public void ClearChunk(ColorChunk chunk) { for (int i = 0; i < chunk.colors.Length; i++) { chunk.colors[i] = this.clearColor; } }
void Optimize(ColorChunk chunk) { bool empty = true; Color32 clearColor32 = this.clearColor; foreach (var c in chunk.colors) { if (c.r != clearColor32.r || c.g != clearColor32.g || c.b != clearColor32.b || c.a != clearColor32.a) { empty = false; break; } } if (empty) chunk.colors = new Color32[0]; }
public static void BuildForChunk(tk2dTileMap tileMap, SpriteChunk chunk, ColorChunk colorChunk, bool useColor, bool skipPrefabs, int baseX, int baseY) { List <Vector3> meshVertices = new List <Vector3>(); List <Color> meshColors = new List <Color>(); List <Vector2> meshUvs = new List <Vector2>(); //List<int> meshIndices = new List<int>(); int[] spriteIds = chunk.spriteIds; Vector3 tileSize =; int spriteCount = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions.Length; Object[] tilePrefabs =; Color32 clearColor = (useColor && tileMap.ColorChannel != null)?tileMap.ColorChannel.clearColor:Color.white; // revert to no color mode (i.e. fill with clear color) when there isn't a color channel, or it is empty if (colorChunk == null || colorChunk.colors.Length == 0) { useColor = false; } int x0, x1, dx; int y0, y1, dy; BuilderUtil.GetLoopOrder(, tileMap.partitionSizeX, tileMap.partitionSizeY, out x0, out x1, out dx, out y0, out y1, out dy); float xOffsetMult = 0.0f, yOffsetMult = 0.0f; xOffsetMult, out yOffsetMult); List <int>[] meshIndices = new List <int> [tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materials.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < meshIndices.Length; ++j) { meshIndices[j] = new List <int>(); } int colorChunkSize = tileMap.partitionSizeX + 1; for (int y = y0; y != y1; y += dy) { float xOffset = ((baseY + y) & 1) * xOffsetMult; for (int x = x0; x != x1; x += dx) { int tile = spriteIds[y * tileMap.partitionSizeX + x]; Vector3 currentPos = new Vector3(tileSize.x * (x + xOffset), tileSize.y * y, 0); if (tile < 0 || tile >= spriteCount) { continue; } if (skipPrefabs && tilePrefabs[tile]) { continue; } var sprite = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions[tile]; int baseVertex = meshVertices.Count; for (int v = 0; v < sprite.positions.Length; ++v) { if (useColor) { Color tileColorx0y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x + 1]; Color tileColorx0y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + (x + 1)]; Vector3 centeredSpriteVertex = sprite.positions[v] - sprite.untrimmedBoundsData[0]; Vector3 alignedSpriteVertex = centeredSpriteVertex + * 0.5f; float tileColorX = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.x /; float tileColorY = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.y /; Color color = Color.Lerp( Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y0, tileColorx1y0, tileColorX), Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y1, tileColorx1y1, tileColorX), tileColorY); meshColors.Add(color); } else { meshColors.Add(clearColor); } meshVertices.Add(currentPos + sprite.positions[v]); meshUvs.Add(sprite.uvs[v]); } List <int> indices = meshIndices[sprite.materialId]; for (int i = 0; i < sprite.indices.Length; ++i) { indices.Add(baseVertex + sprite.indices[i]); } } } if (chunk.mesh == null) { chunk.mesh = tileMap.GetOrCreateMesh(); } chunk.mesh.vertices = meshVertices.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.uv = meshUvs.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.colors = meshColors.ToArray(); List <Material> materials = new List <Material>(); int materialId = 0; int subMeshCount = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { materials.Add(tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materials[materialId]); subMeshCount++; } materialId++; } if (subMeshCount > 0) { chunk.mesh.subMeshCount = subMeshCount; chunk.gameObject.renderer.materials = materials.ToArray(); int subMeshId = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { chunk.mesh.SetTriangles(indices.ToArray(), subMeshId); subMeshId++; } } } chunk.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (tileMap.serializeRenderData) { chunk.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } var meshFilter = chunk.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = chunk.mesh; }
