private static int ConnectWin(string remoteip, string remoteusername, string remotepassword) { var connect = new NetworkShareAccesser().TryConnect(remoteip, remoteusername, remotepassword); Console.WriteLine("Attempt Win Connect " + counterWin + ": " + remoteusername + ":" + remotepassword + "@" + remoteip + " - " + connect); connection con = new connection(remoteip, remoteusername, remotepassword, connect, "Windows"); counterWin++; if (connect == 0) { ConnectWinSuccessList.Add(con); } else { ConnectWinErrorList.Add(con); } return(connect); }
private static int ConnectLinux(string remoteip, string remoteusername, string remotepassword) { int connect = 1; try { using (var client = new SshClient(remoteip, remoteusername, remotepassword)) { //Accept Host key client.HostKeyReceived += delegate(object sender, HostKeyEventArgs e) { e.CanTrust = true; }; //Start the connection client.Connect(); if (client.IsConnected) { connect = 0; } client.Disconnect(); } } catch { connect = 1; } Console.WriteLine("Attempt Linux Connect " + counterLinux + ": " + remoteusername + ":" + remotepassword + "@" + remoteip + " - " + connect); connection con = new connection(remoteip, remoteusername, remotepassword, connect, "Linux"); if (connect == 0) { ConnectLinuxSuccessList.Add(con); } else { ConnectLinuxErrorList.Add(con); } counterLinux++; return(connect); }
private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (list_text.SelectedIndex != -1) { int newID_now_2 = 0; // int useid = 0; string ordb = "Data source=orcl;User Id=scott; Password=tiger;"; OracleConnection conn_4 = new OracleConnection("Data Source=ORCL;User Id=scott;password=tiger;"); conn_4 = new OracleConnection(ordb); conn_4.Open(); OracleCommand c_2 = new OracleCommand(); c_2.Connection = conn_4; c_2.CommandText = "GETIDNOW"; c_2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; c_2.Parameters.Add("var", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output); // c_2.Parameters.Add("text_now", OracleDbType.NVarchar2,ParameterDirection.Input); c_2.Parameters.Add("text_now", list_text.Text); // lesa msh bya2raa el node_id c_2.ExecuteNonQuery(); try { newID_now_2 = Convert.ToInt32(c_2.Parameters["var"].Value.ToString()); } catch { newID_now_2 = 1; } try { //a = userID; //b = newID_now_2; connection delete = new connection(); if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete", "Comfirm", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK) { delete.DELETING_PROC(userID, newID_now_2); list_text.Items.RemoveAt(list_text.SelectedIndex); if (ths.bunifuCustomLabel4.Text != "1") { ths.bunifuCustomLabel4.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(ths.bunifuCustomLabel4.Text) - 1).ToString(); } else { ths.bunifuCustomLabel4.Text = "0"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else { PopupNotifier popup = new PopupNotifier(); popup.TitleText = "Personal Dairy Application"; popup.ContentText = "Select a note which you want to delete it"; popup.Image = Properties.Resources.icons8_Notification_32px; popup.Popup(); } }