예제 #1
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            bool useAlt                         = UseAlternateTexture();
            int  selectedMusic                  = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.DisplayBox].music;
            int  firstBox                       = tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.musicData[0].music;
            int  lastBox                        = tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.musicData[tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.musicData.Count - 1].music;
            bool firstOrLast                    = (Id == "prev" && selectedMusic == firstBox) || (Id == "next" && selectedMusic == lastBox);
            int  indexPrev                      = tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.FindPrevIndex();
            int  indexNext                      = tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.FindNextIndex();
            bool firstOrLastUnavail             = (Id == "prev" && (indexPrev == -1 || tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening)) || (Id == "next" && (indexNext == -1 || tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening));
            MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer         = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>();
            bool            recordUnavail       = Id == "record" && modplayer.musicBoxesStored <= 0;
            bool            activeListen        = (Id == "next" || Id == "prev" || Id == "play") && tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening;
            bool            musicAtZero         = Id != "expand" && Id != "view" && Main.musicVolume <= 0f;
            bool            clearModDisabled    = Id == "clearfiltermod" && tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.FilterMod == "";
            bool            cannotPlayListMusic = Id.Contains("altplay") && !tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.canPlay.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(Id.Substring(Id.IndexOf("_") + 1)));
            bool            disabled            = firstOrLast | firstOrLastUnavail | recordUnavail | activeListen | musicAtZero | clearModDisabled | cannotPlayListMusic;
            Rectangle       push                = new Rectangle(useAlt ? (src.X + src.Width + 2) : src.X, (IsMouseHovering && !disabled) ? (src.Y + src.Height + 2) : src.Y, src.Width, src.Height);
            CalculatedStyle innerDimensions     = GetInnerDimensions();

            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, innerDimensions.ToRectangle(), push, disabled ? new Color(60, 60, 60, 60) : Color.White);
            if (ContainsPoint(Main.MouseScreen) && !PlayerInput.IgnoreMouseInterface)
                Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true;
                if (tMusicPlayer.tMPConfig.EnableMoreTooltips && Main.SmartCursorEnabled && !disabled)
                    Main.hoverItemName = SetHoverItemName(Id);
예제 #2
        public override void Click(UIMouseEvent evt)
            Player            player    = Main.LocalPlayer;
            MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer = player.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>();

            if (IsMouseHovering && modplayer.musicBoxesStored > 0)
                if (Main.mouseItem.IsAir)
                while (modplayer.musicBoxesStored > 0)
                    player.QuickSpawnItem(itemID, 1);
예제 #3
        protected override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            CalculatedStyle   dimensions = GetDimensions();
            Rectangle         rectangle  = dimensions.ToRectangle();
            MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer  = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>();

            if (ContainsPoint(Main.MouseScreen) && !PlayerInput.IgnoreMouseInterface)
                Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true;
                if (tMusicPlayer.tMPConfig.EnableMoreTooltips && Main.SmartCursorEnabled)
                    Main.hoverItemName =
                        "Stored music boxes record songs while recording is enabled\n" +
                        $"Up to {tMusicPlayer.tMPConfig.MaxStorage} music boxes can be held at once\n" +
                        "Right click to take out one music box\nLeft click to take all of them out";
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(rectangle.X + Width.Pixels * 0.75f, rectangle.Y + Height.Pixels * 0.75f);

            Utils.DrawBorderString(spriteBatch, modplayer.musicBoxesStored.ToString(), pos, Color.White, 0.85f);
예제 #4
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            bool  isSelectionSlot = Id.Contains("SelectionSlot");
            bool  isDisplaySlot   = Id == "DisplaySlot";
            bool  isEntrySlot     = Id == "EntrySlot";
            float oldScale        = Main.inventoryScale;

