/// <summary> /// get Home location, Exception to load Home page default (html template) /// </summary> private static void _WikiGetHome(stDokuWiki.WikiEngine.WikiFile wiki, string namesspace) { if (CoCWebSrv._WikiGetTarget(WikiRequestType.None, namesspace) == WikiFileType.None) { throw new WikiErrorPageException( ((namesspace.Contains(":")) ? namesspace : String.Empty) ); } throw new WikiErrorPageException(); }
public static void WikiWebRequest(string url, object ctx, object udata) { byte[] msg; stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration conf = udata as stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration; HttpListenerContext context = ctx as HttpListenerContext; if ( (udata == null) || (conf.HttpSrv == null) ) { context.Response.Abort(); return; } if (conf.HtmlTemplate == null) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, String.Empty, context ); return; } try { if ((msg = CoCWebSrv.WebWikiRouteTree(url, conf)) == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Create Wiki page error"); } } catch (Exception e) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e.Message, context ); return; } try { if (context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK) { context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "max-age=2629000, public"); } else { context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "no-cache"); } context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpContentType, HttpUtil.GetMimeType("", HttpUtil.MimeType.MimeHtml)); context.Response.ContentLength64 = msg.Length; context.Response.OutputStream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length); context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); } #if DEBUG catch (Exception e) { conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, "Wiki"), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); #else catch (Exception) { #endif context.Response.Abort(); return; } context.Response.Close(); return; /* * /////// * //////// Go this! * ////// * string[] urlPart = url.Split('/'); * * if ( * (urlPart.Length < 5) || * ( * (!urlPart[2].All(char.IsDigit)) || * (!urlPart[3].All(char.IsDigit)) || * (!urlPart[4].All(char.IsDigit)) * ) * ) * { * DateTime cdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); * urlPart = new string[] { * "", * "", * cdate.ToString("yyyy"), * cdate.ToString("MM"), * cdate.ToString("dd") * }; * } * try * { * cacheid = @"irc" + urlPart[4] + urlPart[3] + urlPart[2]; * * if ( * (!conf.Opt.WEBCacheEnable.bval) || * (!stCore.stCache.GetCacheObject<byte[]>(cacheid, out msg)) * ) * { * filePath = conf.LogDump.GetFilePath(urlPart[4], urlPart[3], urlPart[2]); * * if (!File.Exists(filePath)) * { * string title = string.Format( * Properties.Resources.httpLogNotFound, * urlPart[2], * urlPart[3], * urlPart[4] * ); * msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( * conf.HtmlTemplate.Render( * new * { * LANG = conf.Opt.SYSLANGConsole.value.ToLower(), * TITLE = title, * INSERTHTMLDATA = title, * TOPMENU = string.Format( * Properties.Resources.ircLogArchive, * conf.Opt.IRCChannel.value * ), * DATE = DateTime.Now.ToString(), * GENERATOR = conf.HttpSrv.wUserAgent, * DATEY = urlPart[2], * DATEM = urlPart[3], * DATED = urlPart[4] * }, * "IrcLogTemplate.html", * filePath * ) * ); * context.Response.StatusCode = ((conf.Opt.WEBFrontEndEnable.bval) ? (int)HttpStatusCode.OK : (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound); * } * else * { * msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( * conf.HtmlTemplate.Render( * new * { * LANG = conf.Opt.SYSLANGConsole.value.ToLower(), * TITLE = string.Format( * Properties.Resources.httpDateLogTitle, * urlPart[2], * urlPart[3], * urlPart[4] * ), * TOPMENU = string.Format( * Properties.Resources.ircLogArchive, * conf.Opt.IRCChannel.value * ), * DATE = DateTime.Now.ToString(), * GENERATOR = conf.HttpSrv.wUserAgent, * DATEY = urlPart[2], * DATEM = urlPart[3], * DATED = urlPart[4] * }, * "IrcLogTemplate.html", * filePath * ) * ); * if (conf.Opt.WEBCacheEnable.bval) * { * stCore.stCache.SetCacheObject<byte[]>(cacheid, msg, DateTime.Now.AddHours(6)); * } * context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; * } * } * else * { * context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; #if DEBUG_isCached * stConsole.WriteHeader("IRC LOG content is cached: " + cacheid + " : " + msg.Length.ToString()); #endif * } * } * catch (Exception e) * { * CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( * conf, * HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, * e.Message, * context * ); * return; * } * try * { * if (context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK) * { * context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "max-age=2629000, public"); * } * else * { * context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "no-cache"); * } * context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpContentType, HttpUtil.GetMimeType("", HttpUtil.MimeType.MimeHtml)); * context.Response.ContentLength64 = msg.Length; * context.Response.OutputStream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length); * context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); * } #if DEBUG * catch (Exception e) * { * conf.ILog.LogError("[Template Web Request]: " + e.GetType().Name + " -> " + e.Message); #else * catch (Exception) * { #endif * context.Response.Abort(); * return; * } * context.Response.Close(); */ }
