예제 #1
        //Method called every time a new numericUpDown (+ associated Label) has to be added to pnlPredInputs
        public void setInputNumUpDown(int count, Variable curVariable)
            NumericUpDown curNum = new NumericUpDown();
            Label curLabel = new Label();
            if (count == 0)
                curNum = numPredInput0;
                curNum.Visible = true;
                curLabel = lblPredInp0;
                curLabel.Visible = true;
                //---- New numUpDown
                curNum.Name = "numPredInput" + count.ToString();
                curNum.TextAlign = numPredInput0.TextAlign;
                curNum.Width = numPredInput0.Width;
                curNum.Font = numPredInput0.Font;
                curNum.Cursor = numPredInput0.Cursor;
                curNum.ValueChanged += new System.EventHandler(numPredInput_ValueChanged);
                curNum.Location = new Point(numPredInput0.Location.X, numPredInput0.Location.Y + 50 * count);

                //---- New Label
                curLabel.Name = "lblPredInp" + count.ToString();
                curLabel.Font = lblPredInp0.Font;
                curLabel.ForeColor = lblPredInp0.ForeColor;
                curLabel.Location = new Point(lblPredInp0.Location.X, lblPredInp0.Location.Y + 50 * count);

            curNum.Tag = curVariable;

            curLabel.Text = curVariable.input.displayedShortName + ":";
예제 #2
        public List<double> realVals; //Y (independent variable) values as read from the input file

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public ValidCombination()
            realVals = new List<double>();
            calcVals = new List<RowVal>();
            errors = new List<double>();
            coeffs = new PolCoeffs();
            dependentVars = new Combination();
            independentVar = new Variable();
            assessment = new Assessment();
예제 #3
 public CombinationItem()
     variable = new Variable();
     operation = new Operation();
예제 #4
        //Method actually creating a new ValidCombination variable and performing preliminary validity checks
        private ValidCombination newCombination(Combination curCombination, Variable yVar, List<Input> inputs, List<ValidCombination> allValidCombinations, Config curConfig)
            //Performing the regression and the corresponding analysis to determine whether this specific combination should be stored or not
            CombValues xVals = Common.getCombinationListVals(curCombination, inputs);
            CombValues yVals = new CombValues();
            yVals.combination = new Combination();
            int maxDec = inputs[yVar.index].vals.Max(x => x <= Int32.MaxValue ? ((decimal)x - Convert.ToInt32((decimal)x)).ToString().Length - 2 : 0);
            if (maxDec < 0) maxDec = 0;

            Variable curVariable = new Variable() { index = yVar.index, input = inputs[yVar.index], noDec = maxDec };
            CombinationItem curItem = new CombinationItem() { variable = curVariable, operation = new Operation(), exponent = 1.0 };

            for (int row = 0; row < inputs[yVar.index].vals.Count; row++)
                RowVal curRowVal = new RowVal();
                curRowVal.value = inputs[yVar.index].vals[row];

            Analysis curAnalysis = new Analysis();
            ValidCombination curValidCombination = curAnalysis.createValidComb(curCombination, inputs, xVals, yVals, curConfig, true);

            if (curValidCombination != null && allValidCombinations.Count > 0)
                if (alreadyStored(curValidCombination, allValidCombinations))
                    curValidCombination = null;

            return curValidCombination;
예제 #5
        //Method starting the whole combinatorics process (and, subsequently, the calculations one) for the given independent variable and all the remaining "Input" (columns)
        private Results mainCombinations(Results curResults, List<Input> inputs, Variable indepVar)
            //Loop accounting for combinations consisting in just one variable
            for (int col = 0; col < inputs.Count; col++)
                if (cancelSim) return curResults;

                if (col != indepVar.index) curResults.combinations = addCombination(inputs, new List<int> { col }, curResults.config, curResults.combinations, indepVar);

            //Main loop combining all the variables among them, together with all the exponents and operations
            for (int col = 0; col < inputs.Count - 1; col++) //All the columns from the start until the previous to the last one
                if (cancelSim) return curResults;
                if (col == indepVar.index) continue;

