting Task: {0}", loAddTask.sCommandLine()));


                                // Start output to console also.
                                if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError )
                                if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput )

                                if ( lbWaitForExitOverride )
                                    // Wait the timeout period, then call "WaitForExit()" to flush the output steams.
                                    if ( loProcess.WaitForExit(60000 * loAddTask.iValue("-TimeoutMinutes", 0)) )

                                    // Stop output to console.
                                    if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError )
                                    if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput )

                                bool        lbFound = false;
                                string      lsWindowTitle = loAddTask.sValue("-CommandWindowTitle", "");
                                Process[]   loProcessesArray = Process.GetProcessesByName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(loProcess.StartInfo.FileName));
                                            // If there's exactly one matching process and no given window title to compare, we're done.
                                            lbFound = (1 == loProcessesArray.Length && "" == lsWindowTitle );

                                            // If no window title has been given to compare, there's nothing else to do.
                                            if ( !lbFound && "" != lsWindowTitle )
                                                // If no matching processes have been found so far, get them all to compare.
                                                if ( 0 == loProcessesArray.Length )
                                                    loProcessesArray = Process.GetProcesses();

                                                // Since a window title has been provided, it must be compared to the process(es) found.
                                                // Wildcards are permitted, but only at the end of titles. We stop at the first match.
                                                foreach (Process loProcessEntry in loProcessesArray)
                                                    if ( loProcessEntry.MainWindowTitle.StartsWith(lsWindowTitle.Replace("*", "")) )
                                                        lbFound = true;

                                // Don't start -OnStartup processes that have already been started.
                                if ( lbFound )
                                    // The process has "already started" if there is only one with the
                                    // same EXE or multiple EXEs with one having the same window title.
                                    this.LogIt(String.Format("Already running, task not started: {0}", loAddTask.sCommandLine()));
                                    this.LogIt(String.Format("Starting Task: {0}", loAddTask.sCommandLine()));


                                    // Start output to console also.
                                    if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError )
                                    if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput )

                                    if ( lbWaitForExitOverride )
                                        // Wait the timeout period, then call "WaitForExit()" to flush the output steams.
                                        if ( loProcess.WaitForExit(60000 * loAddTask.iValue("-TimeoutMinutes", 0)) )

                                        // Stop output to console.
                                        if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError )
                                        if ( loProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput )

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            this.ShowError(ex.Message, String.Format("Failed starting task: {0}", lsCommandEXE));
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ShowError(ex.Message, "Add Tasks Failed");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes files greater than the given age
        /// days and of the given file specifications.
        /// </summary>
        public bool CleanupFiles()
            // Return if cleanup is disabled.
            if ( !moProfile.bValue("-CleanupFiles", true) )
                this.LogIt("Cleanup files is disabled.");
                return true;
            // Return if backup is enabled and it was stopped.
            if (  moProfile.bValue("-BackupFiles", true) && this.bMainLoopStopped )
                return true;
                this.bMainLoopStopped = false;

            bool lbCleanupFiles = true;

            this.LogIt("File cleanup started ...");

            // Write the deleted file list header to disk.
            string  lsDeletedFileListOutputPathFile = moProfile.sRelativeToProfilePathFile(this.sDeletedFileListOutputPathFile);

            if ( !File.Exists(lsDeletedFileListOutputPathFile) )
                // Get the column header array.
                string[] lsColumnHeaderArray = moProfile.sValue("-DeletedFileListOutputColumnHeaderArray", "Deleted File Time,File Size,Former File Location").Split(',');

                StreamWriter loStreamWriter = null;

                    loStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(lsDeletedFileListOutputPathFile, false);

                    // First, output the file header.
                            , "{0, -10:MM-dd-yyyy} File Cleanup List"), DateTime.Today));

                    // Next output the column headers properly formatted to match the forthcoming data rows.
                              moProfile.sValue("-DeletedFileListOutputColumnFormat", "{0, -22:MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss tt}  {1, 13:#,#}  {2}")
                            , lsColumnHeaderArray[0], lsColumnHeaderArray[1], lsColumnHeaderArray[2]));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.ShowError(string.Format("File Write Failure: \"{0}\"\r\n"
                            , lsDeletedFileListOutputPathFile) + ex.Message
                            , "Failed Writing File"
                    if ( null != loStreamWriter )

                // This is used elsewhere to warn users if the software
                // has not been properly configured for file cleanups.
                this.mbHasNoDeletionGroups = true;

                if ( !moProfile.ContainsKey("-CleanupSet") )
                    // Create the default file cleanup sets.

