/// <summary>
        /// Gets facilities based around a given zipcode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Object for making HTTP requests.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Object holding the response of the HTTP request.</param>
        /// <param name="zip">the arguments for the zipcode based API request. Ex. time, proximity, etc...</param>
        /// <returns>Key-Value paris of the returned TeeTimes by Facility.</returns>
        private static IDictionary <string, string> GetFacilityByZip(HttpClient client, HttpResponseMessage result, TeesByZipArgs zip)
            //Call the API with the args.
            result = client.GetAsync(ENDPOINT + $"/channel/{CHANNEL_ID}/facilities?q=postal-code&postal-code={zip.ZipCode}&proximity={zip.Proximity}&minplayercount={zip.NumOfPlayers}&fields=ID,name").Result;
            //Parse response into C# objects.
            FacilitiesResponse facilities = new FacilitiesResponse(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Facility> >(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result));

            //Send facilites to be searched for tee times. Return K/V pair array of results.
            return(getTeeTimesByFacilities(client, result, facilities, zip.Time, zip.NumOfPlayers));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets facilities based around a given city, state(optional), and country (optional).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Object for making HTTP requests.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Object holding the response of the HTTP request.</param>
        /// <param name="zip">the arguments for the city based API request. Ex. time, proximity, etc...</param>
        /// <returns>Key-Value paris of the returned TeeTimes by Facility.</returns>
        private static IDictionary <string, string> GetFacilityByCity(HttpClient client, HttpResponseMessage result, TeesByCityArgs city)
            //All cities that could match the one entered by the user.
            List <City>        possibleMatchs = getCityInfo(client, result, city);
            FacilitiesResponse facilities     = new FacilitiesResponse();

            //Iterate through the potentially matching cities and gather combine eligable facilites.
            foreach (City possibleCity in possibleMatchs)
                result = client.GetAsync(ENDPOINT + $"/channel/{CHANNEL_ID}/facilities?q=country-city-state&country-code={possibleCity.CountryCode}&state-province-code={possibleCity.StateCode}&city={possibleCity.CityName}&players={city.NumOfPlayers}&fields=ID,name").Result;
                facilities.Facilities = facilities.Facilities.Concat(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Facility> >(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result)).ToList();

            //Send facilites to be searched for tee times. Return K/V pair array of results.
            return(getTeeTimesByFacilities(client, result, facilities, city.Time, city.NumOfPlayers));
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches a list of given facilites for tee time options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">Object for making HTTP requests.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Object holding the response of the HTTP request.</param>
        /// <param name="facilities">The list of facilities to be searched.</param>
        /// <returns>Key-Value paris of the returned TeeTimes by Facility.</returns>
        private static IDictionary <string, string> getTeeTimesByFacilities(HttpClient client, HttpResponseMessage result, FacilitiesResponse facilities, string time, string players)
            IDictionary <string, string> rateOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //If no facilities, return blank object.
            if (facilities.Facilities.Count == 0)

            DateTime scheduleTime = Convert.ToDateTime(time);

            //If the time is in the past assume they ment tomorrow.
            while (scheduleTime < DateTime.Now)
                scheduleTime = scheduleTime.AddHours(24);

            //Define a range of time to search.
            string localDateMin = scheduleTime.AddMinutes(-15).ToLocalTime().ToString();
            string localDateMax = scheduleTime.AddHours(2).ToLocalTime().ToString();

            result = client.GetAsync(ENDPOINT + Uri.EscapeUriString($"/channel/{CHANNEL_ID}/facilities/tee-times?q=multi-facilities&facilityids={string.Join("|", facilities.GetIDs())}&date-min={localDateMin}&date-max={localDateMax}&take=3")).Result;
            TeeTimesResponse teeTimesResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TeeTimesResponse>(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

            //The text to be displayed to the user.
            string output = "";
            //Keep track of which option is next.
            int optionNumb = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < teeTimesResponse.TeeTimes.Count; i++)
                //Look for the name of the facility to match the known ID.
                foreach (Facility facility in facilities.Facilities)
                    if (facility.ID == teeTimesResponse.TeeTimes[i].FacilityID)
                        output += facility.Name + " " + teeTimesResponse.TeeTimes[i].Time.ToLocalTime() + " : - ";

                //Display various rates.
                for (int x = 0; x < 4 && x < teeTimesResponse.TeeTimes[i].Rates.Count; x++)
                    TeeTime teeTime = teeTimesResponse.TeeTimes[i];
                    Rate    rate    = teeTime.Rates[x];
                    output += $"(#{optionNumb}){rate.RateName}-${rate.SinglePlayerPrice.GreensFees.Value}{rate.SinglePlayerPrice.GreensFees.CurrencyCode}";
                    rateOptions.Add("rateOption" + optionNumb.ToString(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new TeeTimeRateSelection(teeTime.FacilityID, rate.TeeTimeRateID)));
                    if (x < 3 && x < (teeTime.Rates.Count - 1))
                        output += " | ";
                        output += " - ";

            if (teeTimesResponse.TeeTimes.Count > 0)
                output += "Enter the number of a suitable option.";

            rateOptions.Add("players", players);
            rateOptions.Add("output", output);