public static void InformerWebRequest(string url, object ctx, object udata) { stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration conf = udata as stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration; HttpListenerContext context = ctx as HttpListenerContext; stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.CoCFmtReq reqtype = stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.CoCFmtReq.None; if ( (udata == null) || (conf.HttpSrv == null) ) { context.Response.Abort(); return; } if ( (conf.Api == null) || (!conf.Api.DBCheck()) ) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, String.Empty, context ); return; } Int32 idx = 0, resize = 2; byte[] msg = null; string[] urlPart = url.Split('/'); urlPart = urlPart.Skip(1).Concat(urlPart.Take(1)).ToArray(); Array.Resize(ref urlPart, urlPart.Length - 1); string memberId = "", langid = stNet.stWebServerUtil.HttpUtil.GetHttpPreferedLanguage(context.Request.UserLanguages); try { if (urlPart.Length < 3) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } if (!Int32.TryParse(urlPart[2], out idx)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } switch (urlPart[1]) { case "info": case "clan": { reqtype = stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.CoCFmtReq.Clan; if (urlPart.Length != 4) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } break; } case "player": case "member": { reqtype = stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.CoCFmtReq.Members; if (urlPart.Length != 5) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } if (urlPart[3].Equals("random")) { urlPart[1] = urlPart[3]; resize = 3; } else { if ((urlPart[3].Length > 12) || (urlPart[3].Length < 6)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } urlPart[2] = urlPart[3]; } memberId = urlPart[3]; break; } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } Array.Resize(ref urlPart, urlPart.Length - resize); } catch (Exception) { conf.HttpSrv.BadRequestRaw(conf.Api.InformerImageError(reqtype, langid), context, (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, HttpUtil.MimeType.MimePng); return; } try { stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.ClanTypeReq cReq = stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.ClanTypeReq.None; string query = string.Empty; try { query = conf.Api.GetQueryString(urlPart, ref cReq, conf.Opt.SQLDBFilterMemberTag.collection, conf.ILog.LogError); if ( (cReq == stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.ClanTypeReq.None) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query)) ) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } } catch (Exception) { throw new ArgumentException(); } #if DEBUG_PrintWebRequest stConsole.WriteHeader("InformerWebRequest -> URL: (" + url + ") Query: (" + query + ")"); #endif DataTable dt = conf.Api.QueryData(query); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count == 0)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } #if DEBUG_PrintJson stConsole.WriteHeader("InformerWebRequest -> JSON: " + dt.ToJson(false, false)); #endif #if DEBUG_PrintDataTable dt.DataTableToPrint(); #endif msg = conf.Api.InformerImageGet(dt.Rows[0], reqtype, idx, memberId, langid, conf.Opt.WEBCacheEnable.bval); #if DEBUG_PrintImageInfo stConsole.WriteHeader("InformerWebRequest -> ImageInfo: " + msg.Length); #endif } catch (Exception) { conf.HttpSrv.BadRequestRaw( conf.Api.InformerImageError(stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.CoCFmtReq.Auth, langid), context, (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, HttpUtil.MimeType.MimePng ); return; } try { #if DEBUG_NoCache context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "no-cache"); context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpAccelBuffering, "no"); #else context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "max-age=" + conf.Api.UpdateNextSeconds.ToString() + ", public"); context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpAccelBuffering, "yes"); context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpLastModified, conf.Api.UpdateLastTime.ToString("R")); #endif context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpContentType, HttpUtil.GetMimeType("", HttpUtil.MimeType.MimePng)); context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpAccessControlAllowOrigin, "*"); context.Response.ContentLength64 = msg.Length; context.Response.OutputStream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length); context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); } #if DEBUG catch (Exception e) { conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, "Informer"), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); #else catch (Exception) { #endif context.Response.Abort(); return; } context.Response.Close(); }
