예제 #1
        public static async void top(Message mess)
                BotMain.users = BotMain.users.OrderBy(m => m.balance).ToList();
                string text = "Топ богатых игроков в этой группе:\n"; int i = 1;
                foreach (var item in BotMain.users)
                    Chat chat = await BotMain.bot.GetChatAsync(item.id);

                    string name = $"{chat.FirstName} {chat.LastName}";
                    text += $"<b>{i}</b>. <i>{name}</i> -=<code>{item.balance}</code>=-\n";
                    i    += 1;
                await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, text, ParseMode.Html);
            catch (Exception e)
                Other.OnReceivedError(e, mess);
예제 #2
        public static async void scores(Message mess)
                osuApi osuapi     = new osuApi(BotMain.osuToken);
                string beatmap_id = "";
                for (int i = mess.Text.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (mess.Text[i] != '/')
                        beatmap_id = beatmap_id.Insert(0, mess.Text[i].ToString());
                string  name   = string.Join(" ", mess.Text.Split(" ").Skip(1).SkipLast(1));
                Score[] scores = await osuapi.GetScoresOnMapByName(name, long.Parse(beatmap_id));

                string text = "";
                foreach (var item in scores)
                    Mods    mods     = (Mods)osuapi.CalculateModsMods(int.Parse(item.enabled_mods));
                    double  accuracy = (50 * double.Parse(item.count50) + 100 * double.Parse(item.count100) + 300 * double.Parse(item.count300)) / (300 * (double.Parse(item.countmiss) + double.Parse(item.count50) + double.Parse(item.count100) + double.Parse(item.count300))) * 100;
                    Beatmap beatmap  = await osuapi.GetBeatmapByBeatmapIdAsync(int.Parse(beatmap_id));

                    double curpp  = Other.ppCalc(beatmap, accuracy, mods, int.Parse(item.countmiss), int.Parse(item.maxcombo));
                    double IfFCpp = Other.ppCalc(beatmap, accuracy, mods, 0, int.Parse(beatmap.max_combo));
                    text += $"<b>({item.rank})</b> <a href=\"https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/{item.beatmap_id}\">{beatmap.title} [{beatmap.version}]</a> <b>({beatmap.GetApproved()})</b>\n" +
                            $"{item.count300}-{item.count100}-{item.count50}-{item.countmiss}❌ - <b><i>{accuracy:N2}</i></b>%\n" +
                            $"<b>{mods}</b> <i>{item.maxcombo}/{beatmap.max_combo}</i> <b><u>{curpp:N0}pp</u></b> (<b><u>~{IfFCpp:N0}pp</u></b> if FC)\n({DateTimeOffset.Parse(item.date).AddHours(5):dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm})\n\n";
                await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, text, ParseMode.Html);
            catch (Exception e)
                Other.OnReceivedError(e, mess, "Нет скоров");
예제 #3
        public static async void rs(Message mess)
                string text   = "";
                osuApi osuApi = new osuApi(BotMain.osuToken);
                string name   = string.Join(' ', mess.Text.Split(' ').Skip(1));
                if (name == "")
                    await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, "а ты кто?\n!rs [name]");

                Score recentScore = (await osuApi.GetRecentScoresByNameAsync(name))[0];
                if (recentScore == default)
                    throw new FormatException();
                Beatmap beatmap = await osuApi.GetBeatmapByBeatmapIdAsync(long.Parse(recentScore.beatmap_id));

                Mods   mods     = (Mods)osuApi.CalculateModsMods(int.Parse(recentScore.enabled_mods));
                double accuracy = (50 * double.Parse(recentScore.count50) + 100 * double.Parse(recentScore.count100) + 300 * double.Parse(recentScore.count300)) / (300 * (double.Parse(recentScore.countmiss) + double.Parse(recentScore.count50) + double.Parse(recentScore.count100) + double.Parse(recentScore.count300))) * 100;
                double curpp    = Other.ppCalc(beatmap, accuracy, mods, int.Parse(recentScore.countmiss), int.Parse(recentScore.maxcombo));
                double ppIFfc   = Other.ppCalc(beatmap, accuracy, mods, 0, int.Parse(beatmap.max_combo));
                text += $"<b>({recentScore.rank})</b> <a href=\"https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/{beatmap.beatmap_id}\">{beatmap.title} [{beatmap.version}]</a> <b>({beatmap.GetApproved()})</b>\n" +
                        $"{recentScore.count300}-{recentScore.count100}-{recentScore.count50}-{recentScore.countmiss}❌ - <b><i>{accuracy:N2}</i></b>%\n" +
                        $"<b>{mods}</b> <i>{recentScore.maxcombo}/{beatmap.max_combo}</i> <b><u>{curpp:N0}pp</u></b> (<b><u>~{ppIFfc:N0}pp</u></b> if FC)\n({DateTimeOffset.Parse(recentScore.date).AddHours(5):dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm})\n\n";
                await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, text, ParseMode.Html);
            catch (FormatException e)
                Other.OnReceivedError(e, mess, "Он ничего не играл последние 24 часа.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Other.OnReceivedError(e, mess, "Чет не получилось :(");
예제 #4
파일: Games.cs 프로젝트: Shoukox/ShiukkzBot
        public static async void bandit(Message mess)
                long bet = Other.getbet(mess);
                if (bet == -1)
                    await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, "Кажется, что у вас не хватает монет, либо ставка слишком велика / неправильный формат ставки");