            Main.inventoryScale = scale;
            CalculatedStyle   dimensions = GetDimensions();
            Rectangle         rectangle  = dimensions.ToRectangle();
            MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer  = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>();

            if (isDisplaySlot)
                if (tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening)
                    int index = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic.FindIndex((MusicData musicRef) => musicRef.music == Main.curMusic);
                    tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.ListenDisplay = index;
                    if (index != -1)
                        itemID = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[index].musicbox;
                if (!tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening || tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.ListenDisplay == -1)
                    tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.ListenDisplay = -1;
                    itemID = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.DisplayBox].musicbox;
            if (!isEntrySlot)
                bool HasMusicBox = modplayer.MusicBoxList.Any(item => item.Type == itemID);
                musicBox.SetDefaults(HasMusicBox ? itemID : 0);
                if (!musicBox.IsAir)
                    if (musicBox.type != ItemID.MusicBox)
                        modplayer.MusicBoxList.Add(new ItemDefinition(musicBox.type));
                        tMusicPlayer.SendDebugText($"Added [c/{Utils.Hex3(Color.DarkSeaGreen)}:{musicBox.Name}] [ID#{refItem}]", Colors.RarityGreen);
                    else if (modplayer.musicBoxesStored < 5)
            if (ContainsPoint(Main.MouseScreen) && !PlayerInput.IgnoreMouseInterface)
                Main.LocalPlayer.mouseInterface = true;
                if (isSelectionSlot && (Main.mouseItem.type == refItem || Main.mouseItem.IsAir) && !Main.mouseRight)
                    if (Main.mouseLeft)
                        Main.playerInventory = true;
                    ItemSlot.Handle(ref musicBox, context);
                else if (isEntrySlot)
                    int mouseType = Main.mouseItem.type;
                    if (mouseType != 0)
                        bool ValidEntryBox         = modplayer.MusicBoxList.All(x => x.Type != mouseType) && tMusicPlayer.AllMusic.Any(y => y.musicbox == mouseType);
                        bool isUnrecordedAndNotMax = mouseType == 576 && modplayer.musicBoxesStored < 5;
                        if (ValidEntryBox | isUnrecordedAndNotMax)
                            ItemSlot.Handle(ref musicBox, context);
                        ItemSlot.Handle(ref musicBox, context);
                    if (tMusicPlayer.tMPConfig.EnableMoreTooltips && Main.SmartCursorEnabled)
                        Main.hoverItemName = "Insert a music box you do not already own!";
            Texture2D backup = Main.inventoryBack2Texture;

            Main.inventoryBack2Texture = (isEntrySlot ? Main.inventoryBack7Texture : Main.inventoryBack3Texture);
            ItemSlot.Draw(spriteBatch, ref musicBox, context, Utils.TopLeft(rectangle));
            Main.inventoryBack2Texture = backup;
            Main.inventoryScale        = oldScale;
            if (isSelectionSlot)
                int index   = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic.FindIndex(x => x.musicbox == refItem);
                int musicID = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[index].music;
                if (musicBox.type == refItem)
                    if (modplayer.MusicBoxList.All(x => x.Type != refItem))
                        modplayer.MusicBoxList.Add(new ItemDefinition(refItem));
                        tMusicPlayer.SendDebugText($"Added [c/{Utils.Hex3(Color.DarkSeaGreen)}:{musicBox.Name}] [ID#{refItem}]", Colors.RarityGreen);
                    if (IsMouseHovering && Main.mouseRight && Id.Contains("Grid"))
                        tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.ListenDisplay = -1;
                        tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening     = false;
                        tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.DisplayBox    = index;
                        tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.playingMusic  = musicID;
                else if (musicBox.IsAir && ContainsPoint(Main.MouseScreen) && modplayer.MusicBoxList.Any(x => x.Type == refItem))
                    modplayer.MusicBoxList.RemoveAll(x => x.Type == refItem);
                    tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.canPlay.Remove(musicID);                     // = tMusicPlayer.tMPConfig.EnableAllMusicBoxes;
                    tMusicPlayer.SendDebugText($"Removed Music Box [ID#{refItem}]", Color.IndianRed);
                    if (!tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.canPlay.Contains(musicID))
                        int next = tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.FindNextIndex();
                        int prev = tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.FindPrevIndex();
                        if (next != -1)
                            tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.DisplayBox = next;
                        else if (prev != -1)
                            tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.DisplayBox = prev;
                            tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.playingMusic = -1;
                            tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening    = true;
            if (musicBox.IsAir)
                int type;
                if (isDisplaySlot)
                    if (tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.listening && Main.musicVolume > 0f && tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.ListenDisplay != -1)
                        type = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.ListenDisplay].musicbox;
                        if (tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.DisplayBox == -1)
                        type = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.DisplayBox].musicbox;
                    type = refItem;
                if (type > 0)
                    float x2 = (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2) - Main.itemTexture[type].Width * scale / 2f;
                    float y2 = (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2) - Main.itemTexture[type].Height * scale / 2f;
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Main.itemTexture[type], new Vector2(x2, y2), Main.itemTexture[type].Bounds, new Color(75, 75, 75, 75), 0f, Vector2.Zero, scale, 0, 0f);
예제 #5
        internal void OrganizeSelection(SortBy sortBy, ProgressBy progressBy, string filterMod, bool initializing = false)
            int displayMusicID = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[DisplayBox].music;

