/** * * SPWeb model data population example * The model example with data feeding nodes only * */ public static WebModelNode WebDemoDataModel() { return(SPMeta2Model.NewWebModel(Web => { Web .AddHostList(ListsInfo.Contacts(), List => { List .ImportContactsItems(); ; }) .AddHostList(ListsInfo.Functions(), List => { List .ImportFunctionsItems() ; }) .AddHostList(ListsInfo.SubFunctions(), List => { List .ImportSubFunctionsItems() ; }) ; })); }
/** * * Model definition to JS example * For the cases when artifacts names should be received in the JS on client side * This is completely optional and shows a concept * */ public static void FillApplytoFile() { var SettingsArr = new string[] { "var spmeta2 = spmeta2 || {};", "spmeta2.Fields = spmeta2.Fields || {};", "spmeta2.Lists = spmeta2.Lists || {};", "spmeta2.Fields.Email = \"" + FieldsInfo.Email().InternalName + "\";", "spmeta2.Fields.PhoneNumber = \"" + FieldsInfo.PhoneNumber().InternalName + "\";", "spmeta2.Fields.EmployeesCount = \"" + FieldsInfo.EmployeesCount().InternalName + "\";", "spmeta2.Fields.Owner = \"" + FieldsInfo.Owner().InternalName + "\";", "spmeta2.Fields.Function = \"" + FieldsInfo.Function().InternalName + "\";", "spmeta2.Lists.Contacts = \"" + ListsInfo.Contacts().CustomUrl + "\";", "spmeta2.Lists.Functions = \"" + ListsInfo.Functions().CustomUrl + "\";", "spmeta2.Lists.SubFunctions = \"" + ListsInfo.SubFunctions().CustomUrl + "\";" }; SPF.M2.Extentions.GenerateJavascriptFile(Path.Combine(ConstsInfo.SystemPath, ConstsInfo.ApplyToPath), SettingsArr); }
public static LookupFieldDefinition Owner() { return(new LookupFieldDefinition { Id = new Guid("8a10aaec-481d-494c-b412-3a626851d20c"), Title = "Owner", InternalName = "DemosOwnerLookup", Group = ConstsInfo.DefaultGroupName, Required = false, AllowMultipleValues = false, LookupWebUrl = "~site", LookupListUrl = ListsInfo.Contacts().CustomUrl, LookupField = BuiltInInternalFieldNames.Title, TitleResource = new List <ValueForUICulture> { new ValueForUICulture { CultureId = 1033, Value = "Owner" }, new ValueForUICulture { CultureId = 1049, Value = "Владелец" } } }); }
public static LookupFieldDefinition Function() { return(new LookupFieldDefinition { Id = new Guid("06b7f721-66e7-45a7-8be2-ff64920c5331"), Title = "Function", InternalName = "DemosFunctionLookup", Group = ConstsInfo.DefaultGroupName, Required = true, AllowMultipleValues = false, LookupWebUrl = "~site", LookupListUrl = ListsInfo.Functions().CustomUrl, LookupField = BuiltInInternalFieldNames.Title, TitleResource = new List <ValueForUICulture> { new ValueForUICulture { CultureId = 1033, Value = "Function" }, new ValueForUICulture { CultureId = 1049, Value = "Родительская функция" } } }); }
/** * * SPWeb model assembly example * */ public static WebModelNode WebDemoModel() { return(SPMeta2Model.NewWebModel(Web => { Web .AddWelcomePage(new WelcomePageDefinition { Url = ListsInfo.Contacts().CustomUrl }) .AddWebFeature(FeaturesInfo.DisableMinimalDownloadStrategy) .AddField(FieldsInfo.Email()) .AddField(FieldsInfo.PhoneNumber()) .AddField(FieldsInfo.EmployeesCount()) .AddField(FieldsInfo.Owner()) .AddField(FieldsInfo.Function()) .AddContentType(ContentTypesInfo.Contact(), contentType => { contentType .AddContentTypeFieldLink(new ContentTypeFieldLinkDefinition { FieldId = BuiltInFieldId.Title, DisplayName = "Name", Required = true }) .AddContentTypeFieldLink(FieldsInfo.Email()) .AddContentTypeFieldLink(FieldsInfo.PhoneNumber()) ; }) .AddContentType(ContentTypesInfo.Function(), contentType => { contentType .AddContentTypeFieldLink(FieldsInfo.Owner()) .AddContentTypeFieldLink(FieldsInfo.EmployeesCount()) ; }) .AddContentType(ContentTypesInfo.SubFunction(), contentType => { contentType .AddContentTypeFieldLink(FieldsInfo.Function()) .AddContentTypeFieldLink(FieldsInfo.Owner()) ; }) .AddList(ListsInfo.Contacts(), List => { List .AddRemoveStandardContentTypes() .AddContentTypeLink(ContentTypesInfo.Contact()) .AddListView(ViewsInfo.ContactsView()) ; }) .AddList(ListsInfo.Functions(), List => { List .AddRemoveStandardContentTypes() .AddContentTypeLink(ContentTypesInfo.Function()) .AddListView(ViewsInfo.FunctionsView()) ; }) .AddList(ListsInfo.SubFunctions(), List => { List .AddRemoveStandardContentTypes() .AddContentTypeLink(ContentTypesInfo.SubFunction()) .AddListView(ViewsInfo.SubFunctionsView()) ; }) ; })); }