                    // Get the primary backup set (ie. the 1st).
                    tvProfile loBackupSet1Profile = new tvProfile(moProfile.sValue("-BackupSet", "(not set)"));
                    string lsBackupOutputPathFileBase = this.sBackupOutputPathFileBase(loBackupSet1Profile);
                    string lsBackupOutputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(lsBackupOutputPathFileBase);
                    string lsBackupOutputFilenameNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(lsBackupOutputPathFileBase);

                    // Initially set the cleanup of primary backups to "no cleanup" (ie. 1000 years).
                    // The deletion limit prevents old file removal without new files to replace them.
                    moProfile.Add("-CleanupSet", string.Format(@"

                            , Path.Combine(lsBackupOutputPath, lsBackupOutputFilenameNoExt)
                            , Path.GetExtension(lsBackupOutputPathFileBase)

                    // Set the cleanup of temporary backup files to 0 days.
                    // This is necessary to cleanup after killed processes.
                    moProfile.Add("-CleanupSet", string.Format(@"

                            , Path.Combine(this.sArchivePath(), "*" + Path.GetExtension(lsBackupOutputPathFileBase))

                    // Set the cleanup of file lists and backup / cleanup log files to 30 days.
                    moProfile.Add("-CleanupSet", string.Format(@"

                            , Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.sZipToolFileListPathFileBase)
                                    , "*" + Path.GetExtension(this.sZipToolFileListPathFileBase))

                            , Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.sLogPathFileBase)
                                    , "*" + Path.GetExtension(this.sLogPathFileBase))

                // Get all cleanup sets.
                tvProfile loCleanupSetsProfile = moProfile.oOneKeyProfile("-CleanupSet");

                foreach (DictionaryEntry loEntry in loCleanupSetsProfile)
                    if ( this.bMainLoopStopped )

                    // Convert the current cleanup set from a command-line string to a profile oject.
                    tvProfile loCurrentCleanupSet = new tvProfile(loEntry.Value.ToString());

                    // The default "LastWriteTime" is the last modified datetime.
                    FileDateTimeTypes leFileDateTimeType;
                            switch (loCurrentCleanupSet.sValue("-DeletedFileListDateTimeType", "LastWriteTime"))
                                case "CreationTime":
                                    leFileDateTimeType = FileDateTimeTypes.CreationTime;
                                case "LastAccessTime":
                                    leFileDateTimeType = FileDateTimeTypes.LastAccessTime;
                                    leFileDateTimeType = FileDateTimeTypes.LastWriteTime;
                    // Use 1000 years as the default file age.
                    int         liAgeDays = loCurrentCleanupSet.iValue("-AgeDays", 365000);
                                liAgeDays = 0 == liAgeDays ? -1 : liAgeDays;
                                // "0" means "delete everything." -1 makes that happen.
                    DateTime    ldtOlderThan = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-liAgeDays);

                    // Get the list of path\file specifications to delete.
                    tvProfile loFilesToDeleteProfile = loCurrentCleanupSet.oOneKeyProfile("-FilesToDelete");

                    foreach (DictionaryEntry loPathFilesEntry in loFilesToDeleteProfile)
                        if ( this.bMainLoopStopped )

                        // Being here means there is at least one set of files to delete.
                        this.mbHasNoDeletionGroups = false;

                        if ( lbCleanupFiles )
                            lbCleanupFiles = this.CleanupPathFileSpec(
                                    , ldtOlderThan
                                    , leFileDateTimeType
                                    , loCurrentCleanupSet

                if ( lbCleanupFiles )
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ShowError(ex.Message, "Unanticipated Error");

                lbCleanupFiles = false;

            if ( this.bMainLoopStopped )
                this.LogIt("Cleanup process stopped.");
                this.bMainLoopStopped = false;
                lbCleanupFiles = false;
                if ( lbCleanupFiles )
                    this.LogIt("File cleanup finished.");
                    this.LogIt("File cleanup failed.");

            return lbCleanupFiles;
예제 #3
    public static tvMessageBoxResults Show(
        Window aoWindow
        , string asMessageText
        , string asMessageCaption
        , tvMessageBoxButtons aeTvMessageBoxButtons
        , tvMessageBoxIcons aeTvMessageBoxIcon
        , bool abShowModeless
        , tvMessageBoxCheckBoxTypes aeTvMessageBoxCheckBoxType
        , tvProfile aoProfile
        , string asProfilePromptKey
        , tvMessageBoxResults aeTvMessageBoxResultsOverride
        tvMessageBoxResults liTvMessageBoxResult = tvMessageBoxResults.None;

        string  lsPromptAnswerKey = null;
        bool    lbUseCheckBox = tvMessageBoxCheckBoxTypes.None != aeTvMessageBoxCheckBoxType;
                if ( lbUseCheckBox )
                    // Insert the prompt key prefix if it's not already there. A common prefix
                    // is necessary to allow for the removal of all prompt keys as needed.
                    if ( !asProfilePromptKey.StartsWith(msProfilePromptKeyPrefix) )
                        // Strip leading hyphen.
                        if ( asProfilePromptKey.StartsWith("-") )
                            asProfilePromptKey = asProfilePromptKey.Substring(1, asProfilePromptKey.Length - 1);