            if (sortBy == SortBy.ID)
                musicData = musicData.OrderBy(x => x.music).ToList();
            if (sortBy == SortBy.Name)
                musicData = musicData.OrderBy(x => x.name).ToList();

            DisplayBox = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic.FindIndex(x => x.music == displayMusicID);


            if (!viewMode)
                // Current view mode is GRID
                ItemSlotRow newRow = new ItemSlotRow(0, 400, 50);
                int         col    = 0;
                int         row    = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < musicData.Count; i++)
                    // Filter checks do not happen when initializing
                    // Include all music boxes if FilterMod is left empty
                    // Otherwise find music boxes with the same mod name as the selected filter mod
                    // If Availability isn't 'None' check if the box is obtained or not
                    if (!initializing)
                        MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>();
                        bool CheckFilterMod         = filterMod != "" && (musicData[i].mod != filterMod);
                        bool CheckObtained          = progressBy == ProgressBy.Obtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.All(x => x.Type != musicData[i].musicbox);
                        bool CheckUnobtained        = progressBy == ProgressBy.Unobtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.Any(x => x.Type == musicData[i].musicbox);

                        if (CheckFilterMod || CheckObtained || CheckUnobtained)

                    SelectionSlots[i]             = new MusicBoxSlot(musicData[i].musicbox, 0.85f);
                    SelectionSlots[i].Left.Pixels = 20f + (SelectionSlots[i].Width.Pixels + 10f) * col;
                    SelectionSlots[i].Top.Pixels  = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - (SelectionSlots[i].Height.Pixels / 2f);
                    SelectionSlots[i].Id          = $"SelectionSlotGrid_{i}";
                    if (col == 5)
                        col = 0;
                        newRow = new ItemSlotRow(row, 400, 50);
                if (col != 0)
                    // Add the last row if we did not complete it
                // Current view mode is LIST
                ItemSlotRow newRow;
                for (int i = 0; i < musicData.Count; i++)
                    // Include all music boxes if FilterMod is left empty
                    // Otherwise find music boxes with the same mod name as the selected filter mod
                    // If Availability isn't 'None' check if the box is obtained or not
                    if (!initializing)
                        MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>();
                        bool CheckFilterMod         = filterMod != "" && (musicData[i].mod != filterMod);
                        bool CheckObtained          = progressBy == ProgressBy.Obtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.All(x => x.Type != musicData[i].musicbox);
                        bool CheckUnobtained        = progressBy == ProgressBy.Unobtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.Any(x => x.Type == musicData[i].musicbox);

                        if (CheckFilterMod || CheckObtained || CheckUnobtained)

                    newRow = new ItemSlotRow(i, panelTextures[2].Bounds.Width, panelTextures[2].Bounds.Height);

                    // Item Slot
                    SelectionSlots[i]             = new MusicBoxSlot(musicData[i].musicbox, 0.85f);
                    SelectionSlots[i].Left.Pixels = 20f;
                    SelectionSlots[i].Top.Pixels  = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - (SelectionSlots[i].Height.Pixels / 2f);
                    SelectionSlots[i].Id          = $"SelectionSlotList_{i}";