public static void BuildForChunk(tk2dTileMap tileMap, SpriteChunk chunk, ColorChunk colorChunk, bool useColor, bool skipPrefabs, int baseX, int baseY) { List <Vector3> meshVertices = new List <Vector3>(); List <Color> meshColors = new List <Color>(); List <Vector2> meshUvs = new List <Vector2>(); List <Vector2> meshUv2s = new List <Vector2>(); //List<int> meshIndices = new List<int>(); int[] spriteIds = chunk.spriteIds; Vector3 tileSize =; int spriteCount = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions.Length; Object[] tilePrefabs =; tk2dSpriteDefinition firstSprite = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.FirstValidDefinition; bool buildNormals = (firstSprite != null && firstSprite.normals != null && firstSprite.normals.Length > 0); bool generateUv2 =; var colorMode =; Color32 clearColor = (useColor && tileMap.ColorChannel != null)?tileMap.ColorChannel.clearColor:Color.white; // revert to no color mode (i.e. fill with clear color) when there isn't a color channel, or it is empty if (colorChunk == null || colorChunk.colors.Length == 0) { useColor = false; } int x0, x1, dx; int y0, y1, dy; BuilderUtil.GetLoopOrder(, tileMap.partitionSizeX, tileMap.partitionSizeY, out x0, out x1, out dx, out y0, out y1, out dy); float xOffsetMult = 0.0f, yOffsetMult = 0.0f; xOffsetMult, out yOffsetMult); List <int>[] meshIndices = new List <int> [tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materials.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < meshIndices.Length; ++j) { meshIndices[j] = new List <int>(); } int colorChunkSize = tileMap.partitionSizeX + 1; for (int y = y0; y != y1; y += dy) { float xOffset = ((baseY + y) & 1) * xOffsetMult; for (int x = x0; x != x1; x += dx) { int spriteId = spriteIds[y * tileMap.partitionSizeX + x]; int tile = BuilderUtil.GetTileFromRawTile(spriteId); bool flipH = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(spriteId, tk2dTileFlags.FlipX); bool flipV = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(spriteId, tk2dTileFlags.FlipY); bool rot90 = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(spriteId, tk2dTileFlags.Rot90); Vector3 currentPos = new Vector3(tileSize.x * (x + xOffset), tileSize.y * y, 0); if (tile < 0 || tile >= spriteCount) { continue; } if (skipPrefabs && tilePrefabs[tile]) { continue; } var sprite = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions[tile]; int baseVertex = meshVertices.Count; for (int v = 0; v < sprite.positions.Length; ++v) { Vector3 flippedPos = BuilderUtil.ApplySpriteVertexTileFlags(tileMap, sprite, sprite.positions[v], flipH, flipV, rot90); if (useColor && colorChunk != null) { Color tileColorx0y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x + 1]; Color tileColorx0y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + (x + 1)]; switch (colorMode) { case tk2dTileMapData.ColorMode.Interpolate: { Vector3 centeredSpriteVertex = flippedPos - sprite.untrimmedBoundsData[0]; Vector3 alignedSpriteVertex = centeredSpriteVertex + * 0.5f; float tileColorX = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.x /; float tileColorY = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.y /; Color color = Color.Lerp( Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y0, tileColorx1y0, tileColorX), Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y1, tileColorx1y1, tileColorX), tileColorY); meshColors.Add(color); break; } case tk2dTileMapData.ColorMode.Solid: { meshColors.Add(tileColorx0y0); break; } } } else { meshColors.Add(clearColor); } if (generateUv2) { if (sprite.normalizedUvs.Length == 0) { meshUv2s.Add(; } else { meshUv2s.Add(sprite.normalizedUvs[v]); } } meshVertices.Add(currentPos + flippedPos); meshUvs.Add(sprite.uvs[v]); } bool reverseIndices = false; // flipped? if (flipH) { reverseIndices = !reverseIndices; } if (flipV) { reverseIndices = !reverseIndices; } List <int> indices = meshIndices[sprite.materialId]; for (int i = 0; i < sprite.indices.Length; ++i) { int j = reverseIndices ? (sprite.indices.Length - 1 - i) : i; indices.Add(baseVertex + sprite.indices[j]); } } } if (chunk.mesh == null) { chunk.mesh = tk2dUtil.CreateMesh(); } chunk.mesh.Clear(); chunk.mesh.vertices = meshVertices.