                MainCalcs.bgwMain.ReportProgress(0, "Independent variable: " + indepVar.input.displayedName + " - Analysing all the combinations involving: " + inputs[col].displayedName + Environment.NewLine + "Valid solutions so far: " + curResults.combinations.Count.ToString());

                for (int col2 = col; col2 < inputs.Count; col2++) //All the columns from "col" to the last one
                    if (cancelSim) return curResults;

                    if (col2 == indepVar.index) continue;
                    int maxComb = inputs.Count - 1 - col2;
                    for (int comb = 0; comb < maxComb; comb++) // All the combinations of columns. For example: with 1, 2, 3, 4, when col is 1, there are upto 3 (e.g., 2-3-4)
                        if (cancelSim) return curResults;

                        int col3 = col2;

                        List<int> curList = new List<int>();

                        for (int comb2 = 0; comb2 <= comb; comb2++)
                            col3 = col3 + 1;
                            if (col3 != indepVar.index)
                                curList.Add(col3); //List including the variables being accounted in the current combination

                        curResults.combinations = addCombination(inputs, curList, curResults.config, curResults.combinations, indepVar);

            return curResults;
예제 #6
        //Method called from the main combinatorics loops for multivariate cases above (addMulti). Its whole purpose is reducing the size of the loops.
        //It includes the "more internal loops", the ones creating the corresponding ValidCombination and adding it to the list of all the combinations so far
        private List<ValidCombination> internalLoop(int[] curOpers, int[] curExps, List<ValidCombination> allCombinations, Config curConfig, List<int> indices, List<Input> inputs, Variable indepVar)
            for (int rel = 0; rel < curConfig.operations.Count; rel++)
                if (cancelSim) return allCombinations;

                Combination curCombination = new Combination();
                curOpers[indices.Count - 2] = rel;

                for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
                    int genIndex = indices[i];

                    //The cast to decimal type is included in order to avoid problems with the double floating point (e.g., without casting to decimal, 10.55 wouldn't be found)
                    int maxDec = inputs[genIndex].vals.Max(x => x <= Int32.MaxValue ? ((decimal)x - Convert.ToInt32((decimal)x)).ToString().Length - 2 : 0);
                    if (maxDec < 0) maxDec = 0;

                    Variable curVariable = new Variable { index = genIndex, input = inputs[genIndex], noDec = maxDec };
                    CombinationItem curItem = new CombinationItem() { variable = curVariable, exponent = curConfig.exponents[curExps[i]], operation = curConfig.operations[curOpers[i]] };

                allCombinations = addToAllCombinations(curCombination, inputs, curConfig, allCombinations, indepVar);

            return allCombinations;
예제 #7
        //This method creates a new "Variable" instance for the given independent variable (y) from the original "Input" one and starts the combinating/calculating processes
        private Results combsForIndep(List<Input> allInputs, int curIndex, Results curResults)
            int maxDec = allInputs[curIndex].vals.Max(x => x <= Int32.MaxValue ? ((decimal)x - Convert.ToInt32((decimal)x)).ToString().Length - 2 : 0);
            if (maxDec < 0) maxDec = 0;

            Variable indepVar = new Variable { index = curIndex, input = allInputs[curIndex], noDec = maxDec };

            return mainCombinations(curResults, allInputs, indepVar);
예제 #8
        //Method starting the creation of the corresponding "ValidCombination" and, eventually, storing it in the list including all the ones so far
        private List<ValidCombination> addToAllCombinations(Combination curCombination, List<Input> inputs, Config curConfig, List<ValidCombination> allCombinations, Variable indepVar)
            ValidCombination curValid = newCombination(curCombination, indepVar, inputs, allCombinations, curConfig);
            if (curValid != null)
                if (allCombinations.Count >= curConfig.maxNoCombs)
                    allCombinations = allCombinations.OrderByDescending(x => x.assessment.globalRating).ToList();

                    if (curValid.assessment.globalRating > allCombinations[allCombinations.Count - 1].assessment.globalRating)
                        allCombinations.RemoveAt(allCombinations.Count - 1);
                        curValid = null;

                if (curValid != null)
                    if (curValid.dependentVars.items.Count < 1)
                        if (curValid.coeffs.B != 0.0 || curValid.coeffs.C != 0.0) curValid = null;

            if(curValid != null) allCombinations.Add(curValid);

            return allCombinations;
예제 #9
        //Method performing all the required actions to create the combinations under the most difficult conditions (i.e., more than one variable), that is: perform all the
        //combinations among variables, exponents and operations; call the methods in charge of creating the corresponding "ValidCombination"; and, eventually, add the new
        //instance to the list of all the valid combinations so far
        //NOTA DEL CREADOR: modestia aparte, esta función es una puta obra de arte (en Spanish porque suena mejor :))
        private List<ValidCombination> addMulti(List<Input> inputs, List<int> indices, Config curConfig, List<ValidCombination> allCombinations, Variable indepVar)
            int[] curExps = new int[indices.Count];
            int[] curOpers = new int[indices.Count];