public static void SseWebRequest(string url, object ctx, object udata) { stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration conf = udata as stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration; HttpListenerContext context = ctx as HttpListenerContext; if ( (udata == null) || (conf.HttpSrv == null) ) { context.Response.Abort(); return; } string[] urlPart = url.Split('/'); if (urlPart.Length < 3) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Properties.Resources.fmtNotifyUrlError, context ); return; } stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCNotifyHost client = new stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCNotifyHost() { Response = context.Response, IpAddress = ((IPAddress)stNet.stWebServerUtil.HttpUtil.GetHttpClientIP(context.Request)).ToString(), Language = stNet.stWebServerUtil.HttpUtil.GetHttpPreferedLanguage(context.Request.UserLanguages) }; switch (urlPart[2]) { case "sse": { if ( (conf.Api == null) || (!conf.Api.DBCheck()) ) { if (conf.Api.NotifySendSseStreamComplette( client, stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.EventNotify.ServerError.ToString(), HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError.ToString() )) { context.Response.Close(); } else { context.Response.Abort(); } return; } if (!context.Request.KeepAlive) { if (conf.Api.NotifySendSseStreamComplette( client, stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.EventNotify.ServerError.ToString(), stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.EventNotify.NoKeepAlive.ToString() + " : " + DateTime.Now.ToString() )) { context.Response.Close(); } else { context.Response.Abort(); } return; } conf.Api.NotifySseAdd(client); break; } case "json": { if ( (conf.Api == null) || (!conf.Api.DBCheck()) ) { conf.HttpSrv.BadRequestJson(stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.EventNotify.ServerError.ToString(), context, (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); return; } bool isfull = true; if ( (urlPart.Length > 3) && (urlPart[3].Equals("list")) ) { isfull = false; } if (conf.Api.NotifySendJsonComplette(client, isfull)) { context.Response.Close(); } else { context.Response.Abort(); } break; } case "xml": case "rss": { if ( (conf.Api == null) || (!conf.Api.DBCheck()) ) { conf.HttpSrv.BadRequestXml(stCoCAPI.CoCAPI.CoCEnum.EventNotify.ServerError.ToString(), context, (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); return; } if (conf.Api.NotifySendRssComplette(client)) { context.Response.Close(); } else { context.Response.Abort(); } break; } default: { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, Properties.Resources.fmtNotifyUrlError, context ); break; } } }
public static void FileWebRequest(string url, object ctx, object udata) { stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration conf = udata as stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration; HttpListenerContext context = ctx as HttpListenerContext; if ( (udata == null) || (conf.HttpSrv == null) ) { context.Response.Abort(); return; } byte[] msg = null; long msgsize = 0; string modify = String.Empty; string filePath = conf.Opt.SYSROOTPath.value; if (url.Contains("?")) { string [] urlPart = url.Split('?'); if ((urlPart.Length == 0) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlPart[0]))) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, String.Empty, context ); return; } url = urlPart[0]; } foreach (string part in url.Split('/')) { if (part.Equals("..")) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, String.Empty, context ); return; } filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, part); } if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.NotFound, HttpStatusCode.NotFound.ToString() + @" path: '<b>" + url + @"</b>'", context ); return; } try { msg = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); switch (context.Request.HttpMethod) { case "HEAD": { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filePath); modify = fi.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToLongDateString(); break; } case "GET": { msg = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); msgsize = msg.Length; modify = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filePath).ToLongDateString(); break; } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(Properties.Resources.httpMethodNotSupport); } } } catch (Exception e) { conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, ""), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e.Message, context ); return; } try { context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpContentType, HttpUtil.GetMimeType(url)); context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpContentDisposition, string.Format( Properties.Settings.Default.setHttpContentDisposition, Path.GetFileName(filePath) ) ); context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpLastModified, modify); context.Response.ContentLength64 = msgsize; context.Response.OutputStream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length); context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); } #if DEBUG catch (Exception e) { conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, "File"), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); #else catch (Exception) { #endif context.Response.Abort(); return; } context.Response.Close(); }