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.uv = meshUvs.ToArray(); if (generateUv2) { chunk.mesh.uv2 = meshUv2s.ToArray(); } chunk.mesh.colors = meshColors.ToArray(); List <Material> materials = new List <Material>(); int materialId = 0; int subMeshCount = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { materials.Add(tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materialInsts[materialId]); subMeshCount++; } materialId++; } if (subMeshCount > 0) { chunk.mesh.subMeshCount = subMeshCount; chunk.gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = materials.ToArray(); int subMeshId = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { chunk.mesh.SetTriangles(indices.ToArray(), subMeshId); subMeshId++; } } } chunk.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (buildNormals) { chunk.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } var meshFilter = chunk.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = chunk.mesh; }
public static void Build(tk2dTileMap tileMap, bool editMode, bool forceBuild) { bool skipPrefabs = editMode?false:true; bool incremental = !forceBuild; int numLayers =; for (int layerId = 0; layerId < numLayers; ++layerId) { var layer = tileMap.Layers[layerId]; if (layer.IsEmpty) { continue; } var layerData =[layerId]; bool useColor = !tileMap.ColorChannel.IsEmpty &&[layerId].useColor; #if !(UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2) bool useSortingLayer =; #endif for (int cellY = 0; cellY < layer.numRows; ++cellY) { int baseY = cellY * layer.divY; for (int cellX = 0; cellX < layer.numColumns; ++cellX) { int baseX = cellX * layer.divX; var chunk = layer.GetChunk(cellX, cellY); ColorChunk colorChunk = tileMap.ColorChannel.GetChunk(cellX, cellY); bool colorChunkDirty = (colorChunk != null) && colorChunk.Dirty; if (incremental && !colorChunkDirty && !chunk.Dirty) { continue; } if (chunk.mesh != null) { chunk.mesh.Clear(); } if (chunk.IsEmpty) { continue; } if (editMode || (!editMode && !layerData.skipMeshGeneration)) { BuildForChunk(tileMap, chunk, colorChunk, useColor, skipPrefabs, baseX, baseY); #if !(UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2) if (chunk.gameObject != null && useSortingLayer) { Renderer r = chunk.gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (r != null) { r.sortingLayerName = layerData.sortingLayerName; r.sortingOrder = layerData.sortingOrder; } } #endif } if (chunk.mesh != null) { tileMap.TouchMesh(chunk.mesh); } } } } }
public static void BuildForChunk(tk2dTileMap tileMap, SpriteChunk chunk, ColorChunk colorChunk, bool useColor, bool skipPrefabs, int baseX, int baseY) { List<Vector3> meshVertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Color> meshColors = new List<Color>(); List<Vector2> meshUvs = new List<Vector2>(); //List<int> meshIndices = new List<int>(); int[] spriteIds = chunk.spriteIds; Vector3 tileSize =; int spriteCount = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions.Length; Object[] tilePrefabs =; tk2dSpriteDefinition firstSprite = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.FirstValidDefinition; bool buildNormals = (firstSprite != null && firstSprite.normals != null && firstSprite.normals.Length > 0); Color32 clearColor = (useColor && tileMap.ColorChannel != null)?tileMap.ColorChannel.clearColor:Color.white; // revert to no color mode (i.e. fill with clear color) when there isn't a color channel, or it is empty if (colorChunk == null || colorChunk.colors.Length == 0) useColor = false; int x0, x1, dx; int y0, y1, dy; BuilderUtil.GetLoopOrder(, tileMap.partitionSizeX, tileMap.partitionSizeY, out x0, out x1, out dx, out y0, out y1, out dy); float xOffsetMult = 0.0f, yOffsetMult = 0.0f; xOffsetMult, out yOffsetMult); List<int>[] meshIndices = new List<int>[tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materials.