            //The code below these lines is fairly complicated as far as it has to deal with many variations (i.e., all the possible combinations among exponents, operations and variables).
            //In any case, it should be noted that a relevant "combinatorics effort" has already been done before calling this function, that is: setting all the possible combinations of variables.
            //The combinations are created as shown in the following example (vars: var1, var2, var3; exps: 1, 2; operations: *, +):
            // var1^1 * var2^1 * var3^1
            // var1^1 * var2^1 + var3^1
            // var1^1 * var2^1 * var3^2
            // var1^1 * var2^1 + var3^2
            // var1^1 + var2^1 * var3^1
            // var1^1 + var2^1 + var3^1
            // var1^1 + var2^1 * var3^2

            ExpRelUpdate obj1 = new ExpRelUpdate(indices.Count - 2, curConfig.exponents.Count - 1, indices.Count, curExps);
            curExps[obj1.index] = -1;

            while (!obj1.completed)
                obj1 = updateObjs13(obj1, true);
                if (obj1.completed) break;

                ExpRelUpdate obj2 = new ExpRelUpdate(indices.Count - 2, curConfig.exponents.Count - 1, indices.Count, curExps);

                while (!obj2.completed)
                    for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
                        curOpers[i] = 0;

                    ExpRelUpdate obj3 = new ExpRelUpdate(indices.Count - 2, curConfig.operations.Count - 1, indices.Count, curOpers);
                    curOpers[obj3.index] = -1;

                    while (!obj3.completed)
                        obj3 = updateObjs13(obj3, false);
                        if (obj3.completed) break;

                        for (int exp = 0; exp < curConfig.exponents.Count; exp++)
                            if (cancelSim) break;
                            curExps[indices.Count - 1] = exp;

                            allCombinations = internalLoop(curOpers, curExps, allCombinations, curConfig, indices, inputs, indepVar);

                    obj2 = updateObj2(obj2);
                    if (obj2.otherProp)
                        obj1.completed = true;

            return allCombinations;
예제 #10
        //Method in charge of putting together all the inputs for the given combination (i.e., variables, exponents and operations) and bring together all the remaining factors (e.g., suitability of the fit)
        //to form the associated ValidCombination and add it to the list of valid combinations created so far
        private List<ValidCombination> addCombination(List<Input> inputs, List<int> indices, Config curConfig, List<ValidCombination> allCombinations, Variable indepVar)
            if (indices.Count == 1)
                //Only one variable is accounted for and thus the whole combinatorial process will consist in accounting for the different exponents
                int genIndex = indices[0];

                for (int i = 0; i < curConfig.exponents.Count; i++)
                    if (cancelSim) break;

                    Combination curCombination = new Combination();

                    //The cast to decimal type is included in order to avoid problems from the double floating point (e.g., 10.55)
                    int maxDec = inputs[genIndex].vals.Max(x => x <= Int32.MaxValue ? ((decimal)x - Convert.ToInt32((decimal)x)).ToString().Length - 2 : 0);
                    if (maxDec < 0) maxDec = 0;
                    Variable curVariable = new Variable { index = genIndex, input = inputs[genIndex], noDec = maxDec };
                    CombinationItem curItem = new CombinationItem() { variable = curVariable, exponent = curConfig.exponents[i], operation = curConfig.operations[0] };

                    allCombinations = addToAllCombinations(curCombination, inputs, curConfig, allCombinations, indepVar);
                //Various variables are accounted for and thus everything (i.e., variables, exponents & operations) have to be brought into picture
                allCombinations = addMulti(inputs, indices, curConfig, allCombinations, indepVar);

            return allCombinations;