static void Main(string[] args) { SteelWorker andy = new SteelWorker() { FullName = "Andy Grammer", hireDate = "7/23/2020", payRate = 18.00 }; FoodProcessor jimmy = new FoodProcessor() { FullName = "Jimmy Simpson", hireDate = "7/23/2020", payRate = 15.50 }; AutoWorker alanis = new AutoWorker() { FullName = "Alanis Morissette", hireDate = "7/23/20", payRate = 19.50 }; AutoFactory buildACar = new AutoFactory() { minimumEmployeeCount = 5, maximumEmployeeCount = 25 }; SteelMill huntingtonSteel = new SteelMill() { minimumEmployeeCount = 10, maximumEmployeeCount = 50 }; Tyson chickieNuggies = new Tyson() { minimumEmployeeCount = 25, maximumEmployeeCount = 100 }; chickieNuggies.hireEmployee(jimmy); buildACar.hireEmployee(alanis); huntingtonSteel.hireEmployee(andy); Console.WriteLine(); // CLI Console.WriteLine("Welcome to H.E. Pennypacker Industries!"); Console.WriteLine("1. View employees at a factory"); Console.WriteLine("2. Hire a new employee"); string response = Console.ReadLine(); if (response == "1") { Console.WriteLine(chickieNuggies); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AutoWorker swathi = new AutoWorker("Swathi Mukkamala") { DateHired = new DateTime(2020, 04, 01), PayRate = 20.15 }; FoodProcessor devin = new FoodProcessor("Devin Conroy") { DateHired = new DateTime(2020, 05, 25), PayRate = 19.45 }; SteelWorker dylan = new SteelWorker("Dylan Bishop") { DateHired = new DateTime(2020, 04, 05), PayRate = 20.15 }; AutomobileFactory griffithAutos = new AutomobileFactory { MinEmployeeCount = 3, MaxEmployeeCount = 9, }; NuggetFactory griffithFoods = new NuggetFactory { MinEmployeeCount = 1, MaxEmployeeCount = 7, }; SteelFactory griffithSteel = new SteelFactory { MinEmployeeCount = 2, MaxEmployeeCount = 8, }; griffithAutos.HireEmployee(swathi); griffithFoods.HireEmployee(devin); griffithSteel.HireEmployee(dylan); int endNum = 1; while (endNum == 1) { int userInput = 0; int factorySelect = 0; double pay = 0; bool parseBool = false; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Griffith Industries! \n 1. View employees at a factory \n 2. Hire a new employee"); while (userInput != 1 && userInput != 2) { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease select 1 or 2"); try { userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch { Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid input."); } } if (userInput == 1 || userInput == 2) { while (factorySelect < 1 || factorySelect > 3) { Console.WriteLine("\n1. Griffith Autos \n2. Griffith Foods \n3. Griffith Steel"); try { factorySelect = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch { Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid input."); } } } if (userInput == 1 && factorySelect == 1) { griffithAutos.Employees.ForEach(employee => Console.WriteLine(employee.FullName)); } else if (factorySelect == 2) { griffithFoods.Employees.ForEach(employee => Console.WriteLine(employee.FullName)); } else if (factorySelect == 3) { griffithSteel.Employees.ForEach(employee => Console.WriteLine(employee.FullName)); } if (userInput == 2 && factorySelect == 1) { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the employee's full name"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); while (parseBool == false) { try { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the employee's pay rate"); pay = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); parseBool = true; } catch { Console.WriteLine("That was the incorrect input"); parseBool = false; } } AutoWorker newWorker = new AutoWorker(name) { PayRate = pay, DateHired = DateTime.Now }; griffithAutos.Employees.Add(newWorker); } else if (userInput == 2 && factorySelect == 2) { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the employee's full name"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); while (parseBool == false) { try { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the employee's pay rate"); pay = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); parseBool = true; } catch { Console.WriteLine("That was the incorrect input"); parseBool = false; } } FoodProcessor newWorker = new FoodProcessor(name) { PayRate = pay, DateHired = DateTime.Now }; griffithFoods.Employees.Add(newWorker); } else if (userInput == 2 && factorySelect == 3) { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the employee's full name"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the employee's pay rate"); while (parseBool == false) { try { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the employee's pay rate"); pay = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); parseBool = true; } catch { Console.WriteLine("That was the incorrect input"); parseBool = false; } } SteelWorker newWorker = new SteelWorker(name) { PayRate = pay, DateHired = DateTime.Now }; griffithSteel.Employees.Add(newWorker); } Console.WriteLine("Would you like to continue? Input 1 for 'yes' and 2 for 'No'"); bool againBool = true; while (againBool == true) { try { endNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); againBool = false; } catch { Console.WriteLine("That was the incorrect input"); againBool = true; } } } Console.WriteLine(); }