public static void TemplateWebRequest(string url, object ctx, object udata) { byte[] msg; string filePath, cacheid; stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration conf = udata as stCoCServerConfig.CoCServerConfigData.Configuration; HttpListenerContext context = ctx as HttpListenerContext; if ( (udata == null) || (conf.HttpSrv == null) ) { context.Response.Abort(); return; } if ( (conf.HtmlTemplate == null) || (conf.LogDump == null) ) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, String.Empty, context ); return; } string [] urlPart = url.Split('/'); if ( (urlPart.Length < 5) || ( (!urlPart[2].All(char.IsDigit)) || (!urlPart[3].All(char.IsDigit)) || (!urlPart[4].All(char.IsDigit)) ) ) { DateTime cdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); urlPart = new string[] { "", "", cdate.ToString("yyyy"), cdate.ToString("MM"), cdate.ToString("dd") }; } try { cacheid = @"irc" + urlPart[4] + urlPart[3] + urlPart[2]; if ( (!conf.Opt.WEBCacheEnable.bval) || (!stCore.stCache.GetCacheObject <byte[]>(cacheid, out msg)) ) { filePath = conf.LogDump.GetFilePath(urlPart[4], urlPart[3], urlPart[2]); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { string title = string.Format( Properties.Resources.httpLogNotFound, urlPart[2], urlPart[3], urlPart[4] ); msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( conf.HtmlTemplate.Render( new { LANG = conf.Opt.SYSLANGConsole.value.ToLower(), TITLE = title, INSERTHTMLDATA = title, TOPMENU = string.Format( Properties.Resources.ircLogArchive, conf.Opt.IRCChannel.value ), DATE = DateTime.Now.ToString(), GENERATOR = conf.HttpSrv.wUserAgent, DATEY = urlPart[2], DATEM = urlPart[3], DATED = urlPart[4] }, "IrcLogTemplate.html", filePath ) ); context.Response.StatusCode = ((conf.Opt.WEBFrontEndEnable.bval) ? (int)HttpStatusCode.OK : (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } else { msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( conf.HtmlTemplate.Render( new { LANG = conf.Opt.SYSLANGConsole.value.ToLower(), TITLE = string.Format( Properties.Resources.httpDateLogTitle, urlPart[2], urlPart[3], urlPart[4] ), TOPMENU = string.Format( Properties.Resources.ircLogArchive, conf.Opt.IRCChannel.value ), DATE = DateTime.Now.ToString(), GENERATOR = conf.HttpSrv.wUserAgent, DATEY = urlPart[2], DATEM = urlPart[3], DATED = urlPart[4] }, "IrcLogTemplate.html", filePath ) ); if (conf.Opt.WEBCacheEnable.bval) { stCore.stCache.SetCacheObject <byte[]>(cacheid, msg, DateTime.Now.AddHours(6)); } context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; } } else { context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; #if DEBUG_isCached stConsole.WriteHeader("IRC LOG content is cached: " + cacheid + " : " + msg.Length.ToString()); #endif } } catch (Exception e) { CoCWebSrv._ErrorHtmlDefault( conf, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e.Message, context ); return; } try { if (context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK) { context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "max-age=2629000, public"); } else { context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpCacheControl, "no-cache"); } context.Response.AddHeader(conf.HttpSrv.httpContentType, HttpUtil.GetMimeType("", HttpUtil.MimeType.MimeHtml)); context.Response.ContentLength64 = msg.Length; context.Response.OutputStream.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length); context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); } #if DEBUG catch (Exception e) { conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, "Template"), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); #else catch (Exception) { #endif context.Response.Abort(); return; } context.Response.Close(); }
public static byte[] WebWikiRouteTree(string url, Configuration conf, WikiFileMeta wfm = null) { try { List <string> urlPart = url.Split(new string[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Skip(1).ToList(); // Uri part, folders array switch (urlPart.Count) { case 0: { // root, get home page template // return Exception WikiHomePageException stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("0: Count"); throw new WikiHomePageException(); } case 1: { // not complette request, // only WikiRequestType is set? switch (CoCWebSrv._WikiGetAction(urlPart[0])) { default: case WikiRequestType.None: { // get Exception Home page default (html template) // return Exception WikiHomePageException stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("1: WikiRequestType.None:0"); _WikiGetHome(conf.WikiEngine, urlPart[0]); break; } case WikiRequestType.List: { // get page list default ? // return Md format txt stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("1: WikiRequestType.List:0"); return(_WikiGetList(conf.WikiEngine, WikiFileType.FileReadMd, String.Empty)); } case WikiRequestType.Find: { // get find page default ? // return Md format txt stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("1: WikiRequestType.Find:0"); throw new WikiSearchException("search pattern is empty"); } } break; } case 2: { // get List/Page/Media ? WikiRequestType wrt = CoCWebSrv._WikiGetAction(urlPart[0]); WikiFileType wft = CoCWebSrv._WikiGetTarget(wrt, urlPart[1]); switch (wrt) { default: case WikiRequestType.Del: case WikiRequestType.Put: case WikiRequestType.None: { // get Exception Home page default (html template) // return Exception WikiHomePageException stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("2: _WikiGetHome"); _WikiGetHome( conf.WikiEngine, ((wft == WikiFileType.None) ? urlPart[1] : String.Empty) ); break; } case WikiRequestType.Find: { // get page list default ? stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("2: _WikiFindList"); if ( ((wft == WikiFileType.None) && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlPart[1]))) || (wft != WikiFileType.None) ) { throw new WikiSearchException("search pattern is empty"); } return(_WikiFindList( conf.WikiEngine, ((wft == WikiFileType.None) ? WikiFileType.FileReadMd : wft), urlPart[1] )); } case WikiRequestType.List: { // get page list default ? stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("2: _WikiGetList"); return(_WikiGetList( conf.WikiEngine, ((wft == WikiFileType.None) ? WikiFileType.FileReadMd : wft), ((wft == WikiFileType.None) ? urlPart[1] : String.Empty) )); } case WikiRequestType.Get: { // get page/media default ? eturn start page stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("2: _WikiGetFile"); return(_WikiGetFile( conf.WikiEngine, ((wft == WikiFileType.None) ? WikiFileType.FileReadMd : wft), ((wft == WikiFileType.None) ? urlPart[1] : String.Empty) )); } } break; } case 3: { WikiRequestType wrtAct = CoCWebSrv._WikiGetAction(urlPart[0]); WikiFileType wrtTarget = CoCWebSrv._WikiGetTarget(wrtAct, urlPart[1]); if ( (wrtAct == WikiRequestType.None) || (wrtTarget == WikiFileType.None) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlPart[2])) || (!urlPart[2].Contains(":")) ) { // error request param // return Exception WikiHomePageException _WikiGetHome(conf.WikiEngine, urlPart[2]); } List <string> wikiPart = urlPart[2].Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); switch (wikiPart.Count) { case 0: { // WikiRequestType and WikiFileType is valid, // namespace not found, return default switch (wrtAct) { case WikiRequestType.Get: { return(_WikiGetFile( conf.WikiEngine, wrtTarget, String.Empty )); } case WikiRequestType.Find: { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(urlPart[2])) { throw new WikiSearchException("search pattern is empty"); } return(_WikiFindList( conf.WikiEngine, wrtTarget, urlPart[2] )); } case WikiRequestType.List: { return(_WikiGetList( conf.WikiEngine, wrtTarget, String.Empty )); } case WikiRequestType.Put: case WikiRequestType.Del: { throw new WikiErrorPageException( string.Format( "not update, name space {0} incorrected", urlPart[2] ) ); } } break; } default: { // wikiPart.Count > 0 // namespace and page/file name switch (wrtAct) { case WikiRequestType.Get: { stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("3:default _WikiGetFile: " + urlPart[2]); return(_WikiGetFile(conf.WikiEngine, wrtTarget, urlPart[2])); } case WikiRequestType.List: { stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("3:default _WikiGetList: " + " : " + wrtTarget + " : " + urlPart[2]); return(_WikiGetList(conf.WikiEngine, wrtTarget, urlPart[2])); } case WikiRequestType.Find: { stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("3:default _WikiFindList: " + " : " + wrtTarget + " : " + urlPart[2] + " : " + wikiPart[(wikiPart.Count - 1)]); int idx = (wikiPart.Count - 1); if ( (idx < 0) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wikiPart[idx])) ) { throw new WikiSearchException("search pattern is empty, index: " + idx); } return(_WikiFindList( conf.WikiEngine, wrtTarget, wikiPart[idx] )); } case WikiRequestType.Put: case WikiRequestType.Del: { stCore.stConsole.WriteHeader("3:default _WikiPutFile: " + urlPart[2]); if (wfm == null) { throw new WikiErrorPageException( string.Format( "meta data is empty, not change", urlPart[2] ) ); } if (!wfm.IsAuth) { throw new WikiAuthException( string.Format( "Auth error, file not change", urlPart[2] ), wfm ); } return(_WikiPutFile(conf.WikiEngine, wrtTarget, urlPart[2], wfm)); } } break; } } break; } default: { _WikiGetHome(conf.WikiEngine, urlPart[0]); break; } } } catch (WikiErrorPageException e) { // error page WikiErrorPageException conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, "Wiki Parser"), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); return(null); } catch (WikiHomePageException e) { // home page WikiHomePageException conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, "Wiki Parser"), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); return(null); } #if DEBUG catch (Exception e) { conf.ILog.LogError( string.Format( Properties.Resources.fmtMainError, string.Format(fmtClassName, "Wiki Parser"), e.GetType().Name, e.Message ) ); #else catch (Exception) { #endif return(null); } return(null); }