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < meshIndices.Length; ++j) meshIndices[j] = new List<int>(); int colorChunkSize = tileMap.partitionSizeX + 1; for (int y = y0; y != y1; y += dy) { float xOffset = ((baseY + y) & 1) * xOffsetMult; for (int x = x0; x != x1; x += dx) { int spriteId = spriteIds[y * tileMap.partitionSizeX + x]; int tile = BuilderUtil.GetTileFromRawTile(spriteId); bool flipH = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(spriteId, tk2dTileFlags.FlipX); bool flipV = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(spriteId, tk2dTileFlags.FlipY); bool rot90 = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(spriteId, tk2dTileFlags.Rot90); Vector3 currentPos = new Vector3(tileSize.x * (x + xOffset), tileSize.y * y, 0); if (tile < 0 || tile >= spriteCount) continue; if (skipPrefabs && tilePrefabs[tile]) continue; var sprite = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions[tile]; int baseVertex = meshVertices.Count; for (int v = 0; v < sprite.positions.Length; ++v) { Vector3 flippedPos = BuilderUtil.ApplySpriteVertexTileFlags(tileMap, sprite, sprite.positions[v], flipH, flipV, rot90); if (useColor) { Color tileColorx0y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x + 1]; Color tileColorx0y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + (x + 1)]; Vector3 centeredSpriteVertex = flippedPos - sprite.untrimmedBoundsData[0]; Vector3 alignedSpriteVertex = centeredSpriteVertex + * 0.5f; float tileColorX = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.x /; float tileColorY = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.y /; Color color = Color.Lerp( Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y0, tileColorx1y0, tileColorX), Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y1, tileColorx1y1, tileColorX), tileColorY); meshColors.Add(color); } else { meshColors.Add(clearColor); } meshVertices.Add(currentPos + flippedPos); meshUvs.Add(sprite.uvs[v]); } bool reverseIndices = false; // flipped? if (flipH) reverseIndices = !reverseIndices; if (flipV) reverseIndices = !reverseIndices; List<int> indices = meshIndices[sprite.materialId]; for (int i = 0; i < sprite.indices.Length; ++i) { int j = reverseIndices ? (sprite.indices.Length - 1 - i) : i; indices.Add(baseVertex + sprite.indices[j]); } } } if (chunk.mesh == null) chunk.mesh = tk2dUtil.CreateMesh(); chunk.mesh.vertices = meshVertices.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.uv = meshUvs.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.colors = meshColors.ToArray(); List<Material> materials = new List<Material>(); int materialId = 0; int subMeshCount = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { materials.Add(tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materialInsts[materialId]); subMeshCount++; } materialId++; } if (subMeshCount > 0) { chunk.mesh.subMeshCount = subMeshCount; chunk.gameObject.renderer.materials = materials.ToArray(); int subMeshId = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { chunk.mesh.SetTriangles(indices.ToArray(), subMeshId); subMeshId++; } } } chunk.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (buildNormals) { chunk.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } var meshFilter = chunk.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = chunk.mesh; }
private void Optimize(ColorChunk chunk) { bool flag = true; Color32 clearColor = this.clearColor; foreach (Color32 color2 in chunk.colors) { if (((color2.r != clearColor.r) || (color2.g != clearColor.g)) || ((color2.b != clearColor.b) || (color2.a != clearColor.a))) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { chunk.colors = new Color32[0]; } }
private void InitChunk(ColorChunk chunk) { if (chunk.colors.Length == 0) { chunk.colors = new Color32[(this.divX + 1) * (this.divY + 1)]; for (int i = 0; i < chunk.colors.Length; i++) { chunk.colors[i] = this.clearColor; } } }