                        // Insert prefix.
                        asProfilePromptKey = msProfilePromptKeyPrefix + asProfilePromptKey;

                    // Make the answer key from the prompt key and the prompt key suffix.
                    lsPromptAnswerKey = asProfilePromptKey + msProfilePromptKeySuffix;

                    // Only the first display of a modeless dialog can contain a checkbox.
                    // Why? Because the first prompt is not modeless. That's the only way
                    // to capture the checkbox value. BTW, "lbUseCheckBox" is reset here
                    // for use outside of this block to avoid the default setting next.
                    if ( abShowModeless )
                        lbUseCheckBox = !aoProfile.ContainsKey(asProfilePromptKey);

                    if (      !aoProfile.bValue(asProfilePromptKey, false)
                            && aoProfile.ContainsKey(lsPromptAnswerKey) )
                        // Do not prompt. Return the previous stored answer instead.
                        return (tvMessageBoxResults)aoProfile.iValue(
                                lsPromptAnswerKey, (int)tvMessageBoxResults.None);

        if ( null == asMessageCaption )
            // No caption provided. Let's try to get one another way.

            if ( null != aoWindow )             // Try window title first.
                asMessageCaption = aoWindow.Title;
            if ( null != Application.Current )  // Next try for application name.
                asMessageCaption = Application.Current.MainWindow.Name;

        if ( null != aoWindow )
            aoWindow.Cursor = null;             // Turn off wait cursor in parent window.

        tvMessageBox    loMsgBox = new tvMessageBox();
                        loMsgBox.MessageText.Text = asMessageText;

                        // Use some parent window attributes, if available.
                        if ( null != aoWindow )
                            // Use the parent window's icon.
                            loMsgBox.Icon = aoWindow.Icon;

                            // Use the given asMessageCaption as the MsgBox title, if not null.
                            // Otherwise use the parent window title with an added question mark.
                            loMsgBox.Title = null != asMessageCaption
                                    ? asMessageCaption : aoWindow.Title + "?";

                        // Display the MsgBox header / title (ie. the caption), if provided.
                        if ( null != asMessageCaption )
                            loMsgBox.MessageTitle.Content = asMessageCaption;
                            loMsgBox.MessageTitle.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;


                        if ( lbUseCheckBox )
                            switch (aeTvMessageBoxCheckBoxType)
                                case tvMessageBoxCheckBoxTypes.DontAsk:
                                    loMsgBox.chkDontAsk.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                                case tvMessageBoxCheckBoxTypes.SkipThis:
                                    loMsgBox.chkSkipThis.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                        if ( !abShowModeless )
                            // It can only be modeless after the checkbox has been stored.
                            if ( lbUseCheckBox )

                        if ( lbUseCheckBox )
                            bool lbCheckBoxValue = false;

                            switch (aeTvMessageBoxCheckBoxType)
                                case tvMessageBoxCheckBoxTypes.DontAsk:
                                    lbCheckBoxValue = (bool)loMsgBox.chkDontAsk.IsChecked;
                                case tvMessageBoxCheckBoxTypes.SkipThis:
                                    lbCheckBoxValue = (bool)loMsgBox.chkSkipThis.IsChecked;

                            // Use the answer override whenever not "none". This value is
                            // necessary for certain stored answers that don't make sense
                            // in a given context (eg. both "skip this" and "cancel" selected).
                            if ( tvMessageBoxResults.None == aeTvMessageBoxResultsOverride )
                                aeTvMessageBoxResultsOverride = loMsgBox.eTvMessageBoxResult;

                            // Reverse the boolean. "Don't ask" or "Skip this" means "Don't prompt".
                            aoProfile[asProfilePromptKey] = !lbCheckBoxValue;
                            aoProfile[lsPromptAnswerKey] = (int)aeTvMessageBoxResultsOverride;

        liTvMessageBoxResult = loMsgBox.eTvMessageBoxResult;

        return liTvMessageBoxResult;
예제 #4
        internal static void ModelessMessageBox(tvProfile aoProfile, string asNamespace, string asTitle, string asMessage)
            String lcsMsgBoxExeName = "MessageBox.exe";

            System.Diagnostics.Process[] loProcessArray = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(

            if ( loProcessArray.Length < aoProfile.iValue("-ModelessMessageBoxMaxCount", 3) )
                string lsMsgExePathFile = Path.Combine(
                        Path.GetDirectoryName(aoProfile.sExePathFile), lcsMsgBoxExeName);

                tvFetchResource.ToDisk(asNamespace, lcsMsgBoxExeName, lsMsgExePathFile);

                if ( File.Exists(lsMsgExePathFile) )
                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(lsMsgExePathFile, String.Format(
                              "-Title=\"{0}: {1}\" -Message=\"{2}\""
                            , asNamespace.Replace("\"", "'")
                            , asTitle.Replace("\"", "'")
                            , asMessage.Replace("\"", "'")