                string   name  = $"{mess.From.FirstName} {mess.From.LastName}";
                string   text  = $"{name}:Ставка {bet}\n[🎁][🎁][🎁]";
                string[] emoji = new string[18] {
                    "👻", "🎱", "💥", "🍄", "🦆", "🐴", "🌑", "🤡", "🌕", "🌒", "🌖", "🌓", "🐞", "🐭", "🎢", "⚡️", "💊", "💣"
                double  coff   = 1;
                Message bandit = await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, text);

                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                    int rnd = RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(0, 18);
                    if (emoji[rnd] == "🌑")
                        coff = (coff * 0.5);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🍄")
                        coff = (coff * 0.7);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🌕")
                        coff = (coff * 2);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🌖")
                        coff = (coff * 1.25);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🌒")
                        coff = (coff * 0.75);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🌓")
                        coff = (coff * 1);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "💥")
                        coff = (coff * 1.75);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🐞")
                        coff = coff * 1.3;
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🤡")
                        coff = coff / 1.5;
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🎢")
                        coff = (coff * 0.7);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "⚡️")
                        int lightning = RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(1, 31);
                        coff = (coff * ((double)((double)lightning / (double)10)));
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🎱")
                        coff = coff * 2.5;
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "💣")
                        coff = coff * 0.2;
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🐴")
                        coff = (coff * 0.8);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🦆")
                        coff = (coff * 1.15);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "🐭")
                        coff = coff * 0.85;
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "👻")
                        coff = Math.Pow(coff, 1.5);
                    else if (emoji[rnd] == "💊")
                        int capsule = RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(1, 3);
                        if (capsule == 1)
                            coff = coff * 0;
                        else if (capsule == 2)
                            coff = coff * 2;
                    var index = text.IndexOf("🎁");
                    text = text.Remove(index, 2).Insert(index, emoji[rnd]);
                    if (i == 2)
                        text += $"\nВы выиграли: {(long)(bet * coff) - bet}";
                        Other.changeBalance(mess.From, (long)(bet * coff) - bet);
                    await Task.Delay(2000);

                    await BotMain.bot.EditMessageTextAsync(bandit.Chat.Id, bandit.MessageId, text);
            catch (Exception e)
                Other.OnReceivedError(e, mess, $"Произошла ошибка. Напишите \"/report текст проблемы\" в чат, чтобы дать разработчику узнать о проблеме.");
예제 #5
 public static async void notifyFunc()
     while (true)
         await Task.Run(() =>
                 for (int i = 0; i <= BotMain.osuUserTGs.Count - 1; i++)
                     osuApi osuApi        = new osuApi(BotMain.osuToken);
                     Score[] recentScores = osuApi.GetRecentScoresByNameAsync(BotMain.osuUserTGs[i].name, 100).Result;
                     if (recentScores == null)
                     int start     = recentScores.Length - 1;
                     bool startgot = false;
                     for (int q = recentScores.Length - 1; q >= 0; q--)
                         if (DateTimeOffset.Parse(recentScores[q].date) > BotMain.osuUserTGs[i].lastCheckedScore)
                             start    = q;
                             startgot = true;
                     if (!startgot)
                     for (int j = start; j >= 0; j--)
                         double accuracy = (50 * double.Parse(recentScores[j].count50) + 100 * double.Parse(recentScores[j].count100) + 300 * double.Parse(recentScores[j].count300)) / (300 * (double.Parse(recentScores[j].countmiss) + double.Parse(recentScores[j].count50) + double.Parse(recentScores[j].count100) + double.Parse(recentScores[j].count300))) * 100;
                         Beatmap beatmap = osuApi.GetBeatmapByBeatmapIdAsync(int.Parse(recentScores[j].beatmap_id)).Result;
                         if (beatmap == null)
                         double curpp  = Other.ppCalc(beatmap, accuracy, (Mods)osuApi.CalculateModsMods(int.Parse(recentScores[j].enabled_mods)), int.Parse(recentScores[j].countmiss), int.Parse(recentScores[j].maxcombo));
                         double ifFCpp = Other.ppCalc(beatmap, accuracy, (Mods)osuApi.CalculateModsMods(int.Parse(recentScores[j].enabled_mods)), 0, int.Parse(beatmap.max_combo));
                         Mods mods     = (Mods)osuApi.CalculateModsMods(int.Parse(recentScores[j].enabled_mods));
                         if (curpp > 200 && recentScores[j].rank != "F")
                             foreach (var item in BotMain.groups)
                                 if (item.notifyOsu)
                                     BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(item.id, $"<b><u>{BotMain.osuUserTGs[i].name}</u></b> недавно прошел данную карту, набрав <i>{curpp:N0}pp</i>!\n" +
                                                                      $"<b>({recentScores[j].rank})</b> <a href=\"https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/{beatmap.beatmap_id}\">{beatmap.title} [{beatmap.version}]</a> <b>{osuApi.GetBeatmapByBeatmapIdAsync(int.Parse(beatmap.beatmap_id)).Result.GetApproved()}</b>\n" +
                                                                      $"{recentScores[j].count300}-{recentScores[j].count100}-{recentScores[j].count50}-{recentScores[j].countmiss}x❌ - <b><i>{accuracy:N2}%</i></b>\n" +
                                                                      $"<b>{mods}</b> <i>{recentScores[j].maxcombo}/{beatmap.max_combo}</i> <b><u>{curpp:N0}pp</u></b> (<b><u>{ifFCpp:N0}pp</u></b> if FC)\n" +
                                                                      $"{DateTimeOffset.Parse(recentScores[j].date).AddHours(5):dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}", ParseMode.Html, disableNotification: true).Wait();
                         BotMain.osuUserTGs[i].lastCheckedScore = DateTimeOffset.Parse(recentScores[j].date);
             catch (Exception ex)
                 Other.OnReceivedError(ex, null, "");
예제 #6
        public static async void AllGroups(Message mess)
                string[] ab   = mess.Text.Split(" ");
                string   text = "";
                if (ab[1] == "all")
                    int count = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= BotMain.groups.Count - 1; i++)
                            count += 1;
                            var t = await BotMain.bot.GetChatAsync(BotMain.groups[i].id);

