private void Redraw_PDF() { ProgressBar1 prBar = new ProgressBar1(); try { prBar.Show(); prBar.Refresh(); int Rect_size_for_20 = page_Width / 22; if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 0) Rect_size = (page_Width) / (workspace_ob.field_ex.width + 2); else Rect_size = (page_Height) / (workspace_ob.field_ex.heigth + 2); height = workspace_ob.field_ex.heigth; width = workspace_ob.field_ex.width; keys_count = workspace_ob.keys.Count; int nID = axPXV_Control1.Inst.Str2ID("op.document.insertEmptyPages", false); //Create new "InsertEmptyPages" operation iD PDFXEdit.IOperation pOp = axPXV_Control1.Inst.CreateOp(nID); //Create new operation PDFXEdit.ICabNode input = pOp.Params.Root["Input"]; //Create "Input" id to current operation IPXC_Document pDoc = axPXV_Control1.Doc.CoreDoc; input.v = pDoc; //Specify that working with current document PDFXEdit.ICabNode options = pOp.Params.Root["Options"]; //Create "Option" id to current operation options["PaperType"].v = 2; //Apply custom paper type if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 0) { options["Width"].v = 800; options["Height"].v = 1200; } else { options["Width"].v = 1200; options["Height"].v = 800; } pOp.Do(); //Applying creation new pages nID = axPXV_Control1.Inst.Str2ID("op.document.deletePages", false); //Create new "deletePages" operation id pOp = axPXV_Control1.Inst.CreateOp(nID); //Create new operation input = pOp.Params.Root["Input"]; //Create "Input" id to current operation input.v = pDoc; //Specify that working with current document options = pOp.Params.Root["Options"]; //Create "Option" id to current operation options["PagesRange.Custom"].v = 0; //Specify range of deleting pages. In this case it is just one zeroth page pOp.Do();//Applying deletion range of pages var page = axPXV_Control1.Doc.CoreDoc.Pages[0]; //Create handler to first page var CC = axPXV_Control1.Doc.CoreDoc.CreateContentCreator(); //Create "Content Creator" for drawing on page. if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 0) { Redraw_field_vertical(width, height, CC, page); Draw_Keys_Vartical(ref CC, ref page); } else if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 1) { Redraw_field_horisontal(width, height, CC, page); Draw_Keys_Horisontal(ref CC, ref page); } CC.SetLineWidth(0.5); //Set line width CC.StrokePath(true); //Set end of drawing current element nID = axPXV_Control1.Inst.Str2ID("op.document.resizePages", false); pOp = axPXV_Control1.Inst.CreateOp(nID); input = pOp.Params.Root["Input"]; input.v = pDoc; options = pOp.Params.Root["Options"]; options["PaperType"].v = 2; //Document values table options["StdPaperIndex"].v = 4; //A2 options["ScalePage"].v = true; options["ConstraintProportions"].v = true; options["PagesRange.Filter"].v = 1; if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 1) { options["Width"].v = 841.89; options["Height"].v = 595.276; } pOp.Do(); prBar.Hide(); prBar.Refresh(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Generate PDF again."); prBar.Hide(); prBar.Refresh(); return; } prBar.Hide(); prBar.Refresh(); }
private void openFile(bool dragAndDrop, int slIndex = 0, string path_in = "") { this.Enabled = false; ProgressBar1 prgBar = new ProgressBar1(); string path = path_in; int selected = slIndex; if (dragAndDrop == false) { openFileDialog1.Filter = "Image Files(*.png; *.jpeg; *.gif; *bmp; *.jpg; *.ico; *.pcx; *.ppm; *.tiff; *.tif; *pbm; *.dcx; *.wmf)| *.png; *.jpeg; *.gif; *bmp; *.jpg; *.ico; *.pcx; *.ppm; *.tiff; *.tif; *pbm; *.dcx; *.wmf|Configuration Files(*.cnf)| *.cnf|All Files| *.*"; openFileDialog1.DefaultExt = ""; if(Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath.ToString() + "\\samples\\")){ openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath.ToString() + "\\samples\\"; } openFileDialog1.FileName = ""; openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true; if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { selected = openFileDialog1.FilterIndex; path = openFileDialog1.FileName; } else { this.Enabled = true; return; } } #region open_image if (selected == 1) { Bitmap temp = null; try { prgBar.Show(); prgBar.Refresh(); OpenSaveImage.OpenImage(axPXV_Control1, out temp, path); if(temp == null) { MessageBox.Show("File is incorrect."); this.Enabled = true; prgBar.Hide(); prgBar.Refresh(); return; } Image img = (Image)temp; Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(temp); clean_keys(); img = ResizeOrigImg(img, workspace_ob.field_ex.width, workspace_ob.field_ex.heigth); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img); for (int i = 0; i < workspace_ob.field_ex.width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < workspace_ob.field_ex.heigth; j++) { bool ifColorExist = false; for (int z = 0; z < workspace_ob.keys.Count; z++) { if (workspace_ob.keys[z].clr == bmp.GetPixel(i, j)) ifColorExist = true; } if (ifColorExist == false) workspace_ob.keys.Add(new