public static unsafe void BuildForChunk(tk2dTileMap tileMap, SpriteChunk chunk, ColorChunk colorChunk, bool useColor, bool skipPrefabs, int baseX, int baseY) { int num2; int num3; int num4; int num5; int num6; int num7; List<Vector3> list = new List<Vector3>(); List<Color> list2 = new List<Color>(); List<Vector2> list3 = new List<Vector2>(); int[] spriteIds = chunk.spriteIds; Vector3 tileSize =; int length = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions.Length; UnityEngine.Object[] tilePrefabs =; tk2dSpriteDefinition firstValidDefinition = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.FirstValidDefinition; bool flag = ((firstValidDefinition != null) && (firstValidDefinition.normals != null)) && (firstValidDefinition.normals.Length > 0); Color32 color = (!useColor || (tileMap.ColorChannel == null)) ? Color.white : tileMap.ColorChannel.clearColor; if ((colorChunk == null) || (colorChunk.colors.Length == 0)) { useColor = false; } BuilderUtil.GetLoopOrder(, tileMap.partitionSizeX, tileMap.partitionSizeY, out num2, out num3, out num4, out num5, out num6, out num7); float x = 0f; float y = 0f; x, out y); List<int>[] listArray = new List<int>[tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materials.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < listArray.Length; i++) { listArray[i] = new List<int>(); } int num11 = tileMap.partitionSizeX + 1; for (int j = num5; j != num6; j += num7) { float num13 = ((baseY + j) & 1) * x; for (int k = num2; k != num3; k += num4) { int rawTile = spriteIds[(j * tileMap.partitionSizeX) + k]; int tileFromRawTile = BuilderUtil.GetTileFromRawTile(rawTile); bool flipH = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(rawTile, tk2dTileFlags.FlipX); bool flipV = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(rawTile, tk2dTileFlags.FlipY); bool flag4 = BuilderUtil.IsRawTileFlagSet(rawTile, tk2dTileFlags.Rot90); Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(tileSize.x * (k + num13), tileSize.y * j, 0f); if (((tileFromRawTile >= 0) && (tileFromRawTile < length)) && (!skipPrefabs || (tilePrefabs[tileFromRawTile] == null))) { tk2dSpriteDefinition spriteDef = tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.spriteDefinitions[tileFromRawTile]; int count = list.Count; for (int m = 0; m < spriteDef.positions.Length; m++) { Vector3 vector3 = BuilderUtil.ApplySpriteVertexTileFlags(tileMap, spriteDef, spriteDef.positions[m], flipH, flipV, flag4); if (useColor) { Color a = *((Color*) &(colorChunk.colors[(j * num11) + k])); Color b = *((Color*) &(colorChunk.colors[((j * num11) + k) + 1])); Color color4 = *((Color*) &(colorChunk.colors[((j + 1) * num11) + k])); Color color5 = *((Color*) &(colorChunk.colors[((j + 1) * num11) + (k + 1)])); Vector3 vector4 = vector3 - spriteDef.untrimmedBoundsData[0]; Vector3 vector5 = vector4 + ((Vector3) ( * 0.5f)); float t = Mathf.Clamp01(vector5.x /; float num20 = Mathf.Clamp01(vector5.y /; Color item = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(a, b, t), Color.Lerp(color4, color5, t), num20); list2.Add(item); } else { list2.Add((Color) color); } list.Add(vector2 + vector3); list3.Add(spriteDef.uvs[m]); } bool flag5 = false; if (flipH) { flag5 = !flag5; } if (flipV) { flag5 = !flag5; } List<int> list4 = listArray[spriteDef.materialId]; for (int n = 0; n < spriteDef.indices.Length; n++) { int num22 = !flag5 ? n : ((spriteDef.indices.Length - 1) - n); list4.Add(count + spriteDef.indices[num22]); } } } } if (chunk.mesh == null) { chunk.mesh = tk2dUtil.CreateMesh(); } chunk.mesh.vertices = list.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.uv = list3.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.colors = list2.ToArray(); List<Material> list5 = new List<Material>(); int index = 0; int num24 = 0; foreach (List<int> list6 in listArray) { if (list6.Count > 0) { list5.Add(tileMap.SpriteCollectionInst.materialInsts[index]); num24++; } index++; } if (num24 > 0) { chunk.mesh.subMeshCount = num24; chunk.gameObject.renderer.materials = list5.ToArray(); int submesh = 0; foreach (List<int> list7 in listArray) { if (list7.Count > 0) { chunk.mesh.SetTriangles(list7.ToArray(), submesh); submesh++; } } } chunk.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (flag) { chunk.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); } chunk.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = chunk.mesh; }
