예제 #1
        public void ImportExcelTrawl()
            String path = Server.MapPath(Request["file"]);

            if (File.Exists(path) == false)
                die("File not found: " + path);
            fileColums    = GetFileColumns(path);
            mappedColumns = new Dictionary <string, uint>();

            // resolve indicators
            Dictionary <uint, int> findicators = new Dictionary <uint, int>();

            if (Request["indicators"] != null && Request["indicators"] != "")
                String[] sindicators = Request["indicators"].Split('~');
                foreach (String indicator in sindicators)
                    String[] indic       = indicator.Split('|');
                    int      indicatorID = int.Parse(indic[0]);
                    uint     column      = fileColums[indic[1]];
                    findicators[column] = indicatorID;

            IWorkbook  genericWB = WorkbookFactory.GetExcel2007Reader(path);
            IWorksheet genericWS = genericWB.Worksheets.GetWorksheetByIndex(0);

            for (uint r = genericWS.FirstRow + 1; r <= genericWS.LastRow; r++)
                IRow row = genericWS.Rows.GetRow(r);

                String survey    = GetCellValue(row, "fieldSurvey");
                String cruise    = GetCellValue(row, "fieldCruise");
                String trawl     = GetCellValue(row, "fieldTrawl");
                String Station   = GetCellValue(row, "fieldStation");
                String sLatHour  = GetCellValue(row, "sLatHour");
                String sLatMin   = GetCellValue(row, "sLatMin");
                String sLonHour  = GetCellValue(row, "sLonHour");
                String sLonMin   = GetCellValue(row, "sLonMin");
                String eLatHour  = GetCellValue(row, "eLatHour");
                String eLatMin   = GetCellValue(row, "eLatMin");
                String eLonHour  = GetCellValue(row, "eLonHour");
                String eLonMin   = GetCellValue(row, "eLonMin");
                String comments  = GetCellValue(row, "Comments");
                int    dateYear  = int.Parse(GetCellValue(row, "dateYear"));
                int    dateMonth = int.Parse(GetCellValue(row, "dateMonth"));
                int    dateDay   = int.Parse(GetCellValue(row, "dateDay"));
                double duration  = double.Parse(GetCellValue(row, "Duration"));

                Dictionary <int, string> indicators = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                foreach (uint col in findicators.Keys)
                    int indicator = findicators[col];
                    indicators[indicator] = GetCellValue(row, col);
                    Response.Write("Row = " + r + ", Indicator: " + indicator + " = " + indicators[indicator] + "<br>");

                double lat1 = -ParseCoord(sLatHour, sLatMin);
                double lon1 = ParseCoord(sLonHour, sLonMin);
                double lat2 = -ParseCoord(eLatHour, eLatMin);
                double lon2 = ParseCoord(eLonHour, eLonMin);

                manSurveys sv        = new manSurveys();
                int        nSurveyID = sv.GetSurveyID(2, survey);
                if (nSurveyID < 1)
                    die("Failed to create survey");

                manStations st         = new manStations();
                int         nStationID = st.GetStationID(Station, lat1, lon1);
                if (nStationID < 1)
                    die("Failed to create station");

                manEvents ev = new manEvents();
                ev.res = Response;
                int nEventID = ev.GetEventID(nSurveyID, nStationID, dateYear, dateMonth, dateDay, cruise, trawl, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, duration, comments, indicators);

예제 #2
        public void ImportExcelCatch()
            String path = Server.MapPath(Request["file"]);

            if (File.Exists(path) == false)
                die("File not found: " + path);
            fileColums    = GetFileColumns(path);
            mappedColumns = new Dictionary <string, uint>();

            IWorkbook  genericWB = WorkbookFactory.GetExcel2007Reader(path);
            IWorksheet genericWS = genericWB.Worksheets.GetWorksheetByIndex(0);

            for (uint r = genericWS.FirstRow + 1; r <= genericWS.LastRow; r++)
                IRow   row         = genericWS.Rows.GetRow(r);
                String Cruise      = GetCellValue(row, "catchCruise");
                String Trawl       = GetCellValue(row, "catchTrawl");
                String Station     = GetCellValue(row, "catchStation");
                String Common      = GetCellValue(row, "catchCommon");
                String Genus       = GetCellValue(row, "catchGenus");
                String Species     = GetCellValue(row, "catchSpecies");
                String Abundance   = GetCellValue(row, "catchAbundance");
                String Biomass     = GetCellValue(row, "catchBiomass");
                String Description = GetCellValue(row, "catchDescription");

                if (Abundance.Trim() == "")
                    Abundance = "0";
                if (Biomass.Trim() == "")
                    Biomass = "0";

                Response.Write(Common + " " + Genus + " " + Species + ": ");
                manSpecies ms      = new manSpecies();
                int        species = ms.GetSpeciesID(Genus, Species, Common);
                if (species == 0)
                    Response.Write("Failed to add species");
                    manEvents me      = new manEvents();
                    int       eventID = me.FindEventID(Cruise, Trawl, Station);
                    if (eventID == 0)
                        die(String.Format("Event not found: {0}, {1}, {2}", Cruise, Trawl, Station));

                    manEventSpecies mes = new manEventSpecies();
                    mes.addEventSpecies(eventID, species, double.Parse(Abundance), double.Parse(Biomass), Description);