Workspace.key("", bmp.GetPixel(i, j))); } } Minimize_All_Image_Colors(); for (int i = 0; i < workspace_ob.field_ex.width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < workspace_ob.field_ex.heigth; j++) { workspace_ob.field_ex.clr_fild[i][j] = Minimize_Image_Colors(bmp.GetPixel(i, j)); bool ifColorExist = false; for (int z = 0; z < workspace_ob.keys.Count; z++) { if (workspace_ob.keys[z].clr == workspace_ob.field_ex.clr_fild[i][j]) ifColorExist = true; } if (ifColorExist == false) workspace_ob.keys.Add(new Workspace.key("", workspace_ob.field_ex.clr_fild[i][j])); } } for (int i = 0; i <= workspace_ob.field_ex.width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= workspace_ob.field_ex.width; j++) workspace_ob.field_ex.str_fild[i][j] = ""; } GenerateNumbers(); UpdateDataGridView1(); if (workspace_ob.keys.Count >= 2) { optionsToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = true; button_options.Enabled = true; } else { optionsToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false; button_options.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("Please, add more keys."); } prgBar.Hide(); prgBar.Refresh(); } catch(FormatException) { textBox_info.Text = "File is incorrect."; this.Enabled = true; prgBar.Hide(); prgBar.Refresh(); return; } prgBar.Hide(); prgBar.Refresh(); } #endregion #region open template else if (selected == 2) { string input = path; string for_open; using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(@input, Encoding.UTF8)) { for_open = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } try { OpenSave.opens_string_for_save_conf(for_open, workspace_ob); } catch (System.FormatException) { textBox_info.Text = "File is incorrect. Please, delete it."; MessageBox.Show("File is incorrect."); } GenerateNumbers(); } #endregion Refresh(); this.Enabled = true; this.Activate(); }
private void Redraw_PDF() { ProgressBar1 prBar = new ProgressBar1(); try { prBar.Show(); prBar.Refresh(); int Rect_size_for_20 = page_Width / 22; if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 0) { Rect_size = (page_Width) / (workspace_ob.field_ex.width + 2); } else { Rect_size = (page_Height) / (workspace_ob.field_ex.heigth + 2); } height = workspace_ob.field_ex.heigth; width = workspace_ob.field_ex.width; keys_count = workspace_ob.keys.Count; int nID = axPXV_Control1.Inst.Str2ID("op.document.insertEmptyPages", false); //Create new "InsertEmptyPages" operation iD PDFXEdit.IOperation pOp = axPXV_Control1.Inst.CreateOp(nID); //Create new operation PDFXEdit.ICabNode input = pOp.Params.Root["Input"]; //Create "Input" id to current operation IPXC_Document pDoc = axPXV_Control1.Doc.CoreDoc; input.v = pDoc; //Specify that working with current document PDFXEdit.ICabNode options = pOp.Params.Root["Options"]; //Create "Option" id to current operation options["PaperType"].v = 2; //Apply custom paper type if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 0) { options["Width"].v = 800; options["Height"].v = 1200; } else { options["Width"].v = 1200; options["Height"].v = 800; } pOp.Do(); //Applying creation new pages nID = axPXV_Control1.Inst.Str2ID("op.document.deletePages", false); //Create new "deletePages" operation id pOp = axPXV_Control1.Inst.CreateOp(nID); //Create new operation input = pOp.Params.Root["Input"]; //Create "Input" id to current operation input.v = pDoc; //Specify that working with current document options = pOp.Params.Root["Options"]; //Create "Option" id to current operation options["PagesRange.Custom"].v = 0; //Specify range of deleting pages. In this case it is just one zeroth page pOp.Do(); //Applying deletion range of pages var page = axPXV_Control1.Doc.CoreDoc.Pages[0]; //Create handler to first page var CC = axPXV_Control1.Doc.CoreDoc.CreateContentCreator(); //Create "Content Creator" for drawing on page. if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 0) { Redraw_field_vertical(width, height, CC, page); Draw_Keys_Vartical(ref CC, ref page); } else if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 1) { Redraw_field_horisontal(width, height, CC, page); Draw_Keys_Horisontal(ref CC, ref page); } CC.SetLineWidth(0.5); //Set line width CC.StrokePath(true); //Set end of drawing current element nID = axPXV_Control1.Inst.Str2ID("op.document.resizePages", false); pOp = axPXV_Control1.Inst.CreateOp(nID); input = pOp.Params.Root["Input"]; input.v = pDoc; options = pOp.Params.Root["Options"]; options["PaperType"].v = 2; //Document values table options["StdPaperIndex"].v = 4; //A2 options["ScalePage"].v = true; options["ConstraintProportions"].v = true; options["PagesRange.Filter"].v = 1; if (workspace_ob.op.orientation_of_document == 1) { options["Width"].v = 841.89; options["Height"].v = 595.276; } pOp.Do(); prBar.Hide(); prBar.Refresh(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Generate PDF again."); prBar.Hide(); prBar.Refresh(); return; } prBar.Hide(); prBar.Refresh(); }