public void Create() { chunks = new ColorChunk[numColumns * numRows]; for (int i = 0; i < chunks.Length; ++i) chunks[i] = new ColorChunk(); }
public void ClearChunk(ColorChunk chunk) { for (int i = 0; i < chunk.colors.Length; ++i) chunk.colors[i] = clearColor; }
// create chunk if it doesn't already exist void InitChunk(ColorChunk chunk) { if (chunk.colors.Length == 0) { chunk.colors = new Color32[(divX + 1) * (divY + 1)]; for (int i = 0; i < chunk.colors.Length; ++i) chunk.colors[i] = clearColor; } }
public static void BuildForChunk(tk2dTileMap tileMap, SpriteChunk chunk, ColorChunk colorChunk, bool useColor, bool skipPrefabs, int baseX, int baseY) { List<Vector3> meshVertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Color> meshColors = new List<Color>(); List<Vector2> meshUvs = new List<Vector2>(); //List<int> meshIndices = new List<int>(); int[] spriteIds = chunk.spriteIds; Vector3 tileSize =; int spriteCount = tileMap.spriteCollection.spriteDefinitions.Length; Object[] tilePrefabs =; Color32 clearColor = (useColor && tileMap.ColorChannel != null)?tileMap.ColorChannel.clearColor:Color.white; // revert to no color mode (i.e. fill with clear color) when there isn't a color channel, or it is empty if (colorChunk == null || colorChunk.colors.Length == 0) useColor = false; int x0, x1, dx; int y0, y1, dy; BuilderUtil.GetLoopOrder(, tileMap.partitionSizeX, tileMap.partitionSizeY, out x0, out x1, out dx, out y0, out y1, out dy); List<int>[] meshIndices = new List<int>[tileMap.spriteCollection.materials.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < meshIndices.Length; ++j) meshIndices[j] = new List<int>(); int colorChunkSize = tileMap.partitionSizeX + 1; for (int y = y0; y != y1; y += dy) { for (int x = x0; x != x1; x += dx) { int tile = spriteIds[y * tileMap.partitionSizeX + x]; Vector3 currentPos = new Vector3(tileSize.x * x, tileSize.y * y, 0); if (tile < 0 || tile >= spriteCount) continue; if (skipPrefabs && tilePrefabs[tile]) continue; var sprite = tileMap.spriteCollection.spriteDefinitions[tile]; int baseVertex = meshVertices.Count; for (int v = 0; v < sprite.positions.Length; ++v) { if (useColor) { Color tileColorx0y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y0 = colorChunk.colors[y * colorChunkSize + x + 1]; Color tileColorx0y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + x]; Color tileColorx1y1 = colorChunk.colors[(y + 1) * colorChunkSize + (x + 1)]; Vector3 centeredSpriteVertex = sprite.positions[v] - sprite.untrimmedBoundsData[0]; Vector3 alignedSpriteVertex = centeredSpriteVertex + * 0.5f; float tileColorX = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.x /; float tileColorY = Mathf.Clamp01(alignedSpriteVertex.y /; Color color = Color.Lerp( Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y0, tileColorx1y0, tileColorX), Color.Lerp(tileColorx0y1, tileColorx1y1, tileColorX), tileColorY); meshColors.Add(color); } else { meshColors.Add(clearColor); } meshVertices.Add(currentPos + sprite.positions[v]); meshUvs.Add(sprite.uvs[v]); } List<int> indices = meshIndices[sprite.materialId]; for (int i = 0; i < sprite.indices.Length; ++i) indices.Add(baseVertex + sprite.indices[i]); } } if (chunk.mesh == null) chunk.mesh = tileMap.GetOrCreateMesh(); chunk.mesh.vertices = meshVertices.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.uv = meshUvs.ToArray(); chunk.mesh.colors = meshColors.ToArray(); List<Material> materials = new List<Material>(); int materialId = 0; int subMeshCount = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { materials.Add(tileMap.spriteCollection.materials[materialId]); subMeshCount++; } materialId++; } if (subMeshCount > 0) { chunk.mesh.subMeshCount = subMeshCount; chunk.gameObject.renderer.materials = materials.ToArray(); int subMeshId = 0; foreach (var indices in meshIndices) { if (indices.Count > 0) { chunk.mesh.SetTriangles(indices.ToArray(), subMeshId); subMeshId++; } } } chunk.mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if (tileMap.serializeRenderData) chunk.mesh.RecalculateNormals(); var meshFilter = chunk.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = chunk.mesh; }