                            text += $"{count}. {t.Title} [{i}]\n";
                        catch (Exception)
                    await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, text);
                else if (ab[1] == "toall")
                    for (int i = 0; i <= BotMain.groups.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (BotMain.groups[i].id.ToString().StartsWith("-100"))
                                await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(BotMain.groups[i].id, string.Join(" ", ab.Skip(2)));
                            catch (Exception)
                else if (ab[1] == "to")
                        await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(BotMain.groups[int.Parse(ab[2])].id, string.Join(" ", ab.Skip(3)));
                    catch (Exception)
                else if (ab[1] == "replyto")
                        Message messreply = mess.ReplyToMessage;
                        string  caption   = "";
                        if (mess.ReplyToMessage.Photo != null)
                            if (mess.ReplyToMessage.Caption != null)
                                caption = mess.ReplyToMessage.Caption;
                            await BotMain.bot.SendPhotoAsync(BotMain.groups[int.Parse(ab[2])].id, new InputOnlineFile(mess.ReplyToMessage.Photo[0].FileId), caption : caption);
                        else if (mess.ReplyToMessage.Sticker != null)
                            await BotMain.bot.SendStickerAsync(BotMain.groups[int.Parse(ab[2])].id, new InputOnlineFile(mess.ReplyToMessage.Sticker.FileId));
                        else if (mess.ReplyToMessage.Video != null)
                            if (mess.ReplyToMessage.Caption != null)
                                caption = mess.ReplyToMessage.Caption;
                            await BotMain.bot.SendVideoAsync(BotMain.groups[int.Parse(ab[2])].id, new InputOnlineFile(mess.ReplyToMessage.Video.FileId), caption : caption);
                    catch (Exception)
                else if (ab[1] == "fromall")
                    for (int i = 0; i <= BotMain.groups.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (BotMain.groups[i].id.ToString().StartsWith("-100"))
                                await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(BotMain.groups[i].id, string.Join(" ", ab.Skip(2)));

                                await BotMain.bot.LeaveChatAsync(BotMain.groups[i].id);

                            catch (Exception)
                else if (ab[1] == "from")
                        int ind = int.Parse(ab[2]);
                        if (ab.Length >= 4)
                            await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(BotMain.groups[ind].id, string.Join(" ", ab.Skip(3)));
                        await BotMain.bot.LeaveChatAsync(BotMain.groups[ind].id);

                    catch (Exception)
                else if (ab[1] == "remove")
            catch (Exception e)
                Other.OnReceivedError(e, mess, "");
                await BotMain.bot.SendTextMessageAsync(mess.Chat.Id, "/groups\nremove [index] - del from bd\nfrom [ind] [mes] - leave + send mes\nfromall [mes] - leave from all + send mes\nto [ind] [mes] - send mes to group\ntoall [mes] - send mes to all groups\nall - get groups index");