                    // Play button
                    HoverButton playSong = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(24, 0, 22, 22))
                        Id = $"altplay_{musicData[i].music}",
                    playSong.Width.Pixels  = 22f;
                    playSong.Height.Pixels = 22f;
                    playSong.Left.Pixels   = SelectionSlots[i].Left.Pixels + SelectionSlots[i].Width.Pixels + 8f;
                    playSong.Top.Pixels    = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - (playSong.Height.Pixels / 2f);
                    playSong.OnClick      += (a, b) => ListViewPlaySong(playSong.Id);

                    // Song name and mod
                    UIText songName = new UIText(musicData[i].name, 0.85f);
                    songName.Left.Pixels = playSong.Left.Pixels + playSong.Width.Pixels + 8f;
                    songName.Top.Pixels  = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - 15f;

                    UIText songMod = new UIText(musicData[i].mod, 0.85f);
                    songMod.Left.Pixels = playSong.Left.Pixels + playSong.Width.Pixels + 8f;
                    songMod.Top.Pixels  = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) + 4f;


예제 #6
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // This code mimics the "Music Box Recording" process.
            // Check if we have music boxes at the ready, if the player is in record mode and music is currently playing.
            // If all of those apply, we also go a rand check which will trigger the "recording" code.
            Player            player    = Main.LocalPlayer;
            MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer = player.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>();

            if (modplayer.musicBoxesStored > 0 && tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.recording && Main.curMusic > 0 && Main.rand.Next(2700) == 0)
                int index = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic.FindIndex(x => x.music == Main.curMusic);                 // Make sure curMusic is a music box.
                if (index != -1)
                    int musicBoxType = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[index].musicbox;
                    Main.PlaySound(SoundLoader.customSoundType, player.position, ModLoader.GetMod("tMusicPlayer").GetSoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/Custom/recorded"));                     // TODO: [1.4] Proper PlaySound
                    if (modplayer.MusicBoxList.All(x => x.Type != musicBoxType))
                        // If we don't have it in our music player, automatically add it in.
                        modplayer.MusicBoxList.Add(new ItemDefinition(musicBoxType));
                        // If we do have it already, spawn the item.
                    tMusicPlayer.SendDebugText($"Music Box ({tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[index].name}) obtained!", Color.BlanchedAlmond);

                    // Automatically turn recording off and reduce the amount of stored music boxes by 1.
                    tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.recording = false;

            if (Main.gameMenu)
                playingMusic  = -1;
                ListenDisplay = -1;
                listening     = false;
            if (tMusicPlayer.HidePlayerHotkey.JustPressed)
                mpToggleVisibility = !mpToggleVisibility;
                if (mpToggleVisibility)
                    if (tMusicPlayer.tMPConfig.StartWithSmall != tMusicPlayer.MusicPlayerUI.smallPanel)
            if (tMusicPlayer.PlayStopHotkey.JustPressed)
            if (tMusicPlayer.PrevSongHotkey.JustPressed)
                ChangeDisplay(false, false);
            if (tMusicPlayer.NextSongHotkey.JustPressed)
                ChangeDisplay(true, false);

            this.AddOrRemoveChild(MusicPlayerPanel, mpToggleVisibility);
            this.AddOrRemoveChild(musicEntryPanel, selectionVisible);
            this.AddOrRemoveChild(selectionPanel, selectionVisible);

            // Update positions of UIElements that are not parented by the main SelectionPanel
            musicEntryPanel.Left.Pixels = selectionPanel.Left.Pixels - musicEntryPanel.Width.Pixels + 10f;
            musicEntryPanel.Top.Pixels  = selectionPanel.Top.Pixels + 10f;

            if (!listening && canPlay.Count == 0)
            if (modplayer.musicBoxesStored <= 0)
                recording = false;
            if (!selectionVisible)
                searchBar.currentString = "";
                OrganizeSelection(sortType, availabililty, FilterMod);